program color c$$$$ calls getmat getone major peruse c c Main program for color contouring of rectangular arays. c Program runs under a simple interpretive language with commands c like c file topography c read 43 55 c See color.doc for a complete description. c The program generates a PostScript file for plotting c c The principle of the program is to describe all the boundaries of c the different colored regions (the contour lines) which are forced c to be closed curves. These closed polygons are filled with the c appropriate color using the PostScript "fill" command. Of course c this must be done in a proper order to prevent covering up previously c drawn regions; the program plots in order of decreasing regional c area c c Language interpretation is handled by the routines peruse, c getval, getchr. Peruse reads in all commands up to certain c key points (read or plot), saving the list in a character array c for subsequent analysis by getval and getchr. These routines c are called whenever values or strings are needed at the appropriate c point in the program c c There are essentially 7 separate program units: c (1) the main program, start up and quit routines. c (2) the language unit (peruse.f) c (3) the array input routines (getmat.f) c (4) the map generator and page manager (major.f) c (5) the contour line generating algorithm (glevel.f) c (6) the level-line output handler (dumpit.f) c (7) the color palette data base (artist.f) c parameter (inmx=200) character *80 input(inmx), output common /dicta/ input common /outfil/ output common /ndict/ iecho,nin c parameter (maxa=920 000) common // a(maxa) c common /xtreme/ bord,amin,amax,alim(3) common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info c parameter (levmx=100) common /noir/ scutum,kolors,art(4,levmx),kart(levmx),loutln(levmx) c common /atlas/ map,mtab,ntab,xtab(201),ytab(201) c data ihead/1/, m,n/0,0/ c ce iecho=0 c c do 5000 k=1, inmx c Read commands up to 'plot' or 'quit' call peruse(ihead) call getone('verbose', verb, nf) if (nf .eq. 1) info=nint(verb) c c Input the array call getmat(m, n, a) ihead=0 c c Draw the map call major(m, m, n, a) ihead=1 5000 continue end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine quit c$$$$ calls getone system encaps c Brings program to an orderly conclusion; c Send file to screen if requested. c CAUTION: "system" is a SUN routine to invoke a UNIX shell and c show is local window display utility. Users on other c operating systems may delete the call or provide c an alternate character*80 output common /outfil/ output common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info data d1,d2,d3,d4/0,0,0,0/ c write(18, '(a)')'showpage' call encaps(3, d1,d2,d3,d4) close (unit=18) call getone('show', dum, nshow) c CAUTION: Next line is system-dependent. Delete call to system c if not supported in your compiler. gv is ghostview in disguise if (nshow .ge. 0) call system $('gv '//output//'&') if (output .ne. 'mypost') write(*,'(a,a)') $' PostScript file written to: ',output write(*,'(a)')' ',' Normal termination' stop end c______________________________________________________________________ blockdata start c common /ndict/ iecho,nin common /xtreme/ bord,amin,amax,alim(3) common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info c data iecho/0/, nin/0/ data alim/0,0,0/ c c inp=std input; iout=std output; inf=array diskfile; info=print freq data inp/5/, iout/6/, inf/7/, info/1/ c end c______________________________________________________________________ * 6. Level-line output handler * subroutine dumpit(val, nxy, xx, yy) c$$$$ calls closer mapper c Saves in common /arcs/ the vector kxy, which contains closed c contour loops as they are generated; also saves path area and c inside color value. If the contour reaches the edge closed it both c ways. Calls mapper to transform saved lines to c their new coordinate plane c c Arguments c val is the current contour level c nxy is the number of points defining the contour, which may be c increased by dumpit c xx,yy are arrays containing the points on the contour; these are c such that a grid step is one unit in each, (0,0) is the top c left corner, x increases with i, the row counter, and y with c j the column counter c dimension xx(*),yy(*) parameter (lpmx=2500, knmx=50 000) integer*2 kxy common /perim/ ltrue(lpmx) common /arcs/ loops,istart(lpmx),area(lpmx),lev(lpmx),kxy(2,knmx) common /trace/ level,em,en,xfac,yfac c parameter (maxa=920 000) common // a(maxa) c common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info c if (nxy.le. 1) return c c For boundary contours generate two closed contours do 1900 kbound=1, 2 c c Close contours that intersect the boundary kount=kbound call closer(kount, em,en, val, xx,yy,nxy) if (kount.eq. 3) goto 1900 c c Advance the loop counter; save next start position loops=loops+1 if (loops .gt. lpmx) then write(*,'(a)') ' ', $ '>>> Sorry - too many contour lines. Array may be transposed.', $ 'If not, reduce number of levels, or recompile color with', $ 'increased parameter LPMX' stop endif c c c Calculate -2*area of this loop surf=0.0 xx(nxy+1)=xx(1) yy(nxy+1)=yy(1) do 1100 i=2, nxy+1 surf=surf + (xx(i)*yy(i-1) - xx(i-1)*yy(i)) 1100 continue area(loops)=-abs(surf) c c Discover which color lies INSIDE contour: midf= +1 if high values c inside, -1 for low values. c Move along contour until one of coordinates lies on a grid line do 1200 i=1, nxy-1 if (nint(xx(i)).eq.xx(i) .or. nint(yy(i)).eq.yy(i)) goto 1210 1200 continue i=1 1210 i1=nint(xx(i) + 1.0) j1=nint(yy(i) + 1.0) ij=(j1-1)*em + i1 midf=sign(1.0, ((yy(i+1)-yy(i))*(i1-1.0- xx(i)) - $(xx(i+1)-xx(i))*(j1-1.0 - yy(i)))*(a(ij) - val)*surf) lev(loops)=max(1, level + (midf - 1)/2) ltrue(loops)=level c c Convert to thousandths of an inch and store in common /arcs/; j=istart(loops) call mapper(kxy(1,j), xx(1), yy(1)) j=j+1 call mapper(kxy(1,j), xx(2), yy(2)) do 1500 i=3, nxy j=j+1 call mapper(kxy(1,j), xx(i), yy(i)) 1500 continue c istart(loops+1)=j + 1 if (istart(loops+1) .ge. knmx) then write(*,'(a)') ' ', $ '>>> Sorry - total length of contour lines is too long.', $ 'Array may be transposed. If not, use fewer contour levels,', $ 'or recompile color with bigger parameter KNMX' stop endif c 1900 continue return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine closer(kount,em,en, zlev, x,y,nxy) c$$$$ calls nothing c Closes contours that reach the edge by adding array corner points, c in either anticlockwise or clockwise direction. parameter (epso = 3.0e-5) dimension x(*),y(*) dimension iwise(4,4),corn(11) data iwise/0,3,2,1,1,0,3,2,2,1,0,3,3,2,1,0/ data corn/1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0/ save ncorn c c c Inline function evaluates to 1 if argument is ~zero, 0 otherwise im0(z) = nint(0.5 + sign(0.5, eps - abs(z))) c c Contour already closed eps = max(em,en)*epso if (abs(x(1)-x(nxy))+abs(y(1)-y(nxy)) .lt. eps) then if (kount.eq. 2) kount=3 return endif if (kount.eq. 2) nxy=nxy-ncorn c c Contour terminates on the boundary: c assign a side to the first and last point the series. c When contour passes through a corner, tie is broken arbitrarily em1=em-1.0 en1=en-1.0 isid1=min(2*im0(x(1)-em1)+3*im0(y(1)-en1),3) + $ min(im0(y(1))+4*im0(x(1)),4) isid2=min(im0(y(nxy))+4*im0(x(nxy)),4) + $ min(2*im0(x(nxy)-em1)+3*im0(y(nxy)-en1),3) c Open contour if either isid vanishes--error if (isid1*isid2.eq. 0) then write(*,*)'>>> Open contour in interior. ', $ 'Probably due to round-off error' return endif c klsign=3 - 2*kount c if ( 0) then c Complete contour counterclockwise ncorn=iwise(isid2, isid1) if (ncorn.eq. 0) ncorn=4 do 1100 j=1,ncorn x(j+nxy)=em1*corn(j+isid2-1) y(j+nxy)=en1*corn(j+isid2+2) 1100 continue else c Complete it clockwise ncorn=iwise(isid1,isid2) do 1200 j=1,ncorn x(j+nxy)=em1*corn(isid2-j+4) y(j+nxy)=en1*corn(isid2-j+3) 1200 continue endif nxy=nxy+ncorn return end c_______________________________________________________________________ blockdata mappng common /atlas/ map,mtab,ntab, xtab(201), ytab(201) data map/1/, mtab,ntab/0,0/, xtab/201*1/,ytab/201*1/ end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine mapper(kxy, xp, yp) c$$$$ calls aitoff c Does scaling to integer 1/1000the inch and map transformations, if c any. The scale factors and limits come through /trace/ c c Choice of map comes through /atlas/ in map integer*2 kxy dimension kxy(*) common /trace/ level,em,en,xfac,yfac common /atlas/ map,mtab,ntab,xtab(201),ytab(201) c c Select the mapping goto (1000, 2000, 3000), map c c The identity mapping for our purposes. Note the conversion to c integer*2 thousandths of an inch 1000 kxy(1)=xfac*(xp+1.0) kxy(2)=yfac*(yp+1.0) return c c Aitoff equal-area from presumed scaled long-lat input pairs 2000 if (xp*(xp-em+1.0)*yp*(yp-en+1.0).eq. 0.0) goto 1000 alat =180.0*yp/(en-1.0) - 90.0 along=360.0*xp/(em-1.0) -180.0 call aitoff(alat, along, x, y) x=(em-1.0)*(0.25*x + 0.5) y=(en-1.0)*(0.50*y + 0.5) kxy(1)=xfac*(x+1.0) kxy(2)=yfac*(y+1.0) return goto 1000 c c Tensor-producr representation from table in /atlas/ 3000 n=x x=xtab(n) + (x-n)*(xtab(n+1) - xtab(n)) n=y y=ytab(n) + (y-n)*(ytab(n+1) - ytab(n)) goto 1000 c end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine aitoff(lat, lon, x, y) c$$$$ calls nothing c Maps latitude, longitude into Aitoff's equal-area projection. c The sphere is mapped into an ellipse, major semi-axis 2, minor c semi-axis 1; the equator is imaged into the major axis, the c Greenwhich meridian into the minor axis. The origin (0, 0), c where the axes cross, may be moved to longitude phi0 by c call aitoff(lat, lon-phi0, x, y) c real lat, lon data degby2/0.008726646/, deg/0.0174532925/ c deglat=deg*lat clat=cos(deglat) half=degby2*(mod(lon+540.0, 360.0) - 180.0) R=sqrt(1.0/(abs(1.0 + clat*cos(half)) + 1.0e-15)) y=R*sin(deglat) x=2.0*R*clat*sin(half) return end c__________________________________________________________________ subroutine tensor c$$$$ calls getchr getone c Read spacing file and set up table common /atlas/ map,mtab,ntab,xtab(201),ytab(201) common /trace/ level,em,en,xfac,yfac common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info character *80 space c c Choose a mapping function call getone('mapping', amap, nap) if (nap .eq. 1) map=amap c c See if tensor spacing is specified call getchr('tensor', space, ntens) c No tensor spacing mentioned if (ntens .lt. 0) then if (map .eq. 3 .and. ( .or. then write(*,'(a)') $ '>>> Tensor spacing and array size are inconsistent:', $ ' Map drawn with even spacing' map=1 endif c Read from file if requested. c Read list of x spacings first, then y spacings elseif (ntens .eq. 0) then write(*,'(a)') '>>> You must state a filename in the command' elseif (ntens .ge. 1) then c Open a new file open (unit=8, file=space,err=5000) mtab=em xtab(1)=0.0 