CaCAO Days @ SIO 2024


We bring together scientists and mathematicians to exchange knowledge on mathematical and computational methods that are important in the Earth sciences. The plan is to create a comfortable environment to promote open and honest discussions which in turn spark new ideas and collaborations. The group consists of scientists, engineers and mathematicians at SIO/USCSD and a few visitors from nearby institutions (Caltech and U. of Arizona).



We will spend two days together and the workshop is limited to 40 participants. Day one features a few talks (20 mins, mostly students and postdocs) and leaves ample room for open discussion. Day 1 will also feature a longer "keynote" talk. The program for day 2, which also features a few short talks will be created during day 1. With all things being Bayesian, we update plans as more information becomes available.



The broad theme of the CaCAO Days is numerical methods for use in Earth science. Relevant/represented Earth Science topics include: Climate, Ocean, Geomagnetics, Marine electromagnetic geophysics, Seismology, Geodynamics. Relevant numerical methods we will likely discuss include: Optimization, Ensemble methods, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Reduced order modeling, Numerical linear algebra.
