program dplus c ================ D+ models with 2-norm fit ========================= c Solves E-M induction inverse problem for the class of conductivity c models D+ based on theory of R L Parker JGR 1980, v85, p4241. c See also Parker & Whaler JGR 1981, v86, p9574. implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls ascan getint getvec getdat setef norm2 misfit lsoadal model c$$$$ sample c The following limitations are implicit in the array sizes reserved in c the following common statements: c Up to maxf frequencies; up to maxunk samples in lambda. parameter (maxf=50, maxunk=500, maxe=22000) common //e(maxe),f(2*maxf+2),x(maxunk),iwrk(maxunk) common /soln/ nonzer(maxunk),al(2,maxunk),nal common /datbas/ omega(maxf),cc(2,maxf),err(2,maxf),nfreq common /tactic/ omo,els(maxunk),kind common /cases/ plist(25), chisq(25), kase common /option/ ifreq,itype,kount,iverb common /slabs/ dsq,bigh0,thick common /prolix/ iprint common /mks/ emuo common /bottom/ czero c c iverb=0 dsq=0.0 emuo=4.0d-7 * 3.1415926535d0 c c Get command set and set to be worked on 1000 call ascan call getint('print', iprint, ignor) call getdat c c In normal operation (iverb=0) skip multi-case system ncase=1 plist(1)=0.0 call getvec('base', plist(2), 25, nfound) ncase=ncase + max(0,nfound) iverb=ncase - 1 if (ncase .eq. 1) write(*,'(//a/)') $' Construction of the best fitting model' if (ncase .gt. 1) write(*,'(//a)') $' Analysis of penetration depth' c c Run through the list of parameters (czero) do 1900 kase=1, ncase kount=1 + kount czero=plist(kase) if (iverb .gt. 0) write(*,'(a,1p,g15.5)') $ ' Termination depth (m)',czero m=2*nfreq if (czero .ne. 0.0) m=m + 2 me=m oldo=1.0d10 c Finds solution, refining the lambda sampling with subroutine sample c the 2nd cycle of the inner loop only executes once, giving final c refinement, free of doublets in lambda do 1600 lcycle=1,2 do 1500 kcycle=1,3 call sample(n, els, kcycle-lcycle+1) if (me*n+n+me .gt. maxe) then write(*,*) $ '>>>> Too many lambdas for array space - refinement skipped' oldo=obj goto 1500 endif call setef(me, m, n, leq, e, f) call norm2(me, m-leq, n, e, f, x, e(me*n+1),iwrk, obj) if ( oldo) then write(*,'(/a,1p,g15.6/a)') '>>>> Objective has increased:' $ ,obj,' Solution before this one accepted.' obj=oldo goto 1700 endif call loadal(n, x, els, npos) write(*,'(/a,i5/a,i5/a,1p,g15.6)') $ ' Number of samples in lambda',n, $ ' Number of positive elements',npos, $ ' Quadratic objective ',obj oldo=obj if (obj.le. 0.0001) goto 1700 if (lcycle.eq.2) goto 1600 * if ( .and. 0.99*oldo) goto 1600 1500 continue 1600 continue c c Display performance of the model 1700 chisq(kase)=obj call misfit c Fit a delta-function model call model 1900 continue c c Summarize the results if ( write(*,200) (plist(k),chisq(k), k=1,ncase) 200 format(/// 23x, 'Base depth',6x,'misfit'/(19x,1p,2g15.5)) c write(*,'(//a)') 'Enter new commands, or enter quit' goto 1000 end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine norm2(me, m, n, e, f, x, dual, iw, obj) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls nnls c The array e is m x n, the 1st dimension in calling routine is me. c See comments in nnls c dimension e(me,*),f(*),x(*),dual(*),iw(*) c call nnls(e, me, m, n, f, x, obj, dual, dual(n+1), iw, mode) c obj=obj**2 if ( write(*,*)'>>>> Error',mode,' in nnls' return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine setef(me, m, n, leq, e, f) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls rotate c Sets up constraint (sub) matrix for Cauer representation of the e-m c induction inverse problem. D+ conductivities are constructed. c Uses admittance data in /datbas/ and c determines sampling tactics from /tactic/ c parameter (maxf=50, maxunk=500) dimension e(me,n),f(me) common /prolix/ iprint common /option/ ifreq,itype,kount,iverb common /datbas/ omega(maxf),cc(2,maxf),err(2,maxf),nfreq common /tactic/ omo,els(maxunk),kind common /bottom/ czero c lf=0 leq=0 c Fill e array and f vector do 1500 ii=1,m,2 if( 1 .or. czero.eq. 0.0) then lf=1 + lf wt1=1.0/err(1,lf) wt2=1.0/err(2,lf) f(ii) =wt1*cc(1,lf) f(ii+1)=wt2*cc(2,lf) else wt1=10000.0/czero wt2=wt1 f(ii) =10000.0 f(ii+1)=0.0 endif c e(ii,1)=wt1 e(ii+1,1)=0.0 c if (lf.eq.0) then omlf=0.0 else omlf=omega(lf) endif do 1400 jj=2,n alam=els(jj) c e(ii ,jj)= wt1*alam/(alam**2 + omlf**2) e(ii+1,jj)=-wt2*omlf/(alam**2 + omlf**2) 1400 continue 1500 continue c Rotate matrices if these are apparent resistivity/phase data if (itype .eq. 2) goto 2000 i1=0 if ( 0.0) i1=2 call rotate(me, m-i1, n, e(i1+1, 1)) call rotate(me, m-i1, 1, f(i1+1)) c List the arrays if print priority is high enough 2000 if (iprint.le.2) return write(*,'(/a/(1p,8g13.4))') $'Scaled data vector', (f(j),j=1,m) write(*,'(/a)') ' Scaled constraint array' do 2100 i=1,m write(*,'(a,i4/(1p,8g13.4))') 'row',i,(e(i,j),j=1,n) 2100 continue return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine forwrd(omega, c) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls nothing c Finds real-imag parts of admittance c at freq omega given c array of residues-poles al , for solutions in D+ c parameter (maxunk=500) common /soln/ nonzer(maxunk),al(2,maxunk),nal dimension c(2) c c(1)=al(1,1) c(2)=0.0 do 1100 j=2,nal d=al(1,j)/(al(2,j)**2 + omega**2) c(1)=c(1) + d*al(2,j) c(2)=c(2) - d*omega 1100 continue