read (8,*, err=5010) (xtab(j),j=2, mtab) ntab=en ytab(1)=0.0 read (8,*, err=5010) (ytab(j),j=2, ntab) map=3 close (unit=8) c Sum increment and construct stored table do 1100 j=2, mtab xtab(j)=xtab(j) + xtab(j-1) 1100 continue do 1150 j=1, mtab xtab(j)=(em-1.0)*xtab(j)/xtab(mtab) + 1.0 1150 continue c Do the same for y do 1200 j=2, ntab ytab(j)=ytab(j) + ytab(j-1) 1200 continue do 1250 j=1, ntab ytab(j)=(en-1.0)*ytab(j)/ytab(ntab) + 1.0 1250 continue endif if (map .ne. 1) write(*,'(/a,i3)') $' Color map is drawn under mapping ',map return c c Error returns 5000 write(*,'(a,a)') '>>> Unable to open file ',space return c 5010 write(*,'(a,a)') '>>> Read error in file ', space return end c__________________________________________________________________ * 5. Contour line generating algorithm * subroutine glevel(mdim, m, n, f, ds, zlevel) c$$$$ calls circ dotted draw1 draw2 halt parab c c Principal routine for contouring rectangular arrays of real data. c Algorithm by Dr David P. Anderson, modified by R. L. Parker (1984). c c Arguments c mdim 1st dimension of f in caller c m number of rows of data in array f c n number of columns c f 2-dimensional array of values to be contoured c ds step between points on contour in cell units c zlevel contour level traced out in this call c c Conventions c The standard plotting convention is that x increases with c i, the row index of f(i,j) and y increases with j. c The point (0, 0) with respect to current plot origin c corresponds to the matrix element f(1,1). c c Notes c The system calls dumpit which has the responsibility of c disposing of a vector of points along each contour. This may c mean plotting the points or saving them in an array for later use. c c common /inout/ controls input and output. c inp,iout the input and output unit numbers of the system. c Actually glevel nevers uses inp c parameter (maxpts=998, maxcmp=10*maxpts) logical*1 flag dimension f(mdim,*) common /hlevel/ value common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info common /xtreme/ bord,amin,amax,alim(3) common /option/ smooth, $ xvals(maxpts),yvals(maxpts) common /big1/ point(2,maxpts,maxpts) /big2/ flag(2,maxpts,maxpts) common /little/ iline,eps,eps2,bound(4),x(maxcmp),y(maxcmp) c integer off(2,3,2),dir real c1(2),c2(2),bx(3),by(3),p1(2),p2(2) real ang1(2),ang2(2),ang3(2),ang4(2),ang5(2),ang6(2) logical ifcase(3),closed integer xoff(3,2,2),yoff(3,2,2),koff(3,2,2),doff(3,2,2) data xoff/0,0,1,0,1,0, 0, 0, 1,-1,-1,-1/ data yoff/0,1,0,1,0,0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 0, 1/ data koff/2,1,2,1,2,1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1/ data doff/2,1,1,1,1,2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1/ data off/-1,0,1,0,2,0,0,-1,0,1,0,2/ data ix0, iy0, ik0/0,0,0/ c c Catch various errors c if ( .or. call $ halt ('Array dimensions too large - increase parameter MAXPTS') c c Load xvals, yvals with coordinates in inches if dx, dy not zero c do 231 i=1, m xvals(i)=i-1 231 continue do 232 j=1, n yvals(j)=j-1 232 continue smooth=1.0/ds c c bound(1)=xvals(1) bound(2)=xvals(m) bound(3)=yvals(1) bound(4)=yvals(n) eps2=1e-5*max(bound(4)-bound(3), bound(2)-bound(1))**2 c c c c Largest, smallest function values from /xtreme/ c range=amax - amin c Trace the contour level c val=zlevel value=val c c Make sure no grid points have exact contour values if (range .eq. 0.0) return tol=1e-7 do 1005 j=1, n do 1006 i=1, m if (abs(f(i,j)-zlevel) .le. abs(zlevel)*tol) then if ( 0.0) f(i,j)=zlevel*(1.0+ tol) if (zlevel.eq. 0.0) f(i,j)=range*tol endif 1006 continue 1005 continue c c c Find the points where contour intersects grid lines c do 1009 j=1, n do 1010 i=1, m a=f(i,j) do 1011 k=1, 2 i2=i+off(1,2,k) j2=j+off(2,2,k) c c Make sure segment isn't off the grid c if (i2.le.m.and.j2.le.n) then b=f(i2,j2) if ( c c Here if contour crosses this segment - set flag and find point c flag(k,i,j)=.true. i1=i+off(1,1,k) j1=j+off(2,1,k) i3=i+off(1,3,k) j3=j+off(2,3,k) c c If segment is on edge of grid (pointing toward edge) c use single-parabola approximation c if (i1.le.0.or.j1.le.0) then c=1.-parab(f(i3,j3),f(i2,j2),f(i,j),val) point(k,i,j)=c else if ( then c=parab(f(i1,j1),f(i,j),f(i2,j2),val) point(k,i,j)=c else c c Otherwise use double-parabola approximation c c=parab(f(i1,j1),f(i,j),f(i2,j2),val) d=1.-parab(f(i3,j3),f(i2,j2),f(i,j),val) point(k,i,j)=(c+d)/2.0 end if else flag(k,i,j)=.false. end if else flag(k,i,j)=.false. end if 1011 continue 1010 continue 1009 continue c c All points found -- now look for components c 1012 continue c c The variables in this part are c ix, iy indices of start of current edge c ik direction of edge, 1=x, 2=y c dir direction out of edge, 1=up/right, 2=left/down c closed true if component is a loop c ix0,iy0 if closed component, starting point c c Search for a point on border to start from c ik=1 closed=.false. do 1013 ix=1, m-1 if (flag(1,ix,1)) then iy=1 dir=1 goto 100 else if (flag(1,ix,n)) then iy=n dir=2 goto 100 end if 1013 continue ik=2 do 1014 iy=1, n-1 if (flag(2,1,iy)) then ix=1 dir=1 goto 100 else if (flag(2,m,iy)) then ix=m dir=2 goto 100 end if 1014 continue c c If none, search for point in middle c do 1015 iy=1, n do 1016 ix=1, m do 1017 ik=1, 2 if (flag(ik,ix,iy)) then dir=1 closed=.true. ix0=ix iy0=iy ik0=ik goto 100 end if 1017 continue 1016 continue 1015 continue c c If can't find a starting point, we're done with this contour value c goto 1018 c c Here when found starting point of a component c compute its xy coordinates c 100 continue iline=1 ax=xvals(ix) ay=yvals(iy) if (ik.eq.1) then ax=ax+point(1,ix,iy)*(xvals(ix+1)-xvals(ix)) else ay=ay+point(2,ix,iy)*(yvals(iy+1)-yvals(iy)) end if c c Start a list (in x, y) of the points on the component c x(1)=ax y(1)=ay npts=1 if (.not.closed)flag(ik,ix,iy)=.false. c c Loop for points in this component c 1019 continue c c From the current edge, there are three possible edges to go to. c See which of these edges are on the grid and contain a point c do 1021 icase=1, 3 ifcase(icase)=.false. jx=ix+xoff(icase,ik,dir) jy=iy+yoff(icase,ik,dir) jk=koff(icase,ik,dir) if ( then c c Note flag is false for nonexistent edges c if (flag(jk,jx,jy)) then ifcase(icase)=.true. bx(icase)=xvals(jx) by(icase)=yvals(jy) if (jk.eq.1) then bx(icase)=bx(icase)+point(1,jx,jy) $ *(xvals(jx+1)-xvals(jx)) else by(icase)=by(icase)+point(2,jx,jy) $ *(yvals(jy+1)-yvals(jy)) end if end if end if 1021 continue c c See if there wasn't a point where one was expected c If this happens there is a bug in the program. Report it to d.p.a. c if (.not.(ifcase(1).or.ifcase(2).or.ifcase(3))) then write(*,*)'>>> Glevel returns prematurely! Level=',zlevel return endif c c If any choice, go across the square c if (ifcase(1).and.ifcase(3)) then dist1=(ax-bx(1))**2 + (ay-by(1))**2 dist3=(ax-bx(3))**2 + (ay-by(3))**2 if ( then ibest=1 else ibest=3 end if else if (ifcase(1)) then ibest=1 else if (ifcase(3)) then ibest=3 else ibest=2 end if c c Update the coords, etc. c ix=ix+xoff(ibest,ik,dir) iy=iy+yoff(ibest,ik,dir) dir=doff(ibest,ik,dir) ik=koff(ibest,ik,dir) c c Add point to the list c ax=bx(ibest) ay=by(ibest) npts=npts+1 c c Check for array overflow c if ( $ call halt('Out of room - raise parameter maxcmp') x(npts)=ax y(npts)=ay c c Remove the point from grid so you don't use it again c flag(ik,ix,iy)=.false. c c Check for termination of component c if (closed) then if (ix.eq.ix0.and.iy.eq.iy0.and.ik.eq.ik0) then npts=npts-1 goto 1020 end if else if (ix.eq.1.and.ik.eq.2.or. $ ix.eq.m.and.ik.eq.2.or. $ iy.eq.1.and.ik.eq.1.or. $ iy.eq.n.and.ik.eq.1) then goto 1020 end if end if goto 1019 1020 continue c c Here when finished finding points in component. c Points are in arrays x,y. "closed" tells component type c if (.not.closed) then c c Here to draw open curve c if (npts.eq.2) then c c Component has only two points -- just draw line segment c p1(1)=x(1) p1(2)=y(1) p2(1)=x(2) p2(2)=y(2) call dotted(p1,p2) else c c Component has three or more points -- draw nice curves c call circ(1,2,3,c1,rad1,ang1,ang2,ang3) call draw1(c1,rad1,ang1,ang2) do 1030 i=2, npts-2 call circ(i,i+1,i+2,c2,rad2,ang4,ang5,ang6) call draw2(c1,c2,rad1,rad2,ang2,ang3,ang4,ang5) c1(1)=c2(1) c1(2)=c2(2) rad1=rad2 ang2(1)=ang5(1) ang2(2)=ang5(2) ang3(1)=ang6(1) ang3(2)=ang6(2) 1030 continue call draw1(c1,rad1,ang2,ang3) end if else c c Here to draw closed curve c call circ(npts,1,2,c1,rad1,ang1,ang2,ang3) do 1031 i=1, npts j=mod(i,npts)+1 k=mod(i+1,npts)+1 call circ(i,j,k,c2,rad2,ang4,ang5,ang6) call draw2(c1,c2,rad1,rad2,ang2,ang3,ang4,ang5) c1(1)=c2(1) c1(2)=c2(2) rad1=rad2 ang2(1)=ang5(1) ang2(2)=ang5(2) ang3(1)=ang6(1) ang3(2)=ang6(2) 1031 continue end if goto 1012 1018 continue c c Flush the plot buffer. The coordinates given cannot be on a contour c iline=0 c1(1)=xvals(1) - 0.1 c1(2)=c1(1) call dotted(c1, c1) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine circ(i, j, k, center, radius, ang1, ang2, ang3) c$$$$ calls nothing parameter (maxpts=998, maxcmp=10*maxpts) logical*1 flag common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info common /option/ smooth, $ xvals(maxpts),yvals(maxpts) common /big1/ point(2,maxpts,maxpts) /big2/ flag(2,maxpts,maxpts) common /little/ iline,eps,eps2,bound(4),x(maxcmp),y(maxcmp) c c Routine to find the center, radius and angular limits of the c circular arc determined by the points with indices i, j, k in the c arrays x and y. If colinear return radius=-1 and put the c three points in ang1, ang2 and ang3 c real center(2),ang1(2),ang2(2),ang3(2) data pi2/6.283185/ c c The formulas here are hard to derive, at least they were for me c a=(x(i)+x(j))/2. b=(y(i)+y(j))/2. c=y(j)-y(i) d=x(i)-x(j) e=(x(j)+x(k))/2. ff=(y(j)+y(k))/2. g=y(k)-y(j) h=x(j)-x(k) disc=d*g-c*h c c Check for colinearity c if (abs(disc).lt.eps2) then radius=-1. ang1(1)=x(i) ang1(2)=y(i) ang2(1)=x(j) ang2(2)=y(j) ang3(1)=x(k) ang3(2)=y(k) else t=(d*a+ff*c-b*c-d*e)/disc center(1)=e+g*t center(2)=ff+h*t radius=sqrt((center(1)-x(i))**2+(center(2)-y(i))**2) a=x(i)-center(1) b=y(i)-center(2) c=x(j)-center(1) d=y(j)-center(2) e=x(k)-center(1) ff=y(k)-center(2) ang1(1)=atan2(b,a) ang2(1)=atan2(d,c) ang3(1)=atan2(ff,e) c c Make sure angles are in the right order by adding pi*2 to c some of them, if needed c if (ang1(1).lt.ang2(1)) then if (ang1(1).lt.ang3(1).and.ang3(1).lt.ang2(1)) then ang1(1)=ang1(1)+pi2 else if (ang3(1).lt.ang1(1)) then ang3(1)=ang3(1)+pi2 end if else if (ang2(1).lt.ang3(1).and.ang3(1).lt.ang1(1)) then ang1(1)=ang1(1)-pi2 else if (ang3(1).gt.ang1(1)) then ang3(1)=ang3(1)-pi2 end if end if end if return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine draw1(center, radius, ang1, ang2) c$$$$ calls dotted vmov2 c Routine to draw a circular arc c radius = 0 means draw segments from point ang1 to ang2 c parameter (maxpts=998, maxcmp=10*maxpts) logical*1 flag common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info common /option/ smooth, $ xvals(maxpts),yvals(maxpts) common /big1/ point(2,maxpts,maxpts) /big2/ flag(2,maxpts,maxpts) common /little/ iline,eps,eps2,bound(4),x(maxcmp),y(maxcmp) real center(2),radius,ang1(2),ang2(2),p1(2),p2(2) data p1/0,0/ c if ( then dang=ang2(1)-ang1(1) arclng=abs(dang)*radius nsteps=arclng*smooth+1 da=dang/nsteps do 1000 i=0, nsteps angle=ang1(1)+i*da p2(1)=radius*cos(angle)+center(1) p2(2)=radius*sin(angle)+center(2) if ( call dotted(p1,p2) call vmov2(p2,p1) 1000 continue else call dotted(ang1,ang2) end if return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine draw2(cent1, cent2, rad1, rad2, ang1, ang2, ang3, ang4) c$$$$ calls dotted vmov2 c Routine to draw the average of two circular arcs c c cent1 and cent2 are the centers c rad1 and rad1 are the radii c If either radius is zero it means the arc is really a line c segment whose endpoints are in (ang1,ang2) or (ang3,ang4) c parameter (maxpts=998, maxcmp=10*maxpts) logical*1 flag common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info common /option/ smooth, $ xvals(maxpts),yvals(maxpts) common /big1/ point(2,maxpts,maxpts) /big2/ flag(2,maxpts,maxpts) common /little/ iline,eps,eps2,bound(4),x(maxcmp),y(maxcmp) real cent1(2),cent2(2),ang1(2),ang2(2),ang3(2),ang4(2) real p1(2),p2(2) data p1/0,0/ c c Find angular ranges (or vector) c dang11=ang2(1)-ang1(1) dang12=ang2(2)-ang1(2) dang21=ang4(1)-ang3(1) dang22=ang4(2)-ang3(2) c c Find approximate length of arc or segment c if ( then arclng=abs(dang11)*rad1 else arclng=sqrt(dang11**2+dang12**2) end if c c Compute number of steps based on that c nsteps=arclng*smooth+1 c c Loop for points along curve c do 1000 i=0, nsteps t=real(i)/nsteps c c Compute point on first arc c if ( then angle=ang1(1)+t*dang11 r1=cent1(1)+rad1*cos(angle) r2=cent1(2)+rad1*sin(angle) else r1=ang1(1)+t*dang11 r2=ang1(2)+t*dang12 end if c c Compute point on second arc c if ( then angle=ang3(1)+t*dang21 q1=cent2(1)+rad2*cos(angle) q2=cent2(2)+rad2*sin(angle) else q1=ang3(1)+t*dang21 q2=ang3(2)+t*dang22 end if c c Take weighted average. Note weighting coefficients c p2(1)=r1*(1.-t)+q1*t p2(2)=r2*(1.-t)+q2*t if ( call dotted(p1,p2) call vmov2(p2,p1) 1000 continue return end c______________________________________________________________ real function parab(r1, s1, t1, val) c$$$$ calls nothing c Suppose f(x) is a quadratic polynomial with f(-1)=r1, f(0)=s1, c and f(1)=t1; let val between s1 and t1. Solve f(x) = val, with c 0 <= x <= 1. c Rewritten by Bob Parker, 2013. c r=r1-val c=s1-val t=t1-val a=(r+t)/2.0-c if (a.eq. 0.0) then parab=c/(c-t) return endif b=(t-r)/2.0 disc=sqrt(b**2 - 4.0*a*c) parab = -(b + sign(disc, b))/(2.0*a) if ( 0.0 .and. parab.le. 1.0) return parab= c/(a*parab) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine vmov2(a, b) c$$$$ calls nothing real a(2),b(2) c b(1)=a(1) b(2)=a(2) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine mabel(val, len, label) c$$$$ calls nothing c For a real number val assumed to be a decimal fraction rounded to c 6 significant figures (or fewer), makes an equivalent character c string label of minimal length len character*8 form,local*20,label*(*) double precision ten, v data ten/10.0d00/ c c Find the number of significant figures in val c nexp=0 if (val .ne. 0.0) nexp=int(500.01 + log10(abs(val))) - 500 v=int(abs(val)/ten**(nexp-5) + 0.5) nres=nexp - 5 do 1100 ipow=0, 4 if (mod(int(v/ten**ipow+ 0.5), 10) .ne. 0) goto 1110 nres=nres + 1 1100 continue 1110 nfld=3 + max(nexp, -nres, nexp-nres) c c Build a format for writing the string c ndpt=max(0, -nres) write(form, '( 2h(f, i2, 1h., i1, 1h))') nfld,ndpt if (ndpt .eq. 0) nfld=nfld - 1 c If format is screwed up try a g format: if (index(form,'*') .ne. 0) form='(g12.4)' c c Construct a character string of minimal length for the label c write(local, form) val c Remove leading blanks is=1 do 1200 i=1, nfld if (local(i:i) .eq. ' ') is=1 + is 1200 continue label=local(is:nfld) len=nfld - is + 1 return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine dotted(p1, p2) c$$$$ calls dumpit c Collects a buffer of points to be plotted in the arrays xx, yy. c If a discontinuity is encountered or the buffer is filled, flushes c the buffer with routine dumpit c parameter (maxpts=998, maxcmp=10*maxpts) logical*1 flag common /hlevel/ value common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info common /option/ smooth, $ xvals(maxpts),yvals(maxpts) common /big1/ point(2,maxpts,maxpts) /big2/ flag(2,maxpts,maxpts) common /little/ iline,eps,eps2,bound(4),x(maxcmp),y(maxcmp) real p1(2),p2(2),xx(maxcmp),yy(maxcmp) save xx,yy,nxy,lastln data nxy/0/ c c Advance the buffer count nxy=1 + nxy c c Initialize a new buffer 1000 if (nxy .eq. 1) then if (iline.eq. 0) return xx(nxy)=p1(1) yy(nxy)=p1(2) nxy=2 xx(nxy)=p2(1) yy(nxy)=p2(2) return endif c c Add another point to the buffer. Only done if this line piece c is contiguous with the previous one and if the buffer isn't full if ((xx(nxy-1)-p1(1))**2+(yy(nxy-1)-p1(2))** $ .and. nxy.le.maxcmp) then xx(nxy)=p2(1) yy(nxy)=p2(2) return endif c c Flush the buffer. Noncontiguous line piece has been encountered nxy=nxy - 1 call dumpit(value, nxy, xx, yy) c Re-initialize the buffer nxy=1 if (iline .gt. 0) goto 1000 c c If nline is not positive reinitialize buffer c nxy=0 return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine halt(messag) c$$$$ calls nothing c Program prints the message messag then stops c common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info character*(*) messag c write(*,'(/1x,2a)') '>>> ',messag stop end c______________________________________________________________ * blockdata dfault c Sets various parameters into common for the user's convenience. c Values for standard input and output defined in graphics BLOCKDATA c common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info c * data inp,iout,inf,info /5,6,7,7/ c * end c______________________________________________________________ * 2. Language unit * subroutine peruse(ihead) c$$$$ calls quit c The command input routine. c Reads command lines from the standard input until eof c or the command 'plot' or 'read' is encountered. c Saves the lines in the character array input for later c parsing by getchr and getval. c Prints a list of commands for this group of routines parameter (inmx=200) character *80 input(inmx),line common /dicta/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info c c if (ihead .ne. 0) write(*,'(a)') ' ', $' Enter commands for data input and contouring ' c do 1500 l=nin+1, inmx read(*,'(80a)', end=2500) line if (line(1:1) .ne. ' ') then nin=nin + 1 input(nin)=line call icheck(line) endif if (line(1:4) .eq. 'hist') then nin=nin - 1 write(*,'(/a/(i3,a,a75))') 'Command history to date', $ (k,': ',input(k)(1:74), k=1, nin) endif if (line(1:4) .eq. 'plot') goto 2000 if (line(1:4).eq.'stop' .or. line(1:4).eq.'quit') call quit 1500 continue write(*,'(a,i6,a)')'>>> Command stack full: only',inmx, $' allowed','Recompile color with larger parameter inmx' stop c 2000 return c 2500 call quit end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine icheck(line) c$$$$ calls nothing c Checks the command fragment com against the catalog; prints a c warning if com is not present in the list. character*80 line, com*4 c com=line(1:4) if (0 .eq. $+index('abov affi axes dash file form heav heig inte ', com) $+index('labe land leve line mapp noba note orie outl ', com) $+index('outp pale pall plot read show size skip symb ', com) $+index('bord tabl tens verb weig widt quit stop ',com)) $ write(*,'(a,a)')'>>> Unrecognized command: ',com return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine getval(code, values, nwant, nfound) c$$$$ calls nothing c c Seek most recent instance of the command code in the input store. c If code is not in the store, set nfound=-99. c If the command is present, nfound is set nfound >= 0. c Then the remainder of the line is analysed, looking for an array c of up to nwant numbers. On return the numbers are put into the c array values, and nfound is set to the number of items found which c will not be more than nwant but may be zero. c If an error is discovered nfound=-n, where n is the number of c numbers properly decoded c parameter (inmx=200) character *80 input(inmx),line common /dicta/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info dimension values(*) character local*40, code*4, char*80 c ce do 1010 lin=nin, 1, -1 line=input(lin) if (code .eq. line(1:4)) then if (iecho .ge. 1) write(*,'(2a)')'>>> ',line nb=index(line, ' ')+1 char=line(nb:80) kn=80 - nb + 1 goto 1020 endif 1010 continue c code word not found nfound=-99 return c 1020 continue k1=1 c Up to nwant numbers are sought do 1800 nval=1, nwant do 1100 k=k1, kn if (char(k:k) .ne. ' ') goto 1200 1100 continue nfound=nval-1 return 1200 do 1300 l=k, kn if (char(l:l).eq. ',' .or. char(l:l).eq. ' ') goto 1500 1300 continue c Augment unpredictable error trapping of some compilers e.g. Sun 1500 if (index(' Ee+-.0123456789', char(k:k)) .eq. 0) goto 2000 k2=l+1 local=char(k:l-1) read (local, '(f40.0)', err=2000) values(nval) 1800 k1=k2 nval=1 - nwant 1900 nfound=1 - nval return c 2000 write(*, '(a)')' ', $'***** Unreadable numbers in this input line:',line goto 1900 end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine getchr(code, char, nfound) c$$$$ calls nothing c Seeks a fresh instance of the command code in the input store. c Previously analysed instances are skipped. c If code is not present returns nfound=-99. c If the command is present returns the rest of the line, beginning at c the first nonblank in char and sets nfound=1, unless the line is c entirely blank; then nfound=0 and char is left undisturbed c parameter (inmx=200) character *80 input(inmx),line,code*4, char*(*) common /dicta/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info ce do 1010 lin=nin, 1, -1 line=input(lin) if (code .eq. line(1:4)) then if (iecho .ge. 1) write(*,'(2a)')'>>> ',line goto 1020 endif 1010 continue c code word not found nfound=-99 return c 1020 continue nb=index(line, ' ')+1 do 1200 k=nb, 80 if (line(k:k) .ne. ' ') then char=line(k:80) nfound=1 return endif 1200 continue c c Blank field after code word nfound=0 return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine getone(code, value, nfound) c$$$$ calls getval c c Evaluates a single number from the input store /dicta/ associated c with the keyword code. The answer is returned in value. c nfound may be 1 if a number is read, 0 if the field after c code is blank, -99 if code is absent c dimension values(1) character code*4 c call getval(code, values, 1, nfound) if (nfound .eq. 