program psd c c Performs the PSD estimation by the sine multitaper method of c Riedel & Sidorenko, IEEE Tr Sig Pr,43, 188, 1995 c See ascan for a synopsis of commands c c$$$$ calls autoco getdat getone getint getpsd plot prinz ascan stats c c c Common blocks of ascan: parameter (inmx=500) character *80 input(inmx) common /store/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin c c Common blocks of getdat, state: common /state/ xbar,varx,smin,smax,ebar,kmin,kmax c c Notice: to increase the length of series that can be treated, c simply raise mxx in every routine. parameter (mxx=500 000) common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) c Common block from getpsd: parameter (nfmx=mxx + 2) common /result/ nt,nf,fNyq,df,sx(nfmx),kopt(nfmx) c parameter (pi=3.14159265359) c ce dt=1.0 nx=0 c c Read in the commands do 1000 kase=1, 10000 call ascan(kase) call getint('quit', ignor, kwit) if ( 0) then dt=0.0 c Flush all plots on 'hold' call getint('hold', ignor, kold) if ( 0) call plot write(*,'(/a)') 'Normal termination' stop endif c c c Replot on another scale spectra from previous calculations call getone('replot', dum, jagain) if (jagain.eq. 1 .and. then call plot goto 1000 endif c c c Input the data series; find and print summary statistics call getdat call stats c c c Compute the PSD call getpsd c c c Print the results and save them to disk call prinz c c Make a plotfile for the results and plot to screen if required call plot c c c Find and plot autocorrelation function call autoco c c write(*,'(/a)')'Enter further commands or "quit" to finish' 1000 continue end c_______________________________________________________________ subroutine prinz c$$$$ calls units getchr ljust c Prints summary of results and writes full tables to a diskfile c common /state/ xbar,varx,smin,smax,ebar,kmin,kmax parameter (mxx=500 000) common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) parameter (nfmx=mxx + 2) common /result/ nt,nf,fNyq,df,sx(nfmx),kopt(nfmx) c parameter (pi=3.14159265359) character*64 unit,spout,fruq*20 data unit/' '/, spout/'fort.1'/ data i1,i2,i3/1,1,1/ c ce if (nx.le. 1) return c Print summary of useful results call units(i1,i2,i3, unit) fruq=unit(1:i1) if (fruq.eq. '/s ' .or. fruq.eq.'sec') fruq='Hz' write(*,'(/(a,g12.4,1x,a))') $' Nyquist frequency:',fNyq,fruq, $' Frequency spacing:',df, fruq write(*,'(/(a,i7))') $'Length of time series analysed:',2*nf-2, $' Number of frequencies:',nf c c Write results to a file ONLY when output command is issued call getchr('output', spout, named) if (spout.eq.'-none') named=-1 if ( 0) open (unit=1, file=spout) c c Write to unit 1: f, S(f), e, res, Kopt c where e=root variance, res=frequency resolution ttime=dt*(2*nf - 2) ebar=0.0 kbar=0.0 kmax=0 kmin=nf do 1300 j=1, nf e=sx(j) / sqrt(real(kopt(j))/1.2) ebar=ebar + e/sx(j) kbar=kbar + kopt(j) kmax=max(kopt(j), kmax) kmin=min(kopt(j), kmin) if ( 0) $ write(1,*) df*(j-1),sx(j),e,kopt(j)/ttime,kopt(j) 1300 continue ebar=ebar/nf kbar=kbar/nf c write(*,'(a,3(i5,a)/a,f6.3,a)') $' Average number of tapers: ',kbar, $' [min',kmin,' max',kmax,']', $' Average 1-sigma error:',ebar,' * Sx(f)' write(*,'(a,g12.4,1x,a)')' Typical frequency resolution:', $ fNyq /(nf*ebar**2), fruq c if ( 0) then call ljust(spout,spout, np) write(*,'(/2a/a)')'One-sided PSD written to: ',spout(1:np), $ 'The file contains: freq, PSD, err, resolution, # tapers,' else write(*,'(/a)')'This spectrum was NOT written to disk' endif return end c_______________________________________________________________ subroutine getpsd c$$$$ calls getint getone getchr plot prolat quick yule adapt nearn later c$$$$ ljust period c Performs the PSD estimation by the sine multitaper method of c Riedel & Sidorenko, IEEE Tr Sig Pr,43, 188, 1995 c May invoke prewhitening via yule - Yule-Walker equations parameter (mxx=500 000, mpool=8*mxx+4) parameter (pi=3.141592653589793d0) parameter (nfmx=mxx + 2) common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) common /state/ xbar,varx,smin,smax,ebar,kmin,kmax common /result/ nt,nf,fNyq,df,sx(nfmx),kopt(nfmx) c character*72 taped,white,line, signal*64 data ntimes/4/,ktap/0/, taped/'*'/, white/'fort.13'/ c c Adjust series length if necessary to be 2**i * 3**j * 5**k c with i > 0, j,k >= 0. Find other constants ce if (nx.le. 1) then write(*,'(a)') $ '>>> Too few terms in the series to estimate a spectrum' return endif nt=2*nearn(nx/2) nf=1 + nt/2 nt=2*nf - 2 fNyq=0.5/dt df=fNyq/(nf - 1) c nord=0 call getint('prewhiten', nord, ignor) c Prewhiten series with FIR filter; but first find c a pilot spectral estimate. On returning from yule x() has c been modified. if ( 1) then write(*,'(/5x,a,i4)') $ 'Series prewhitened by FIR filter, order ',nord c c Pilot estimate of PSD then prewhiten time series call quick(1, -nint(5.0 + 0.2*sqrt(real(nx)))) call yule(1, nord) elseif (nord.eq. -1) then call yule(3, nord) write(*,'(a,i4)') $ 'Series prewhitened by prior FIR filter, order ',nord endif c c Save prewhitened time series to diskfile white='fort.13' call getchr('save', white, kule) if ( 0) then open(unit=13, file=white) write(13,'(1p,2e15.7)') (t1+(j-1)*dt,x(j),j=1,nx) nwhi=max(kule,8) write(*,'(a,a)')'Prewhitened series saved to: ',white(1:nwhi) endif c c --------Periodogram Estimate-------------- c call getint('tapers', ntap, nu) if (nu.le. 0) goto 1000 if (ntap.le. 0) then call period write(*,*)' Zero tapers requested: periodogram returned' goto 3000 endif c c --------Prolate Spheroidal multitapers-------------- c 1000 call getchr('prolate', taped, nprole) if ( 0) goto 2000 c call getone('bandwidth', width, nband) call getone('timebp', timebp, ntime) if (max(nband, ntime).lt. 1) then write(*,'(a)') $ '>>> Bandwidth not provided - PSD will use sine tapers' goto 2000 endif if ( 0) timebp=0.5*nt*width/fNyq write(*,'(/a,g12.4)') $'Time-bandwidth product for prolate tapers:',timebp ntap=1.1*timebp call getint('tapers', ntap, ignor) c Save tapers to a diskfile if named in command ktap=0 if ( 0) then open(unit=16, file=taped) ktap=16 endif c call prolat(ntap, timebp, ktap) c call ljust(taped,taped, npr) if ( $write(*,'(3x,2a)') 'Tapers written to file: ',taped(1:npr) goto 3000 c c --------Sine multitapers-------- c c Number of tapers is requested for uniform tapering or to c place a bound on their number (less >0) 2000 call getchr('tapers', line, ignor) call getint('tapers', ntap, iftap) less = index(line,'<') nbound=0 if ( .and. nbound=ntap call getint('adapt', ntimes, ignor) c c Decide whether to make a simple estimate or an adaptive one if (later('tapers', 'adapt').gt. 0 .and. less.eq. 0 $ .and. then c Estimate S with uniform number of tapers across spectrum write(*,'(/a,i6,a/a,f6.1)') $ 'Uniform spectral estimation with',ntap,' tapers', $ ' viz Time-bandwidth product:',0.5*ntap call quick(1, -ntap) c else c Make adaptive estimate fact=1.0 call getone('smooth', fact, ignor) initap = 3.0 + sqrt(fact*nx)/5.0 write(*,'(/a,i5,a/(a,i5))') $ 'Adaptive spectral estimation with',ntimes,' iterations', $ ' Initial number of tapers',initap if (fact .ne. 1.0) write(*,'(a,f5.2)') $ ' Smooth penalizes var/bias^2 by ',fact**2 c call adapt(ntimes, initap, nbound) c endif c c c Undo the prewhitening, if any; but first, plot prewhiten spectrum 3000 if ( 1) then call getchr('prewhiten', signal, ignor) if (index(signal, 'plot').gt. 0) call plot call yule(2, nord) endif c c c Normalize the spectrum c Various constants calculated spectrum scaled to correct units const=dt/nx smax=sx(1)*const smin=smax do 5000 k=1, nf sx(k)=const*sx(k) smax=max(sx(k), smax) smin=min(sx(k), smin) 5000 continue c return c end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine plot c$$$$ calls units getchr getint clear getarr getone system ljust c c Creates plotxy plotfile of current spectrum, or of all c spectra. Invokes plotxy via 'system' call c c Common blocks of ascan: parameter (inmx=500) character *80 input(inmx) common /store/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin c c Common blocks of getdat, state parameter (mxx=500 000) common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) common /state/ xbar,varx,smin,smax,ebar,kmin,kmax c c Common block from PSD parameter (nfmx=mxx + 2) common /result/ nt,nf,fNyq,df,sx(nfmx),kopt(nfmx) c character*64 unit,splot,title,detl, code*4,bks*1 dimension caylim(2) data unit/' '/, splot/'fort.2'/, title/' '/ data i1,i2,i3/1,1,1/, nplot/0/, ncolor/0/ data caylim /0.0, 0.0/, dsh/0.0/, llog/0/ save nplot, slim c c Because of special status of \ in Unix, generate it from ASCII ce bks=char(92) c Special flag to flush the 'hold' plot buffer before quitting if (dt.eq. 0.0) goto 2000 if (nx.le. 1) return c Get units of the series and frequency call units(i1,i2,i3, unit) c c Make a plotfile for results c call getchr('plot', splot, newplt) c c Omit if splot = 'off' or '-none' if (splot .eq. 