return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine model implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls qd plot c Derives and lists D+ models given partial-fraction c representation of admittance in /soln/ parameter (maxunk=500) common /soln/ nonzer(maxunk),al(2,maxunk),nal common /prolix/ iprint common /option/ ifreq,itype,kount,iverb common /mks/ emuo dimension h(2*maxunk),cf(2*maxunk) dimension z(maxunk),tau(maxunk),dz(maxunk) c nal2=2*nal - 2 c Usings Rutishauser's qd algorithm, find equivalent continued fraction do 1100 j=1, nal2, 2 jj=(j+3)/2 h(j) =al(1,jj) h(j+1)=al(2,jj) 1100 continue call qd(nal-1, h, cf(2)) c Note indexing runs from surface to bottom, contrary to convention c of Parker (JGR 1980, vol 85, p4421). Also applies to model c description. cf(1)=al(1,1) if (al(2,2).eq. 0.0) cf(nal2+1)=0.0 if (iprint .ge. 1) write(*,120) cf(1),(cf(j+1),j=1,nal2) 120 format(/' Continued fraction coeffs'/(1p,8g10.3)) c Find and print the actual model from continued fraction coeffs dz(1)=cf(1) z(1)=dz(1) c Sort out length units. If mu0 is standard scale by 1000 for km if ( abs(emuo*795775.0 - 1.0) .gt. .0001) then skilo=1.0 write(*,*) 'Nonstandard units are in use' else skilo=0.001 write(*,'(/a)') ' Units are kilometers and siemens' endif write(*,146) 146 format( ' level',2x,'depth',6x,'conductance',3x,'separation') do 1500 j=2,nal2,2 l=j/2 if ( tau(l)=1.0/(emuo*dz(l)*cf(j)) if (j.eq.2) tau(l)=1.0/(emuo*cf(j)) write(*,150) l,skilo*z(l),tau(l),skilo*dz(l) 150 format(i4,1p,3g14.5) if (cf(j+1).eq. 0.0) goto 1500 dz(l+1)=1.0/(emuo*tau(l)*cf(j+1)) z(l+1)=z(l) + dz(l+1) 1500 continue c Print out the depth to bottom if finite c If perfect conductor, z(nal)=bot and tau(nal)=-1 c If insulating base, z(nal)=0 and tau(nal)=0 if (al(2,2).gt.0.0) then bot=z(l+1) tau(l+1)=-1.0d0 write(*,155) skilo*z(l+1),skilo*dz(l+1) 155 format(4x,1p,g14.5,5x,'----',5x,g14.5) write(*,*) 'Model terminates with a perfect conductor' else bot=z(l) z(l+1)=0.0d0 tau(l+1)=0.0d0 write(*,*) 'Model terminates with an insulator' endif c call plot(nal, z,tau,bot, skilo) return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine loadal(n, x, els, npos) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls nothing c Given QP solution x and associated lambdas els, forms compact c array al containing non-zero x's and their lambdas. c Also lists the solution in compact form. parameter (maxunk=500) common /soln/ nonzer(maxunk),al(2,maxunk),nal common /prolix/ iprint dimension x(n),els(n) c if (iprint .ge. 2) write(*,130) x(1) 130 format(/'a(0) = ',1p,g13.4/2x,'i',3x,'k',4x,'lambda',8x,'a(i)') c nal=1 al(1,1)=x(1) al(2,1)=0.0 do 1500 j=2,n if (x(j).le.0.0) goto 1500 nal=1+nal al(1,nal)=x(j) al(2,nal)=els(j) nonzer(nal)=j if (iprint .ge. 2) write(*,150) nal-1,j,els(j),x(j) 1500 continue 150 format(i3,i4,1p,2g13.4) npos = nal if (x(1).le. 0.0) npos=nal-1 return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine getdat implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls getchr getone getvec c Loads /datbas/ with response data from disk file c parameter (pi=3.14159265359d00, maxf=50) common /prolix/ iprint common /mks/ emuo common /option/ ifreq,itype,kount,iverb common /datbas/ omega(maxf),cc(2,maxf),err(2,maxf),nfreq common /fildat/ zz(maxf,5) character*80 name, row, kind*60 dimension iover(3),scales(5) character*6 fmode(3) data fmode /' freq ','omega','period'/ data name/' '/, kind/'ad'/ data iover /1,1,-1/, scales/5 * 1.0 / c radian=pi/180.0 c Get file name call getchr('file', name, ignor) if (name(1:1) .eq. ' ') then write(*,*) '>>>> Data file name must be supplied' stop elseif (name(1:1).eq. '*') then in=5 else in=7 open (unit=7, file=name, status='OLD', err=5000) endif c c Change mu0 call getone('mu_0', emuo, muo) if (muo.eq. 1) write(*,*) 'mu_0 changed to: ', emuo c c See if we have rho or admit, period or freq or omega call getchr('options', kind, ikind) ifreq=1 if (index(kind, 'om') .ne. 0) ifreq=2 if (index(kind, 'pe') .ne. 0) ifreq=3 c c What kind of input row expected: itype 1 => rho, 2 => admit=default if (index(kind, 'rh') .ne. 0) itype=1 if (index(kind, 'rh') .eq. 0) itype=2 c nii=5 call getone('uncertainty', uncert, imun) if (imun.eq. 1) nii=3 read (in,'(a)') row if (itype.eq. 1) goto 1350 c For admittance data, look at 1st data row to determine number of cols do 1300 ii = nii, 1, -1 read(row,*,end=1300, err=5100) (zz(1,i), i=1,ii) goto 1310 1300 continue 1310 nii=ii if (nii.eq. 3 .and. 1) then write(*,'(2a)') '>>>> No uncertainties supplied.', $ ' Dplus assigns 10% of |c| in Re & Im' uncert=0.1 endif c c Read first data row here from character string 1350 read(row,*,err=5100) (zz(1,i), i=1, nii) c c Scaling factors for input data call getvec('scale', scales, 5, nsc) nsc = min(nii, nsc) if ( 0) write(*,'(/a/6x, 1p, 5g14.4)') $'Each data row has been scaled by:',(scales(j),j=1,nsc) if ( .and. write(*,*) $'>>>> Something fishy about the scaling: not enough factors!' c c Read response data into zz; first row already read in do 1500 j=1, maxf if ( 2) $ read (in,*,end=1600,err=5100) (zz(j,i),i=1,nii) if (zz(j,1).lt. 0.0) goto 1600 do 1450 i=1, nsc zz(j,i)=scales(i)*zz(j,i) 1450 continue if (nii.eq. 3) zz(j,4)=sqrt(zz(j,2)**2+zz(j,3)**2) * uncert 1500 continue j=1 + maxf write(*,*)'>>>> Too many frequencies. Maximum =', maxf 