Lower mantle regional reference structure

Ed Garnero, Thorne Lay and Jeroen Ritsema

UC Santa Cruz, Univ. S. Carolina


We show different data sets sensititve to the deep mantle, and their utility in adding resolution to regional reference structures, departures from such, and uncertainties. These data sets are listed below, along with relevant Earth structure information they help to resolve:

  1. S-Scd-ScS waveforms and differential times D" radial structure, D" discontinuity structure, lowermost mantle lateral variations. Scale length of D" heterogeneity.
  2. S-SKS differential travel time residuals Lowermost mantle structure: lateral variations, heterogeneity
  3. S-SKS amplitude ratio residuals Lowermost mantle structure: lateral variations, velocity gradients
  4. SKKS-SKS differential times Lowermost mantle heterogeneity, outer core structure
  5. SV-SH times of ScS and Sdiff. Lower mantle anisotropy.
Depending on the degree of detail desired in a reference structure, the above information may be of great importance. For instance, unaccounted for D" anisotropy can add up to several seconds of error in isotropic analyses; also, unconstrained a priori assignment of the depth distribution of lower mantle heterogeneity can result in misleading, or unconstrained radial profiles of heterogeneity strength (or power).

The data are available via anonymous ftp to:

carp.ucsd.edu (
cd pub/REM/garnero
get garnero.tar.Z
Click here to get a description of the data or click here to download. Once the tar file is on your machine, simply do
uncompress garnero.tar
tar -xvf garnero.tar.
Problems?? Send email: gabi@mahi.ucsd.edu
Ed Garnero ( eddie@rupture.ucsc.edu)

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