'off' .or. splot.eq.'-none') return c open (unit=2, file=splot) call clear ('plot') if ( 0) nplot=0 nplot=nplot + 1 c User wants this plot on top of previous one ntop =-1 if ( 1) call getone('super', dum, ntop) c c Rewrite the plotfile rewind (unit=2) if ( 0) then do 1500 lin=1, 100000 read (2, '(a4)', err=1510, end=1520) code if (code .eq. 'plot') then backspace (unit=2) goto 1520 endif 1500 continue 1510 write(*,'(2a)')' ','>>> Cannot superimpose spectra - ', $ 'No prior graph' 1520 continue ncolor=1 + ncolor else ncolor=0 nplot=1 endif dsh=0.03*(ncolor/9) c c See if a subinterval of freq axis is requested caylim(1)=-fNyq caylim(2)= fNyq llog=0 call getarr('detail', caylim, 2, ndet) call getchr('detail', detl, kog) llog=index(detl, 'log')*kog call getarr('replot', caylim, 2, ndet) call clear('replot') nf1= max(1.0, caylim(1)/df + 1.0) nf2= min(real(nf), caylim(2)/df+ 1.0) if (nf1 .ge. nf2) then nf1=1 nf2=nf endif c Log frequency axis? call getint('logfreq', ignor, logf) if ( 0) llog=1 if ( 0) nf1=max(nf1,2) if (nplot.le. 1) then slim=0.0 do 1600 j=nf1, nf2 slim=max(slim, sx(j)) 1600 continue endif c c Get the title if there is one call getchr('title', title, nti) if (nti.eq. -99) call getchr('file', title, nti) c c Write plotfile to unit 2 if ( 0) write(2,'(2a)') 'title ',title(1:nti) write(2,'(a)')'logxy linlog','frame gridsol','char 0.11' if (unit(1:1).eq. ' ' .and. dt.eq. 1.0) then write(2,'(5a)') 'xlabel Frequency in 1/',bks,'D',bks,'t' elseif (unit(1:1).eq. ' ') then write(2, '(a)') 'xlabel Frequency ' elseif (unit(2:i1).eq. 's' .or. unit(2:i1).eq.'sec') then write(2, '(a)') 'xlabel Frequency Hz' else write(2,'(4a)')'xlabel Frequency ',unit(2:i1-1),bks,'sup{-1}' endif if (i2 .le. i1+1) then write(2,'(a)') 'ylabel PSD in arbitrary units' else write(2,'(5a)') $ 'ylabel PSD ',unit(i1:i2-1),bks,'sup{2 }',unit(2:i1) endif c Write out the spectrum write(2,'(a,2f7.3)') 'dash ',dsh,0.05 if ( 2) write(2,'(a,i4)') 'color ',1+mod(ncolor,9) write(2,'(a/a,4g12.4)') 'mode 1', $ 'affine ',df,(nf1-2)*df,1.0,0.0 write(2,'(a,i7/(1p,7e10.3))') 'read ',nf2-nf1+1, $ (sx(k), k=nf1, nf2) write(2,'(a)')'affine 1 0 1 0','ylim 5.2','xlim 4.6' c Draw error bars psig=1.03*slim pmid=psig + max(smin, psig-psig/sqrt(real(kmin))) fdel= -df*(nf2 - nf1)*0.05 fbar= fdel*(nplot+1) + df*nf2 if (llog.eq.1 ) fbar= df*nf1*real(nf2/nf1)**(0.95-0.05*nplot) if (llog.eq.1 ) fdel= -0.05*fbar*log(real(nf2/nf1)) write (2,*)' cut ----------------' write (2,'(a/a/a/3g15.7/a)') 'symb dot 0.05','mode 3','read 1', $ fbar+fdel*.2,1.05*pmid,psig/sqrt(real(kmax)),'mode 2' write (2,'(a/a/a/3g15.7/a)') 'symb dot 0.05','mode 3','read 1', $ fbar,1.05*pmid,psig/sqrt(real(kmin)),'mode 2','symb off' if (nplot.eq. 1) write(2,'(a,g12.4,a,g12.4,10a)') $'note (',fbar-fdel/2,' ',pmid*(1-ebar/3), $')',bks,'s',bks,bks,'sub{',bks,'0007',bks,'min,max}' write (2,*)' ----------------here' if (ndet.eq.2) write(2,'(a,1p,2g14.7)') $'xlim 4.6 ',caylim(1),caylim(2) if ( 0) write(2,'(a)') 'logxy 3' c Finish up write(2,'(a)') 'color 0','plot 1 4.6','stop' close (unit=2) c call ljust(splot,splot, np) write(*,'(/2a)')'Plotxy file written to ',splot(1:np) c c c If 'hold' is on do not plot to screen. call getint('hold', ignor, kold) if ( 0) return 2000 if (nx.eq. 0 .or. splot.eq.'-none') return c WARNING: see notes at end of subroutine autoc call system('sleep 1') call system('(plotxy < '//splot//' > /dev/null;mv mypost my$$; $gv --nocenter --spartan -geometry 700x750 my$$; $sleep 5;rm my$$)&') return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine autoco c$$$$ calls fft getchr ljust system units c Estimates the sutocorrelation function from the PSD by taking c the Fourier cosine transform. c c nf number of frequencies in spectrum c sx() nf-vector of spectral estimates c parameter (pi=3.141592653589793) parameter (mxx=500 000) parameter (nfmx=mxx + 2) character*64 rfile,title,unit,psfile*10 common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) common /state/ xbar,varx,smin,smax,ebar,kmin,kmax common /result/ nt,nf,fNyq,df,sx(nfmx),kopt(nfmx) common /pool/ fxre(8*mxx + 4) complex fx(4*mxx+2) dimension rx(mxx) equivalence (fxre(1),fx(1)),(fxre(mxx+1),rx(1)) data rfile/'fort.15'/, nauto/0/ save nauto c ce if (nx.le. 1) return c c See if the autorrelation if needed, open a file call getchr('autocorrelation', rfile, needr) if ( 0) return nauto=nauto + 1 open (unit=15, file=rfile) c c Adjust series length nf1=nf-1 c c Perform a complex FFT on sx; adjust 1st term for trapezoidal c quadrature; pad with zeros to get proper dt in autocovar fn fx(1)=sx(1)/2.0 fx(nf1+1)=0.0 do 1100 j=2, nf1 fx(j)=sx(j) fx(j+nf1)=0.0 1100 continue c c Perform mixed-radix FFT nf2=2*nf1 call fft(fxre, fxre(2), nf2,nf2,nf2, 2, ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(*,'(a,i7)')'>>> In autoco, FFT routine fails for n =',nf1, $ ' This error should never arise: autocorrelation not found' return endif c c Normalize and copy into real array dtr=dt const=1.0/real(fx(1)) do 1200 j=1, nf1 rx(j)=const * real(fx(j)) 1200 continue amp=0.05*rx(1) do 1250 j=nf1, 1, -1 if (abs(rx(j)).gt. amp) goto 1260 1250 continue 1260 limrx=min(nf1, nint(1.2*j+10)) c call getchr('title', title, nti) c c Write plotfile to unit 15 call units(i1,i2,i3, unit) if ( 0) write(15,'(2a)') 'title ',title(1:nti) write (15,'(a/a/(2g12.4))') $'dash 0.02 0.04','read 2',0.0,0.0,limrx*dtr,0.0 write(psfile,'(a,I2.2,a)')'auto',nauto,'.ps' write (15,'(a)') 'file '//rfile,'xlim 5.5', 'ylim 3.9', $'char 0.11','output '//psfile,'xlab Lag, '//unit(2:i1), $'ylab Autocorrelation','smooth','skip 26','dash 0 0' write (15,'(a,i7)') 'color ',3,'read',limrx write (15,'(a)') 'symb dot .14','file','skip 26','mode 2' write (15,'(a,i7)') 'color ',2,'read',limrx write (15,'(a)') 'color black','plot 1 6.8','stop',' ' write (15,'(1p,2g13.6)') ((j-1)*dtr,rx(j),j=1, nf1) close (unit=15) c call ljust(rfile,rfile, nr) write(*,'(/a,a)') $'Autocorrelation series and plot commands written to ',rfile(1:nr) if ( nf1) write(*,'(a,i7,a)') $'Only the first ',limrx,' terms are plotted' c c WARNING: 'system' is a command not generally available in FORTRAN. c It launches a shell script that invokes plotxy and screen preview c command. You may need to replace gv (the ghostview PostScript c viewer) with your favorite previewer. call system('(plotxy < '//rfile//' > /dev/null; sleep 1; $gv '//psfile//')& ') c return end c__________________________________________________________________ subroutine adapt(ntimes, initap, nbound) c$$$$ calls quick qorth getone kurb c c Perform adaptive multitaper spectral estimation. c From pilot estimate of spectrum, computes estimates of S" c to be used in (13) of R & s (1995) for the Min Square Err c spectrum. c c ntimes number of iterations c initap initial number of tapers c nbound upper bound on number tapers applied c Returns in /result/: c nf number of frequencies in PSD c sx() nf-vector of PSD estimates c kopt() integer nf-vector of number of tapers at each freq c parameter (mxx=500 000) parameter (nfmx=mxx + 2) parameter (eps=1e-35) common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) common /result/ nt,nf,fNyq,df,sx(nfmx),kopt(nfmx) parameter (my=mxx/2+1) dimension optk(my),y(my) equivalence (optk(1), sx(1)), (y(1), sx(my+1)) c c c2=480**0.2 = constant for parabolic weighting of c tapered spectra in quick; for uniform weighting c2=12.0**0.4=2.702 data c2/3.437/ c ce c c Set the degree of smoothing by the spline kmax=1 fact=1.0 call getone('smooth', fact, ignor) c c Get pilot estimate of spectrum initap = 3 + fact*sqrt(nx/25.0) call quick(1, -initap) c c c Adaptive iteration for MSE spectrum do 1600 iter=1, ntimes c do 1100 j=1, nf y(j)= log(sx(j)) 1100 continue c c c Estimate K, number of tapers at each freq for MSE spectrum c R = S"/S -- use R = Y" + (Y')**2 , Y=ln S. c Note c2=3.437 = 480*0.2 do 1200 j=1, nf c Note smoothing for Y" is over twice nominal kernel width ispan = kopt(j) call qorth(nf, j-ispan, j+ispan, y, dy, ddy) c optk(j)=c2/((eps + abs(ddy + dy**2)) /fact)**0.4 c 1200 continue c c c Curb runaway growth of Kopt near zeros of R call kurb(nf, optk) c c Always use 3 or more tapers; never average over more than length of psd c and apply preset bound bound = nf/3.0 if (nbound .gt. 0) bound = min(bound, real(nbound)) do 1550 j=1, nf kopt(j) = min(bound, max(3.0, optk(j))) 1550 continue c c Recompute spectrum with optimal variable taper numbers call quick(0, kmax) 1600 continue c return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine qorth(n, i1, i2, s, ds, dds) c$$$$ calls nothing c Performs LS fit to s on the interval (i1,i2) to s by c a quadratic polynomial in an orthogonal basis. c Returns ds = estimate of 1st derivative ds/dn at center