1600 nfreq=j-1 nii = max(nii,4) c c Closes the file and prints the data as read close (unit=7) c Negative sign in wrong column => swapped columns if (zz(1,4).lt. 0.0 .and. itype.eq. 2) then write(*,*)'>>>> Negative value in col 4: swapping cols 3 & 4' do 1625 i=1, nfreq tmp=zz(i,3) zz(i,3)=zz(i,4) zz(i,4)=tmp 1625 continue endif c c Rho-app data if (itype .eq. 1) write(*, $ '(/t11,a,t24,a,t36,a,t53,a,t60,a /(i5,3g14.4,2f10.3))') $ fmode(ifreq),'rho-app','uncertainty','phase','uncertainty', $ (j,(zz(j,i), i=1, nii), j=1, nfreq) c c Admittances if (itype.eq. 2) then write(*, '(/t11,a,t24,a,t36,a,t50,a,x,a)'), $ fmode(ifreq),'c real',' c imaginary',(' uncertainty',i=4,nii) do 1650 j=1, nfreq write(*,'(i5,1p,3g14.4,2g13.3)') j,(zz(j,i), i=1, nii) 1650 continue endif c c c Construct radian frequency omega from given data, which may be c frequency omega or period do 2100 i=1, nfreq omega(i)=zz(i,1)**iover(ifreq) if (ifreq .ne. 2) omega(i)=2.0*pi*omega(i) 2100 continue c c Construct data set for admittances. if (itype .eq. 2) then do 3100 l=1,nfreq cc(1,l)=zz(l,2) cc(2,l)=zz(l,3) err(1,l)=zz(l,4) err(2,l)=zz(l,nii) 3100 continue return c c Construct real, imag parts of c from rho-phase data. Errors c assumed uncorrelated in the magnitude and phase of c . These errors c are saved in err, erp , both with dimensions length. else do 3500 l=1, nfreq cmag=sqrt(zz(l,2)/(emuo*omega(l))) cpha=(min(180.0-abs(zz(l,4)), abs(zz(l,4))) - 90.0)*pi/180.0 cc(1,l)=cmag*cos(cpha) cc(2,l)=cmag*sin(cpha) err(1,l) =zz(l,3)*cmag/(2.0*zz(l,2)) err(2,l) =zz(l,5)*cmag*radian 3500 continue c List equivalent admittances if print priority high enough if ( write(*, $ '(/a/10x,a,9x,a,12x,a/(i5,1p,5g14.4))') $ 'internally generated equivalent complex admittance', $ 'omega','complex admittance','uncertainties', $ (i,omega(i),cc(1,i),cc(2,i),err(1,i),err(2,i), i=1, nfreq) endif return c Errors 5000 write(*,*)'>>>> Nonexistent data file or you lack read permission' stop c 5100 write(*,*)'>>>> Error reading data' if (in.eq. 5) stop backspace (unit=7) read (7,'(a)') row write(*,*) '>>>> Unreadable numbers in file: '//name, $'Bad line: ',row stop c end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine misfit implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls forwrd c Computes and displays misfits and original data. Uses /datbas/ c to un-scale variables parameter (pi=3.14159265359d00, maxf=50) complex ctilde real d1,d2,p common /datbas/ omega(maxf),cc(2,maxf),err(2,maxf),nfreq common /cases/ plist(25), chsq(25), kase common /option/ ifreq,itype,kount,iverb common /fildat/ zz(maxf,5) common /prolix/ iprint common /mks/ emuo dimension c(2) character*6 fmode(3) data fmode /' freq ','omega','period'/ c radian=pi/180.0 obj=chsq(kase) chisq=obj c if (itype .eq. 2 .and. iprint .ge. 1) then c The data are admittances write(*, '(/t11,a,t24,a,t36,a,t58,a,t73,a)') $ fmode(ifreq),'c real','c imaginary','misfits','% chisq' do 1500 i=1,nfreq call forwrd(omega(i), c) if ( 0.0) then dr=c(1) - cc(1,i) di=c(2) - cc(2,i) trib=100.0*((dr/err(1,i))**2 + (di/err(2,i))**2)/obj else dr=0.0 di=0.0 trib=0.0 endif write(*,'(i4,1p,3g14.4,2g13.3,0p,f6.1)') i,zz(i,1),c,dr,di,trib 1500 continue c elseif (iprint .ge. 1) then c The data are apparent resistivities and phases. Complications arise c from the fact that admittances are the working variables. write(*, '(/t11,a,t24,a,t39,a,t53,a,t62,a,t73,a)') $ fmode(ifreq),'rho-app','misfit','phase','misfit','% chisq' chisq=0.0 do 2500 i=1, nfreq call forwrd(omega(i), c) d1=c(1) - cc(1,i) d2=c(2) - cc(2,i) p=atan2(cc(2,i), cc(1,i)) ctilde=cexp(cmplx(0.0, -p))*cmplx(d1, d2) trib=(real(ctilde)/err(1,i))**2 + (aimag(ctilde)/err(2,i))**2 chisq=trib + chisq rho =omega(i)*emuo*(c(1)**2 + c(2)**2) phi = 90.0 + atan2(c(2), c(1)) /radian if ( 0.0) then drho=rho - omega(i)*emuo*(cc(1,i)**2 + cc(2,i)**2) dphi=phi - 90.0 - p/radian trib=100.0*trib/obj else drho=0.0 dphi=0.0 trib=0.0 endif write(*,'(i5,1p,3g14.4,0p,2f10.3,f12.1)') $ i,zz(i,1),rho,drho,phi,dphi,trib 2500 continue endif c c Print chi-squared, close the plotfile and return if (iprint .ge. 1) write(*,'(/a, f13.4)')' Chi-squared ',chisq if (itype.eq. 1 .and. abs(chisq-obj).gt. 0.01) write(*,*) $'Differences between chi-squared and the quadratic', $'objective are to be expected with rho/phase data' return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine sample(nlam, els, klmix) implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) c$$$$ calls xsort getint c If klmix.eq.1 Sets up lambda samples for quadratic program, c getting information from keyboard c If uses solution in /soln/ to densify net in regions of c the non-zero components in the solution vector. c If klmix.eq.0 uses solution to supply a final lambda sampling in c which doublets (consecutive nonzero components in the solution c vector) have been removed. parameter (maxf=50, maxunk=500) common /datbas/ omega(maxf),cc(2,maxf),err(2,maxf),nfreq common /soln/ nonzer(maxunk),al(2,maxunk),nal common /option/ ifreq,itype,kount,iverb common /slabs/ dsq,bigh0,thick /bottom/ czero common /prolix/ iprint dimension els(*),wt(10),range(2),augmen(2) character*1 answer data madd/2/, augmen/1.0d-2,5.0d00/, wt/10*1.0d00/ c if (klmix.eq.0) goto 3000 if ( goto 2000 c c Get an initial lambda sampling based on stock responses c find