Program contour c CONTOUR c A contour plotting package c c Robert L. Parker, David W. Caress and Peter Salameh c Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics c Scripps Institution of Oceanography c La Jolla, CA 92093 c c This program was adapted from the original version of contour c created by Robert L. Parker (April 1984) using a version of c the main routine flevel altered by Peter Salameh (March 1989). c c Easily operated contouring program based upon Anderson's c contouring code for smooth contours of a rectangular array c of real values. Program accepts commands from a limited c vocabulary (see menu below) that cause various actions - c read - read in the array c levels - specify contour values c status - given current status of parameters c etc, etc. c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c This is Unit A c Unit A contains routines for language interpretation and data input c Unit B contains page arrangement, axes and other decoration c Unit C contains contour generation and labeling routines c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c c$$$$ calls decode fancy halt help init inmat major scribe split status c c common variables controlling plotting c of axes, labels, and all options which are c not directly used in plotting the contours, c xydata, or vector plots c c inp -- unit to read from screen c iout -- unit to write to screen c idat -- unit for data input from a file c idev -- output device number c inf -- data input unit - can be equal to inp or idat c c ms -- number of x values of grid to read (before rotation) c if ms < 0 then grid reflected about vertical plane c ns -- number of y values of grid to read (before rotation) c if nx < 0 then grid reflected about horizontal plane c m -- number of x values of grid read c n -- number of y values of grid read c klock -- grid rotation parameter - number of clockwise quarter c rotations c nskip -- number of lines in next data file to skip before c starting read c nauto -- contour values determined automatically if nauto=1 c kindax -- axis style flag c kindax=0 : linear x and y axes c kindax=1 : log x axis and linear y axis c kindax=2 : linear x axis and log y axis c kindax=3 : log x and y axes c ntxt -- number of lines of text in variable text for caption c c height -- height in inches of plot c width -- width in inches of plot c ax(4) -- axis bound values c ax(1) : xmin c ax(2) : xmax c ax(3) : ymin c ax(4) : ymax c hlet(5) -- height of labels in inches c hlet(1) : title height c hlet(2) : axis numerals height c hlet(3) : axis labels height c hlet(4) : caption height c hlet(5) : unspecified c invoke -- flag to turn on fancy option - 0=off, 1=on c vcrit -- if invoke=1, vcrit is drawn with heavy line c contours < vcrit are drawn dashed and contours c > vcrit are drawn solid c c note(20)-- contains up to 20 80 character notes to be plotted c nnotes -- number of notes c leng(20)-- length in characters of each note - >0 if in axes coords c and <0 if in inches c xyh(7,20)- contains 7 note parameters for each note c 1 : x position of arrowhead c 2 : y position of arrowhead c 3 : x position of note beginning c 4 : y position of note beginning c 5 : ht of note lettering in inches c 6 : angle of note c 7 : colorcode of note c c xyorg(2)-- origin of plot c xyold(2)-- old origin of plot c c parameter (nulb=500) common /xylabs/ xlb(nulb),ylb(nulb),nlb common /back/ backy,box common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c character*80 note(20), text(10) character*116 format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab common /charco/ format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab,text,note c c common variables controlling contouring c c delx -- inch distance between x-grid values c dely -- inch distance between y-grid values c nx -- number of x-grid points c ny -- number of y-grid points c c qnllhi -- logical flag turns on null for values >= anulhi c anulhi -- if qnllhi true then array values >= anulhi are nulled c qnlllo -- logical flag turns on null for values <= anullo c anullo -- if qnllhi true then array values <= anullo are nulled c c maxpts -- maximum dimension of one side of grid c maxcnt -- maximum number of contour intervals c maxcmp -- maximum number of grid points in each contour line c maxflg -- maximum number of segments/level c f -- array to be contoured c value -- real array of contour values c kode -- integer array of contour line types c kolor -- integer array of contour line colors c nlines -- number of contour intervals c iline -- index of current contour interval c c scalev -- scaling factor for contour line labels c hlab -- label character height in inches c smooth -- line smoothing factor (no. segments/radian arc) c interp -- interpolation mode flag - 0=linear, 1=parabolic c nsgmnt -- minimum number of points allowed for contour c xsave -- buffered points in contour c ysave -- buffered points in contour c nsave -- number of buffered points in contour c c flag -- list of segments which current contour value c crosses, packed 100000*j + 10*i + k c parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c common /flags/ nflag, kntflg(maxflg) c logical qnllhi, qnlllo common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) c c common variables controlling plotting of c xydata pairs c c nxyp -- number of xydata reads made c newp -- newest xydata read c nstart(maxset+1) -- starting index of each xydata series in xp and yp c nkind(maxset) -- plotting style of xydata series c if nkind(ixy) > 1000 then c data symbol id=nkind(ixy)/1000 - 1 c data symbol size=(nkind(ixy)-1000*(id+1))/100 c in inches c if nkind(ixy) < 1000 then c data line style id=nkind(ixy) c xp(maxp) -- x data c yp(maxp) -- y data c c parameter(maxp=20000,maxset=5000) common /xyco/ newp,nxyp,nstart(maxset+1),nkind(maxset), $ ncolor(maxset), xp(maxp),yp(maxp) c c eps -- small compared to min/max z value c epps -- small compared to min/max x-y values common /little/ eps,epps c c Stuff for evenly spaced contours (Command 'inte') common /evenly/ neven,zz1,zz2,dzz c Postscript control variables/ common /post/ boxx,boxy,land,infill c Affine scaling of input array common /affine/ acoef, bcoef c c Flags that level lines must be saved to disk common /disk/ isave,dxy(2) c dimension varble(maxcnt) character*4 task, line*120, tail*116, try*12 c parameter (items=38) character*4 menu(items) c data menu/'file','form','capt','titl','outp', $ 'xlab','ylab','widt','heig','scal', $ 'devi','skip','INTE','smoo','segm', $ 'Colo','bord','land',' ','inte', $ 'leve','code','colo','read','lett', $ 'axes','xyda','orie','null','note', $ 'stat','help','fanc','plot','stop', $ 'affi','save','quit'/ data try/' - try again'/, lipsis/0/ c c ce nstart(1)=1 write(*, '(a)') ' Enter contour commands' c c Read a command line. Comment if char 1 is blank or % c 10 read (*, '(a4, a116)', end=3500) task, line if (task(1:1).eq.' ' .or. task(1:1).eq.'%') goto 10 call split(line(1:116), tail, ntail) c c Check the menu of commands c 11 do 12 job=1, items if (task .eq. menu(job)) goto 15 12 continue write(*, '(/4a)') '>>> Unrecognized command <',task,'>',try goto 10 c c The task is on the menu. Perform it 15 goto ( 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, $ 600, 700, 750, 750, 750, $ 750, 750, 750, 750, 750, $ 750, 1700, 1800, 750, 750, $ 2050, 2050, 2050, 2400, 2500, $ 2600, 2700, 2800, 2900, 3000, $ 3100, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3500, $ 3600, 3700, 3500), job c c job=1-7. Save various character strings c c job=1: 'file' 100 file=tail goto 10 c job=2: 'format' 200 if (ntail .eq. 0) then format(1:1)=' ' else if (index(tail, 'b') .ne. 0) format(1:1)='b' if (index(tail, '3') .ne. 0) format(2:2)='3' if (index(tail, '2') .ne. 0) format(2:2)='2' endif goto 10 c job=3: 'caption' 300 text(1)=tail do 305 ntxt=1, 9 if (tail(ntail:ntail) .eq. '&') then text(ntxt)=tail(1:ntail-1) read (*, '(a80)') tail do 302 ntail=80, 1 ,-1 if (tail(ntail:ntail) .ne. ' ') goto 303 302 continue ntail=1 303 text(ntxt+1)=tail else goto 10 endif 305 continue ntxt=9 goto 10 c job=4: 'title' 400 title=tail goto 10 c job=5: 'output' 500 output=tail goto 10 c job=6: 'xlabel' 600 xlab=tail goto 10 c job=7: 'ylabel' 700 ylab=tail goto 10 c c job=8-20. Save various simple constants c 750 call decode(tail(1:ntail), varble, 3, nfound) if (nfound .le. 0) then write(*,'(4a)') '>>> ',task, $ ' must be followed by a number',try goto 10 endif goto (800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500, $ 1600,1700,1800,1900,2000), (job-7) c job=8: 'width' 800 width=varble(1) goto 10 c job=9: 'height' 900 height=varble(1) goto 10 c job=10: 'scale' 1000 scalev=varble(1) goto 10 c job=11: device 1100 idev=varble(1) goto 10 c job=12: 'skip' 1200 nskip=varble(1) goto 10 c job=13: INTErpolate 1300 interp=varble(1) goto 10 c job=14: 'smooth' 1400 mooth=varble(1) goto 10 c job=15: 'segment' 1500 if (nint(varble(1)).ge.2) nsgmnt=nint(varble(1)) goto 10 c job=16: 'Color' 1600 ikolor=varble(1) goto 10 c job=17: 'border' 1700 continue box=-box goto 10 c job=18: 'landscape' mode 1800 continue land=1 goto 10 c 19 not used... 1900 continue goto 10 c job=20: 'interval' c Evenly spaced contour intervals requested 2000 neven=nfound if (neven .eq. 3) then zz1=varble(1) zz2=varble(2) if (zz1 .ge. zz2) neven=1 dzz=varble(3) nauto=1 elseif (neven .eq. 1) then dzz=varble(1) nauto=1 else neven=0 endif goto 10 c c job=21, 22, 23: 'level', 'code', 'color' c Save contour levels or their code integers c c Decode ellipsis ... in levels and code cmds 2050 if (job.eq. 21 .or. job.eq. 22) then lipsis=index(tail,'...') if ( 0) tail(lipsis:lipsis+2) = ' ' if ( 0 .and. job.eq. 22) tail(lipsis:lipsis+2)='999' endif call decode(tail(1:ntail), varble, maxcnt, nfound) nvalus=abs(nfound) if (nfound .eq. 0 .and. job .eq. 21) then nlines=0 nauto=1 goto 10 endif if (nfound .eq. 0 .and. job .eq. 22) then call fancy(-1) goto 10 endif if (nfound .eq. 0 .and. job .eq. 23) then do 2070 i=1, maxcnt 2070 kolor(i)=0 goto 10 endif if (nfound .le. 0) then write(*,'(a)')'>>> Unreadable list. Repeat the command' goto 10 endif c No errors in list - continue reading from the