of record c Returns dds = estimate of 2nd derivative c dimension s(*) c L = i2 - i1 + 1 el=L gamma = (el**2 - 1.0)/12.0 u1sq = el*(el**2 - 1.0)/12.0 u2sq = (el*(el**2 - 1.0)*(el**2- 4.0))/180.0 amid= 0.5*(el + 1.0) dot1=0.0 dot2=0.0 do 1100 kk=1, L i=kk + i1 - 1 c Negative or excessive index uses even function assumption if (i.le. 0) i=2 - i if ( n) i=2*n - i dot1 = dot1 + (kk - amid) * s(i) dot2 = dot2 + ((kk - amid)**2 - gamma)*s(i) 1100 continue ds = dot1/u1sq dds = 2.0*dot2/u2sq c return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine kurb(nf, optk) c$$$$ calls nothing c Curbs runaway growth of Kopt caused by zeros of S". Limits c slopes to less than 1 in magnitude, this avoiding greedy c averaging dimension optk(*) c Scan forward and create new series where slopes <= 1 istate=0; do 1500 j = 2,nf if (istate .eq. 0) then slope=optk(j)-optk(j-1); if (slope .ge. 1.0) then istate=1; optk(j)=optk(j-1)+1.0; endif else if (optk(j) .ge. optk(j-1)+1.0) then optk(j) = optk(j-1)+1.0; else istate=0; endif endif 1500 continue c c Scan backward to bound slopes >= -1 istate=0; do 1600 j = nf, 2, -1 if (istate .eq. 0) then slope=optk(j-1)-optk(j); if (slope .ge. 1.0) then istate=1; optk(j-1)=optk(j)+1.0; endif else if (optk(j-1) .ge. optk(j)+1.0) then optk(j-1) = optk(j)+1.0; else istate=0; endif endif 1600 continue return end c________________________________________________________________________ subroutine quick(new, ktop) c$$$$ calls fft nearn c Sine multitaper routine. Performs only 1 FFT then c constructs FT[sin(q*n)*x(n)] from FT[x(n)]. c c if new > 0 finds FFT of data series and saves it in /pool/ c otherwise, uses uses previously saved transform c ktop if > 0, largest number in array kopt c if < 0, -ktop = constant value to be used; insert c -ktop into the array kopt. c kopt() nf-vector giving number of tapers to be averaged c into each estimate a frequency number j, if ktop > 0. c Works on: c x() n-vector of the time series in /series/ c Returns into /results/: c nf number of frequencies in spectrum c sx() nf-vector of spectral estimates c if ktop < 0 fills kopt with -ktop c c The spectrum is based on parabolic weighting of the individual c estimates. parameter (pi=3.141592653589793) parameter (mxx=500 000) parameter (nfmx=mxx + 2) complex fx,zz common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) common /result/ nt,nf,fNyq,df,sx(nfmx),kopt(nfmx) common /pool/ fxre(8*mxx + 4) dimension fx(4*mxx+2) equivalence (fxre(1),fx(1)) c c c Adjust series length if necessary to be 2**i * 3**j * 5**k c with i > 0, j,k >= 0. Find other constants ce npower=2*nearn(nx/2) nptwo=2*npower nf=1 + npower/2 nt=2*nf - 2 fNyq=0.5/dt df=fNyq/(nf - 1) c c Perform a double-length complex FFT on data and save it. c Done only once per time series! if ( 1) then do 1100 j=1, npower fx(j)=x(j) 1100 continue do 1150 j=npower+1, nptwo fx(j)=0.0 1150 continue c c Perform mixed-radix FFT call fft(fxre, fxre(2), nptwo,nptwo,nptwo, 2, ierr) if (ierr .ne. 0) then write(*,'(a,i7)')'>>> FFT routine fails for n =',nptwo, $ ' This error should never arise' stop endif endif c c Fill kopt vector if necessary if ( 0) then do 1250 j=1, nf kopt(j)=-ktop 1250 continue endif c c c Loop over frequency do 1500 m=0, nf-1 m2=2*m sx(m+1)=0.0 klim=kopt(m+1) ck=1.0/klim**2 c Average over tapers, parabolic weighting wk do 1300 k=1, klim j1=mod(m2+nptwo-k, nptwo) j2=mod(m2+k, nptwo) zz=fx(j1+1) - fx(j2+1) wk=1.0 - ck*(k-1)**2 sx(m+1)=sx(m+1) + (real(zz)**2 + aimag(zz)**2)*wk 1300 continue * sx(m+1)=sx(m+1)/klim c Exact normalization for parabolic factor sx(m+1)=sx(m+1) * (6.0*klim)/(4*klim**2+3*klim-1) 1500 continue c return end c__________________________________________________________________ function nearn(n) c$$$$ calls nothing c Finds the largest integer less than or equal to n whose c prime factors are in the set {2, 3, 5}. c real*8 a,b,c,p,dmin,d parameter (c= 0.69314718055994529d0, b= 1.0986122886681098d0, $a=1.6094379124341003d0) ce p=log(dble(n)+0.5d0) ka=p/a kb=p/b kc=p/c c dmin=p do 1500 ja=0, ka do 1400 jb=0, kb do 1300 jc=0, kc d=p -ja*a -jb*b -jc*c if ( 0.0) goto 1400 if ( dmin) dmin=d 1300 continue 1400 continue 1500 continue c nearn=nint(exp(p-dmin)) return end c_______________________________________________________________ c======================================================================= c Unit D: Get the Data c======================================================================= subroutine getdat c$$$$ calls getarr getchr getone getint spline eval evlak akima ljust c Gets the file name and reads data into vector x(). c Also spline interpolates onto equal interval if so requested; natural c or Akima splines available. c Decimates input file if required. c Issues error messages. character*64 name, even, spln parameter (mxx=500 000, pi=3.14159265) dimension tab(100),column(2), decn(2),terms(2) dimension t(mxx),u(mxx),ddu(mxx),wrk(mxx) common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) common /pool/ work(8*mxx+4) equivalence (t(1),work(1)),(u(1),work(mxx+1)), $ (ddu(1),work(2*mxx+1)),(wrk(1),work(3*mxx+1)) data name(1:1)/' '/,nterm/mxx/, column/1,2/, decn/0,0/ data spln(1:3)/'nat'/, even/'fort.14'/, dtnew/1/, kon/0/ data nfilt/1/, ieof/0/ save nterm, dtnew, kon ce call getchr('file', name, nbyte) if (nbyte.eq. 0) goto 3200 c c Continue reading from the same file if name='-continue' c otherwise close previous unit, reopen new file if (name(1:4) .ne. '-con') then close(unit=11) open (unit=11, file=name, status='OLD', err=3100) kon=1 elseif (kon.eq. 0) then write(*,'(a)') $ '>>> No data file currently open; PSD cannot continue' stop endif c c Skip records before reading iskip=0 call getint('skip', iskip, none) call getarr('terms',terms,2, ntrms) if (ntrms.eq. 2) then iskip=nint(terms(1))-1 rewind(unit=11) endif if ( 0) then do 1010 j=1, iskip read (11,'(a1)', end=3600) dum 1010 continue write(*,'(a,i7)')' Skipped records before data:',iskip endif c c Decimate the series? Compute antialias filter weights u nd=1 call getarr('decimate', decn, 2, idecid) if (decn(1).lt. 2.0) idecid=0 if (idecid.le. 0) goto 1100 nd=decn(1) nfilt=max(10*nd*(2-idecid) + decn(2)*(idecid-1), nd+1.0) usum=0.0 do 1020 j=1, nfilt thet=pi*(0.5*nfilt+0.5-j) + 1e-6 u(j)=sin(thet/decn(1)) * cos(thet/(nfilt+1.0)) / thet usum=usum + u(j) 1020 continue do 1021 j=1, nfilt u(j)=u(j)/usum 1021 continue c c c Get number of terms to be read 1100 nt=mxx call getint('nterms', nterm, nte) call getarr('terms', terms, 2, ntrms) if (ntrms.eq. 2) nterm=nint(terms(2)) - iskip if (ntrms.eq. 1) nterm=nint(terms(1)) if ( 0 .or. 1) nt=min(mxx, nterm) c c Get the sampling interval call getone('interval', dtnew, newdt) dt=dtnew * nd t1=0.0 if ( 1)write(*,'(a,g12.4)') $' Sampling interval before decimation: ',dt/nd c c Check for spline parameters call getchr('spline', spln, isplin) c if ((newdt.le.0 .or. dt.eq.0) .and. goto 3700 if ( .and. write(*,'(a)') $'>>> Spline and decimation incompatible: PSD applies spline only' c c Get column(s) to be read call getarr('column', column, 2, kols) c if ( 0) then c Interpolation not requested if (kols.eq. 2) write(*,'(2a)') '>>> Warning: column takes ', $ '1 number, unless spline is specified - First number accepted' c c Read from a single column; no decimation koln=column(1) if (koln .ge. 1 .and. idecid.le. 0) then do 1600 j=1, nt read (11,*,err=3000,end=1650) (tab(l),l=1,koln) x(j)=tab(koln) 1600 continue j=nt + 1 1650 nx=j - 1 nr=nx ieof=nt - j c c Decimate series elseif (koln .ge. 1 .and. then c c If 'terms' command is used n2 is term number in the file so: if (ntrms.eq. 2) nt=nt/nd do 1710 k=1, nfilt-nd read(11,*,err=3000,end=1760) (tab(l),l=1,koln) t(k)=tab(koln) 1710 continue do 1750 j=1, nt do 1715 k=1, nd read(11,*,err=3000,end=1760) (tab(l),l=1,koln) t(nfilt+k-nd)=tab(koln) 1715 continue x(j)=0.0 do 1725 k=1, nfilt x(j)=x(j) + t(k)*u(k) 1725 continue do 1735 k=1, nfilt-nd t(k)=t(k+nd) 1735 continue 1750 continue j=nt+1 k=1 1760 nx=j-1 nr=(j-1)*nd + k - 1 ieof=nd*nt - nr c c Read every number on each line (column 0) elseif (column(1).eq.0) then if ( 0) write(*,'(a)') $ 'Decimation allowed only when column >= 1' c Fill x with a junk value do 1800 j=1, nt x(j)=-0.4342944e+15 1800 continue read (11, *, err=3000, end=1810) (x(j),j=1, nt) 1810 do 1850 j=1, nt if (x(j).eq. -0.4342944e+15) goto 1855 1850 continue j=nt + 1 1855 nx=j - 1 nr=nx ieof=nt - j endif c if ( 0) then write(*,'(a)')'EOF detected in data file' rewind(unit=11) endif write(*,'(a,i7)')'Number of terms read from file:',nr if (nx.eq. mxx) write(*,'(2a,i7,a)')'>>> Array space filled:', $ ' series truncated to',mxx,' terms' c c c Spline interpolation requested else nt=min(nt, mxx) if ( 2) then kol1=1 kol2=2 write(*,'(2a)')'>>> Columns undefined for spline: ', $ ' reading from cols 1 & 2' else kol1=column(1) kol2=column(2) endif koln=max(kol1, kol2) list=0 gape=0.0 gap=gape do 2050 j=1, nt read (11,*,err=3000, end=2100) (tab(l),l=1,koln) t(j)=tab(kol1) u(j)=tab(kol2) c Check for improper time and large gaps if ( 2 ) then if (t(j).le. t(j-1)) then list=list + 1 wrk(list)=j endif gap=max(gap, t(j)-t(j-1)) if ( gape) jump=j gape=gap endif 2050 continue if (nt.eq. mxx) write(*,'(a,i7)') $ '>>> Array space filled: series truncated at ',mxx 2100 nx=j - 1 if ( 0) goto 3500 write(*,'(a,i7)')' Length of input time series:',nx write(*,'(2(a,g12.4))') $ ' Time variable runs from',t(1),' to ',t(nx) if (gap/ 10.0) write(*,'(/a,i7/a,f9.1)') $ '>>> Warning: A data gap of > 10*dt was encountered at n=', $ jump,' gap/dt=',gap/dt c if (spln(1:3).eq. 