frequency range. Note if zero-freq occurs range(2)=0.0 do 1100 j=1,nfreq range(2)=max(range(2), omega(j)) 1100 continue range(1)=range(2) lbegin=3 do 1150 j=1,nfreq if (omega(j).gt.0.0) range(1)=min(range(1), omega(j)) if (omega(j).eq.0.0 .or. lbegin=2 1150 continue c Augment actual range by a factors in augmen els(2)=0.0 els(lbegin)=range(1)*augmen(1) range(2)=range(2)*augmen(2) if ( range(2)=min(range(2), 1.0/dsq) nlam=20 + 2*nfreq c Print parameters and if unsatisfactory get new ones from terminal write(*,120) nlam,els(2),range(2),madd 120 format(' Initial number of unknowns',i9/' lambda interval', $1p,2g12.4/' Refined intervals subdivided by ',i3) call getint('intervene', ivn, nvn) if (nvn .ge. 0) then write(*, *)'Are these to your liking? (yes or no)' read (*,*) answer if (answer .ne. 'n') goto 1400 write(*,*) 'Enter nlam, range(1), range(2), madd' read (*,*) nlam,els(2),range(2),madd c If lower limit is not zero use it if (els(2).ne.0.0) lbegin=2 c Put logarithmically spaced samples from els(lbegin) to range(2) 1400 continue endif c rfact=(range(2)/els(lbegin))**(1.0/(nlam-lbegin)) do 1500 i=lbegin,nlam els(i)=els(lbegin)*rfact**(i-lbegin) 1500 continue if ( els(nlam)=0.999999/dsq if ( write(*,150) nlam,(els(j),j=2,nlam) 150 format(/' Samples of lambda, n =',i6/(1p,8g9.2)) c Set interpolation weights nadd=2*madd do 1600 j=1,madd wt(j)=1.0 - (2*j-1)/(nadd + 1.0) 1600 continue return c c When klmix is greater than 1, use data in /soln/ to refine net 2000 if (2*(nal+madd)+1 .gt. maxunk) then write(*,*) '>>>> Refinement requires too many unknowns', $ ' Process skipped.' return endif new=nlam do 2200 inter=2,nal mid=nonzer(inter) if (mid.eq.2 .or. mid.eq.nlam) goto 2200 do 2100 j=1,madd new=2 + new els(new-1)=els(mid)*wt(j) + els(mid+1)*(1.0-wt(j)) els(new) =els(mid)*wt(j) + els(mid-1)*(1.0-wt(j)) 2100 continue 2200 continue if (nonzer(nal).eq.nlam .and. dsq.eq. 0.0) then new=new+1 els(new)=2.0*els(nlam) endif c Re-order the samples to be increasing call xsort(els(2), new-1) if ( write(*,150) new,(els(j),j=2,new) nlam=new return c c When klmix.eq.0 this is final refinement stage where vanishing c components of the vector are removed and doublets merged 3000 if ((nonzer(2).eq.2 .and. els(2).ne.0.0) .or. $(nonzer(nal).eq.nlam .and. dsq.eq.0.0)) write(*,*) $'>>>> Caution - Expanded lambda range may yield smaller objective' j=1 do 3500 new=2,nal j=1+j if (j-nal) 3100,3200,3600 3100 if (nonzer(j+1)-nonzer(j) .eq. 1) goto 3300 3200 els(new)=al(2,j) goto 3500 3300 els(new)=(al(2,j)*al(1,j) + al(2,j+1)*al(1,j+1))/ $ (al(1,j) + al(1,j+1)) j=1+j 3500 continue new=nal + 1 3600 nlam=new - 1 return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine rotate(me, m, n, e) implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) c$$$$ calls nothing c Using /datbas/ rotates matrix e into a frame in which the magnitude c and phase of c are uncorrelated. Then scales with inverse std err. parameter (maxf=50) common /datbas/ omega(maxf),cc(2,maxf),err(2,maxf),nfreq common /option/ ifreq,itype,kount,iverb dimension e(me, n) c if (itype .eq. 2) return do 1500 i=1, nfreq ii=2*i - 1 cmag=sqrt(cc(1,i)**2 + cc(2,i)**2) cosr=cc(1,i)/cmag sinr=cc(2,i)/cmag do 1400 j=1, n etemp =e(ii+1,j)*cosr - e(ii,j)*sinr e(ii, j)=e(ii+1,j)*sinr + e(ii,j)*cosr e(ii+1,j)=etemp*err(1,i)/err(2,i) 1400 continue 1500 continue return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine xsort(x, no) implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) c$$$$ calls nothing c In-place rapid sorter. Rearranges x into ascending order dimension x(no) c mo=no 2 if (mo-15) 21,21,23 21 if (mo.le.1) return mo=2*(mo/4) + 1 goto 24 23 mo=2*(mo/8) + 1 24 ko=no - mo jo=1 25 i=jo 26 if (x(i) - x(i+mo)) 28,28,27 27 temp=x(i) x(i)=x(i+mo) x(i+mo)=temp i=i - mo if (i-1) 28,26,26 28 jo=1 + jo if (jo-ko) 25,25,2 end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine qd(n, c, ans) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls solve dimension ans(*),c(2,n) c c Program to convert from a partial to a 1/z-type continued fraction c based on the Rutishauser qd algorithm c in the notation of gragg's notes: c rho(1) ith rho c rho(2) ith rho primed c alamb(1) (i-1)th lambda c alamb(2) (i-1)th lambda primed c alamb(3) ith lambda c alamb(4) ith lambda primed c where i is i of "do 10" loop c c c c contains the coefficients of the partial fraction on entry c and the coefficients of the continued fraction on exit c so the partial fraction coefficients are lost c c alpha array is stored in c(2,i),i=1,n c c0 is stored in c(1,1) c beta array is stored in c(1,i),i=2,n c where n is number of terms in partial fraction c c internally declared arrays: c alamb(4),rho(2) c c Calls subroutines solve and (for n>3) update c if( then do 10 i=2,n call solve(0, i, c) 10 continue endif c c Convert alpha,beta,c0 to rho,lambda,c0 to give fraction in c appropriate form. Ans contains ordered c0,rho,lambda arrays c ans(1)=c(1,1) ans(2)=c(2,1) if(n.eq.1)return do 30 i=1,n-1 j=2*i+1 ans(j)=c(1,i+1)/ans(j-1) ans(j+1)=c(2,i+1)-ans(j) 30 continue return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine solve(n, i, c) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls update dimension alamb(4),c(2,*) c c Adds in one more partial fraction and computes the new c0 c and alpha,beta arrays c c c new