terminal 2080 read (*, '(a120)') line call decode(line, varble(nvalus+1), maxcnt-nvalus, nfound) nvalus=nvalus + abs(nfound) if (nfound .gt. 0) goto 2080 c An error in reading is detected. The list is over c Copy list to proper variables if (job .eq. 22) call fancy(-1) do 2090 i=1, nvalus if (job .eq. 21) value(i)=varble(i) if (job .eq. 22) kode(i) =varble(i) if (job .eq. 23) kolor(i)=varble(i) 2090 continue if (nfound .lt. 0) write(*, '(a/i4,a)') $'>>> Unable to read the complete list', $ nvalus,' values have been read' if (job.eq. 21) then c If levels contains ... continue with last increment if ( 0 .and. then vmax=value(nvalus) if ( lipsis+2) nvalus=nvalus-1 idel = max(2,nvalus) delta = value(idel)-value(idel-1) if (ntail.eq. lipsis+2) vmax=vmax+10*delta if (nvalus.eq. 1 .and. lipsis+2) delta=delta/10 if (delta.le. 0.0) write(*,'(a)') $ '>>> Positive increment required in levels with ...' do 2091 i=nvalus+1, maxcnt value(i) = value(i-1) + delta if (value(i).ge.vmax .or. delta.le. 0.0) goto 2092 2091 continue 2092 nvalus=i endif nlines=nvalus nauto =0 neven =0 c Fill kode with repeating pattern elseif (job.eq. 22 .and. kode(nvalus).eq. 999) then k1=nvalus - 1 do 2095 k=k1, maxcnt-k1, k1 do 2094 j=1, k1 kode(k+j)=kode(j) 2094 continue 2095 continue endif if ( 0 .or. line.eq. ' ') goto 10 call split(line(5:120), tail, ntail) task=line(1:4) goto 11 c c job=24: 'read' c Read the matrix. This is a big job that is done by inpmat c 2400 call decode(tail(1:ntail), varble, 3, nfound) if (nfound .eq. 0) then write(*,'(2a)') $ '>>> read must be followed by 1,2 or 3 numbers',try goto 10 endif c ms=varble(1) ns=0 if (nfound .ge. 2) ns=varble(2) if (nfound .eq. 2) klock=0 if (nfound .eq. 3) klock=varble(3) call inpmat goto 10 c c job=25: 'letter' c Change height of (1) contour labels (2) title or caption c 2500 call decode(tail(1:ntail), varble, 5, nfound) if (nfound .lt. 1) then write(*,'(2a)') $ '>>> letter must be followed by 1-5 numbers',try goto 10 endif hlab=varble(1) do 2550 l=2, nfound hlet(l-1)=varble(l) 2550 continue goto 10 c c job=26: 'axes' 2600 call decode(tail(1:ntail), varble, 5, nfound) if (nfound .eq. 0) then do 2610 l=1, 4 ax(l)=0.0 2610 continue goto 10 endif do 2620 l=1, min(4, nfound) ax(l)=varble(l) 2620 continue if (nfound .eq. 5) kindax=varble(5) goto 10 c c job=27: 'xydata' c 2700 call decode(tail(1:ntail), varble, 2, nfound) nxtk=min(maxset, nxyp+1) if (nfound .eq. 1) nkind(nxtk)=abs(varble(1)) if (nfound .eq. 2) nkind(nxtk)=100*varble(2)+1000*(varble(1)+1.0) ncolor(nxtk)=ikolor goto 10 c c job=28: transform c Re-orient array after reading (plants numbers in /orient/ c 2800 call group(tail(1:ntail)) goto 10 c c job=29: 'null' c 2900 call decode(tail(1:ntail), varble, 2, nfound) if (nfound.eq.0) then qnlllo=.FALSE. qnllhi=.FALSE. else if (nfound.eq.2.and.varble(2).gt.varble(1)) then qnlllo=.TRUE. qnllhi=.TRUE. anullo=varble(1) anulhi=varble(2) else if (nfound.eq.2.and.varble(2).le.varble(1)) then write(*,'(2a)')'>>> 2nd null value must exceed 1st',try else write(*,'(2a)') $ '>>> null must be followed by 0 or 2 values',try endif goto 10 c c job=30: 'note' c 3000 if (tail(1:1).eq. ' ') then nnotes=0 goto 10 endif n1 =min(20, nnotes+1) if (n1.eq.1) xyh(5,1)=hlab xyh(5,n1)=xyh(5, max(n1-1,1)) xyh(7,n1)=ikolor call scribe(ntail, tail(1:ntail), xyh(1,n1), leng(n1), note(n1)) if (leng(n1) .eq. -1) then write(*,'(a)')'>>> Error reading note - note ignored' goto 10 endif if (xyh(5,n1).gt.10) xyh(5,n1)=hlet(5) if (xyh(5,n1).lt.-10) xyh(5,n1)=-hlet(5) nnotes=n1 goto 10 c c job=31: 'status' c 3100 call status goto 10 c c job=32 Help c c3200 call help(job,menu,items,tail,ntail,iout) 3200 write(*,'(a)')' Help not provided - sorry' goto 10 c c job=33: 'fancy' c 3300 call decode(tail(1:ntail), varble, 1, nfound) if (nfound .ge. 1) vcrit=varble(1) invoke=1 if (nfound .le. 0) call fancy(-1) goto 10 c c job=34: 'plot' c Contour the array. This task is left to a major routine c 3400 call decode(tail(1:ntail), varble, 2, nfound) xyorg(1)=0.0 xyorg(2)=1000.0 do 3410 j=1, nfound xyorg(j)=varble(j) 3410 continue c call major c write(*,'(/a)')' Contouring completed. ', $' Enter further commands' nlb=0 goto 10 c c job=35: 'stop' or 'quit' c 3500 call init(idev, ' ') call halt('Normal termination') stop c c job=36; 'affine' 3600 call decode(tail(1:ntail), varble, 2, nfound) if (nfound .eq. 0) then acoef=1.0 bcoef=0.0 elseif (nfound .eq. 2) then acoef=varble(1) bcoef=varble(2) else write(*,'(a)')'>>> Error reading affine - values unchanged' endif goto 10 c c job=37; 'save' 3700 isave=1 if (tail(1:1).eq. '-') then isave=0 elseif (tail(1:1).ne. ' ') then open(unit=12, file=tail) endif goto 10 c end c______________________________________________________________ blockdata dfault c Sets various parameters into common for the user's convenience c logical qnllhi, qnlllo parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) common /orient/ irient,maphr(3) common /affine/ acoef, bcoef c data scalev /1.0/ data hlab /0.08/ data mooth /15/ data interp /1/ data nsgmnt /2/ data kode /maxcnt*0/ data kolor /maxcnt*1/ data