Black Forest Observatory
poster/oral: poster
The multiplet stripping technique introduced in the seminal paper of Gilbert and Dziewonski in 1975 and applied to the WWSSN recordings of the 1970 Columbian earthquake has yielded the bulk of the 1064 multiplet degenerate frequencies used in the construction of the spherically symmetric Earth models 1066A and 1066B (same paper) and subsequently the ubiquitous PREM model (Anderson and Dziewonski, 1981) For fundamental modes and for high-Q overtones the technique has been superseeded by techniques that explicitly account for aspherical Earth structure. For high-l overtones, however, multiplet stripping remains the method of choice. I present a new multiplet degenerate frequency dataset including 1224 spheroidal modes up to 20 mHz. Backus-Gilbert style resolution analysis shows markedly improved resolution over previous datasets though caution because of remaining biases in the dataset (uneven data coverage) is called for. One subset of new mode observations is of particular interest: the radial modes between 10 and 20 mHz. The frequencies of these modes lie consistently lower than predicted by PREM or more recent 1-D Earth models. One class of models that goes a long way to explaining the new radial modes involves an additional first order discontinuity in the middle of the inner core. Finally, with regionalized multiplet stripping (GJI, Vol 148, 201--213, 2002) we can unlock a new region in the -l plane to the retrieval of aspherical structure constraints. The method also yields degenerate frequencies largely free from bias due to uneven data coverage. |