values of c0,alpha(1),beta(1) c c0dash = c(1,1)+c(1,i) rho1 = c(2,1)-c(2,i) rho2 = c(1,1)*rho1/c0dash c(1,1) = c0dash alamb(1) = 0.d0 if( = c(1,2)/rho1 alamb(2) = rho1-rho2+alamb(1) c(2,1) = rho2+c(2,i) c(1,2) = alamb(2)*rho2 c c Special case when i = 2 if(i.le.2) then c(2,2) = alamb(2)+c(2,i) return endif c c Loop through updating successive members of alpha,beta arrays c Special case when i = 3 if( then call update(i-2, alamb, c, n, i) endif c c Calculate final beta value and last two alphas rho1 = c(2,i-1)-c(2,i)-alamb(1) rho2 = alamb(1)*rho1/alamb(2) alamb(4) = rho1-rho2 c(2,i-1) = alamb(2)+rho2+c(2,i) c(1,i) = alamb(4)*rho2 c(2,i) = alamb(4)+c(2,i) return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine update(n, alamb, c, m, i) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls nothing dimension alamb(4),c(2,*) c c New values of alpha,beta for old when another partial fraction c is added in. Does all but the first and last values. c Enter subroutine with alamb(1),alamb(2) set from calculation c of alpha(1),beta(1) c do 10 k=2,n rho1=c(2,k)-c(2,i)-alamb(1) rho2=alamb(1)*rho1/alamb(2) alamb(3)=c(1,k+1)/rho1 alamb(4)=rho1-rho2+alamb(3) c(2,k)=alamb(2)+rho2+c(2,i) c(1,k+1)=rho2*alamb(4) alamb(1)=alamb(3) alamb(2)=alamb(4) 10 continue return end c_______________________________________________________________________ c======================================================================= c Unit K: Decoding routines for command kit c======================================================================= subroutine ascan c$$$$ calls clear getchr icheck implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) c Input routine for commands c c Reads from the standard input until eof or code "execute " or "quit". c Saves lines in the input store /store/ for later retrieval by c getvec, getone or getchr. c c Prints a glossary upon request c parameter (inmx=200) character *80 input(inmx),line, code*4 common /ndict/ iecho,nin common /store/ input c if (nin .eq. 0) write(*,*) ' ', $'Enter commands for D+ analysis (? for help)' c do 1500 l=nin+1, inmx read(*,'(80a)', end=3000) line if (line(1:4).eq.'cont' .or. line(1:4).eq.'exec') goto 2000 c List a glossary of codes if (line(1:1) .eq. '?') write(*, '(a/a/(2x,a))') $'Enter commands from the following list:', $'?: Remind me of the command list again', $'execute: Quit reading commands & begin calculations', $'file filename: Enter filename of data (mandatory)', $' as: f Re c Im c err; with c in meters', $' or: f Re c Im c Re err Im err c in meters', $' or: f rhoa drho phi dphi with phi in deg', $'options T D: T=freq/omega/period - type of timing', $' D=admit/rhoa - type of data ', $' defaults: T=freq D=admit', $'scale s1,s2,...s5: Scale each data row by factors s1, s2, etc', $'uncertainty f: Assign +-f*|c| errors to Re, Im c', $'mu_0 muo: Enter a nonstandard value for mu_0', $'base h1,h2, ...: Base depths (meters) in penetration analysis', $'print n: Integer n=0,1,2,3 controls amount of output', $'plot: Write a plotfile for model', $'intervene: User may reset lambda sampling at terminal', $'clear command: Delete all earlier occurrences of command', $'review: List the current command stack', $' ' if (line(1:1).eq.'?') goto 1500 c c Review the command stack ce if (line(1:4) .eq. 'revi') then write(*,'(5x,a)')' ', '=================== ', $ (input(i)(1:60),i=1,nin),'=================== ' c elseif (line(1:1) .ne. ' ') then if (line(1:4) .eq. 'echo') iecho=-iecho if (line(1:4) .eq. 'data') line(1:4)='file' if (line(1:4) .eq. 'quit') then write(*,'(/a)') 'Normal termination' stop endif nin=nin + 1 call icheck(line) input(nin)=line c Clear a command and clear clear itself if (line(1:4) .eq. 'clea') then call getchr('clear', code, klear) call clear (code) nin=nin - 1 endif endif 1500 continue write(*,*) '>>>> Maximum number of commands exceeded', $ ' dplus quits' stop c 2000 continue write(*,'(5x,a)')' ', '=================== ', $(input(i)(1:60),i=1,nin),'=================== ' return c 3000 stop end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine icheck(line) c$$$$ calls nothing c Checks the command fragment com against the catalog; appends a c warning if com is not present in the list. character*80 line, com*4 ce com=line(1:4) if (0 .eq. $ index('file opti clea scal mu_0 base prin plot ',com) $+index('inte revi unce',com)) $ line=line(1:20)//' %<<<<<<< Unrecognized command' return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine getvec(code, values, nwant, nfound) c$$$$ calls ljust implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) c c Extracts a vector of numbers from the input store. That store is c a large character array in /store/ which has been filled earlier c by ascan. c c code A 4-bye identifying code. Only lines in the input store c beginning with this code are scanned for numbers. c values the real output array of values found. c nwant the maximum number of numbers expected . c nfound the number of numbers actually found in the input. c If the line contains fewer than nwant values, this is the c value returned in nfound. If an error is discovered c nfound=-n, where n is the number of numbers properly c decoded. If there are no numbers after the codeword c nfound=0. Finally, if the code is absent from the store c nfound=-99 and the array is left