1) value=values(1) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine clear(code) c$$$$ calls nothing c Deletes most recent occurrence of the code in the stack c parameter (inmx=200) character *80 input(inmx),line,code*4 common /dicta/ input common /ndict/ iecho,nin common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info ce do 1010 lin=nin, 1, -1 line=input(lin) if (code .eq. line(1:4)) then input(lin) = '****' return endif 1010 continue return end c______________________________________________________________ * 3. Array input routines * subroutine getmat(m, n, a) c$$$$ calls getchr getone getval matrab matraf group c Routine for reading matrices and re-orienting them on the page. c When orient command is invoked defines plotted array as follows: c N normal - as in a numerical listing; T transposed array; c R 90-deg clockwise turn; RR 2 90-deg turns, etc; c V reflect array in veryical line; H reflect in horizontal line. c c ms, ns dimensions of array as it was written. c klock number of clockwise quarter-turns. c m, n array dimensions of matrix as actually used in program c parameter (maxa = 920 000) common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info character*75 format,file,ops,xfile dimension a(*), val(37) save format,file,skip,kode1,kode2,acoef,bcoef data format(1:4)/' '/, file/' '/, skip/0.0/ data kode1/0/, xfile(1:1)/';'/ data acoef,bcoef/1,0/ c c Look for orientation command in list call getchr('orie', ops, iorien) if ( 0) then call group(ops, kode1,kode2) endif c c Look for the read statement in the command list. c Sept 14,2006: Default orientation changed from val(3)=0 to: val(3)=1 call getval('read', val, 3, nfound) call clear('read') if (nfound .eq. -99) then if (m .gt. 0) then write(*, '(a)')'Contouring previously read matrix' return endif write(*, '(a)')' ', $ '>>> No read statement in list. Provide one' m=0 return elseif (nfound .le. 1) then write(*, '(a)')' ', $ '>>> read must be followed by array dimensions' m=0 return else ms=nint(val(1)) ns=nint(val(2)) klock=nint(val(3)) c Revise read specs if orient command has been used if ( 0) then ms=sign(ms, kode1) ns=abs(ns) klock=kode2 endif endif c c Impossible array dimensions trapped if (abs(ms).le.1.or.abs(ns).le.1.or.abs(ms*ns).gt.maxa) then write(*, '(/a,2i5/a)') $ '>>> Improper array dimensions',ms,ns,'Array cannot be accepted' if (abs(ms*ns).gt.maxa) write(*,'(a,i8)') $ '>>> Total array size exceeds maximum permitted, ie ',maxa m=0 return endif c c Ascertain file name from file command call getchr('file', file, nfl) call clear('file') if (file(1:1) .eq. ' ') then write(*,'(a)')' ', $ '>>> No file name has been provided for data' m=0 return endif c Ascertain format if specified call getchr('format', format, ignor) c c Open the file if (file .eq. '*') then inf=inp write(*,'(a)') $ '>>> Sorry, file * feature has been removed temporarily' m=0 else inf=8 if (nfl .eq. 0) rewind(unit=8) if (format(1:1) .eq. ' ') then if (xfile .ne. file) then if ( close(unit=8) open (unit=8, file=file, status='OLD', err=2000) endif call getone('skip', skip, ignor) nskip=nint(skip) do 1100 j=1, nskip read(8,'(1x)') 1100 continue endif if (format(1:1) .eq. 'b' .and. $ open (unit=8, file=file, $ status='OLD', err=2000, form='UNFORMATTED') endif xfile=file c c Determine the array dimensions as they really are c if (mod(klock,2) .eq. 0) then m=iabs(ms) n=iabs(ns) else m=iabs(ns) n=iabs(ms) endif c c Code the sign configuration into a single integer c jsign=(5 - isign(2,ns) - isign(1,ms))/2 c c Now read the thing in, either formatted or binary. c if (format(1:1).ne.'b') call matraf(m,m,n, a, klock, jsign) if (format(1:1).eq.'b') call matrab(m,m,n, a, klock, jsign) c Perform affine scaling call getval('affine', val, 2, nfound) if (nfound .eq. -99) return if (nfound .eq. 0) then acoef=1.0 bcoef=0.0 elseif (nfound .eq. 2) then acoef=val(1) bcoef=val(2) else write(*,'(a)')'>>> Error reading affine - values unchanged' endif if (acoef.eq.1.0 .and. bcoef.eq.0.0) return do 1500 i=1,m do 1400 j=1, n ij=(j-1)*m + i a(ij)=acoef * a(ij) + bcoef 1400 continue 1500 continue c return c c Can't open the file for some reason 2000 write(*,'(/a)')'>>> Nonexistent file or read permission denied' write(*,'(a)') '>>> Filename: '//file m=0 return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine matrab(mdim, m, n, a, klack, jsign) c$$$$ calls nothing c Routine actually to read binary diskfile. c It is assumed the file was written by rows with a statement like c do 1000 i=1, m c 1000 write(iunit) (a(i,j), j=1, n) c in an ftn77 compiled program c common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info dimension a(mdim,*) dimension lookup(4,4) data lookup /1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, $ 4,3,2,1,8,7,6,5/ c c Transform the number of clockwise rotations to one of 0,1,2,3 c klick=mod(mod(klack,4) + 4, 4) c c All possible orientations reduce to one of the 8 below. lookup c has this coded into it c igo=lookup(jsign, klick+1) goto (1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1050, 1060, 1070, 1080), igo c c No transformations. Read a as written 1010 do 1015 i=1, m 1015 read (inf, end=2000) (a(i,j), j=1,n) return c c v - reflect in vertical plane 1020 do 1025 i=m,1,-1 1025 read (inf, end=2000) (a(i,j), j=1,n) return c c h - reflect in horizontal plane 1030 do 1035 i=1,m 1035 read (inf, end=2000) (a(i,j), j=n,1,-1) return c c vh = r**2 - reflect in v and h = 2 clockwise 90 deg turns 1040 do 1045 i=m,1,-1 1045 read (inf, end=2000) (a(i,j), j=n,1,-1) return c c r - 1 clockwise 90 deg turn 1050 do 1055 j=n,1,-1 1055 read (inf, end=2000) (a(i,j), i=1,m) return c c rv - v reflection followed by r 1060 do 1065 j=n,1,-1 1065 read (inf, end=2000) (a(i,j), i=m,1,-1) return c c rh - h reflection followed by r = transpose of a 1070 do 1075 j=1,n 1075 read (inf, end=2000) (a(i,j), i=1,m) return c r**3=r**-1 - 3 clockwise 90 deg turns = one anticlockwise 1080 do 1085 j=1,n 1085 read (inf, end=2000) (a(i,j), i=m,1,-1) return c c Error section. Improper dimensions have been supplied c 2000 write(*,'(a)') ' ','>>> Unexpected endfile encountered', $'Improper array size has been given - File rewound' m=0 rewind inf return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine matraf(mdim, m, n, a, klack, jsign) c$$$$ calls nothing c Routine actually to read formatted diskfile with * format c it is assumed the file was written by rows with a statement like c write(iunit, format) ((a(i,j), j=1, n), i=1, m) c common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info dimension a(mdim,*) dimension lookup(4,4) data lookup /1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, $ 4,3,2,1,8,7,6,5/ c c Transform the number of clockwise rotations to one of 0,1,2,3 c klick=mod(mod(klack,4) + 4, 4) c c All possible orientations reduce to one of the 8 below. lookup c has this coded into it c igo=lookup(jsign, klick+1) c goto (1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1050, 1060, 1070, 1080), igo c c No transformations. Read a as written 1010 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((a(i,j), j=1,n), i=1, m) return c c v - reflect in vertical plane 1020 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((a(i,j), j=1,n), i=m,1,-1) return c c h - reflect in horizontal plane 1030 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((a(i,j), j=n,1,-1), i=1,m) return c c vh = r**2 - reflect in v and h = 2 clockwise 90 deg turns 1040 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((a(i,j), j=n,1,-1), i=m,1,-1) return c c r - 1 clockwise 90 deg turn 1050 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((a(i,j), i=1,m), j=n,1,-1) return c c rv - v reflection followed by r 1060 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((a(i,j), i=m,1,-1), j=n,1,-1) return c c rh - h reflection followed by r = transpose of a 1070 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((a(i,j), i=1,m), j=1,n) return c r**3=r**-1 - 3 clockwise 90 deg turns = one anticlockwise 1080 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((a(i,j), i=m,1,-1), j=1,n) return c c Error section. Improper dimensions have been supplied c 2000 write(*,'(a)') ' ','>>> Unexpected endfile encountered', $'Improper array size has been given - File rewound' m=0 if ( rewind inf return c 2010 write(*,'(a)') ' ','>>> Error while reading array data', $'File rewound' m=0 if ( rewind inf return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine assess(fmin, fmax, step, nlev, levmx, zlevs) c$$$$ calls nothing c Finds relatively nice subdivisions on interval (fmin, fmax). c Returns number of levels in nlev and array of values in zlevs. c If step > 0 uses this interval to construct the subdivisions c but modifies interval to ensure nlev <= levmx c step < 0 signals how many contour levels in default scheme. dimension zlevs(*),xnice(10) data mlines/11/ data xnice/1,2,2.5,5,5,5,5,10,10,10/ c f1=min(fmin, fmax) f2=max(fmax, fmin) if (f1 .eq. f2) f2=1.0 + 1.5* abs(f1) c numlev=mlines if ( -mlines) numlev=min(-nint(step), levmx) c c Make up a nice uniform contour interval if (step.le. 0.0) then dzlog = log10((f2-f1)/numlev) + 500.0 near=nint(10.0**mod(dzlog, 1.0)) dz = xnice(near)*10.0**(int(dzlog) - 500) c Use step provided else dz = step endif c c Build level lines if (f2-f1 .ge. levmx*dz) dz=(f2-f1+dz)/(levmx-1) k1 = nint(f1/dz) k2 = nint(f2/dz) nlev=k2-k1+1 do 1500 k=k1, k2 zlevs(k-k1+1)=k*dz 1500 continue return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine group(string, k1,k2) c$$$$ calls nothing c Given a string representing repeated application on an array of c the actions: c R rotate 90 deg clockwise; V reflect in a verical plane c H reflect in a horizontal plane; T transpose, c finds an integer representing one of the states of the array c 1=unaltered; 2=V; 3=H; 4=RR; 5=R; 6=T; 7=RH; 8=RRR c c This in turn is decoded into [m n r] form in k1, k2 c c The order of operations is as one reads - thus RTV means c first rotate array once, then transpose the result, then reflect the c result in a vertical plane dimension multab(8,8), map(8,2) character *(*) string c This is the dihedral D2 group multiplication table data ((multab(i,j),j=1,8),i=1,8)/ $1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 2,1,4,3,7,8,5,6, 3,4,1,2,6,5,8,7, $4,3,2,1,8,7,6,5, 5,6,7,8,4,3,2,1, 6,5,8,7,2,1,4,3, $7,8,5,6,3,4,1,2, 8,7,6,5,1,2,3,4/ data ((map(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,8)/ $1,1, -1,1, -1,-1, 1,-1, 1,2, -1,2, -1,0, 1,0/ c c Orientation given as one of 8 choices: n v h u c t k a igroup=index('nvhuctka',string(1:1)) if ( 0) goto 1600 c Orientation found by combination of 4 operations: VHRT igroup=1 l=len(string) do 1500 i=1, l k=index('.VH.RT',string(i:i)) if(k .ge. 2) igroup=multab(igroup,k) 1500 continue c c Map orientation into [m, n, r] instructions 1600 