nlines /0/ c data qnllhi /.FALSE./ data qnlllo /.FALSE./ data anulhi,anullo /2*0.0/ c data irient/0/ c data acoef, bcoef/1,0/ end c______________________________________________________________ blockdata cfault c$$$$ calls nothing c Loads basic common blocks c common /back/ backy,box c common /evenly/ neven,zz1,zz2,dzz c common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c character*80 note(20), text(10) character*116 format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab common /charco/ format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab,text,note c parameter(maxp=20000,maxset=5000) * common /xyco/ newp,nxyp,nstart(maxset+1),nkind(maxset), * $ ncolor(maxset), xp(maxp),yp(maxp) common /disk/ isave,dxy(2) parameter (nulb=500) common /xylabs/ xlb(nulb),ylb(nulb),nlb c data nlb/0/ c /back/ data box /1.0/ c /evenly/ data neven/0/ c /plotco/ data idev,ikolor /-1,1/ data ms,ns,m,n/4*0/ data klock/0/ data nskip,nauto /0,1/ data kindax,ntxt,invoke /0,0,-1/ data height,width /0.0,0.0/ data ax /4*0.0/ data hlet /5*0.08/ data vcrit/0.0/ data xyorg /0.0,1000.0/ data xyold /0.0,0.0/ data nnotes /0/ c /charco/ data format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab /6*' '/ data text(1) /' '/ c /xyco/ * data nstart(1)/1/ c /disk/ data isave/0/ c end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine halt(messag) c$$$$ calls nothing c Program prints the message messag then stops character*(*) messag c ce write(*, '(/1x, a)') messag stop end c_____________________________________________________________________ subroutine parse(l1, ltxt, text, lwd, word) c$$$$ calls nothing c From the string text, beginning at character l1, finds the c next word delimited by spaces and inserts into word. The c length of text is ltxt and the length of word is lwd. c l1 is set past the current word. c If text(l1:ltxt) is all blank, returns lwd=0. character *(*) text,word c c Skip leading blanks ce do 1100 i=l1, ltxt if (text(i:i) .ne. ' ') goto 1150 1100 continue c Only blanks in the field lwd=0 l1=0 return 1150 continue c c Locate end of the word j=index(text(i:ltxt), ' ') + i - 1 c No blanks found - whole field is new word if (j .eq. 0) j=ltxt+1 word=text(i:j-1) lwd=j - i l1=j + 1 return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine split(image, tail, ntail) c$$$$ calls nothing c Discards leading characters until blank. Then discards blanks until c first nonblank. Then returns the rest in tail. ntail is the c length of the string tail when trailing blanks are trimmed. character*116 image, tail c ce ibegin=0 do 1100 l=1, 116 if (image(l:l) .eq. ' ') ibegin=1 if (image(l:l).ne.' ' .and. ibegin.eq.1) then do 1050 k=116, l, -1 if (image(k:k) .ne. ' ') then ntail=k - l + 1 tail=image(l:k) return endif 1050 continue endif 1100 continue ntail=1 tail=' ' return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine decode(char, values, nwant, nfound) c$$$$ calls nothing c Evaluates numbers in the string char. nwant numbers are expected, c nfound are actually found in the character string. If an error is c discovered nfound=-n, where n is the number of numbers properly c decoded. dimension values(*) character*(*) char, local*40 c ce kn=len(char) k1=1 c Up to nwant numbers are sought do 1800 nval=1, nwant do 1100 k=k1, kn if (char(k:k) .ne. ' ') goto 1200 1100 continue nfound=nval-1 return 1200 do 1300 l=k, kn if (char(l:l).eq. ',' .or. char(l:l) .eq. ' ') goto 1500 1300 continue 1500 k2=l+1 local=char(k:l-1) read (local, '(f40.0)', err=1900) values(nval) 1800 k1=k2 nval=1 - nwant 1900 nfound=1 - nval return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine status c$$$$ calls assess fancy c Reports the status of the various quantities in memory c c common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c character*80 note(20), text(10) character*116 format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab common /charco/ format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab,text,note c parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c logical qnllhi, qnlllo common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) c parameter(maxp=20000,maxset=5000) common /xyco/ newp,nxyp,nstart(maxset+1),nkind(maxset), $ ncolor(maxset), xp(maxp),yp(maxp) c c Report on current array limitations ce write(*,'(/(a,i6))') $' Contour revision November ',2005, $' Largest array dimension (MAXPTS)',maxpts, $' Max number of levels (MAXCNT)',maxcnt, $' Max number of x-y data pairs (MAXP)',maxp, $' Max number of x-y series (MAXSET)',maxset, $' ' c c Report on the various strings if (format(1:2).ne.' ') write(*, '(a)')' format:', format if (file(1:1) .ne.' ') write(*, '(a)')' file:', file if (title(1:1) .ne.' ') write(*, '(a)')' title:', title if (ntxt .gt. 0) write(*, '(a)')' caption:', text(1) if (output(1:1).ne.' ') write(*, '(a)')' output:', output if (xlab(1:1) .ne.' ') write(*, '(a)')' xlabel:', xlab if (ylab(1:1) .ne.' ') write(*, '(a)')' ylabel:', ylab if ( write(*,'(a,i3)')' Number of notes ',nnotes c c Report on numerical axis annotation if (ax(1) .ne. ax(2)) $ write(*, '(a,1p,2g12.4)') ' x-axis interval', ax(1),ax(2) if (ax(3) .ne. ax(4)) $ write(*, '(a,1p,2g12.4)') ' y-axis interval', ax(3),ax(4) c c Report on the x-y data series if (nxyp .gt. 0) write(*,'(a,i3,a)') $ ' There are',nxyp, ' sets of x-y data series' c c Report on the array itself if (m .eq. 0) then write(*, '(a)') ' No array has been entered yet' else write(*, '(a,t40,2i5)') ' Array is stored as ', m,n, $ ' Number of quarter turns', klock fmin=f(1,1) fmax=fmin do 1100 j=1, n do 1100 i=1, m fmin=min(f(i,j), fmin) fmax=max(f(i,j), fmax) 1100 continue write(*, '(a,t40,1p,2g13.5)') ' Min, max values',fmin,fmax endif c c Report on contour level status if (nauto .eq. 1) write(*, '(a)') $ ' No contours have been supplied by user' if (invoke .eq. 1) write(*, '(a,1p,g13.5)') $ ' Fancy option enabled with ',vcrit c if (nauto .eq. 1 .and. m .gt. 0) call assess if (nlines .gt. 0) then call fancy(invoke) k1=min(4, (4+nlines)/5) k1=min(nlines, 5*((4+(nlines+k1-1)/k1 )/5)) write(*, '(/a)')' Codes, colors, levels of contours:' do 1102 k=1, k1 write(*,'(1p,4(2i3,g13.5))') $ (kode(j),kolor(j),value(j),j=k,nlines,k1) 1102 continue write(*,*)' ' endif if (nauto .eq. 1) nlines=0 if (scalev .ne. 1.0) write(*, '(a,1p,g15.5)') $ ' Contour labels are scaled by a factor',scalev write(*,'(a,i5)') ' Contour smoothing factor',mooth if (interp.eq.0) then write(*,'(a)')' Contour interpolation: linear' else write(*,'(a)')' Contour interpolation: parabolic' endif write(*,'(a,i5)')' Minimum segment size of contours',nsgmnt if (qnlllo) write(*,'(a,1p,g15.5)') $ ' Null enabled for values <= ',anullo if (qnllhi) write(*,'(a,1p,g15.5)') $ ' Null enabled for values >= ',anulhi c c Report on the sizes of various things write(*,'(/a,t35,1p,2g12.4)') $ ' Height and width parameters',height,width if (m .gt. 1 .and. n .gt. 1) then h=height w=width if (h .le. 0 .and. w .eq. 0) then if (m .ge. n) w=6 if (n .gt. m) h=6 endif if (h .le. 0) h=w*(n-1)/(m-1.0) if (w .le. 0) w=h*(m-1)/(n-1.0) write(*, '(a,t35,2g12.4)') ' Inferred height and width',h,w endif return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine inpmat c$$$$ calls inplin matrab matraf c Routine for reading matrices and re-orienting them on the page. c anyone who has used a slide projector knows there are 8 ways of c viewing a slide, 7 of them wrong. Similarly, there are 8 different c ways to view a rectangular array of data. This routine together c with matran allows the user to get an array into the desired c orientation. c It is assumed that there is a file containing an array written c it to your specifications. (Actually the routine just does one c clever read.) c c ms, ns dimensions of array as it was written c klock number of clockwise quarter-turns c m, n array dimensions of matrix as actually used in program c parameter(inp=5,iout=6,idat=1) parameter (maxpts=350) c character*116 format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c character*80 note(20), text(10) common /charco/ format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab,text,note common /orient/ irient,maphr(3) c character*116 name save name c data name/' '/ c c If both name and file begin with a blank there's no filename! c ce if (name(1:1) .eq. ' ' .and. file(1:1) .eq. ' ') then write(*, '(a)')'>>> There is no filename for the array' return endif c c Check if this is a new filename. If it is open the file c name is the locally saved filename if (file .ne. name) then if (file(1:1) .eq. ' ') file=name if (name(1:1) .ne. ' ' .and. then rewind (unit=inf) close (unit=inf) endif if (file(1:1) .eq. '*') then inf=inp name='*' else inf=idat if (format(1:1) .eq. ' ') then open (unit=inf, file=file,status='OLD', err=1000) do 100 iskip=1,nskip read(inf,*) 100 continue else if (format(1:1) .eq. 'b') then open (unit=inf, file=file, $ status='OLD', err=1000, form='UNFORMATTED') endif name=file endif endif c c x-y data read here ns=0, ms >= 0 c if (ns .eq. 0 .and. ms .ge. 0) then call inplin return endif c c If orient command has been used, make equivalent [ms,ns,klock] c from values in /orient/ c if (irient .eq. 1) then ms=sign(ms, maphr(1)) ns=abs(ns) klock=maphr(2) endif c c Impossible array dimensions trapped c if (abs(ms) .le. 1 .or. abs(ns) .le. 1 .or. $ abs(ms).gt.maxpts .or. abs(ns) .gt.maxpts) then write(*, '(a,2i5/a)')'>>> Improper array dimensions', ms,ns, $ '>>> Array cannot be contoured. Please enter another' if(abs(ms).gt.maxpts.or.abs(ns).gt.maxpts) write(*,'(a,i5)') $ '>>> Array dimension exceeds largest permitted, ie',maxpts m=0 n=0 return endif c c c Determine the array dimensions as they really are c if (mod(klock,2) .eq. 0) then m=abs(ms) n=abs(ns) else m=abs(ns) n=abs(ms) endif c c Code the sign configuration into a single integer c jsign=(5 - sign(2,ns) - sign(1,ms))/2 c c Now read the thing in, either formatted or binary c if (format(1:1) .eq. ' ') call matraf(jsign) if (format(1:1) .eq. 