undisturbed. c parameter (inmx=200) character *80 input(inmx),line,local,char, code*4 common /store/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin dimension values(*) c c Read the store in reverse order (Thus last entry is obeyed) ce do 1010 lin=nin, 1, -1 line=input(lin) c Check for code if (code .eq. line(1:4)) goto 1020 1010 continue c Code word not found nfound=-99 return c 1020 if (iecho .ge. 1) write(*,'(2a)')'==> ',line n1=index(line, ' ')+1 n2=index(line, '%') n2=80 + min(n2,1)*(n2 - 81) char=line(n1:n2) c do 1500 n=1, nwant call ljust(char, local) lbl=index(local, ' ') if (lbl .eq. 1) goto 1510 read (local, *, err=2000) values(n) char=local(lbl:80) 1500 continue n=nwant+1 1510 nfound=n - 1 return c 2000 write(*,*)' ','>>>> Unreadable numbers in this input line:',line nfound=1 - n return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine getone(code, value, nfound) c$$$$ calls getvec implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) c c Extracts a single number from the input store. That store is c a large array in common /store/ which has been filled earlier. c c code A 4-bye identifying code. Only lines in the input store c beginning with this code are scanned for numbers. c value the real output variable containing the desired number. c nfound is 1 if a number is successfully read in; it is zero c the number is absent or unreadable. nfound = -99 if the c code is absent from the input store. c character*4 code dimension v(1) ce call getvec(code, v, 1, nfound) if (nfound .eq. 1) value=v(1) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine getint(code, number, nfound) c$$$$ calls getvec implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) c c Extracts a single integer from the input store. c See getone for details. c character*4 code dimension v(1) ce call getvec(code, v, 1, nfound) if (nfound .eq. 1) then number=nint(v(1)) if (number .ne. v(1)) print '(4a,1p,g16.8/a,i10)', $ '>>>> Warning: ',code,' expects an integer argument, but', $ ' found: ',v(1),' Returns: ',number,' ' endif return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine getchr(code, char, nbytes) c$$$$ calls ljust implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) c Extracts a character variable from the input store. That c store is a large array in common /store/ which has been filled c earlier. c c code A 4-bye identifying code. Only lines in the input store c beginning with this code are scanned. c char the character output variable containing the desired string. c nbytes is the length of the string read; it is zero if c the line is blank after the code. nbytes = -99 if the c code is absent from the input store. c parameter (inmx=200) character *80 input(inmx),line, char*(*), code*4 common /store/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin c Inspect the store in reverse order (thus reading latest entry) ce do 1010 lin=nin, 1, -1 line=input(lin) c Check for code word if (code .eq. line(1:4)) goto 1020 1010 continue c Code word not found nbytes=-99 return c 1020 if (iecho .ge. 1) write(*,'(2a)')'==> ',line c n1=index(line, ' ')+1 n2=index(line, '%') n2=80 + min(n2,1)*(n2 - 81) c Check for blank string nbytes=0 if (line(n1:n2) .eq. ' ') return c Save in char everything from 1st non-blank to last non-blank call ljust(line(n1:n2), char) nn=min(n2-n1+1, len(char)) do 1200 k=nn, 1, -1 if (char(k:k) .ne. ' ') goto 1210 1200 continue 1210 nbytes= k return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine clear(code) c$$$$ calls no other routines implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) c c Removes the last command entry identified by code. c code A 4-byte identifying code. Only lines in the input store c beginning with this code are scanned. c parameter (inmx=200) character *80 input(inmx),line, code*4 common /store/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin c c Inspect the store in normal order ce do 1010 lin= nin, 1, -1 line=input(lin) c Check code and clear the line if present, but only once if (code .eq. line(1:4)) then input(lin)=' --' endif 1010 continue return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine ljust(str1, str2) c$$$$ calls nothing c Left justify: input character string str1 (up to 80 bytes in length) c is left justified, removing leading blanks, and returned in str2. c str1 and str2 may be set to the same variable in the call. character*(*) str1, str2, str3*80 c ce str2=str1 if (str1 .eq. ' ') return c l1=len(str1) str3=str1 do 1010 j=1, l1 if (str1(j:j) .ne. ' ') goto 1011 1010 continue 1011 str2=str3(j:l1) return end c______________________________________________________________ blockdata iounit implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) parameter (inmx=200) common /prolix/ iprint common /ndict/ iecho,nin data iprint /1/ c Don't echo command lines when read data iecho/-1/ c Initial command line count data nin/0/ end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine nnls(a, mdim, m, n, b, x, rnorm, w, zz, index, mode) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls h12 g1 g2 c Non-negative least-squares fitting routine. Given by Lawson & Hanson c in `Solving Least Squares Problems ,' Prentice-Hall 1974. c Given matrix a (m by n), and an m-vector b , finds the n-vector c x that solves the problem 