'nat') then call spline(nx, t, u, ddu, wrk) else call akima(nx, t, u, wrk) endif c t1=t(1) do 2200 j=1, mxx tx=t1 + (j-1)*dt if ( t(nx)) goto 2300 if (spln(1:3).eq. 'nat') x(j)=eval(tx, nx, t, u, ddu) if (spln(1:3).ne. 'nat') x(j)=evlak(tx, nx, t, u, wrk) 2200 continue j=mxx+1 write(*,'(a,g12.4)')'>>> Interpolated series truncated at t =', $ tx 2300 nx=j - 1 write(*,'(a,i7)')' Length after interpolation:',nx c endif c c Scale data scale=0.0 call getone('scale', scale, ignor) if ( 0.0) then do 2500 j=1, nx x(j)=scale*x(j) 2500 continue endif c c If requested write interpolated data to a diskfile call getchr('validate', even, nval) if ( 0 .and. ( 0 .or. 0)) then if ( 0) open(unit=14, file=even) t1=t(1) if ( 0) t1=0.5*dt*(nfilt+1.0)/nd write(14,'(2g13.5)') (t1+(j-1)*dt,x(j),j=1,nx) call ljust(even,even, nev) write(*,'(/a,a)') $ 'Interpolated/decimated series written to: ',even(1:nev) endif c return c c Error out 3000 write(*,'(a,i7)')'>>> Unreadable number in data file at point',j stop 3100 write(*,'(2a)')'>>> Unable to open the file: ',name stop 3200 write(*,'(a)')'>>> PSD cannot continue without a file name' stop 3500 write(*,'(a,/a/(10i6))')'>>> Time does not increase uniformly', $ ' Bad points at these term numbers:', $(int(wrk(j)),j=1, min(list,100)) if ( 100) write(*,'(a)')'List terminated after 100 terms' stop 3600 write(*,'(a)')'>>> End-of-file encountered while skipping' stop 3700 write(*,'(a)')'>>> You must set the interval dt to use spline' stop end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine stats c$$$$ calls getone units c Finds some statistics of the series - removes mean and trend c Prints results in the proper units parameter (mxx=500 000) common /state/ xbar,varx,smin,smax,ebar,kmin,kmax common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) double precision sum,xmean character*64 unit data i1,i2,i3/1,1,1/ ce if (nx.le. 1) return sum=0.0 c Find mean xup=x(1) xlo=xup do 1100 j=1, nx sum=x(j) + sum xup=max(x(j), xup) xlo=min(x(j), xlo) 1100 continue xmean=sum/nx c Find variance sum=0.0 do 1500 j=1, nx sum=sum + (x(j)-xmean)**2 1500 continue varx=sum/nx c c Removes mean from the series do 1600 j=1, nx x(j)=x(j) - xmean 1600 continue xbar=xmean c c Estimates slope of LS line tx=0.0 tbar=0.5+ 0.5*nx do 1700 j=1, nx tx=tx + (j-tbar)*x(j) 1700 continue xn=nx slope=12.0*tx/(xn*(xn**2+6.0*xn-4.0)) write(*,'(/a,g12.4)') $' Offset produced by trend: ',slope*nx c Remove the slope if requested call getone('detrend', dummy, mark) if ( 0) then sum=0.0 do 1800 j=1, nx x(j)=x(j) - (j-tbar)*slope sum=sum + x(j)**2 1800 continue varx=sum/nx write(*,'(6x,a)')'The series has been detrended' endif sig=sqrt(varx) c c Get units for the statistical values call units(i1,i2,i3, unit) c call getone('decimate', dec, idecid) if ( 0) write(*,'(/a,i4)') $'Statistics after decimation by',nint(dec) write(*,'(/(a,1p,g12.4,1x,a))') $' Mean value of series:',xbar,unit(i1:i2), $' Variance of the series:',varx,unit(i2:i3), $' RMS signal:',sig, unit(i1:i2), $' Sampling interval of series:',dt,' '//unit(2:i1), $' Duration of series:',dt*(nx-1),' '//unit(2:i1) c write(*,'(/a)')'The mean value has been removed from the series' c if (max(xup-xbar, xbar-xlo).gt. 10.0*sig) write(*,'(a)')' ', $'>>> Warning: Series contains outliers > 10 sigma in magnitude' c return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine units(i1,i2,i3, unit) c$$$$ calls getchr c Reads in the names of the units of time variable and signal variable. c On return unit(2:i1) holds time variable unit + a space c unit(i1+1,i2) holds signal variable unit name + space c unit(i2+1,i3) holds signal-squared unit name + space c unit(1:1)='/' character*64 unit ce call getchr('units', unit(2:64), inut) if (inut.le. 0) then i1=1 i2=1 i3=1 unit=' ' elseif ( 1) then unit(1:1)='/' i1=index(unit, ' ') i2=index(unit(i1+1:64), ' ')+i1 i3=2*i2 - i1 + 2 if ( unit(i2+1:i3)=unit(i1+1:i2-1)//'^2' endif return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine yule(iphase, nord) c$$$$ calls toepl slowft c Prewhitening of the spectrum. See Percival and Walden, c "Spectral Analaysis ...", Chap 9, 1993. c c nord = number of FIR coeffs to be found. c iphase=1, uses spectral estimates sx() to calculate c autocovariances ar() for Yule-Walker equations. Solves c Y-W equations then prewhitens time series x(). c iphase=2, modifies sx() - undoes prewhitening by dividing c out the squared FT of the FIR filter. c iphase=3, skip generation and use prior filter already in memory parameter (pi=3.141592653589793) parameter (mxx=500 000) parameter (nfmx=mxx + 2) common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) common /result/ nt,nf,fNyq,df,sx(nfmx),kopt(nfmx) parameter (ndmx=20) dimension row(2*ndmx),rhs(ndmx),ar(ndmx),wrk(2*ndmx) save ar,nrd data nrd/0/ ce goto (1000, 2000, 1200), iphase 1000 nrd=min(ndmx-1, nord) if (nrd .ne. nord) write(*,'(a,i3)') $'>>> Order of prewhitening filter reduced to ',nrd c c Phase 1: prewhiten time series. c nff=nf-1 c Fourier transform PSD estimate to find autocovariance function. c Load values into Toeplitz matrix and rhs vector row(nrd+2)=0.0 do 1100 i=nrd+1, 1 , -1 omi=pi*(i-1)/nff call slowft(nff, sx, omi, row(i), st) row(nrd+i)=row(i) rhs(i)=row(i+1) 1100 continue c c Solve symmetric Toeplitz system for filter coeffs ar() ar(1)=-1.0 call toepl(nrd, row, rhs, wrk, ar(2), iok) c c Convolve filter ar() into series x(), overwriting 1200 if ( 0) then nord=nrd do 1500 j=nx, 1, -1 sum=x(j) do 1400 jf=2, nrd+1 jx=max(1, j-jf+1) sum=sum - ar(jf)*x(jx) 1400 continue x(j)=sum 1500 continue c write(*,'(a/(1p,5g12.5))') 'Prewhitening FIR filter:', $ (ar(j),j=1,nrd+1) else write(*,'(a)')'>>>> No prior prewhitening filter' endif return c c Phase 2: Correct spectral estimates for prewhitening. c Uses ar() found in phase 1. 2000 if (nrd.eq. 0) return dom=pi/nf c Divide out from sx() the FIR spectrum of filter coeffs ar() do 2100 k=1, nf call slowft(nrd+1, ar, (k-1)*dom, ct,st) ftsq= st**2 + ct**2 sx(k)=sx(k) / ftsq 2100 continue c return end c________________________________________________________________ subroutine toepl(n, r, y, ff, x, iok) c$$$$ calls nothing c Solves linear system in Toeplitz form. c n order of matrix. c r(1) ... r(n) 1st row of Toeplitz array. Overwritten. c r(n+1) ... r(2*n) 1st col of Toeplitz array. Overwritten. c y() the rhs vector. c ff() working array of size at least 2*n. c x() the solution vector. c iok 1 if everything ok, 0 if singular principal minor. c dimension r(*),x(*),y(*),ff(2,*) c c Re-order r into crazy pattern: c r(1),r(2), ... r(n): the first row of the matrix BACKWARDS! c r(n),r(n+1), ... r(2*n-1): the first column of the matrix. ce do 1100 i=1, n/2 ri=r(i) r(i)=r(n-i+1) r(n-i+1)=ri 1100 continue do 1150 i=n+1, 2*n r(i-1)=r(i) 1150 continue c iok=1 if(r(n).eq.0.) goto 99 x(1)=y(1)/r(n) if(n.eq.1)return ff(1,1)=r(n-1)/r(n) ff(2,1)=r(n+1)/r(n) do 15 m=1,n m1=m+1 sxn=-y(m1) sd=-r(n) do 11 j=1,m sxn=sxn+r(n+m1-j)*x(j) sd=sd+r(n+m1-j)*ff(1,m-j+1) 11 continue if(sd.eq.0.)goto 99 x(m1)=sxn/sd do 12 j=1,m x(j)=x(j)-x(m1)*ff(1,m-j+1) 12 continue if(m1.eq.n) return sgn=-r(n-m1) shn=-r(n+m1) sgd=-r(n) do 13 j=1,m sgn=sgn+r(n+j-m1)*ff(1,j) shn=shn+r(n+m1-j)*ff(2,j) sgd=sgd+r(n+j-m1)*ff(2,m-j+1) 13 continue if(sd.eq.0..or.sgd.eq.0.)goto 99 ff(1,m1)=sgn/sgd ff(2,m1)=shn/sd k=m m2=(m+1)/2 pp=ff(1,m1) qq=ff(2,m1) do 14 j=1,m2 pt1=ff(1,j) pt2=ff(1,k) qt1=ff(2,j) qt2=ff(2,k) ff(1,j)=pt1-pp*qt2 ff(1,k)=pt2-pp*qt1 ff(2,j)=qt1-qq*pt2 ff(2,k)=qt2-qq*pt1 k=k-1 14 continue 15 continue c 99 iok=0 return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine slowft(n, x, om, ct, st) c$$$$ calls nothing c c Calculates Fourier transform of real sequence x(i),i=1,...n c at angular frequency om normalized so that nyquist=pi: c cmplx(ct, st) = sum {k=0 to n-1} x(k+1)*exp(i*k*om) c The sine transform is returned in st and the cosine transform in c ct. Algorithm is that of Goertzal with modifications by Gentleman, c Comp.J. 1969. The transform is not normalized. To normalize c one-sided