'b') call matrab(jsign) c return c c Can't open the file for some reason 1000 write(*,'(a)')'>>> Nonexistent file or read permission denied' file=' ' return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine matraf(jsign) c$$$$ calls nothing c Routine actually to read formatted diskfile with * format c it is assumed the file was written by rows with a statement like c write(iunit, format) ((a(i,j), j=1, n), i=1, m) c See comments in getmat. c c common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c common /affine/ acoef, bcoef c parameter (inp=5) dimension lookup(4,4) c data lookup /1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, $ 4,3,2,1,8,7,6,5/ c c Transform the number of clockwise rotations to one of 0,1,2,3 ce klick=mod(mod(klock,4) + 4, 4) c c All possible orientations reduce to one of the 8 below. lookup c has this coded into it c igo=lookup(jsign, klick+1) goto (1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1050, 1060, 1070, 1080), igo c c No transformations. Read a as written 1010 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((f(i,j), j=1,n), i=1, m) goto 1500 c c v - reflect in vertical plane 1020 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((f(i,j), j=1,n), i=m,1,-1) goto 1500 c c h - reflect in horizontal plane 1030 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((f(i,j), j=n,1,-1), i=1,m) goto 1500 c c vh=r**2 - reflect in v and h= 2 clockwise 90 deg turns 1040 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((f(i,j), j=n,1,-1), i=m,1,-1) goto 1500 c c r - 1 clockwise 90 deg turn 1050 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((f(i,j), i=1,m), j=n,1,-1) goto 1500 c c rv - v reflection followed by r 1060 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((f(i,j), i=m,1,-1), j=n,1,-1) goto 1500 c c rh - h reflection followed by r=transpose of a 1070 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((f(i,j), i=1,m), j=1,n) goto 1500 c c r**3=r**-1 - 3 clockwise 90 deg turns=one anticlockwise 1080 read (inf,*, err=2010,end=2000) ((f(i,j), i=m,1,-1), j=1,n) c c Transform the array values according to the affine transformation 1500 if (acoef.eq.1 .and. bcoef.eq.0) return do 1550 i=1, m do 1510 j=1, n f(i,j)=acoef * f(i,j) + bcoef 1510 continue 1550 continue return c c Error section. Improper dimensions have been supplied c 2000 write(*,200) 200 format(/'>>> Unexpected endfile encountered. Improper' $,' array size has been given'/' file rewound') goto 2015 c 2010 write(*,'(a)') '>>> Error reading array data ********' 2015 if (inf .ne. inp) rewind (unit=inf) m=0 return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine matrab(jsign) c$$$$ calls nothing c Routine actually to read binary diskfile. c It is assumed the file was written by rows with a statement like c do 1000 i=1, m c 1000 write(iunit) (a(i,j), j=1, n) c in an ftn77 compiled program c common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c common /affine/ acoef, bcoef c dimension lookup(4,4) c data lookup /1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, $ 4,3,2,1,8,7,6,5/ c c Transform the number of clockwise rotations to one of 0,1,2,3 ce klick=mod(mod(klock,4) + 4, 4) c c All possible orientations reduce to one of the 8 below. lookup c has this coded into it c igo=lookup(jsign, klick+1) goto (1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1050, 1060, 1070, 1080), igo c c No transformations. Read a as written 1010 do 1015 i=1, m 1015 read (inf, end=2000) (f(i,j), j=1,n) goto 1500 c c v - reflect in vertical plane 1020 do 1025 i=m,1,-1 1025 read (inf, end=2000) (f(i,j), j=1,n) goto 1500 c c h - reflect in horizontal plane 1030 do 1035 i=1,m 1035 read (inf, end=2000) (f(i,j), j=n,1,-1) goto 1500 c c vh=r**2 - reflect in v and h= 2 clockwise 90 deg turns 1040 do 1045 i=m,1,-1 1045 read (inf, end=2000) (f(i,j), j=n,1,-1) goto 1500 c c r - 1 clockwise 90 deg turn 1050 do 1055 j=n,1,-1 1055 read (inf, end=2000) (f(i,j), i=1,m) goto 1500 c c rv - v reflection followed by r 1060 do 1065 j=n,1,-1 1065 read (inf, end=2000) (f(i,j), i=m,1,-1) goto 1500 c c rh - h reflection followed by r=transpose of a 1070 do 1075 j=1,n 1075 read (inf, end=2000) (f(i,j), i=1,m) goto 1500 c r**3=r**-1 - 3 clockwise 90 deg turns=one anticlockwise 1080 do 1085 j=1,n 1085 read (inf, end=2000) (f(i,j), i=m,1,-1) c c Transform the array values according to the affine transformation 1500 if (acoef.eq.1 .and. bcoef.eq.0) return do 1550 i=1, m do 1510 j=1, n f(i,j)=acoef * f(i,j) + bcoef 1510 continue 1550 continue return c c Error section. Improper dimensions have been supplied c 2000 write(*,200) 200 format(/'>>> Unexpected endfile encountered. Improper' $,' array size has been given'/' File rewound') rewind (unit=inf) m=0 return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine inplin c$$$$ calls nothing c Reads in x-y pair data, scaling and clipping according to the current c axis window and using kode(1) for type of line. c parameter(inp=5,iout=6,idat=1) common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c character*80 note(20), text(10) character*116 format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab common /charco/ format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab,text,note c parameter(maxp=20000,maxset=5000) common /xyco/ newp,nxyp,nstart(maxset+1),nkind(maxset), $ ncolor(maxset), xp(maxp),yp(maxp) c c Skip if axes are not specified ce if ((ax(1) .or. ax(3) .and. then write(*,'(a)') $ '>>> You must invoke axes before reading x-y data' return endif c c Purge x-y data series if ms=0 if (ms .eq. 0) then if (nxyp .ne. 0) write(*,'(a)') ' Old x-y data purged' nkind(1)=nkind(nxyp+1) nxyp=0 newp=0 return endif c c write(*,'(a,a)') ' Reading x-y data pairs from diskfile ',file nxyp=newp n1=nstart(nxyp+1) n2=min(maxp, n1 + ms -1) ncolor(nxyp+1)=ikolor if (n2 .lt. n1+ms-1) write(*,'(a,i5)') $' Input truncated. Total number of points must be less than ',maxp c Reads data PAIRS from input if (format(2:2) .ne. '3') then if (inf .ne. inp) then if (format(1:1).eq.'b') read (inf,end=2000) $ (xp(i),yp(i),i=n1,n2) if (format(1:1).ne.'b') read (inf,*,end=2000) $ (xp(i),yp(i),i=n1,n2) else read (inf,*,err=2010)(xp(i),yp(i),i=n1,n2) endif c Reads data x,y and a dummy from input. Discards the dummy else if (inf .ne. inp) then if (format(1:1).eq.'b') read (inf,end=2000) $ (xp(i),yp(i),skip,i=n1,n2) if (format(1:1).ne.'b') read (inf,*,end=2000) $ (xp(i),yp(i),skip,i=n1,n2) else read (inf,*,err=2010)(xp(i),yp(i), skip, i=n1,n2) endif endif nxyp=min(maxset, nxyp+1) newp=nxyp nstart(nxyp+1)=n2 + 1 a=1.0/(ax(2) - ax(1)) if (kindax.eq.1 .or. kindax.eq.3) a=1.0/log(ax(2)/ax(1)) b=1.0/(ax(4) - ax(3)) if (kindax.eq.2 .or. kindax.eq.3) b=1.0/log(ax(4)/ax(3)) xmx=max(ax(2), ax(1)) xmn=min(ax(2), ax(1)) ymx=max(ax(4), ax(3)) ymn=min(ax(4), ax(3)) c Scale coordinates. Points out of range set xp=999 do 1100 i=n1, n2 if (xp(i) .lt. xmn .or. xp(i) .gt. xmx $ .or. yp(i) .lt. ymn .or. yp(i) .gt. ymx) then xp(i)=999.0 yp(i)=999.0 else c Scale logarithmically if log axis if (kindax.eq.0 .or. kindax.eq.2) then xp(i)=(xp(i)-ax(1))*a else xp(i)=log(xp(i)/ax(1))*a endif if (kindax.eq.0 .or. kindax.eq.1) then yp(i)=(yp(i)-ax(3))*b else yp(i)=log(yp(i)/ax(3))*b endif endif 1100 continue return c c Error in read 2000 write(*,'(a)') '>>> Premature EOF while reading x-y line data', $' Data ignored and file rewound' goto 2015 2010 write(*,'(a)') '>>> Error in x-y data list. Data ignored' 2015 if (inf .ne. inp) rewind (unit=inf) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine group(string) c$$$$ calls nothing c Given a string representing repeated application on an array of c the actions: c R rotate 90 deg clockwise; V reflect in a verical plane c H reflect in a horizontal plane; T transpose, c finds an integer representing one of the states of the array c 1=unaltered; 2=V; 3=H; 4=RR; 5=R; 6=T; 7=RH; 8=RRR. c This in turn is decoded into maphr in /orient/ for use by inplin c c The order of operations is as one reads - thus RTV means first c rotate array once, then transpose the result, then reflect the c result in a vertical plane. common /orient/ irient,maphr(3) dimension multab(8,8), map(8,2) character *(*) string c This is the group multiplication table data ((multab(i,j),j=1,8),i=1,8)/ $1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 2,1,4,3,7,8,5,6, 3,4,1,2,6,5,8,7, $4,3,2,1,8,7,6,5, 5,6,7,8,4,3,2,1, 6,5,8,7,2,1,4,3, $7,8,5,6,3,4,1,2, 8,7,6,5,1,2,3,4/ data ((map(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,8)/ $1,1, -1,1, -1,-1, 1,-1, 1,2, -1,2, -1,0, 1,0/ c c Orientation given as one of 8 choices: n v h u c t k a igroup=index('nvhuctka',string(1:1)) if ( 0) goto 1600 c Orientation found by combination of 4 operations: VHRT igroup=1 l=len(string) do 1500 i=1, l k=index('.VH.RT',string(i:i)) if(k .ge. 2) igroup=multab(igroup,k) 1500 continue c c Map orientation into [m, n, r] instructions 1600 maphr(1)=map(igroup,1) maphr(2)=map(igroup,2) irient=1 return end c_________________________________________________________________ c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c This is Unit B c Unit A contains routines for language interpretation and data input. c Unit B contains page arrangement, axes and other decoration. c Unit C contains contour generation and labeling routines. c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine major c$$$$ calls assess axes captio fancy flevel glyph init justy c$$$$ letter, line, newpn, plot, pnotes, remark c The major routine for contouring the array f. c This routine positions the plot on the paper, opens the plotfile, c invokes the contouring routine flevel, plots titles, boxes etc. c c common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c character*80 note(20), text(10) character*116 format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab common /charco/ format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab,text,note c parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c logical qnllhi, qnlllo common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) c parameter(maxp=20000,maxset=5000) common /xyco/ newp,nxyp,nstart(maxset+1),nkind(maxset), $ ncolor(maxset), xp(maxp),yp(maxp) c common /back/ backy,box common /disk/ isave,dxy(2) save oy,kase dimension s(4) c data oy/0.0/, kase/0/ data iup,idn /3,2/ c ce kase=1 + kase if (kase .eq. 1) then c PostScript