2-norm(a*x - b) minimum with c c a(),mdim,m,n a is the array, with mrows, n cols. mdim is the c actual dimension given a in the calling program ( c a is destroyed by program. c b() on entry must contain m-vector b. Destroyed by program c x() solution vector x. Need not be initialized. c rnorm minimum two-norm. c w() an array of working space. Must be dimensioned at least n c zz() another working array. Must be dimensioned at least m. c index another working array. Must be dimensioned at least n. c mode a flag indicateng outcome of subroutine. c mode=1 means routine worked properly. c mode=2 means dimensions of arrays were bad (m.le0 .or. n.le.0) c mode=3 means iteration count exceeded (more than 3*n iterations) c dimension a(mdim,n),b(m),x(n),w(n),zz(m),index(n),dummy(1) c zero=0. one=1. two=2. factor=.01 c mode=1 if ( .and. go to 10 mode=2 return 10 iter=0 itmax=3*n c c c Initialize arrays index and x do 20 i=1,n x(i)=zero 20 index(i)=i c iz2=n iz1=1 nsetp=0 npp1=1 c Main loop begins here 30 continue c c Quit if all coeffs are already in solution. Or if m cols of a have c been triangularized. if ( .or. go to 350 c c c Compute components of dual vector w do 50 iz=iz1,iz2 j=index(iz) sm=zero do 40 l=npp1,m 40 sm=a(l,j)*b(l) + sm 50 w(j)=sm c Find largest +ve w(j) 60 wmax=zero do 70 iz=iz1,iz2 j=index(iz) if (w(j).le.wmax) go to 70 wmax=w(j) izmax=iz 70 continue c c c c If wmax.le.0 go to termination (kuhn-tucker conditions ok) if (wmax) 350,350,80 80 iz=izmax j=index(iz) c c c c Sign of w(j) is ok for j to be moved to set p. c Begin Householder trans. Check new diagonal element to avoid near ld. asave=a(npp1,j) call h12(1, npp1, npp1+1, m, a(1,j), 1, up, dummy, 1, 1, 0) unorm=zero if (nsetp.eq.0) go to 100 do 90 l=1,nsetp 90 unorm=a(l,j)**2 + unorm 100 unorm=sqrt(unorm) temp=unorm + abs(a(npp1,j))*factor if (temp-unorm) 130,130,110 c Col j is sufficiently indep. Copy b to zz. update z and solve c for ztest (=proposed new val for x(j)). c 110 do 120 l=1,m 120 zz(l)=b(l) call h12(2, npp1, npp1+1, m, a(1,j), 1, up, zz, 1, 1, 1) ztest=zz(npp1)/a(npp1,j) c c c See if ztest is +ve if (ztest) 130,130,140 c c Reject j as a candidate to be moved from set z to set p. c Restore a(npp1,j), set w(j)=0. And loop back to test dual c coeffs again. c 130 a(npp1,j)=asave w(j)=zero go to 60 c c The index j=index(iz) has been selected to be moved ftom set z c to set p . Update b, update indices, apply householder trans c to cols in new set z. Zero subdiagonal elts in col j, set c w(j)=0. c 140 do 150 l=1,m 150 b(l)=zz(l) c index(iz)=index(iz1) index(iz1)=j iz1=1 + iz1 nsetp=npp1 npp1=1 + npp1 c if ( go to 170 do 160 jz=iz1,iz2 jj=index(jz) 160 call h12(2, nsetp, npp1, m, a(1,j), 1, up, a(1,jj), 1, mdim, 1) 170 continue c if (nsetp.eq.m) go to 190 do 180 l=npp1,m 180 a(l,j)=zero 190 continue c w(j)=zero c Solve triangulate system. Store sol in zz,temporarily c next=1 go to 400 200 continue c c Secondary loop begins here 210 iter=1 + iter if (iter.le.itmax) go to 220 mode=3 c Write statement here deleted********************* go to 350 220 continue c c c See if all new constrained coeffs are feasible. If not, find alpha. alpha=two do 240 ip=1,nsetp l=index(ip) if (zz(ip)) 230,230,240 c 230 t=-x(l)/(zz(ip) - x(l)) if (alpha.le.t) go to 240 alpha=t jj=ip 240 continue c If all new constrained coeffs are feasible, alpha is still 2. If so, c exit into main loop. c if (alpha.eq.two) go to 330 c Otherwise alpha will be in (0,1) to interpolate between old x c and new zz. c do 250 ip=1,nsetp l=index(ip) 250 x(l)=alpha*(zz(ip)-x(l)) + x(l) c c Modify a bb and the index arrays to move coeff i from set p c to set z. c i=index(jj) 260 x(i)=zero c if (jj.eq.nsetp) go to 290 jj=1 + jj do 280 j=jj,nsetp ii=index(j) index(j-1)=ii call g1(a(j-1,ii), a(j,ii), cc, ss, a(j-1,ii)) a(j,ii)=zero do 270 l=1,n if ( call g2(cc, ss, a(j-1,l), a(j,l)) 270 continue 280 call g2(cc, ss, b(j-1), b(j)) 290 npp1=nsetp nsetp=nsetp - 1 iz1=iz1 - 1 index(iz1)=i c All coeffs in set p should be feasible. If they are not, this is due c to round-off. Non-positive ones set to 0 and moved to set z. c c do 300 jj=1,nsetp i=index(jj) if (x(i)) 260,260,300 300 continue c c c Copy b to zz and solve again and loop back do 310 i=1,m 310 zz(i)=b(i) next=2 go to 400 320 continue go to 210 c c End of secondary loop 330 do 340 ip=1,nsetp i=index(ip) 340 x(i)=zz(ip) c All new coeffs are +ve. Loop back to beginning. go to 30 c End of main loop. Terminating section. c c 350 sm=zero if ( go to 370 do 360 i=npp1,m 360 sm=b(i)**2 + sm go to 390 370 do 380 j=1,n 380 w(j)=zero 390 rnorm=sqrt(sm) return c c Solution of linear triangular system c 400 do 430 l=1,nsetp ip=nsetp + 1 - l if (l.eq.1) go to 420 do 410 ii=1,ip 410 zz(ii)=zz(ii) - a(ii,jj)*zz(ip+1) 420 jj=index(ip) 430 zz(ip)=zz(ip)/a(ip,jj) go to (200, 320), next c ******** format deleted for print statement here **************** end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine g2(cosa, sina, x, y) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls no other routines c Rotates a 2-vector (x,y) by angle a. Over-writes original vector. c z=cosa*x + sina*y y=cosa*y - sina*x x=z return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine g1(a, b, cosa, sina, sig) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls no other routines