k1=map(igroup,1) k2=map(igroup,2) return end c________________________________________________________________ * 4. Map generator and page manager * subroutine major(mdim, m, n, a) c$$$$ calls assess bar border clear getchr getone getval letter c$$$$ trima linax minmax notes paint table sort xyline xysym encaps c c The major routine for producing color map of the array a. c m, n are the internal array dimensions. c mdim is the row dimension as a is stored (=m+2) c c The routine positions the plot on the paper, opens the plotfile, c invokes the painting routine and positions the origin, puts c the color key at the right and writes the plot label c c Postscript prolog written here also c parameter (levmx=100) dimension a(mdim, *), zlevs(levmx), xyorg(2),xynew(2) common /xtreme/ bord,amin,amax,alim(3) parameter (lpmx=2500, knmx=50 000) integer*2 kxy common /arcs/ loops,istart(lpmx),area(lpmx),lev(lpmx),kxy(2,knmx) common /trace/ level,em,en,xfac,yfac common /noir/ scutum,kolors,art(4,levmx),kart(levmx),loutln(levmx) common /pallet/ many,npal(10),hue(28,10),sat(28,10),bri(28,10) common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info common /local/ color(1),black(2) common /outfil/ output c dimension hw(3), xyax(4), zlim(2), rlim(2) character*80 output, label, txes, onoff*2,boff*2 save kase, hw, xyorg, xynew, hlet, legacy, zlevs data kase/0/, hw/2*0, 0.08333/, nlev/0/, legacy/0/ data xyorg/0,1000/, xynew/1,1.5/ data onoff/'of'/, boff/'of'/ data hlet/0.0/ c c No array has been provided. Abandon ship c if (m .eq. 0) then write(*, '(/a)')'>>> Nothing to plot - read an array' return endif c c Get a substitute color table for palette 1 if desired call table c kase=1 + kase loops=0 istart(1)=1 c First time through - open plotfile and set landscape/portrait if (kase .eq. 1) then call getchr('landscape', label, land) output='mypost' call getchr('output', output, nf) open(unit=18, file=output) write(18,'(a)') '%!PS PostScript file', $ '% Generated by color', $ '%initmatrix','0.072 0.072 scale % Coords are 1/1000 in' if (land .ge. 0) write(18,'(a)') $ '6750 0 translate 90 rotate % anticlockwise', $ '%0 10750 translate -90 rotate % clockwise' write(18,'(a)') '200 200 translate', $ '/m {newpath moveto} def','/r {rlineto}def' dxy=200.0/1000 call encaps(1, dxy,dxy, 0.0,0.0) endif c c Determine extremes of function to be plotted; if interval has c been set explicitly retain the values call minmax(m, m ,n, a, amin, amax) c c c Set level lines and colors; some contortions needed to inherit c colors set by a previous 'above' or 'level' command c c Check whether to use colors previously set if ( 0) then call getone('levels', dum, ilev) call getone('interval', dum, iint) call getone('above',dum, nart) if (max(iint,ilev,nart).lt. 0) goto 2000 endif c c Transitions and colors set by "above" commands call getval('above', art(1,1), 4, nart) call clear('above') c if (nart .gt. 0) then legacy=1 zlevs(1)=art(1,1) do 1100 k=2, levmx call getval('above', art(1,k), 4, nart) call clear('above') zlevs(k)=art(1,k) if (nart .lt. 0) goto 1110 1100 continue write(*,'(a)') '>>> Too many levels requested. ', $ 'If necessary increase parameter LEVMX and recompile' k=levmx + 1 1110 kolors=max(2, k-1) call minmax(kolors, kolors, 1, zlevs, zlim(1), zlim(2)) kolors=kolors+1 zlevs(kolors)=zlim(1) - 0.07*(zlim(2)-zlim(1)) c call sort(kolors, zlevs, kart) nlev=kolors c Extrapolate a shade for area below lowest specified level k1=kart(1) k2=kart(2) k3=kart(3) art(1,k1)= zlevs(1) art(2,k1)= mod(1.5*art(2,k2) - 0.5*art(2,k3), 1.0) art(3,k1)= max(min(1.5*art(3,k2) - 0.5*art(3,k3), 1.0), 0.0) art(4,k1)= max(min(1.5*art(4,k2) - 0.5*art(4,k3), 1.0), 0.0) goto 2000 endif c c c Transitions set by 'interval' command: contours are evenly spaced call getval('interval', alim, 3, nlim) c c c When kolors=0, only transitions have been set, not colors kolors=0 dz=1.0 if (mod(nlim,2).eq. 1) dz=alim(nlim) c Detect various errors in interval specification if ( .and. alim(2).le.alim(1)) nlim=0 if (dz.le. 0.0) nlim=0 c Interval not provided: Default to data extremes; step<0 special case if (nlim.le. 0) then step=0.0 call trima(m,m,n, a, zlim) c Only interval step > 0 provided elseif (nlim.eq. 1) then legacy=2 step=alim(1) call trima(m,m,n, a, rlim) zlim(1)=rlim(1)-mod(rlim(1),step) + min(0.0,sign(step,rlim(1))) zlim(2)=max(rlim(2), rlim(1)+step) c Interval provided, but no step elseif (nlim.eq. 2) then legacy=2 step=0.0 zlim(1)=alim(1) zlim(2)=alim(2) c Interval and step > 0 provided elseif (nlim.eq. 3) then legacy=2 step=alim(3) zlim(1)=alim(1) - step zlim(2)=alim(2) endif if (info .ge. 1) write(*,'(/(a,1p,2g12.4))') $' Array values fall within ',amin,amax, $' Contouring performed within',zlim, ' ' c c Assign new levels from 'interval' command if ( 0 .or. legacy.eq. 0) then call assess(zlim(1), zlim(2), step, nlev, levmx, zlevs) c Adjust sub-bottom interval to be same length as that of above-top if ( 3) zlevs(1)=zlevs(2) - 0.075*(zlevs(nlev)-zlevs(2)) endif c c c Transitions set by 'levels' command call getval('levels', zlevs, levmx, nlevl) call clear('levels') c if ( 0) then c There is a "levels" command legacy=3 c Get any further levels do 1500 k=1,4 call getval('levels', zlevs(nlevl+1), levmx-nlevl, kf) call clear('levels') if (kf .le. 0) goto 1510 nlevl=nlevl + kf 1500 continue 1510 nlev=min(nlevl, levmx) if (nlev .eq. 1) then dist=max(abs(zlevs(1)-amin), abs(zlevs(1)-amax)) zlevs(2)=zlevs(1) - 1.1*dist zlevs(3)=zlevs(1) + 1.1*dist nlev=3 endif c Add a sub-bottom level call minmax(nlev, nlev, 1, zlevs, zlim(1), zlim(2)) nlev=nlev+1 zlevs(nlev)=zlim(1) - 0.07*(zlim(2)-zlim(1)) zlim(1)=zlevs(nlev) call sort(nlev, zlevs, kart) c Remove repeated levels! ndup=0 do 1550 j=2, nlev if (zlevs(j) .gt. zlevs(j-1)) goto 1550 ndup=ndup+1 zlevs(j-1)=abs(zlevs(nlev))*1.1+1.0 1550 continue if ( 0) call sort(nlev, zlevs, kart) nlev=nlev - ndup endif c c c Transition levels have been set or inherited from previous plot c Choose colors from a standard palette call getval('palette', color, 3, nblck) c Check alternative spelling "pallet" if ( 0) call getval('pallet', color, 3, nblck) if ( 0 .or. kolors.eq. 0) then kolors=nlev match=nint(color(1)) if ( 1) write(*,'(a,i3)') $ ' Colors drawn from standard palette ',match c c Greytone (match=0): get shade parameters if (match.le. 0) then bfact=sign(1.0, black(1))/((zlim(2)-zlim(1)) + 1.0e-8) offst=0.5 - sign(0.5, black(1)) ablack=abs(black(1)) do 1600 k=1, nlev art(1,k)=zlevs(k) art(3,k)=0.0 art(4,k)=1.0-ablack* abs(offst + $ bfact*(zlevs(k)-zlim(1)))**abs(black(2)) 1600 continue else c c Canned palette HSB values obtained from common /artist/ c If number of colors required (nlev) < number available (ncav), c pick a color from palette, otherwise interpolate mtch=min(many, match) ncav=npal(mtch) beta=(ncav - 1.0001)/(nlev-1) do 1700 k=1, nlev art(1,k)=zlevs(k) alf=1.0 + beta*(k-1) i=alf if (nlev .ge. ncav) then gam=alf-i art(2,k)=(1.0-gam)*hue(i,mtch) + gam*hue(i+1,mtch) art(3,k)=(1.0-gam)*sat(i,mtch) + gam*sat(i+1,mtch) art(4,k)=(1.0-gam)*bri(i,mtch) + gam*bri(i+1,mtch) else kin=1 + nint((k-1)*(ncav-2.0)/(nlev-1.0)) if (nlev .eq. ncav) kin=k art(2,k)=hue(kin+1,mtch) art(3,k)=sat(kin+1,mtch) art(4,k)=bri(kin+1,mtch) endif 1700 continue endif call sort(nlev, zlevs, kart) endif kolors=nlev c c c c Transitions and levels have been set 2000 if (info .ge. 1) then write(*,'(a)')' ', $' These levels and color codes have been set', $' level hue saturation brightness' do 2050 kl=1, kolors k=kart(kl) write(*,'(i2,g12.4,3f10.3)') kl, (art(j,k),j=1,4) 2050 continue endif c c c Fill artificial border with a small value bord=min(2.0*amin - amax, 2.0*zlevs(1) - zlevs(nlev)) c c c Decide on the size of the map; it is proportional to the dimensions c unless otherwise requested call getone('height', hw(2), nf) call getone('width', hw(1), nf) w=hw(1) h=hw(2) if (h .le. 0 .and. w .eq. 0) then if (m .ge. n) w=6.0 if (m .lt. n) h=6.0 endif if (w .le. 0) w=h*(m-1)/(n-1.0) if (h .le. 0) h=w*(n-1)/(m-1.0) c c Set the origin c c If the origin of this plot is explicitly set, move it. c External units are 1/1000 inch for compatibility with pscrip. c Program units are inches c=1000 c call getval('plot', xyorg, 2, nf) if (nf .eq. 2) then write(18,'(2f9.2,a)') c*xyorg(1),c*xyorg(2),' translate' call encaps(1, xyorg(1),xyorg(2), 0.0,0.0) else c No explicit origin requested. Set standard position write(18,'(2f9.2,a)') c*xynew(1),c*xynew(2),' translate' call encaps(1, xynew(1),xynew(2), 0.0,0.0) endif xynew(1)=0.0 xynew(2)=h+1.0 call encaps(2, 0.0,0.0, w,h) c c Paint the array if (info .ge. 1) write(*,'(/a)') ' Painting underway ...' c call paint(m, n, a, zlevs, w, h) c if (info .ge. 1) write(*,'(/a,i5)') $' Number of closed contours in map ',loops c c Add extra xy-lines call xyline(w, h) c c Add symbols call xysym(w, h) c c Draw a border around the map or mask out around inscribed ellipse call getchr('border', boff, nbor) if (nbor .eq. 0) boff='on' if (boff .eq. 'ma') then call border(10.0, 3) call border(10.0, 2) elseif (boff .eq. 'on') then map=1 call getone('mapping', amap, nap) if (nap .eq. 1 .and. amap.eq.2) map=2 call border(10.0, map) endif c c Add annotated axes naxes=0 if (hlet .le. 0.0) hlet=int(0.5*h + 9.0)/72.0 call getone('size', hlet, ignor) call getval('axes', xyax, 4, nax) if (nax .eq. 4) then c Cancel axes if they are hidden or of zero length call getchr('axes', txes, nax) if (xyax(1).eq.xyax(2) .or. xyax(3).eq.xyax(4) .or. $ index(txes, 'hid').gt.0) goto 3000 naxes=2 call linax(hlet, (em-1)*xfac/1000, xyax(1), 1) call linax(hlet, (en-1)*yfac/1000, xyax(3), 2) xleng=(em-1)*xfac endif 3000 continue c c Plot label if there is one call getchr('label', label, nf) c if ( 1) then if (info .ge. 1) write(*,'(/2a)') ' Label: ',label(1:72) call letter(0.0, -(naxes+2)*hlet, hlet, 0.0, label) endif c c c Draw a color bar to right of main graph if not suppressed call getchr('nobar', onoff, nbar) if (nbar.eq. 0) onoff='on' if (onoff .eq. 