ft, divide by sqrt(data length). For positive om, the ft c is defined as ct-(0.,1.)st or like slatec cfftf c c Slightly modified from Slatec library c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) real x, om, ct, st parameter (pi=3.141592653589793238d0,tp=2.d0*pi) dimension x(n) ce omega=om np1=n+1 l=6.d0*omega/tp s=sin(omega) a=0.d0 c=0.d0 d=0.d0 e=0.d0 if(l.eq.0)then c Recursion for low frequencies (.lt. nyq/3) b=-4.d0*sin(omega/2.d0)**2 do 10 k=1,n c=a d=e a=x(np1-k)+b*d+c 10 e=a+d elseif(l.eq.1)then c Regular Goertzal algorithm for intermediate frequencies b=2.d0*cos(omega) do 20 k=1,n a=x(np1-k)+b*e-d d=e 20 e=a else c Recursion for high frequencies (.gt. 2*nyq/3) b=4.d0*cos(omega/2.d0)**2 do 30 k=1,n c=a d=e a=x(np1-k)+b*d-c 30 e=a-d endif st=-s*d ct=a-b*d/2.d0 return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine fft(a, b, ntot, n, nspan, isn, ierr) c$$$$ calls nothing c Multivariate complex Fourier transform, computed in place using c mixed-radix fast Fourier transform algorithm. By R. C. Singleton, c Stanford Research Institute, Sept. 1968. Arrays a and b originally c hold the real and imaginary components of the data, and return the c real and imaginary components of the resulting Fourier c coefficients. Multivariate data is indexed according to the Fortran c array element successor function, without limit on the number of c implied multiple subscripts. The subroutine is called once for each c variate. The calls for a multivariate transform may be in any c order. c ntot is the total number of complex data values. c n is the dimension of the current variable. c nspan/n is the spacing of consecutive data values while indexing c the current variable. c The integer ierr is an error return indicator. It is normally zero, c but is set to 1 if the number of terms cannot be factored in the c space available. If it is permissible the appropriate action at this c stage is to enter fft again after having reduced the length of the c series by one term. The sign of isn determines the sign of the c complex exponential, and the magnitude of isn is normally one. A c tri-variate transform with a(n1,n2,n3), b(n1,n2,n3) is computed by c call fft(a, b, n1*n2*n3, n1, n1, 1) c call fft(a, b, n1*n2*n3, n2, n1*n2, 1) c call fft(a, b, n1*n2*n3, n3, n1*n2*n3, 1) c For a single-variate c transform, ntot = n = nspan = (number of complex data values), c e.g. call fft(a, b, n, n, n, 1) c With most Fortran compilers the data c can alternatively be stored in a single complex array a, then the c magnitude of isn changed to 2 to give the correct indexing c increment and a(2) used to pass the initial address for the sequence c of imaginary values, e.g. c call fft(a, a(2), ntot, n, nspan, 2) c Arrays at(maxf), ck(maxf), c bt(maxf), sk(maxf), and np(maxp) are used for temporary storage. c if the available storage is insufficient, the program is terminated c by the error return option c maxf must be .ge. the maximum prime factor of n. maxp must be .gt. c the number of prime factors of n. In addition, if the square-free c portion k of n has two or more prime factors, then maxp must be .ge. c k-1. c Array storage in nfac for a maximum of 15 prime factors of n. c If n has more than one square-free factor, the product of the c square-free factors must be .le. 210 parameter (mmaxf=23, maxp=209) c Array storage for maximum prime factor of 23 dimension at(mmaxf),ck(mmaxf),bt(mmaxf),sk(mmaxf) dimension nfac(11),np(maxp) dimension a(*),b(*) equivalence (i,ii) data k3/0/, c2,c3,s2,s3/4*0/ c maxf=mmaxf ierr=0 if( 2) return inc=isn c72=0.30901699437494742 s72=0.95105651629515357 s120=0.86602540378443865 rad=6.2831853071796 if( 0) goto 10 s72=-s72 s120=-s120 rad=-rad inc=-inc 10 nt=inc*ntot ks=inc*nspan kspan=ks nn=nt-inc jc=ks/n radf=rad*float(jc)*0.5 i=0 jf=0 c determine the factors of n m=0 k=n goto 20 15 m=m+1 nfac(m)=4 k=k/16 20 if(k-(k/16)*16 .eq. 0) goto 15 j=3 jj=9 goto 30 25 m=m+1 nfac(m)=j k=k/jj 30 if(mod(k,jj).eq. 0) goto 25 j=j+2 jj=j**2 if(jj .le. k) goto 30 if( 4) goto 40 kt=m nfac(m+1)=k if(k .ne. 1) m=m+1 goto 80 40 if(k-(k/4)*4 .ne. 0) goto 50 m=m+1 nfac(m)=2 k=k/4 50 kt=m j=2 60 if(mod(k,j) .ne. 0) goto 70 m=m+1 nfac(m)=j k=k/j 70 j=((j+1)/2)*2+1 if(j .le. k) goto 60 80 if(kt .eq. 0) goto 100 j=kt 90 m=m+1 nfac(m)=nfac(j) j=j-1 if(j .ne. 0) goto 90 c compute Fourier transform 100 sd=radf/float(kspan) cd=2.0*sin(sd)**2 sd=sin(sd+sd) kk=1 i=i+1 if(nfac(i) .ne. 2) goto 400 c transform for factor of 2 (including rotation factor) kspan=kspan/2 k1=kspan+2 210 k2=kk+kspan ak=a(k2) bk=b(k2) a(k2)=a(kk)-ak b(k2)=b(kk)-bk a(kk)=a(kk)+ak b(kk)=b(kk)+bk kk=k2+kspan if(kk .le. nn) goto 210 kk=kk-nn if(kk .le. jc) goto 210 if(kk .gt. kspan) goto 800 220 c1=1.0-cd s1=sd 230 k2=kk+kspan ak=a(kk)-a(k2) bk=b(kk)-b(k2) a(kk)=a(kk)+a(k2) b(kk)=b(kk)+b(k2) a(k2)=c1*ak-s1*bk b(k2)=s1*ak+c1*bk kk=k2+kspan if(kk .lt. nt) goto 230 k2=kk-nt c1=-c1 kk=k1-k2 if(kk .gt. k2) goto 230 ak=cd*c1+sd*s1 s1=(sd*c1-cd*s1)+s1 c1=c1-ak kk=kk+jc if(kk .lt. k2) goto 230 k1=k1+inc+inc kk=(k1-kspan)/2+jc if(kk .le. jc+jc) goto 220 goto 100 c transform for factor of 3 (optional code) 320 k1=kk+kspan k2=k1+kspan ak=a(kk) bk=b(kk) aj=a(k1)+a(k2) bj=b(k1)+b(k2) a(kk)=ak+aj b(kk)=bk+bj ak=-0.5*aj+ak bk=-0.5*bj+bk aj=(a(k1)-a(k2))*s120 bj=(b(k1)-b(k2))*s120 a(k1)=ak-bj b(k1)=bk+aj a(k2)=ak+bj b(k2)=bk-aj kk=k2+kspan if(kk .lt. nn) goto 320 kk=kk-nn if(kk .le. kspan) goto 320 goto 700 c transform for factor of 4 400 if(nfac(i) .ne. 4) goto 600 kspnn=kspan kspan=kspan/4 410 c1=1.0 s1=0 420 k1=kk+kspan k2=k1+kspan k3=k2+kspan akp=a(kk)+a(k2) akm=a(kk)-a(k2) ajp=a(k1)+a(k3) ajm=a(k1)-a(k3) a(kk)=akp+ajp ajp=akp-ajp bkp=b(kk)+b(k2) bkm=b(kk)-b(k2) bjp=b(k1)+b(k3) bjm=b(k1)-b(k3) b(kk)=bkp+bjp bjp=bkp-bjp if(isn .lt. 0) goto 450 akp=akm-bjm akm=akm+bjm bkp=bkm+ajm bkm=bkm-ajm if(s1 .eq. 0) goto 460 430 a(k1)=akp*c1-bkp*s1 b(k1)=akp*s1+bkp*c1 a(k2)=ajp*c2-bjp*s2 b(k2)=ajp*s2+bjp*c2 a(k3)=akm*c3-bkm*s3 b(k3)=akm*s3+bkm*c3 kk=k3+kspan if(kk .le. nt) goto 420 440 c2=cd*c1+sd*s1 s1=(sd*c1-cd*s1)+s1 c1=c1-c2 c2=c1**2-s1**2 s2=2.0*c1*s1 c3=c2*c1-s2*s1 s3=c2*s1+s2*c1 kk=kk-nt+jc if(kk .le. kspan) goto 420 kk=kk-kspan+inc if(kk .le. jc) goto 410 if(kspan .eq. jc) goto 800 goto 100 450 akp=akm+bjm akm=akm-bjm bkp=bkm-ajm bkm=bkm+ajm if(s1 .ne. 0) goto 430 460 a(k1)=akp b(k1)=bkp a(k2)=ajp b(k2)=bjp a(k3)=akm b(k3)=bkm kk=k3+kspan if(kk .le. nt) goto 420 goto 440 c transform for factor of 5 (optional code) 510 c2=c72**2-s72**2 s2=2.0*c72*s72 520 k1=kk+kspan k2=k1+kspan k3=k2+kspan k4=k3+kspan akp=a(k1)+a(k4) akm=a(k1)-a(k4) bkp=b(k1)+b(k4) bkm=b(k1)-b(k4) ajp=a(k2)+a(k3) ajm=a(k2)-a(k3) bjp=b(k2)+b(k3) bjm=b(k2)-b(k3) aa=a(kk) bb=b(kk) a(kk)=aa+akp+ajp b(kk)=bb+bkp+bjp ak=akp*c72+ajp*c2+aa bk=bkp*c72+bjp*c2+bb aj=akm*s72+ajm*s2 bj=bkm*s72+bjm*s2 a(k1)=ak-bj a(k4)=ak+bj b(k1)=bk+aj b(k4)=bk-aj ak=akp*c2+ajp*c72+aa bk=bkp*c2+bjp*c72+bb aj=akm*s2-ajm*s72 bj=bkm*s2-bjm*s72 a(k2)=ak-bj a(k3)=ak+bj b(k2)=bk+aj b(k3)=bk-aj kk=k4+kspan if(kk .lt. nn) goto 520 kk=kk-nn if(kk .le. kspan) goto 520 goto 700 c transform for odd factors 600 k=nfac(i) kspnn=kspan kspan=kspan/k if(k .eq. 3) goto 320 if(k .eq. 5) goto 510 if(k .eq. jf) goto 640 jf=k s1=rad/float(k) c1=cos(s1) s1=sin(s1) if(jf .gt. maxf) goto 998 ck(jf)=1.0 sk(jf)=0.0 j=1 630 ck(j)=ck(k)*c1+sk(k)*s1 sk(j)=ck(k)*s1-sk(k)*c1 k=k-1 ck(k)=ck(j) sk(k)=-sk(j) j=j+1 if(j .lt. k) goto 630 640 k1=kk k2=kk+kspnn aa=a(kk) bb=b(kk) ak=aa bk=bb j=1 k1=k1+kspan 650 k2=k2-kspan j=j+1 at(j)=a(k1)+a(k2) ak=at(j)+ak bt(j)=b(k1)+b(k2) bk=bt(j)+bk j=j+1 at(j)=a(k1)-a(k2) bt(j)=b(k1)-b(k2) k1=k1+kspan if(k1 .lt. k2) goto 650 a(kk)=ak b(kk)=bk k1=kk k2=kk+kspnn j=1 660 k1=k1+kspan k2=k2-kspan jj=j ak=aa bk=bb aj=0.0 bj=0.0 k=1 670 k=k+1 ak=at(k)*ck(jj)+ak bk=bt(k)*ck(jj)+bk k=k+1 aj=at(k)*sk(jj)+aj bj=bt(k)*sk(jj)+bj jj=jj+j if(jj .gt. jf) jj=jj-jf if(k .lt. jf) goto 670 k=jf-j a(k1)=ak-bj b(k1)=bk+aj a(k2)=ak+bj b(k2)=bk-aj j=j+1 if(j .lt. k) goto 660 kk=kk+kspnn if(kk .le. nn) goto 640 kk=kk-nn if(kk .le. kspan) goto 640 c multiply by rotation factor (except for factors of 2 and 4) 700 if(i .eq. m) goto 800 kk=jc+1 710 c2=1.0-cd s1=sd 720 c1=c2 s2=s1 kk=kk+kspan 730 ak=a(kk) a(kk)=c2*ak-s2*b(kk) b(kk)=s2*ak+c2*b(kk) kk=kk+kspnn if(kk .le. nt) goto 730 ak=s1*s2 s2=s1*c2+c1*s2 c2=c1*c2-ak kk=kk-nt+kspan if(kk .le. kspnn) goto 730 c2=c1-(cd*c1+sd*s1) s1=s1+(sd*c1-cd*s1) kk=kk-kspnn+jc if(kk .le. kspan) goto 720 kk=kk-kspan+jc+inc if(kk .le. jc+jc) goto 710 goto 100 c permute the results to normal order---done in two stages c permutation for square factors of n 800 np(1)=ks if(kt .eq. 0) goto 890 k=kt+kt+1 if(m .lt. k) k=k-1 j=1 np(k+1)=jc 810 np(j+1)=np(j)/nfac(j) np(k)=np(k+1)*nfac(j) j=j+1 k=k-1 if(j .lt. k) goto 810 k3=np(k+1) kspan=np(2) kk=jc+1 