c c From Lawson & Hanson `Solving Least Squares Problems' 1974 p 309. c Computes an orthogonal matrix to rotate (a,b) into (sqrt(a*a+b*b),0) c matrix in form (cosa, sina/-sina, cosa) and sig holds magnitude of c (a,b). Sig is allowed to overwrite a or b in calling routine. c zero=0.0 one=1.0 if (abs(a) .le. abs(b)) go to 10 xr=b/a yr=sqrt(one + xr**2) cosa=sign(one/yr, a) sina=cosa*xr sig=abs(a)*yr return 10 if (b) 20,30,20 20 xr=a/b yr=sqrt(one + xr**2) sina=sign(one/yr, b) cosa=sina*xr sig=abs(b)*yr return 30 sig=zero cosa=zero sina=one return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine h12(mode, lpivot, l1, m, u, iue, up, c, ice, icv, ncv) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c$$$$ calls no other routines c Construction and application of householder transformation for nnls c from h12 in Lawson & Hanson `Solving Least Squares Problems' c - Prentice-Hall 1974 (pp308,309). Double precision throughout. dimension u(iue,m),c(*) if ( .or. .or. return cl=abs(u(1,lpivot)) if (mode.eq.2) go to 60 c Construct transformation do 10 j=l1,m 10 cl=max(abs(u(1,j)),cl) if (cl) 130,130,20 20 clinv=1.0/cl sm=(u(1,lpivot)*clinv)**2 do 30 j=l1,m 30 sm=(u(1,j)*clinv)**2 + sm sm1=sm cl=sqrt(sm1)*cl if (u(1,lpivot)) 50,50,40 40 cl=-cl 50 up=u(1,lpivot) - cl u(1,lpivot)=cl go to 70 c Apply transformation 60 if (cl) 130,130,70 70 if (ncv.le.0) return b=up*u(1,lpivot) if (b) 80,130,130 80 b=1.0/b i2=1-icv+ice*(lpivot-1) incr=ice*(l1-lpivot) do 120 j=1,ncv i2=icv + i2 i3=i2 + incr i4=i3 sm=c(i2)*up do 90 i=l1,m sm=c(i3)*u(1,i) + sm 90 i3=ice + i3 if (sm) 100,120,100 100 sm=b*sm c(i2)=sm*up + c(i2) do 110 i=l1,m c(i4)=sm*u(1,i) + c(i4) 110 i4=ice + i4 120 continue 130 return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine plot(nal, d,tau,bot, skilo) c$$$$ calls getchr getint forwrd c Writes a plot file to fort.19 implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) parameter (maxf=50) character*20 frmt,bk*1,sqchi*13,idfile*60 common /datbas/ omega(maxf),cc(2,maxf),err(2,maxf),nfreq common /cases/ plist(25), chisq(25), kase common /prolix/ iprint dimension d(*),tau(*), ctheo(2,5*maxf),om(5*maxf) data ngraph/0/ c c Write a plotfile of this model. Its name is fort.19 call getint('plot', ignor, notice) if (notice.eq. -99) return call getchr('file', idfile, ignor) c taulo=tau(1) tauhi=taulo do 2100 j=2, nal-1 * if (tau(j).le.1d-10 .or. tau(j) .gt.1d10) goto 2200 taulo=min(taulo, tau(j)) tauhi=max(tauhi, tau(j)) 2100 continue iall=nal-1 2200 taulo=10d0**(int(log10(taulo)+1000.7) - 1001) c write(*,*) 'Plotxy file written to fort.19' c c Write instructions for lin-lin plot of model c write(19,'(a)') 'weight 6 12','char 0.08','xlim 3.5','ylim 2.5', $'xlab Depth, km','ylab Conductance, S','frame gridsol' write(19,'(a,i6)')'read ',3*iall+1 210 format(2g15.5) write(19,210) $ (skilo*d(j),taulo,skilo*d(j),tau(j),skilo*d(j),taulo, j=1,iall) write(19,210) skilo*bot,taulo c Perfect conductor if (tau(nal).lt. 0.0d0 ) then z1=skilo*1.08*bot write(19,'(a/a/a/(2g12.4))')'fill','color pale gray','read 4', $ bot*skilo,taulo, bot*skilo,0.9*tauhi,z1,0.9*tauhi,z1,taulo write(19,'(a)') $ 'color black','char 0.08 90', $ 'note (3.3 0.3 i) Perfect conductor','char 0.08 0' endif write(19,'(a)')'plot 1.2 1.7',' ' c c Next log-log plot of model c First, perfect conductor` if (tau(nal).lt. 0.0d0 ) then zmin=d(1)+d(2)*(0.5d0+sign(0.5d0, 1.0d-8 -d(1))) z1= skilo*zmin*exp(3.5*log(bot/zmin)/3.2) write(19,'(a/a/a/(2g12.4))')'fill','color pale gray','read 4', $ bot*skilo,taulo, bot*skilo,0.9*tauhi,z1,0.9*tauhi,z1,taulo write(19,'(a)') $ 'color black','char 0.08 90', $ 'note (3.3 0.3 i) Perfect conductor','char 0.08 0' endif j1=1 if (d(1).eq. 0.0) then skd1=skilo*d(2)/10.0 write(19,'(a,2g12.4,a)')'note (',skd1,taulo/1.3,' c)z=0' write(19,'(a/(2g15.5))') 'read 2',skd1,taulo,skd1,tau(1) j1=2 endif write(19,'(a,i6)')'read ',3*iall+1-3*(j1-1) write(19,210) $ (skilo*d(j),taulo,skilo*d(j),tau(j),skilo*d(j),taulo, j=j1,iall) write(19,210) skilo*bot,taulo write(19,'(a)')'logxy loglog','plot',' ' c c Plot the data and model response write(19,'(a)') 'xlab Frequency, Hz','ylab Admittance c*, meters', $'file *','logxy loglog', 'mode 3','symbol circle 0.02' write(19,'(a,i6/(3g12.4))') 'read ',nfreq, $(omega(j)/6.283,cc(1,j),err(1,j),j=1,nfreq) write(19,'(a,i6/(3g12.4))') 'read ',nfreq, $(omega(j)/6.283, -cc(2,j),err(2,j),j=1,nfreq) i=0 do 3200 j=1, nfreq-1 do 3100 k=1, 5 i=i + 1 om(i) = 0.25*((k-0.96)*omega(j+1) + (5-k)*omega(j)) call forwrd(om(i), ctheo(1,i)) 3100 continue 3200 continue c Backslash is char(92) bk = char(92) sqchi=bk//'chi'//bk//bk//'sup{2}=' ndig=4 + max(0, int(log10(chisq(kase)+0.01))) write(frmt,'(a,i5,a)') '(a/2a,f',ndig,'.1)' write(19,frmt)'note','note (3.3 2.2ir)',sqchi,chisq(kase) c write(19,'(a)')'background white notes' write(19,'(a)')'smooth','mode 2','affine 0.1592 0 1 0' write(19,'(a/a,i6/(2g12.4))') 'color red', $'read ',i,(om(k),ctheo(1,k),k=1,i) write(19,'(a)')'note (vr) Re c' write(19,'(a/a,i6/(2g12.4))') 'color blue', $'read ',i,(om(k),-ctheo(2,k),k=1,i) write(19,'(a)')'note (vr) -Im c','color blac' write(19,'(2a)')'title From ',idfile write(19,'(a)')'plot',' ','stop' c ngraph = ngraph + 1 write(19,'(i5,a)') ngraph,' --------------------------' return end c_______________________________________________________________________