'of') then write(18,'(2f9.1,a)') c*(w+hlet), 0.0, ' translate' call encaps(1, w+hlet, 0.0, 0.0,0.0) call bar(min(5.0, h), hlet) write(18,'(2f9.1,a)') -c*(w+hlet), 0.0, ' translate' call encaps(1, -w-hlet, 0.0, 0.0,0.0) endif c c Plot the notes last call notes(hlet) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine paint(m, n, a, zlevs, w, h) c$$$$ calls dumpit getval getchr glevel sort tensor base c Jacket routine for performing basic contouring function. c As always, a is the array with original dimensions m, n. c zlevs is an array of contour levels; the list must be c in ascending numerical order. Routine quits by detecting c a decrease. c h, w are height and width in inches of finished map save outln parameter (lpmx=2500, knmx=50 000) dimension a(*),zlevs(*),basx(103),basy(103),key(lpmx) dimension outln(lpmx), heavy(3) character*80 txt integer*2 kxy common /perim/ ltrue(lpmx) common /arcs/ loops,istart(lpmx),area(lpmx),lev(lpmx),kxy(2,knmx) common /trace/ level,em,en,xfac,yfac common /xtreme/ bord,amin,amax,alim(3) parameter (levmx=100) common /noir/ scutum,kolors,art(4,levmx),kart(levmx),loutln(levmx) data txt/' '/ data heavy/4, 4, 12/ c diff(x,y)=max(abs(x-y)-(abs(x)+abs(y))*1e-5, 0.0) c c Inquire about outlines noutln=-99 call getchr('outline', txt, ignor) if (index(txt,'off') .eq. 0) $ call getval('outline', outln, levmx, noutln) do 1050 k=1, kolors loutln(k)=abs(noutln) 1050 continue c c loutln=0 => outline that level do 1150 k=1, kolors do 1100 i=1, noutln if (diff(zlevs(k), outln(i)) .eq.0.0) loutln(k)=0 1100 continue 1150 continue c c Inquire about dashed outlines - marker in loutln set to -1 call getval('dashed', outln, levmx, noutln) c loutln= -1 => dash outline that level do 1250 k=1, kolors if (noutln .eq. 0) loutln(k)=-1 do 1200 i=1, noutln if (diff(zlevs(k), outln(i)) .eq.0.0) loutln(k)=-1 1200 continue 1250 continue c Inquire about heavy outlines - marker in loutln set to -2 call getval('heavy', outln, levmx, noutln) do 1350 k=1, kolors if (noutln .eq. 0) loutln(k)=-2 do 1300 i=1, noutln if (diff(zlevs(k), outln(i)) .eq.0.0) loutln(k)=-2 1300 continue 1350 continue c Get line weights for outlines call getval('weights', heavy, 3, ignor) c c Set scale factors which are single grid steps in x and y c and dimensions for dumpit c=1000 xfac=c*w/(m-1) yfac=c*h/(n-1) em=m en=n c c Establish map transformations if any call tensor c c Offset the map by one cell width for border write(18,'(2f10.1,a)') -xfac,-yfac,' translate' c c Determine the base color do 1500 level=0, kolors-1 if (zlevs(level+1) .gt. bord) goto 1510 1500 continue c Fill rectangle with base color 1510 level=1 call base c c Set 0.10 inches to be the maximum step on any contour: ds=0.10*c/min(xfac, yfac) call glevel(m, m, n, a, ds, zlevs(level)) area(1)=1.5*area(1) c c Run through contour levels, saving paths in kxy. c Save time and memory by skipping useless levels do 1600 level=2, kolors zlv=zlevs(level) if (zlv .ge. amax) goto 1610 if (zlv .gt. bord) then call glevel(m, m, n, a, ds, zlv) endif 1600 continue 1610 continue c c Sort the contours path into decreasing order by area. c Since sort makes ascending lists, numerically area < 0 call sort(loops, area, key) c c Output the paths in order of decreasing area do 2800 lk=1, loops l=key(lk) level=lev(l) nxy=istart(l+1)-istart(l) j1=istart(l) + 1 j2=istart(l+1) - 1 ka=kart(level) lout=loutln(ltrue(l)) c Postscript code written to unit 9; each loop annotated with a header write(18,'(a,i5,a,i3,a,f9.1,a,g12.4/3f9.3,a)') '%% nxy ',nxy, $ ' color number',level,' area', -area(lk), $ ' true level',zlevs(ltrue(l)), $ art(2,ka),art(3,ka),art(4,ka),' sethsbcolor' write(18,'(2i7,a)') kxy(1,j1-1),kxy(2,j1-1),' m' write(18,*) (kxy(1,j) - kxy(1,j-1), $ kxy(2,j) - kxy(2,j-1), ' r',j=j1,j2) if (lout .gt. 0) then write(18,'(a)') 'closepath fill' c c Outline region with a black line elseif (lout.eq. 0 .or. lout.eq. -2) then write(18,'(a,f8.0)')'closepath gsave fill grestore 0 setgray', $ heavy(1-lout),' setlinewidth stroke 4 setlinewidth' elseif (lout .eq. -1) then write(18,'(2a,f8.0,a)') 'closepath gsave fill ', $ 'grestore 0 setgray', heavy(2), ' setlinewidth ', $ '[50 50] 0 setdash stroke [] 0 setdash 4 setlinewidth' c endif 2800 continue c c Restore origin and color to black write(18,'(2f10.1,a)') xfac,yfac,' translate 0 setgray' return end c____________________________________________________________________ subroutine border(weight, kind) c$$$$ calls nothing c Draws a border around the finished map c weight is line width in 1/1000th inches common /trace/ level,em,en,xfac,yfac common /atlas/ map,mtab,ntab,xtab(201),ytab(201) data f/1.004/ c c Define sizes a=0.5*(em - 1.0)*xfac b=0.5*(en - 1.0)*yfac kolor=(kind-1)/2 wt=abs(weight) c c Choose appropriate shape depending on the map goto (1000, 2000, 1000), kind c c Map has rectangular border (white for masking) 1000 write(18,*) '% Rectangular border' write(18,*) 'gsave ',kolor,' setgray ',wt,' setlinewidth' write(18,*) 0,0,' m',2*a,0,' r',0,2*b,' r',-2*a,0,' r' write(18,*) 'closepath stroke grestore' if (kind .eq. 3) goto 3000 return c c Elliptical border - drawn by the PostScript arc command 2000 write(18,*) '% Elliptical border' write(18,*) 'gsave',a, b, ' translate 1 ',b/a,' scale ' write(18,*) 'newpath 0 0',a,' 0 360 arc' write(18,*) wt,' setlinewidth 0 setgray stroke grestore' return c c Mask out stuff between the inscribed ellipse and the rectangle 3000 write (18,*) 'gsave', a,b,' translate',a*f,b*f,' scale' write (18,*) 'newpath 0 0 ',1.0/f, $ ' 0 360 arc 0 -1 r -2 0 r 0 2 r 2 0 r' write (18,*) '0 -1 r closepath 1 setgray fill grestore' return c end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine bar(height, hlett) c$$$$ calls getval getchr letter mabel c Draws the color key to the right of the map. This involves c numerical annotation at the proper place done by mabel c character*80 label common /xtreme/ bord,amin,amax,alim(3) parameter (levmx=100) common /noir/ scutum,kolors,art(4,levmx),kart(levmx),loutln(levmx) c common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info dimension heavy(3), rung(levmx+1) data heavy/4, 4, 12/, label/' '/ c c call getval('weights', heavy, 3, ignor) call getchr('size', label, ignor) strict=min(index(label, 's'), 1) c=1000 hlet=hlett art1=art(1,kart(1)) kk=kart(kolors) cons=0.94*c*height/(1.0e-18 + (art(1,kk) - art1)) c Paint the highest color; just paint the rectangle c in the proper color and fill dx=2.0*c*hlet dz=c*height write(18,*) '% Color bar' write(18,'(4(a,f8.0))') '0 0 m',dx,' 0 r 0',dz,' r',-dx,' 0 r' write(18,'(a,3f10.3,a)') 'closepath ', $art(2,kk),art(3,kk),art(4,kk),' sethsbcolor fill' c c Determine minimum contour spacing, and set initial spacing of c lines in the bar drmin=1.0e6 do 1100 k=1, kolors rung(k)=cons*(art(1,kart(k)) - art1) if ( 2) drmin=min((rung(k)-rung(k-1))/c, drmin) 1100 continue rung(kolors+1)=dz deven=(rung(kolors)-rung(2))/(kolors-2) c c Check for crowding; then adjust height of numbers and, if necessary, c stretch scale shrnk=min(0.83*deven/(c*hlett), 1.0) if (drmin .lt. 1.2*hlet) then hlet=shrnk*hlett if (drmin .ge. 1.2*hlet) goto 1200 gamma=deven alf=(1.2*hlet*c-gamma)/(drmin*c-gamma) c Distort intervals on bar to fit numbers in without overlap do 1150 k=2, kolors rung(k)=alf*rung(k) + (1.0-alf)*(gamma*(k-2)+rung(2)) 1150 continue endif 1200 continue c c Fill the colors and the outlines do 1400 kl=kolors, 2, -1 ka=kart(kl) dz=rung(kl) write(18,'(4(a,f8.0))') '0 0 m',dx,' 0 r 0',dz,' r',-dx,' 0 r' ka=kart(kl-1) write(18,'(a,3f10.3,a)') 'closepath ', $ art(2,ka),art(3,ka),art(4,ka),' sethsbcolor fill' c Take care of outline marker in color bar klout=loutln(kl) if (klout.eq. 0 .or. klout .eq. -2) write(18,'(a,f8.0)') $ '0 ',dz,' m',dx,' 0 r 0 setgray ',heavy(1-klout), $ ' setlinewidth stroke 4 setlinewidth' if (loutln(kl) .eq.-1) write(18,'(a,f8.0)') $ '0 ',dz,' m',dx,' 0 r ', heavy(2), $ ' setlinewidth 0 setgray [50 50] 0 setdash stroke' // $ ' [] 0 setdash 4 setlinewidth' 1400 continue c c Surround the bar with a border write(18,'(4(a,f8.0))') $'0 0 m',dx,' 0 r 0',height*c,' r',-dx,' 0 r' write(18,'(a)') '0 setgray closepath stroke' write(18,'(a)') '0 setgray' c c Restore original letter height if sizes are strict if (strict.eq. 1.0) hlet=hlett iskip=1.0 + strict*0.9/shrnk c c If numbers are too large or small inmagnitude, scale them larg=log10(max(abs(art(1,kk)), abs(art1))) if (larg .lt. 0) larg=larg - 1 scale=1.0 dx=dx + c*hlet c Write the scale factor in exponential notation above the list if (larg .ge. 5 .or. larg .le. -2) then scale=10.0**larg dz=cons*(art(1,kk) - art1) + 0.75*c*hlet call letter(dx/c, dz/c, hlet, 0.0, 'x10') call mabel(real(larg), klen, label) call letter(dx/c+1.85*hlet, dz/c+0.5*hlet, 0.75*hlet, 0.0, $ label(1:klen)) endif c c Write numerical annotation to the right of bar do 1500 k=2, kolors, iskip ka=kart(k) call mabel(art(1,ka)/scale, klen, label) call letter(dx/c, rung(k)/c-0.5*hlet, hlet, 0.0, label(1:klen)) 1500 continue if ( 1 .and. drmin*c .lt. 0.9*deven) write(*,'(a)') $'>>> Color bar information loss: unevenly spaced unlabeled levels' c return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine letter(x, y, h, angle, text) c$$$$ calls greek encaps character*(*) text, bkslsh*1 c A PostScript version of the famous routine, without c subscript ability. c External units are reset to points (1/72 inches); c Program units as always are inches c bkslsh=char(92) long=len(text) do 1100 l=long, 1, -1 if (text(l:l) .ne. ' ') goto 1101 1100 continue return 1101 long=l c ipoint=nint(h*72) write(18,'(a)')'gsave 15.0 13.89 scale 0 setgray' c write(18,'(a)') '/Helvetica findfont' write(18,'(i4,a/2f6.1,a)') ipoint,' scalefont setfont', $ 67*x, 72*y, ' moveto currentpoint translate' if (angle .ne. 0) write(18,'(f8.2,a)') angle,' rotate' c i1=1 1000 continue i2=i1 -1 + index( text(i1:long), bkslsh) if (i2.eq. i1-1) i2=long+1 if (i2 .gt. i1) write(18,'(3a)') '(',text(i1:i2-1),') show' if (i2 .ge. long) goto 1500 i3=i2 + index( text(i2+1:long), bkslsh) if (i3.eq. i2) i3=long+1 if ( 1) call greek(ipoint, text(i2+1:i3-1)) if ( long) goto 1500 c i1=i3+1 goto 1000 c c 1500 write(18,'(a)') 'grestore' c el=0.6*l*h px=el*cos(0.01745*angle) py=el*sin(0.01745*angle) call encaps(2,x,y, x+px,y+py) call encaps(2,x-py*h/el, y+px*h/el, x+px-py*h/el, y+py+px*h/el) c return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine greek(ipoint, text) c$$$$ calls nothing c Draws a single Greek character; then returns to Roman font. c Also interprets \up\ and \down\ as half height vertical motions character*(*) text c c Check superscripting if (text .eq. 'up') then write(18,'(2i5,a)') 0,ipoint/2,' r' return c Check subscripting elseif (text .eq. 