k2=kspan+1 j=1 if(n .ne. ntot) goto 850 c permutation for single-variate transform (optional code) 820 ak=a(kk) a(kk)=a(k2) a(k2)=ak bk=b(kk) b(kk)=b(k2) b(k2)=bk kk=kk+inc k2=kspan+k2 if(k2 .lt. ks) goto 820 830 k2=k2-np(j) j=j+1 k2=np(j+1)+k2 if(k2 .gt. np(j)) goto 830 j=1 840 if(kk .lt. k2) goto 820 kk=kk+inc k2=kspan+k2 if(k2 .lt. ks) goto 840 if(kk .lt. ks) goto 830 jc=k3 goto 890 c permutation for multivariate transform 850 k=kk+jc 860 ak=a(kk) a(kk)=a(k2) a(k2)=ak bk=b(kk) b(kk)=b(k2) b(k2)=bk kk=kk+inc k2=k2+inc if(kk .lt. k) goto 860 kk=kk+ks-jc k2=k2+ks-jc if(kk .lt. nt) goto 850 k2=k2-nt+kspan kk=kk-nt+jc if(k2 .lt. ks) goto 850 870 k2=k2-np(j) j=j+1 k2=np(j+1)+k2 if(k2 .gt. np(j)) goto 870 j=1 880 if(kk .lt. k2) goto 850 kk=kk+jc k2=kspan+k2 if(k2 .lt. ks) goto 880 if(kk .lt. ks) goto 870 jc=k3 890 if(2*kt+1 .ge. m) return kspnn=np(kt+1) c permutation for square-free factors of n j=m-kt nfac(j+1)=1 900 nfac(j)=nfac(j)*nfac(j+1) j=j-1 if(j .ne. kt) goto 900 kt=kt+1 nn=nfac(kt)-1 if(nn .gt. maxp) goto 998 jj=0 j=0 goto 906 902 jj=jj-k2 k2=kk k=k+1 kk=nfac(k) 904 jj=kk+jj if(jj .ge. k2) goto 902 np(j)=jj 906 k2=nfac(kt) k=kt+1 kk=nfac(k) j=j+1 if(j .le. nn) goto 904 c determine the permutation cycles of length greater than 1 j=0 goto 914 910 k=kk kk=np(k) np(k)=-kk if(kk .ne. j) goto 910 k3=kk 914 j=j+1 kk=np(j) if(kk .lt. 0) goto 914 if(kk .ne. j) goto 910 np(j)=-j if(j .ne. nn) goto 914 maxf=inc*maxf c reorder a and b, following the permutation cycles goto 950 924 j=j-1 if(np(j) .lt. 0) goto 924 jj=jc 926 kspan=jj if(jj .gt. maxf) kspan=maxf jj=jj-kspan k=np(j) kk=jc*k+ii+jj k1=kk+kspan k2=0 928 k2=k2+1 at(k2)=a(k1) bt(k2)=b(k1) k1=k1-inc if(k1 .ne. kk) goto 928 932 k1=kk+kspan k2=k1-jc*(k+np(k)) k=-np(k) 936 a(k1)=a(k2) b(k1)=b(k2) k1=k1-inc k2=k2-inc if(k1 .ne. kk) goto 936 kk=k2 if(k .ne. j) goto 932 k1=kk+kspan k2=0 940 k2=k2+1 a(k1)=at(k2) b(k1)=bt(k2) k1=k1-inc if(k1 .ne. kk) goto 940 if(jj .ne. 0) goto 926 if(j .ne. 1) goto 924 950 j=k3+1 nt=nt-kspnn ii=nt-inc+1 if(nt .ge. 0) goto 924 return c Error finish, insufficient array storage 998 write(*,*)' Array bounds exceeded within subroutine fft' ierr=1 end c_______________________________________________________________________ c======================================================================= c Unit S: Splines c======================================================================= subroutine spline(nn, x, u, s, a) c$$$$ calls nothing c Finds array s for spline interpolator eval. c Based on an alogorithm by Richard F. Thompson in 'Spline c interpolation on a digital computer' (x-692-70-261) 1970 Goddard c Space Flight Center. Note these splines are not 'natural' since the c 2nd derivative is not zero x(1) and x(n). c nn number of data points supplied (may be negative, see below) c x() nn-array of x-coordinates where function is sampled. The c sequence xx(1),xx(2)... must be a strictly increasing sequence c but THIS IS NOT CHECKED by spline. c u() nn-vector of function values that are to be interpolated. c s() nn-vector output of 2nd derivative at sample points. c a() nn-vector, working space. c c If the user wishes derivatives at the ends of series to assume c specified values, du(1)/dx, du(nn)/dx must be placed in s1, s2 c and in the call nn=-number of terms in series. Normally a parabola c is fitted through the 1st and last 3 points to find the slopes. c c If 2 points are supplied, a straight lines is fitted. c If 3 points are supplied, a parabola is fitted. c c At evaluation time, straight-line extrapolation is provided c outside the interval (x(1), x(n)). common /startx/ istart dimension x(*),u(*),s(*),a(*) ce q(u1, x1, u2, x2)=(u1/x1**2-u2/x2**2)/(1.0/x1-1.0/x2) c c Assign derivatives at the ends. istart=0 n=abs(nn) c Series too short for cubic spline - use straight lines. if (n.le. 2) then s(1)=0.0 s(2)=0.0 return endif c q1=q(u(2)-u(1), x(2)-x(1), u(3)-u(1), x(3)-x(1)) qn=q(u(n-1)-u(n), x(n-1)-x(n), u(n-2)-u(n), x(n-2)-x(n)) c Three points - fit a parabola if (n.eq. 3) then s(1)=(qn - q1)/(x(3) - x(1)) s(2)=s(1) s(3)=s(1) return endif c Force the derivatives to take user-defined values if (nn.le.0) then q1=s(1) qn=s(2) endif s(1)=6.0*((u(2)-u(1))/(x(2)-x(1)) - q1) n1= n - 1 do 2000 i=2,n1 s(i)= (u(i-1)/(x(i)-x(i-1)) - u(i)*(1.0/(x(i)-x(i-1))+ + 1.0/(x(i+1)-x(i))) + u(i+1)/(x(i+1)-x(i)))*6.0 2000 continue s(n)=6.0*(qn + (u(n1)-u(n))/(x(n)-x(n1))) a(1)=2.0*(x(2)-x(1)) a(2)=1.5*(x(2)-x(1)) + 2.0*(x(3)-x(2)) s(2)=s(2) - 0.5*s(1) do 3000 i=3,n1 c=(x(i)-x(i-1))/a(i-1) a(i)=2.0*(x(i+1)-x(i-1)) - c*(x(i)-x(i-1)) s(i)=s(i) - c*s(i-1) 3000 continue c=(x(n)-x(n1))/a(n1) a(n)=(2.0-c)*(x(n)-x(n1)) s(n)=s(n) - c*s(n1) c Back substitiute. s(n)= s(n)/a(n) do 4000 j=1,n1 i=n-j s(i) =(s(i) - (x(i+1)-x(i))*s(i+1))/a(i) 4000 continue return end c_____________________________________________________________________ function eval(y, nn, x, u, s) c$$$$ calls nothing c Performs cubic spline interpolation of a function sampled unequally c in x. The routine spline must be called to set up the array s. c See comments in spline. c y the coordinate at which function value is desired. c nn number of samples of original function. c x() nn-vector of x values in original data sample. c u() nn-vector of function values. c s() nn-vector of 2nd derivatives at sample points. Found by spline c which must be called once before beginning interpolation. c If y falls outside (x(1), x(nn)) extrapolation is based upon c the tangent straight line at the endpoint. common /startx/ istart dimension x(*),u(*),s(*) data l0/1/ ce n=abs(nn) if ( .or. $ istart=1+(n-1)*(y-x(1))/(x(n)-x(1)) if (y .le. x(1)) go to 3000 if (y .ge. x(n)) go to 3100 c Locate interval (x(l0),x(l1)) of y. if (y .lt. x(istart)) goto 1200 c Scan up the x array. do 1100 l1=istart, n if (x(l1) .gt. y) go to 1150 1100 continue 1150 l0=l1 - 1 go to 1500 c Scan downwards in x array. 1200 do 1300 l1=1, istart l0=istart - l1 if (x(l0) .le. y) go to 1350 1300 continue 1350 l1=l0 + 1 1500 istart=l0 c Evaluate interpolation. xi=(y - x(l0))/(x(l1) - x(l0)) h6=(x(l1) - x(l0))**2/6.0 eval=u(l0) + xi*(u(l1)-u(l0) - h6*(1.0-xi)*(s(l1)*(1.0+xi) $ + s(l0)*(2.0-xi))) return c Out of range. Substitute straight-line extrapolant. 3000 h=x(2) - x(1) eval=u(1) + (y-x(1))*((u(2)-u(1))/h - h*(s(2)-2.0*s(1))/6.0) return 3100 h=x(n) - x(n-1) eval=u(n)+(y-x(n))*((u(n)-u(n-1))/h+h*(2.0*s(n)-s(n-1))/6.0) return end c_____________________________________________________________________ subroutine akima(n, x,f, df) c$$$$ calls nothing c Given the array of samples of a function f and sample points x, c assumed to be montone, generates slopes for an interpolating rule c according to Akima's algorithm (Lancaster and Salkauskas, c Curve and surface fitting, 1986 academic press, p 82). c dimension x(n),f(n),df(n),S(4) c q(u1,x1,u2,x2)=(u1/x1**2-u2/x2**2)/(1.0/x1-1.0/x2) c ce S(1)=(f(2) - f(1))/(x(2) - x(1)) S(2)=S(1) S(3)=S(1) S(4)=(f(3) - f(2))/(x(3) - x(2)) Sn=(f(n) - f(n-1))/(x(n) - x(n-1)) eps=1.0e-6*abs(x(n) - x(1)) do 1200 i=1, n D1=abs(S(2) - S(1)) D2=abs(S(4) - S(3)) df(i)=(D2*S(2) + D1*S(3))/(D1 + D2 + eps) c S(1)=S(2) S(2)=S(3) S(3)=S(4) if (i+3 .le. n) then S(4)=(f(i+3) - f(i+2))/(x(i+3)-x(i+2)) else S(4)=Sn endif 1200 continue c if (n.eq. 2) return c If 3 or more points use gradient from a parabola for 1st & last df df(1)=q(f(2)-f(1),x(2)-x(1),f(3)-f(1),x(3)-x(1)) df(n)=q(f(n-1)-f(n),x(n-1)-x(n),f(n-2)-f(n),x(n-2)-x(n)) return end c____________________________________________________________________ function evlak(y, n,x,f,df) c$$$$ calls nothing c Given a montone increasing array of x values (Note: routine does not c check this), samples of values of the function f and 1st derivative c df at the xs, interpolates by cubic polynomial. The array df can be c found by calling subroutine akima. c c If y falls outside the interval, the polynomial on the c nearest interval is used to extrapolate. dimension x(n), f(n), df(n) c c Search for proper interval initiated at previous call if possible. save init data init/1/ c c Locate sample interval containing y: after y lies in [x(init), c x(init+1)), unless y lies outside [x(1), x(n)] when the interval c is the intervals containing the apprpriate end point. ce init=min(init, n) if (y .gt. x(init)) then do 1100 k=init, n if (x(k) .gt. y) then init=k-1 goto 1300 endif 1100 continue init=n-1 else do 1200 k=init, 1, -1 if (x(k) .le. y) then init=k goto 1300 endif 1200 continue init=1 endif 1300 dx=x(init+1) - x(init) c c Evaluate the cubic interpolator t=(y - x(init))/dx s=1.0 - t evlak=s**2*((1.0 + 2.0*t)*f(init) + t*dx*df(init)) + $ t**2*((1.0 + 2.0*s)*f(init+1) - s*dx*df(init+1)) return end c____________________________________________________________________ subroutine prolat(ntap, tbp, kpt) c$$$$ calls