SIO15 2018: Lecture 16

Winds and Weather

handout notes

POSTED: 31 October 2018

  • Five Random Review Questions (not a complete review!)

  • 1) The Coriolis Effect deflects an object moving from the equator northward to which direction?
    1. westward
    2. eastward
    3. southward
    4. southeastward
    2) When an air pocket rises adiabatically, what happens?
    1. it contracts
    2. it gets warmer
    3. it does not change its condition
    4. it cools
    3) In a high pressure system in the northern hemisphere, the air moves clockwise.
    1. true
    2. false
    4) Why is the Santa Ana weather condition so dangerous?
    1. particularly strong hurricanes can form
    2. a Santa Ana storm spawns many tornadoes
    3. it dramatically increases the risk of wildfires
    4. it triggers prolonged, months-long droughts
    5. it can trigger serious cold-snaps with blizzard conditions
    5) The migration of the ITCZ influences which climate phenomenon?
    1. Santa Anas
    2. formation of hurricanes
    3. monsoons
    4. blizzards
    5. global warming

    Answers: 1b; 2d; 3a; 4c; 5c