'down') then write(18,'(2i5,a)') 0,-ipoint/2,' r' return endif c c Resolve ambiguities in representation of letters. c Symbol font maps Roman to Greek with a few oddities handled below if (text(1:2).eq.'et') text(1:1)='h' if (text(1:2).eq.'ph') text(1:1)='f' if (text(1:2).eq.'ps') text(1:1)='y' if (text(1:3).eq.'ome') text(1:1)='w' if (text(1:2).eq.'Et') text(1:1)='H' if (text(1:2).eq.'Ph') text(1:1)='F' if (text(1:2).eq.'Ps') text(1:1)='Y' if (text(1:3).eq.'Ome') text(1:1)='W' c write (18,*)'/Symbol findfont ',ipoint,' scalefont setfont' write (18,'(3a)') '(',text(1:1),') show' write (18,*)'/Helvetica findfont ',ipoint,' scalefont setfont' return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine notes(hlet) c$$$$ calls getchr letter clear c Writes a series of notes at the given coordinates (inches) with c option letter height, and clockwise angle parameters common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info character*75 line c do 1800 k=1, 1000 call getchr('note', line, nnote) call clear('note') if ( 0) then if ( write(*,'(/a,i4)')' Notes added to map:',k-1 return endif i1=index(line, '(') i2=index(line,')') if (i1*i2 .eq. 0 .or. goto 1700 read(line(i1+1:i2-1), *, end=1050, err=1700) x,y,h,angle if (h.eq. 0.0) h=hlet call letter(x,y, h,angle, line(i2+1:75)) goto 1800 1050 read(line(i1+1:i2-1), *, end=1100, err=1700) x,y,h if (h.eq. 0.0) h=hlet if (abs(h).le. 2) call letter(x,y, h,0.0, line(i2+1:75)) goto 1800 1100 read(line(i1+1:i2-1), *, err=1700) x,y call letter(x,y, hlet,0.0, line(i2+1:75)) goto 1800 1700 write(*,'(a,a)')'>>> Improper note coordinates: ',line 1800 continue return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine table c$$$$ calls getchr c Reads in a palette from a file, substituting it for c the standard palette number 1. Always reads to EOF c parameter (nk=28) character*64 name common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info common /pallet/ many,npal(10),hue(nk,10),sat(nk,10),bri(nk,10) c c Look for filename of a color table call getchr('table', name, ntb) if (ntb .le. 0) return open (unit=10, file=name, status='OLD', err=2000) c c Read into the first palette do 1100 it=1, nk read (10,*,end=1110,err=2100) hue(it,1),sat(it,1),bri(it,1) 1100 continue it=nk + 1 1110 it=it - 1 close(unit=10) npal(1)=it write(*, '(/a,i3,a)') $' Palette 1 has been replaced by a new selection of ',it,' colors' return c c Errors reported 2000 write(*, '(a,a/a)')'>>> File ',name, $'is nonexistent or you lack permission to read it' return 2100 write(*, '(2a)')'>>> Unreadable numbers in file ', name, $'Palette 1 will be a mixture of old and new colors' return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine minmax(mdim, n, k, x, xmin, xmax) c$$$$ calls nothing c Finds minimum and maximum of an array x with actual dimensions c n, k held in columns that are mdim long dimension x(mdim,*) xmin=x(1,1) xmax=xmin do 1100 i=1, n do 1000 j=1, k xmin=min(xmin, x(i,j)) xmax=max(xmax, x(i,j)) 1000 continue 1100 continue return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine trima(mdim, m,n, a, rlim) c$$$$ calls nothing c Finds trimmed extremes, rlim, of a, based on the 1-norm, after c trimming extremes over 95% of normal. common /xtreme/ bord,amin,amax,alim(3) dimension a(mdim,*),rlim(2) c c Scan the array 4 times do 1400 ifour=1, 4 sum=0.0 newn=0 do 1100 i=1, m do 1000 j=1, n goto (100,200,300,300), ifour 100 sum=sum+a(i,j) goto 1000 200 sum=sum+abs(a(i,j)-abar) goto 1000 300 if (a(i,j).lt. top .and. a(i,j).gt. bot) then newn=newn+1 if (ifour.eq. 3) sum=sum+a(i,j) if (ifour.eq. 4) sum=sum+abs(a(i,j)-abar) endif 1000 continue 1100 continue if (ifour.eq. 1)abar=sum/(m*n) if (ifour.eq. 3)abar=sum/newn if (ifour.eq. 2) then bot=abar-2.9*sum/(m*n) top=2.0*abar-bot endif 1400 continue awidth=sum/newn rlim(1)=max(amin, abar-2.8*awidth) rlim(2)=min(amax, abar+2.8*awidth) return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine sort(no, x, key) c$$$$ calls nothing c In-place rapid sorter. Sorts array in place and saves an index to c the sort in key dimension x(*), key(*) c do 1 i=1,no 1 key(i)=i mo=no 2 if (mo-15) 21,21,23 21 if (mo.le.1) return mo=2*(mo/4) + 1 goto 24 23 mo=2*(mo/8) + 1 24 ko=no - mo jo=1 25 i=jo 26 if (x(i) - x(i+mo)) 28,28,27 27 temp=x(i) x(i)=x(i+mo) x(i+mo)=temp kemp=key(i) key(i)=key(i+mo) key(i+mo)=kemp i=i - mo if (i-1) 28,26,26 28 jo=1 + jo if (jo-ko) 25,25,2 end c______________________________________________________________________ * Miscellany * subroutine linax(ht, xlen, xx, ixy) c$$$$ calls justy letter nicer plot encaps c Plots either an x- or a y-axis of length xlen inches with tick c marks at reasonable places between the limits xx(1), xx(2). c If xx(1) .gt. xx(2) the numerals decrease along the axis. c lettering height is ht. c ixy =1 means x axis, ixy=2 means y axis. c The axis is drawn starting from the plot origin (x=0, y=0), which is c normally at the lower left corner. This position may be moved by c the user in the calling routine c character*40 label,ifmt*20 dimension xx(2),xa(2),s(4) c c data ticfac/1.6/, iup,idn /3,2/ c c In-line function iten(x)=int(500.001 + log10(x)) - 500 c ce if (xlen .eq. 0.0) return revers=sign(1.0, xx(2) - xx(1)) xx(1)=revers*xx(1) xx(2)=revers*xx(2) htix=0.4*ht xa(1)=xx(1) xa(2)=ticfac*min(1.0,10.0/xlen)*(xx(2)-xx(1)) + xx(1) call nicer(xa, xa, xt) if (xx(2)-xx(1).eq.180 .or. xx(2)-xx(1).eq.360) xt=30 c Set up format for numerical annotation on the axis nsiz=iten(max(abs(xx(2)), abs(xx(1)))) ntix=iten(xt) nfld=3 + max(nsiz, -ntix, nsiz-ntix) if ( goto 1000 c Width of field less than 8 characters - use an f-format ndp=max(0, -ntix) write(ifmt, 100) '(f', nfld, '.', ndp, ')' 100 format(a, i1, a, i1, a) if (ndp .eq. 0) nfld=nfld - 1 goto 1100 c Width of field more than 7 characters - use a g format 1000 ndp=nsiz - ntix + 1 nfld=7 + ndp write(ifmt, 110) nfld, ndp 110 format('(1pg', i2, '.', i2, ')' ) c c Reset origin 1100 call plot(0.0, 0.0, -1) xs= xlen/(xx(2) - xx(1)) n1=xa(1)/xt n2=xx(2)/xt + 1.0 goto (2100, 3100), ixy c c Draw the x axis 2100 kskip=1.3 + ht*nfld/(xs*xt) do 2500 n=n1, n2 x=n*xt xinch=xs*(x - xx(1)) c Plot next section of axis and the tick on the right if ( .or. goto 2500 call plot(xinch, 0.0, idn) call plot(xinch, htix, idn) c Write numerical annotation if (mod(n, kskip) .ne. 0) goto 2400 write(label, ifmt) x*revers call justy(s, ht, label(1:nfld)) call letter(xinch-s(2), -1.7*ht, ht, 0.0, label(1:nfld)) c Move back onto axis with pen up 2400 call plot(xinch, 0.0, iup) 2500 continue call encaps(2, 0.0, -1.7*ht, 0.0, 0.0) c Plot the last little piece of the axis call plot(xlen, 0.0, idn) call plot(0.0, 0.0, iup) xx(1)=revers*xx(1) xx(2)=revers*xx(2) return c c Draw the y axis 3100 kskip=1.5 + ht/(xs*xt) do 3500 n=n1, n2 y=n*xt yinch=xs*(y - xx(1)) c Plot next section of axis and the tick on the right if ( .or. goto 3500 call plot(0.0, yinch, idn) call plot(htix, yinch, idn) c Write numerical annotation if (mod(n, kskip) .ne. 0) goto 3400 write(label, ifmt) y*revers call justy(s, ht, label(1:nfld)) call letter(-ht/2-s(3), yinch-ht/3, ht, 0.0, label(1:nfld)) 3400 call plot(0.0, yinch, iup) 3500 continue call encaps(2, -ht/2-s(3), 0.0, 0.0,0.0) c Plot last little piece of axis call plot(0.0, xlen, idn) call plot(0.0, 0.0, iup) xx(1)=revers*xx(1) xx(2)=revers*xx(2) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine nicer(xin, xout, xtick) c$$$$ calls nothing c Routine for scaling intervals and providing tick marks for axes. c between 7 and 15 ticks are made, which is suitable for 10in axes. c Input parameters c xin(1),xin(2) extremes of variable x in its own units c output parameters c xout(1),xout(2) adjusted extremes, made to be round numbers. Note c the new interval always covers old one. c xtick distance between tick marks in x units (not inches). This c number is always a round number. dimension divs(4),xin(2),xout(2) c data e/1.0e-7/,divs/.1,.2,.5,1.0/ c ce xout(1)=xin(1) xout(2)=xin(2) if (xout(2).eq.xout(1)) xout(2)=1.0 + 1.1*xout(2) plus=1000.0 + log10(xout(2)-xout(1)) index=1.4969 + 2.857*mod(plus, 1.0) units=divs(index)*10.0**(int(plus)-1000) bias=(1.+e)*units*aint(1.+max(abs(xout(1)), abs(xout(2)))/units) xout(1)=xout(1) - mod(xout(1)+bias, units) xout(2)=xout(2) - mod(xout(2)-bias, units) if (abs(xout(1)/units) .le. .01) xout(1)=0.0 if (abs(xout(2)/units) .le. .01) xout(2)=0.0 xtick=units return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine plot(x, y, ipen) c$$$$ calls nothing c Thin version of Calcomp to PostScript pen motion controller save moves data moves/0/, init/0/ c if (init .eq. 0) then init=1 c Terminal moveto removed from definition of c write(18,'(a)')'/l {lineto} def', $ '/c {currentpoint stroke moveto newpath moveto} def', $ '/n {newpath moveto} def' endif ix=1000.0*x iy=1000.0*y c c Extend current polygon if (ipen .eq. 2) then write(18,*) ix,iy,' l' moves=moves + 1 c Terminate previous line, go to new position ready for new one elseif (ipen .eq. 3) then if (moves .gt. 0) then write(18,*) ix,iy,' c' moves=0 else write(18,*) ix,iy,' n' endif c Reset plot origin and go there elseif (ipen .lt. 0) then write(18,*) ix,iy,' translate 0 0 moveto' moves=0 elseif (ipen .eq. 6) then write(18,*) ix,iy,' lineto closepath fill' moves=0 endif return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine justy(s, ht, text) c$$$$ calls nothing c Thin version of text justification routine dimension s(4) character *(*) text c w=0.40*ht n=len(text) do 1100 j=1, n if (text(j:j) .ne. ' ') goto 1150 1100 continue s(1)=0.0 s(2)=0 s(3)=0 s(4)=0 return 1150 s(1)=(j-1)*w c j1=j+1 do 1200 j=n, j1, -1 if (text(j:j) .ne. ' ') goto 1250 1200 continue j=j1 1250 s(3)=j*w s(2)=(s(1)+s(3))/2 s(4)=n*j c return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine symbl(x, y, h, n) c$$$$ calls plot c Simple symbol generator matching Calcomp series approximately. c Every symbol is either a closed polygon (possibly filled), or c a set of evenly spaced rays from the center. c 0 square; 1 triangle; 2 octagon; 3 diamond; 4 plus; 5 asterisk; c 6 cross; 7 5-ray; 8 Y base up; 9 pentagon; 10 triangle, base up; c 11 hexagon; 12 Y; 13 bar; 14 6-ray; 15 dot; 16 heptagon; c 17 circle; 18 lg circle; 19 sm filled circle; 20 sm filled square; c 21 sm filled triangle. c Code for index n : c +-hh aa nn (eg 10 04 04); + = polygon, - = ray c hh/10 = height factor scaled with h for final figure c 2*pi/aa = initial angle for 1st point c nn = number of side of the polygon, or number of rays c dimension kode(22) data kode/ 10 08 04, 10 04 03, 08 16 08, 10 01 04, $ -10 01 04,-07 04 09,-10 08 04,-09 04 05, $ -10 04 03, 10 04 05, 10 12 03, 10 04 06, $-08 12 03,-10 04 02,-09 04 06, 02 04 03, 09 04 07, $ 10 01 16, 20 01 20, 06 01 10, 08 08 04, $ 10 04 03/ data twopi/ 6.2832/, thet/0/ c m=min(22, max(1, n+1)) kind=sign(1, kode(m)) k=abs(kode(m)) r=h*k*0.5e-5 phi=twopi/(mod(k,10000)/100) nn=mod(k, 100) c call plot(x+r*cos(phi), y+r*sin(phi), 3) do 1500 j=1, nn if (kind .lt. 0) call plot(x, y, 2) thet=phi + j*twopi/real(nn) call plot(x+r*cos(thet), y+r*sin(thet), 2) 1500 continue if (n .ge. 19) call plot(x+r*cos(thet), y+r*sin(thet), 6) call plot(x, y, 3) return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine xysym(w, h) c$$$$ calls aitoff axchck getchr getval clear symbl c Inputs x-y symbol data from a series of files c Establishes scale through the axes command c character*80 list parameter (nsymx=5000, ksmx=20) save xy,axes dimension axes(4),xy(nsymx),hsb(3,8) dimension kind(ksmx),symht(ksmx),kolr(ksmx),kbeg(ksmx+1) common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info data axes/0,0,0,0/, nax/-99/, kbeg(1)/1/, nsym/0/ data hsb/0,0,0, 0,0,1, 1,1,1, 0.667,1,1, 0.4,1,0.8, $0.15,1,1, 0.1,0.8,1, 0.833,1,1/ c c