staper, fft c Finds and applies the Thomson-Slepian prolate spheroidal tapers c ntap is the number of tapers to be used c tbp is the time-bandwidth product of the frequency interval c for averaging. c kpt if > 0 is the unit to write out tapers parameter (mxx=500 000) parameter (nfmx=mxx + 2) common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) common /result/ nt,nf,fNyq,df,sx(nfmx),kopt(nfmx) c double precision vn common /pool/ vn(4*mxx + 2) dimension vnx(2,nfmx) c c Find the set of tapers - results in vn ce mxtap=(4*mxx+2)/(nt+1)-2 if (ntap .gt. mxtap) then write(*,'(a,i5)') $'>>> Memory limitations reduce number of tapers to:',mxtap ntap=mxtap else write(*,'(12x,a,i5)')'Number of prolate tapers used:',ntap endif ntn1=(nt+1)*ntap + 1 ntn2=ntn1 + nt + 2 ndim=nt+1 call staper(nt,dble(tbp),ntap, vn,ndim, vn(ntn1),vn(ntn2)) c write(*,'(3x,a/(4f18.14))')'Prolate spheroidal eigenvalues:', $(vn(ntn1+j-1),j=1,ntap) c c Zero out the target array and fill kopt() do 1100 j=1, nf sx(j)=0.0 kopt(j)=ntap 1100 continue c c Loop over individual tapers do 1500 ktap=1, ntap kj=(ktap-1)*ndim do 1200 j=1, nt vnx(1,j)=vn(j+kj)*x(j) vnx(2,j)=0.0 1200 continue if (,'(2i5,g14.6)')(j,ktap,vn(j+kj),j=1,nt) c c In-place mixed-radix FFT of (current taper * x) call fft(vnx,vnx(2,1), nt,nt,nt, 2, ierr) c c Accumulate the spectrum in sx do 1300 j=1, nf sx(j)=sx(j) + vnx(1,j)**2 + vnx(2,j)**2 1300 continue 1500 continue c c Normalize sc=2.0/ntap do 1600 j=1, nf sx(j)=sc*sx(j) 1600 continue c return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine period c$$$$ calls fft c Finds primitive periodogram estimate of PSD parameter (mxx=500 000) parameter (nfmx=mxx + 2) common /series/ nx,dt,t1,x(mxx) common /result/ nt,nf,fNyq,df,sx(nfmx),kopt(nfmx) c common /pool/ vn(2,4*mxx + 2) c c Find the set of tapers - results in vn ce do 1100 j=1, nt vn(1,j)=x(j) vn(2,j)=0.0 kopt(j)=1 1100 continue c c In-place mixed-radix FFT of x call fft(vn,vn(2,1), nt,nt,nt, 2, ierr) c c Accumulate 1-sided spectrum in sx do 1300 j=1, nf sx(j)=2.0*(vn(1,j)**2 + vn(2,j)**2) 1300 continue c return end c______________________________________________________________________ c======================================================================= c Unit P: Prolates c======================================================================= subroutine staper(nt, fw, nev, v, ndim, a, w) c$$$$ calls tsturm c Slepian - Thomson multi-taper procedure c Slepian, D. 1978 Bell Sys Tech J v57 n5 1371-1430 c Thomson, D. J. 1982 Proc IEEE v70 n9 1055-1096 c nt the number of points in the series c fw the time-bandwidth product (number of Rayleigh bins) c nev the desired number of tapers c v the eigenvectors (tapers) are returned in v(.,nev) c a, w work arrays dimensioned at least nt long (nt+1, nt odd) c a(1..nev) contains bandwidth retention factors on output. c The tapers are the eigenvectors of the tridiagonal matrix sigma(i,j) c [see Slepian(1978) eq 14 and 25.] They are also the eigenvectors of c the Toeplitz matrix eq. 18. We solve the tridiagonal system in c tsturm for the tapers and use them in Slepians eq 18 to get the c bandwidth retention factors (i.e. the eigenvalues) Thomson's c normalisation is used with no attention to sign. implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension a(*),w(*),v(ndim,*) parameter (pi=3.14159265358979d0,r2=1.414213562373095d0) ce if( return nx=mod(nt,2) lh=(nt/2)+nx lp1=nt+1 om=2.d0*pi*fw/nt com=cos(om) hn=0.5d0*lp1 do 10 i=1,lh a(i)=com*(i-hn)**2 10 w(i)=0.5d0*float(i*(nt-i)) if(nx.eq.0) then asav=a(lh)-w(lh) a(lh)=a(lh)+w(lh) rbd=1.d0/(a(lh)+w(lh-1)) else asav=w(lh-1) rbd=1.d0/(w(lh)+w(lh-1)) w(lh-1)=r2*w(lh-1) endif do 15 i=1,lh a(i+lh)=w(i)*rbd w(i)=a(i+lh)**2 15 a(i)=a(i)*rbd neven=max0((nev+1)/2,1) nodd=nev-neven c Do the even tapers call tsturm(nt,lh,a,a(lh+1),w,neven,v,ndim,w(lh+1),0) do 20 i=1,neven k=2*i-1 if(nx.eq.1) v(lh,k)=r2*v(lh,k) do 20 j=1,lh 20 v(lp1-j,k)=v(j,k) if(nodd.le.0) goto 34 c Do the odd tapers if(nx.eq.0) then a(lh)=asav*rbd else a(nt)=asav*rbd w(lh-1)=asav*asav endif call tsturm(nt,lh-nx,a,a(lh+1),w,nodd,v,ndim,w(lh+1),1) do 30 i=1,nodd k=2*i if(nx.eq.1) v(lh,k)=0.d0 do 30 j=1,lh 30 v(lp1-j,k)=-v(j,k) 34 ntot=neven+nodd c Calculate bandwidth retention parameters dc=2.d0*com sm=0.d0 s=sin(om) w(1)=om/pi w(2)=s/pi do 35 j=3,nt sn=dc*s-sm sm=s s=sn 35 w(j)=s/(pi*(j-1)) do 55 m=1,ntot vmax=abs(v(1,m)) kmax=1 do 40 kk=2,lh if(abs(v(kk,m)).le.vmax) goto 40 kmax=kk vmax=abs(v(kk,m)) 40 continue a(m)=0.d0 nlow=kmax-1 do 45 j=1,nlow 45 a(m)=a(m)+w(j+1)*v(nlow+1-j,m) nup=nt-nlow do 50 j=1,nup 50 a(m)=a(m)+w(j)*v(nlow+j,m) 55 a(m)=a(m)/v(kmax,m) return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine tsturm(nt,n,a,b,w,nev,r,ndim,ev,ipar) c$$$$ calls root c Uses bisection and Sturm counting to isolate the eigenvalues of the c symmetric tridiagonal matrix with main diagonal a(.) and sub/super c diagonal b(.). Newton's method is used to refine the eigenvalue in c subroutine root then direct recursion is used to get the eigenvector c as this is always stable. Note ipar=0 for even tapers =1 for odd c tapers implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) parameter (eps=1.d-15,eps1=5.d-15) dimension a(*),b(*),ev(*),w(*),r(ndim,*) ce if(n.le.0.or.nev.le.0) return umeps=1.d0-eps do 5 i=1,nev 5 ev(i)=-1.d0 u=1.d0 do 1000 ik=1,nev if( u=ev(ik-1)*umeps el=min(ev(ik),u) 10 elam=.5d0*(u+el) if(abs(u-el).le.eps1) goto 35 iag=0 q=a(1)-elam if( iag=iag+1 do 15 i=2,n if(q.eq.0.d0) x=abs(b(i-1))/eps if( x=w(i-1)/q q=a(i)-elam-x if( iag=iag+1 if( goto 20 15 continue if( go to 20 u=elam go to 10 20 if(iag.eq.ik) go to 30 m=ik+1 do 25 i=m,iag 25 ev(i)=elam el=elam go to 10 30 el=elam call root(u,el,elam,a,b,w,n,ik) 35 ev(ik)=elam jk=2*ik+ipar-1 r(1,jk)=1.d0 r(2,jk)=-(a(1)-ev(ik))/b(1) ddot=1.d0+r(2,jk)*r(2,jk) jm1=2 do 45 j=3,n r(j,jk)=-((a(jm1)-ev(ik))*r(jm1,jk)+b(j-2)*r(j-2,jk))/b(jm1) ddot=ddot+r(j,jk)*r(j,jk) 45 jm1=j rnorm=sqrt(nt/(2.d0*ddot)) do 50 j=1,n 50 r(j,jk)=r(j,jk)*rnorm 1000 continue return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine root(u,el,elam,a,bb,w,n,ik) c$$$$ calls nothing implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) parameter (eps=1.d-15,eps1=5.d-15) dimension a(*),bb(*),w(*) ce 5 elam=.5d0*(u+el) 10 if(abs(u-el).le.1.5d0*eps1) return an=a(1)-elam b=0.d0 bn=-1.d0/an iag=0 if( iag=iag+1 do 20 i=2,n if(an.eq.0.d0) x=abs(bb(i-1))/eps if( x=w(i-1)/an an=a(i)-elam-x if(an.eq.0.d0) an=eps bm=b b=bn bn=((a(i)-elam)*b-bm*x-1.d0)/an if( iag=iag+1 20 continue if(iag.eq.ik) goto 25 u=elam goto 30 25 el=elam 30 del=1.d0/bn if(abs(del).le.eps1) del=sign(eps1,del) elam=elam-del if( goto 5 goto 10 end c______________________________________________________________________ c======================================================================= c Unit K: CLIP Command Line Interface Programs c======================================================================= subroutine ascan(kase) c$$$$ calls clear getchr icheck ljust c Command input routine c c Reads from the standard input until eof or code "execute " or "quit". c Saves lines in /store/ for later retrieval by getarr, getone or getchr. c c Prints a glossary upon request c parameter (inmx=500) character *80 input(inmx),line, code*4 common /store/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin common /long/ lg(inmx) c if (nin.eq. 0) write(*,'(a)') ' ', $'Enter commands for spectral analysis (? for help)' c do 1500 l=nin+1, inmx read(*,'(80a)', end=3000) line if (line(1:1).eq. ' ' .or. line(1:1).eq. '%') goto 1500 if (line(1:4).eq.'exec') goto 2000 c List a glossary of codes if (line(1:1).eq. '?') then write(*, '(a/a/(2x,a))') $'Enter commands from the following list:', $'?: Remind me of the command list again', $'execute: Quit reading commands and begin calculations', $'file filename: Enter filename of time series (mandatory)', $'file -continue: Read further data from current file', $'output filename: Provide the filename for results', $'plot filename: Provide filename for plotxy file', $'interval dt: Sampling interval of data', $'units time signal: Give measurement units of independent', $' variable and of signal (eg: sec volts)', $'scale fac: Multiply signal values by the factor fac', $'terms n1 n2: Read from term n1 to n2 in the file', $'nterms n: Number of data points to be read from file', $'skip k: Skip over k lines before reading data', $'column k [n]: Read data from column k [and n] in a table', $' (2 columns only when interpolating)', $'spline [kind]: Input t, x pairs & spline interpolate to even', $' time interval dt; kind = natural or Akima', $'validate filename: Write interpolated series to a file' write(*, '(2x,a)') $'decimate m [nw]: Decimate input series by the factor m,', $' using nw anti-alias filter weights', $'detrend: If present, series is detrended', $'superimpose: Plot next spectrum on previous graph', $'hold: While on, save up plots of superimposed spectra', $'detail f1 f2: Plot spectra only in f1 < freq < f2', $'replot f1 f2: Replot spectrum from previous calculation', $'title text: Identify plot with the text', $'review: Display current command stack', $'adapt ntimes: Apply adaptive process ntimes', $'smooth s: Increase s>1, or decrease s<1, PSD smoothness', $'tapers nt: Use exactly nt tapers (overides adapt)', $'tapers < nt: Use no more than nt tapers in adaptive code', $'prewhiten nd: Prewhiten with filter order nd', $'save file: Save prewhitened time series to file', $'autocorr [file]: Calculate autocorrelation fn, save in file', $'clear command: Delete all occurrences of the command', $'prolate [file] Use prolate tapers, write them to file', $'time-bp p: Specify time-bandwidth product for prolate tapers', $' ' c c Review the command stack elseif (line(1:4).eq. 