Professor (of Geophysics) Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Research Geophysicist Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
at the University of California, San Diego
IGPP 0225
University of California
La Jolla
CA 92093-0225 USA
email: dagnew ats ucsd dot edu
My office (room 221, not that anyone in the building uses numbers) is on the Mezzanine Level (second from the top floor) at the extreme south end of the Munk Lab portion of IGPP. Working outwards, here are maps of the IGPP buildings; of the Scripps campus around IGPP; and of how to reach IGPP from the freeway.
If you need directions, go here.
SIO 223A (Geophysical Data Analysis: Statistics): co-taught with Prof. Cathy Constable.
SIO 223B (Geophysical Data Analysis: Time Series Analysis): co-taught with Prof. Cathy Constable and Prof. Bob Parker.
SIO 225 (Physics of Earth Materials, aka Continuum Mechanics): taught annually, alternating with Prof. Yuri Fialko.
SIO 233 (Introduction to Computing)
Strainmeters (and tiltmeters) for the continuous measurement of crustal motion at high resolution over a broad range of frequencies. This is very much a joint effort with Dr. Frank Wyatt.
Geodetic monumentation: building stable monuments to attach measurement points to the Earth, and measuring their stability. This is also a joint effort with Dr. Wyatt.
Crustal deformation in southern California, both in compiling measurements (the SCEC Crustal Motion Map) and in interpreting the results.
Earth and ocean tides, especially tidal loading (see below under Software).
Time series analysis, especially of series with very red spectra.
History of seismology, geodesy, and related sciences.
List by subject
SPOTL Some Programs for computing Ocean-Tide Loading
PIASD Programs for the Interactive Analysis of Strainmeter Data (editing, tidal analysis, general time series).
Baytap08 A modified version of the program BAYTAP-G, written by Tamura, Ishiguro, and others for the analysis of data (especially strain and tilt data) with a large tidal component. The modifications make the program self-contained and easier to run; more detailed documentation is included.
Miscellaneous Programs for various tasks, perhaps useful to others: GPS repeat times,...
Color Gradients for Inversions, Intensities, and Other Highlighting
Compact GPS and Day-of-Year Calendars
Upside-Down Quakes for Google Earth, including a software package for creating KML files from seismicity catalogs, and a demonstration file of large earthquakes since 1900.
Equal-density plots for evaluating completeness (and other features) of catalogs of seismicity, or of other phenomena in which the number of small events is much greater than that of large events.