call axchck(linmap, axes) c c Execute the symbol command up to ksmx times do 1200 ksym=1, ksmx call getchr('symbol', list, nlist) call clear('symbol') c File list exhausted or blank if (nlist .lt. 0) then if (ksym .gt. 1) goto 1250 if (nsym .eq. 0) return goto 1300 elseif (nlist .eq. 0) then write(*,*)'x-y symbol data erased' nsym=0 return endif c Decode filename, symbol kind and height and possibly color jsplit=index(list, ' ') kind(ksym) =9 symht(ksym)=0.1 read (list(jsplit:80),*, err=1035) kind(ksym),symht(ksym) ksp=index(list,'=') + 1 kolr(ksym)=1 if (ksp .gt. 1) kolr(ksym)=1 + $ index('blawhiredblugreyelorapur',list(ksp:ksp+2))/3 goto 1040 1035 write(*,'(a)')'>>> Cannot read symbol height and/or kind', $ ' Arbitrarily assign kind=9, height=0.1' c 1040 list(jsplit:80)=' ' open (unit=11, file=list, status='OLD', err=1045) goto 1050 1045 write(*,'(a,a)')'>>> Nonexistent file: ',list kbeg(ksym+1)=kbeg(ksym) goto 1200 c c Read file to eof 1050 do 1100 j=kbeg(ksym), nsymx, 2 read (11,*, end=1150, err=1160) xy(j),xy(j+1) if ( 0) call aitoff(xy(j),xy(j+1), xy(j),xy(j+1)) 1100 continue j=nsymx write(*,'(a,i5,a)') '>>> Too many symbols (>', nsymx/2,')', $ ' Excess ignored' 1150 close(unit=11) if (info .ge. 1) write(*,'(2a)') $ ' X-y symbol data read from: ',list kbeg(ksym+1)=j goto 1200 1160 write(*,'(a,a)') $ '>>> Error reading x-y symbol data in file: ',list kbeg(ksym+1)=j close(unit=11) c 1200 continue ksym=ksmx+1 write(*,'(a)')'>>> Too many symbol files', $' Excess ignored' 1250 nsym=ksym-1 c c c Check if the axes have been defined 1300 call getval('axes', axes, 4, nax) c if (axes(1).ne.axes(2) .and. axes(3).ne.axes(4)) then c=1000 xfac=c*w/(axes(2) - axes(1)) yfac=c*h/(axes(4) - axes(3)) write(18,*)'/l{lineto}def 0 setgray' else write(*,'(a)') $ '>>> The axes command must be provided for symbols', $ ' x-y symbol data can not be plotted' return endif c c c Write the scaled points to 9 write (18,*)'% Begin x-y symbol data' do 1500 ksym=1, nsym write(18,'(3f8.2,2a)') (hsb(j,kolr(ksym)),j=1,3),' sethsbcolor' do 1400 j=kbeg(ksym), kbeg(ksym+1)-2, 2 if (xy(j).ge.axes(1).and.xy(j).le.axes(2) $ .and.xy(j+1).ge.axes(3).and.xy(j+1).le. axes(4)) $ call symbl(xfac*(xy(j)-axes(1))/c, yfac*(xy(j+1)-axes(3))/c, $ symht(ksym), kind(ksym)) 1400 continue 1500 continue return c end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine axchck(linmap, axes) c$$$$ calls getchr getone getval c Returns linmap=1 if data mapping requested, 0 otherwise c Also sets axes for mapping 2 character*80 mapcom dimension axes(4) c c Automatically set axes if map 2 (Aitoff) is set call getval('axes', axes, 4, nax) amap=0 call getone('mapping', amap, nap) if (nax.le. 3 .and. amap.eq. 2.0) then axes(1)=-2.0 axes(2)= 2.0 axes(3)=-1.0 axes(4)= 1.0 endif c Check if point and line data are to be mapped too call getchr('mapping', mapcom, ignor) linmap=0 if (amap.eq. 2.0) linmap=min(1, index(mapcom,'+')) return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine xyline(w, h) c$$$$ calls aitoff axchck getchr getval clear c Inputs then immediately plots xy-line data from a file or c series of files; establishes scale through the axes command c character*80 list,mark*2 parameter (nxymx=17270, mxln=64) save xy,axes,nxy,lwt,kolr dimension axes(4),xy(nxymx),hsb(3,8) dimension kolr(mxln),lin(mxln+1),lwt(mxln) common /inout/ inp,iout,inf,info data axes/0,0,0,0/, nax/-99/, nxy/0/, lin(1)/1/ data hsb/0,0,0, 0,0,1, 1,1,1, 0.667,1,1, 0.4,1,0.8, $0.15,1,1, 0.1,0.8,1, 0.833,1,1/ c call axchck(linmap, axes) c c Execute the line command, repeatedly; read line data do 1500 newln=1, mxln call getchr('lines', list, nlist) call clear('lines') c if (nlist .lt. 0) then c No more lines commands - exit loop goto 1520 elseif (nlist .eq. 0) then write(*,*)'x-y line data erased' nxy=0 return else c Read from the named file; open a new file c Clear previous line data, but continue if (newln .eq. 1) then if (nxy .gt. 0) write(*,'(a)') $ ' Previous x-y line data erased' nxy=0 endif jsplit=index(list, ' ') c Get line color kolr(newln)=1 ico=index(list(jsplit:80), 'co') ieq=index(list(jsplit+ico:80), '=') ksp=ico + ieq + jsplit if (ico* 0) kolr(newln)=1 + $ index('blawhiredblugreyelorapur',list(ksp:ksp+2))/3 c Get line weight iwt=index(list(jsplit:80), 'wt') ieq=index(list(jsplit+iwt:80), '=') lwt(newln)=6 if (iwt* 0) $ read(list(jsplit+iwt+ieq:80),*,end=1040,err=1040) lwt(newln) 1040 list(jsplit:80)=' ' c Read from the named file; open a new file open (unit=11, file=list, status='OLD',iostat=is, err=1490) do 1050 j=nxy+1, nxymx, 2 read (11,*, end=1100, err=3100) xy(j),xy(j+1) c Use aitoff if the file is lat-long (linmap=1) if ( 0 .and. xy(j+1).le. 360.0 $ .and. xy(j).le. 90.0) $ call aitoff(xy(j),xy(j+1), xy(j),xy(j+1)) 1050 continue j=nxymx write (*,'(a,i5,a)') $ '>>> x-y line series truncated to ', nxymx/2,' terms' 1100 close(unit=11) nxy=j-1 lin(newln+1)=nxy+1 if (info .ge. 1) write(*,'(/2a/a,i7)') $ ' x-y line data read from: ',list(1:index(list, ' ')), $ ' Number of points:', (lin(newln+1)-lin(newln))/2 endif 1490 if ( 0)write(*,'(a,a)')'>>> Nonexistent file: ',list 1500 continue write(*,'(a)')'>>> No more x-y line files can be accepted' 1520 continue if (nxy .eq. 0) return c c c Check if the axes have been defined call getval('axes', axes, 4, nax) c if (axes(1).ne.axes(2) .and. axes(3).ne.axes(4)) then c=1000 xfac=c*w/(axes(2) - axes(1)) yfac=c*h/(axes(4) - axes(3)) write(18,*)'/l{lineto}def 0 setgray' else write(*,'(a)') $ '>>> The axes command is needed to provide a scale for lines', $ ' x-y line data can not be plotted' return endif c c c Write scaled lines to unit 9; break line if point goes outside box write (18,*)'% Begin x-y line data' iseg=1 do 1800 j=1, nxy, 2 if (j.eq. 1 .or. j.eq.lin(iseg)) then if ( 1) write(18,*)'stroke' write(18,'(3f8.2,a)') (hsb(k,kolr(iseg)),k=1,3),' sethsbcolor' write(18,'(i4,a)') max(1, min(150, lwt(iseg))),' setlinewidth' iseg=iseg + 1 mark=' m' endif if ((xy(j )-axes(2))*(xy(j )-axes(1)).gt.0.0 .or. $ (xy(j+1)-axes(4))*(xy(j+1)-axes(3)).gt.0.0) then if (mark .eq. ' l') write(18,*)'stroke' mark=' m' else kx=xfac*(xy(j ) - axes(1)) ky=yfac*(xy(j+1) - axes(3)) write (18,*) kx,ky,mark mark=' l' endif 1800 continue if (mark .eq. ' l') write(18,*)'stroke' write(18,*) '0 0 0 sethsbcolor 4 setlinewidth' return c c Error conditions 3100 write(*,'(a,a)') $'>>> Error reading x-y line data in file: ',list return end c______________________________________________________________________ * 7. Color palette data base * blockdata artist c Sets the color attributes of the various palette and default color c schemes. Setting the variables in /pallet/ is the main task c common /local/ color(1),black(2) c parameter (levmx=100) common /noir/ scutum,kolors,art(4,levmx),kart(levmx),loutln(levmx) c common /pallet/ many,npal(10),hue(28,10),sat(28,10),bri(28,10) c data color/0/, black/ 0.7, 2.0/ data kolors/0/, art/levmx*1.0,levmx*1.0,levmx*1.0,levmx*1.0/ c data many/7/ c c Palette 1: Blue-Red. low cool blue to high hot red data npal(1)/16 / data (hue(j,1),sat(j,1),bri(j,1), j=1, 16)/ $0.600,1.000,0.500, 0.600,1.000,0.600, 0.600,1.000,0.700, $0.600,1.000,1.000, 0.600,0.800,1.000, 0.600,0.700,1.000, $0.600,0.500,1.000, 0.600,0.300,1.000, 1.000,0.100,1.000, $1.000,0.300,1.000, 1.000,0.350,1.000, 0.900,0.500,1.000, $1.000,0.550,1.000, 1.000,0.600,1.000, 1.000,1.000,1.000, $1.000,0.500,0.800/ c c Palette 2: Hysteria: bright blue-green-yellow-orange-red-brown data npal(2)/24 / data (hue(j,2),sat(j,2),bri(j,2), j=1, 24)/ $0.75,0,0, $0.750,1.000,0.5, $0.750,1.000,0.7, $0.700,1.000,1.000, $0.550,1.000,0.800, $0.500,1.000,0.700, $0.450,1.000,0.800, $0.400,1.000,0.900, $0.300,0.600,1.000, $0.250,0.600,1.000, $0.200,0.600,1.000, $0.150,0.300,1.000, $0.100,0.400,1.000, $0.100,0.500,1.000, $0.100,0.600,1.000, $0.100,0.800,1.000, $0.100,1.000,1.000, $0.000,0.500,1.000, $0.000,0.500,0.900, $0.000,1.000,1.000, $0.000,1.000,0.800, $0.000,1.000,0.600, $0.000,1.000,0.500, $0.000,0.500,0.300/ c c Palette 3: Rainbow = Full sat blue-green-yellow-orange-red data npal(3)/7/ data (hue(j,3),sat(j,3),bri(j,3), j=1, 7)/ $ 0.7, 1, 1, $ 0.6, 1, 1, $ 0.5, 1, 1, $ 0.2, 1, 1, $ 0.15,1, 1, $ 0.1, 1, 1, $ 0.0, 1, 1/ c c Palette 4: Harvard = dark blue-light blue-yellow-brown data npal(4)/13/ data (hue(j,4),sat(j,4),bri(j,4), j=1, 13)/ $0.65,0.9,0.5, $0.65,0.9,0.7, $0.65,0.9,1, $0.6,0.8,1, $0.55,0.7,1, $0.55,0.5,1, $0.55,0.3,1, $0.10,0.3,1, $0.10,0.5,1, $0.05,0.5,1, $0.05,0.9,1, $0.05,0.90,0.7, $0.05,0.9,0.5/ c c Palette 5: Sand = yellow-orange-lightbrown data npal(5)/12/ data (hue(j,5),sat(j,5),bri(j,5), j=1, 12)/ $ 0.150,0.300,1.000, $ 0.145,0.364,1.000, $ 0.141,0.427,1.000, $ 0.136,0.491,1.000, $ 0.132,0.555,1.000, $ 0.127,0.618,1.000, $ 0.123,0.682,1.000, $ 0.118,0.745,1.000, $ 0.114,0.809,1.000, $ 0.109,0.873,1.000, $ 0.105,0.936,1.000, $ 0.100,1.000,1.000/ c c Palette 6: Cartographic = pale blue-green-yellow-orange data npal(6)/7/ data (hue(j,6),sat(j,6),bri(j,6), j=1, 7)/ $ 0.7, 0.5, 1, $ 0.6, 0.5, 1, $ 0.5, 0.5, 1, $ 0.2, 0.5, 1, $ 0.15,0.5, 1, $ 0.1, 0.5, 1, $ 0.0, 0.5, 1/ c Palette 7: Oceanographic = Dark blue - light blue data npal(7)/ 8/ data (hue(j,7),sat(j,7),bri(j,7), j=1, 8)/ $ 0.65, 1, 0.5, $ 0.65, 1, 0.7, $ 0.65, 1, 1, $ 0.60, 1, 1, $ 0.55, 1, 1, $ 0.50, 1, 1, $ 0.50, 0.5, 1, $ 0.50, 0.2, 1/ c end c_______________________________________________________________ subroutine encaps(iact, x1,y1,x2,y2) c$$$$ calls nothing c Keeps track of bounding rectangle to create EPS numbers c which are written at the end of the plotfile after showpage dimension bbox(4) save bbox,xorg,yorg data bbox/1000,1000,-1000,-1000/,xorg,yorg/0,0/ c goto (1000,2000,3000 ),iact c c Origin has moved 1000 xorg=x1 + xorg yorg=y1 + yorg return c c Extend bounding box as necessary 2000 bbox(1) = min(bbox(1), min(x1,x2)+xorg) bbox(2) = min(bbox(2), min(y1,y2)+yorg) bbox(3) = max(bbox(3), max(x1,x2)+xorg) bbox(4) = max(bbox(4), max(y1,y2)+yorg) return c c Write out bounding box at end of plotfile 3000 write(18,'(a/a,4i8)') '%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2', $ '%%BoundingBox:',(nint(72*bbox(j)),j=1,4) return c end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine base c$$$$ calls nothing c Creates artificial contour that goes around the perimeter of the c rectangle to be filled with the base color c Initializes loops c All info goes into common /arcs/ parameter (lpmx=2500, knmx=50 000) integer*2 kxy common /trace/ level,em,en,xfac,yfac common /arcs/ loops,istart(lpmx),area(lpmx),lev(lpmx),kxy(2,knmx) dimension kode(6) data kode/0,1,1,0,0,1/ c loops=1 area(1)=-2.0*em*en lev(1)=1 do 1100 k=1,5 kxy(1, k)=kode(k)*(em-1.0)*xfac+xfac kxy(2, k)=kode(k+1)*(en-1.0)*yfac+yfac 1100 continue istart(2)=6 return end c_______________________________________________________________________