'revi') then write(*,'(5x,a)')' ', '=================== ', $ (input(i)(1:lg(i)),i=1,nin),'=================== ',' ' c else c Translate homonyms if (line(1:4).eq. 'data') line(1:4)='file' if (line(1:4).eq. 'cols') line(1:4)='colu' if (line(1:4).eq. 'echo') iecho=-iecho nin=nin + 1 if ( inmx) then write(*,'(a)') '>>>> Too many commands - memory full' stop endif c Check for recognized commands call icheck(line) c Special treatment of '<' in 'tapers': puts '<' after number less = index(line, '<') if (line(1:4).eq. 'tape' .and. 0) then call ljust(line,line, last) line(less:less)=' ' line(last+2:last+2) = '<' endif c Save current command line in input store call ljust(line,input(nin), lg(nin)) c if (line(1:4).eq. 'quit') return c Clear a command and clear clear itself if (line(1:4).eq. 'clea') then call getchr('clear', code, ignor) call clear (code) nin=nin - 1 endif endif 1500 continue c 2000 continue n1=max(1, nin-24) if ( 1) write(*, '(a,i4)') '--------- Spectrum',kase write(*,'(5x,a)') '=================== ', $(input(i)(1:lg(i)),i=n1,nin),'=================== ',' ' return c 3000 stop end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine icheck(line) c$$$$ calls nothing c Checks the command fragment com against the catalog; appends a c warning if com is not present in the list. character*80 line, com*4 ce com=line(1:4) if (0 .eq. $ index('adap auto clea colu deci deta detr file hold inte ',com) $+index('nter outp plot prew repl skip smoo spli scal supe',com) $+index('tape term titl unit vali logf prol time band save quit', $ com)) $ line=line(1:20)//' %<<<<<<< Unrecognized command' return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine getarr(code, values, nwant, nfound) c$$$$ calls ljust c c Extracts an array of numbers from the input store. That store is c a large array in common /store/ which has been filled earlier. c c code A 4-bye identifying code. Only lines in the input store c beginning with this code are scanned for numbers. c values the real output array of values found. c nwant the maximum number of numbers expected . c nfound the number of numbers actually found in the input. c If the line contains fewer than nwant values, this is the c value returned in nfound. If an error is discovered c nfound=-n, where n is the number of numbers properly c decoded. If there are no numbers after the codeword c nfound=0. Finally, if the code is absent from the store c nfound=-99 and the array is left undisturbed. c parameter (inmx=500) character *80 input(inmx),line,local,char, code*4 common /store/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin dimension values(*) c c Read the store in reverse order (Thus last entry is obeyed) ce do 1010 lin=nin, 1, -1 line=input(lin) c Check for code if (code .eq. line(1:4)) goto 1020 1010 continue c Code word not found nfound=-99 return c 1020 if ( 1) write(*,'(2a)')'==> ',line n1=index(line, ' ')+1 n2=index(line, '%') n2=80 + min(n2,1)*(n2 - 81) char=line(n1:n2) c do 1500 n=1, nwant call ljust(char, local, ignor) lbl=index(local, ' ') if (lbl.eq. 1) goto 1510 read (local, *, err=2000) values(n) char=local(lbl:80) 1500 continue n=nwant+1 1510 nfound=n - 1 return c 2000 write(*,'(a)')' ', $'>>> Unreadable numbers in this input line:',line nfound=1 - n return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine getone(code, value, nfound) c$$$$ calls getarr c c Extracts a single number from the input store. That store is c a large array in common /store/ which has been filled earlier. c c code A 4-bye identifying code. Only lines in the input store c beginning with this code are scanned for numbers. c value the real output variable containing the desired number. c nfound is 1 if a number is successfully read in; it is zero c the number is absent or unreadable. nfound = -99 if the c code is absent from the input store. c character*4 code dimension v(1) ce call getarr(code, v, 1, nfound) if (nfound.eq. 1) value=v(1) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine getint(code, number, nfound) c$$$$ calls getarr c c Extracts a single integer from the input store. c See getone for details. c character*4 code dimension v(1) ce call getarr(code, v, 1, nfound) if (nfound.eq. 1) then number=nint(v(1)) if (number .ne. v(1)) write(*,'(4a,1p,g16.8/a,i10)') $ '>>> Warning: ',code,' expects an integer argument, but', $ ' found: ',v(1),' Returns: ',number,' ' endif return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine getchr(code, char, nbytes) c$$$$ calls ljust c Extracts a single character variable from the input store. That c store is a large array in common /store/ which has been filled c earlier. c c code A 4-bye identifying code. Only lines in the input store c beginning with this code are scanned. c char the character output variable containing the desired string. c nbytes is the length of the string read; it is zero if c the line is blank after the code. nbytes = -99 if the c code is absent from the input store. c parameter (inmx=500) character *80 input(inmx),line, char*(*), code*4 common /store/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin c Inspect the store in reverse order (thus reading latest entry) ce do 1010 lin=nin, 1, -1 line=input(lin) c Check for code word if (code .eq. line(1:4)) goto 1020 1010 continue c Code word not found nbytes=-99 return c 1020 if ( 1) write(*,'(2a)')'==> ',line c n1=index(line, ' ')+1 n2=index(line, '%') n2=80 + min(n2,1)*(n2 - 81) c Check for blank string nbytes=0 if (line(n1:n2).eq. ' ') return c Save in char everything from 1st non-blank to last non-blank call ljust(line(n1:n2), char, nbytes) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine clear(code) c$$$$ calls nothing c c Removes the last command entry identified by code. c code A 4-byte identifying code. Only lines in the input store c beginning with this code are scanned. c parameter (inmx=500) character *80 input(inmx),line, code*4 common /store/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin c c Inspect the store in normal order ce do 1010 lin= nin, 1, -1 line=input(lin) c Check code and clear the line if present, for every instance if (code.eq. line(1:4)) then input(lin)=' --' c return endif 1010 continue return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine ljust(str1, str2, len2) c$$$$ calls nothing c Copy str1 (up to 80 bytes in length) into str2, left justified; len2 c is length of str2 with trailing blanks deleted. c str1 and str2 may be the same variable in the call. character*(*) str1, str2, str3*80 c ce str2=str1 len2=1 if (str1.eq. ' ') return c l1=len(str1) str3=str1 do 1010 j=1, l1 if (str1(j:j) .ne. ' ') goto 1011 1010 continue 1011 str2=str3(j:l1) do 2100 len2 = len(str2),1,-1 if (str2(len2:len2).ne. ' ') return 2100 continue end c______________________________________________________________ blockdata iounit common /ndict/ iecho,nin c Don't echo command lines when read data iecho/-1/ c Initial command line count data nin/0/ end c______________________________________________________________________ function later(code1, code2) c$$$$ calls nothing c Returns the difference in order number in the stack of the c most recent occurrence of the commands code1, code2. If the c command isn't present assigns it the order number zero. c Thus later > 0 if code1 occurs after code 2, < 0 if before, c and later=0 if both are absent and code1 and code2 are different. parameter (inmx=500) character *80 input(inmx),line, code1*4,code2*4 common /store/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin c Inspect the store ce kode1=0 kode2=0 do 1010 lin=1, nin line=input(lin) if (code1 .eq. line(1:4)) kode1=lin if (code2 .eq. line(1:4)) kode2=lin 1010 continue c later=kode1 - kode2 return end c______________________________________________________________