Download section
Class Schedule (pdf)
Mantle composition
Background on origin of the Earth (pdf)
Background on mantle composition (pdf)
Overheads for origin of earth (ppt)
Overheads for mantle composition (ppt)
1D Earth structure and resolution
Background article on modes (pdf)
Background on resolving power theory (pdf)
Resolution paper (pdf)
Overheads for 1D Earth structure (ppt)
Thermodynamics and properties of convecting regions
Basics of thermodynamics (pdf)
Background on P and T in the deep Earth (pdf)
Overheads for third lecture (ppt)
Mineral physics
Background on property behavior at high T and P(revised) (pdf)
Overheads for third week(revised) (ppt)
Review paper on elasticity (see sections 3 and 4) (pdf)
Overheads on spin transition in the lower mantle (ppt)
Background on phase transformations(revised) (pdf)
Weidner 2000 paper on phase transformations (pdf)
Overheads for phase transformations (ppt)
Matas 2007 paper on mantle composition (pdf)
Background on temperature and composition of the core (revised) (pdf)
Overheads for core stuff including shock waves (revised) (ppt)
Recent paper on melting of iron (pdf)
Seismic tomography
Background on seismic tomography (pdf)
Overheads for seismic tomography (ppt)
A modern global vs/vp study (pdf)
Geochemical constraints
Overheads for geochemistry (ppt)
Rheology and stokes flow
Daves overheads on rheology (pdf)
Background on rheology (pdf)
Background on Stokes flow (pdf)
Guy's notes on buoyancy driven flow (pdf)
Overheads on stokes flow (pdf)
Thermal convection in the mantle
background on thermal convection (updated) (pdf)
overheads on basic thermal convection (key)
background on compressible convection (pdf)
Daves overheads on compressible convection (pdf)
King et al, 2010 paper (pdf)
overheads on thermochemical convection (key)
McNamara et al, 2000 paper (pdf)
Background on core evolution (pdf)
Overheads on core evolution (ppt)
Davies et al, 2015 (pdf)
Review overheads (pptx)
Week 1 (due April 11'th) (pdf)
Week 2 (due April 18'th) (pdf)
Week 3 (due April 25'th) (pdf)
Notes on EOS fitting for week 3 (pdf)
Table of P/V data for week 3
Week 4 (due May 2'nd) (pdf)
Week 5 (due May 9'th) (pdf)
Week 6 (due May 16'th) (pdf)
Week 7 (due May 23'rd) (pdf)
Week 8 (due May 30'th) (pdf)
Week 9 (due June 10'th) (pdf)
notes on surface wave inversion (pdf)
tar file of code to do eos modelling
tar file of code to do surface wave inversions