default plotfile name if (output(1:1) .eq. ' ') call init(idev, 'mypost') if (output(1:1) .ne. ' ') call init(idev, output) endif c c No array has been provided to contour. Abandon ship c if (m .eq. 0 .and. nxyp .eq. 0) then write(*, '(/a)')'>>> Nothing to plot - read an array' return endif c c Automatic provision of levels if none is supplied c if (nlines .eq. 0) nauto=1 if (n .gt. 0) then if (nauto .eq. 1) call assess call fancy(invoke) k1=min(4, (4+nlines)/5) k1=min(nlines, 5*((4+(nlines+k1-1)/k1 )/5)) write(*, '(/a)')' Codes, colors, levels of contours:' do 1020 k=1, k1 write(*,'(1p,4(2i3,g13.5))') $ (kode(j),kolor(j),value(j),j=k,nlines,k1) 1020 continue write(*,*)' ' endif c c c Decide on the size of the graph c h=height w=width if (h .le. 0 .and. w .le. 0) then if (m .ge. n) w=6.0 if (m .lt. n) h=6.0 endif if (h .le. 0) h=w*(n-1)/(m-1.0) if (w .le. 0) w=h*(m-1)/(n-1.0) delx=w/(m-1.) dely=h/(n-1.) dxy(1)=w dxy(2)=h nx=m ny=n c c Set drawing pen or color call remark('Begin a new contour map') call newpn(ikolor) c c Set the origin c c If the origin of this plot is explicitly set, move c it there and cancel the origin shift after previous plot. if (xyorg(2) .ne. 1000.0) then call plot(xyorg(1)-xyold(1), xyorg(2)-xyold(2), -3) else c No explicit origin requested. Set standard position ox=0.5 c oy=7.0 - h -- old position at page bottom oy=10.0-h c If there is a ylabel or y axis move origin to the right. c If there is a title move origin down. if (ylab(1:1) .ne. ' ') ox=ox + 2.5*hlet(3) if (ax(3) .ne. ax(4)) ox=ox + 7.0*hlet(2) if (title(1:1) .ne. ' ') oy=oy - 2.0*hlet(1) call plot (ox, oy, -3) endif c c Plot axes, labels captions etc c c Justy forces all fonts to initial caption's unless explicitly c changed call justy(s, hlet(4), text(1)) c If there is to be an axis with numbers plot it. The justy call forces c same font in axis as the last thing in the x label if any. dy=0.0 if (ax(1) .ne. ax(2)) then dy=-2.0*hlet(2) call justy(s, hlet(3), xlab) call axes(kindax, hlet(2), w, ax, 1) else if (box .gt. 0) then call plot(w, 0.0, iup) call plot(0.0, 0.0, idn) endif endif c Plot x axis label if there is one if (xlab(1:1) .ne. ' ') then dy=dy - 2.0*hlet(3) call justy(s, hlet(3), xlab) call letter(0.5*w-s(2), dy, hlet(3), 0.0, xlab) endif c Plot y axis or vertical frame line backy=0.0 call justy(s, hlet(3), ylab) if (ax(3) .ne. ax(4)) then call axes(kindax, hlet(2), h, ax(3), 2) else if (box .gt. 0) then call plot(0.0, h, iup) call plot(0.0, 0.0, idn) endif endif c Finish plotting contour box if (box .gt. 0) then call plot(0., h, iup) call plot(w, h, idn) call plot(w, 0., idn) endif c c Plot justified caption if there is one if (ntxt .gt. 0 ) then dy=dy - 3.0*max(hlet(3), hlet(4)) call captio(dy, w, hlet(4), ntxt, text) if ( ntxt=0 endif c If there is a ylabel plot it if (ylab(1:1) .ne. ' ') then call justy(s, hlet(3), ylab) call letter(-backy-hlet(3), h/2-s(2), hlet(3), 90.0, ylab) endif c If there is a title plot it if (title(1:1) .ne. ' ' ) then call justy(s, hlet(1), title) call letter(w/2-s(2), h+hlet(1), hlet(1), 0.0, title) endif call justy(s, hlet(4), text(1)) c c Draw x-y line data: pattern lies "under" the contours c do 1200 k=1, nxyp call newpn(ncolor(k)) nk=nstart(k) ne=nstart(k+1) - 1 do 1100 i=nk, ne if (xp(i) .lt. 900.0) xp(i)=w*xp(i) if (yp(i) .lt. 900.0) yp(i)=h*yp(i) 1100 continue c Ordinary lines when nkind .le. 1000 i1=nk call remark('x-y line data segment begins') do 1175 i=nk, ne+1 c Check for pen lift or end of point series if (xp(i) .gt. 900.0 .or. i .eq. ne+1) then if (nkind(k).le. 1000 .and. then call line(nkind(k), i-i1, xp(i1), yp(i1)) else c Special symbols kind=(nkind-1)/1000, height=mod(nkind,1000) c in .01 inches ksymb=(nkind(k)-1000)/1000 glht=0.01*mod(nkind(k), 1000) do 1150 j=i1, i-1 call glyph(xp(j), yp(j), glht, ksymb) 1150 continue endif i1=i+1 endif 1175 continue 1200 continue c c Undo scaling in case there is another contour map do 1300 i=1, nstart(nxyp+1)-1 if (xp(i) .ne. 10.0) xp(i)=xp(i)/w yp(i)=yp(i)/h 1300 continue newp=0 c c Invoke the contouring routine c if ( .and. then call remark('Preliminaries over - contours begin') write(*,'(/a,i5,a)') $ ' Contouring now underway. There are ',nlines,' levels.' call flevel call remark('Contouring over') endif c c Plot any notes c if ( call pnotes c c Restore origin and other things to proper state c xyold(1)=w + 1.0 xyold(2)=-oy call plot(xyold(1), xyold(2), -3) if (nauto .eq. 1) nlines=0 ms=0 return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine assess c$$$$ calls cover c Finds nice contour levels for the array f. Returns c nlines and contour levels in value. c Avoids clustering of contours around strong peaks. c c common /evenly/ neven,zz1,zz2,dzz common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c logical qnllhi, qnlllo common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) c dimension divs(7) c data mlines/12/ data divs /.05,.1,.2,.25,.5,1.0,2.0/, ten/10.0/ c c No array - return dummy ce nlines=0 if (n .eq. 0) return c c If evenly spaced lines requested, look into that if (neven.eq. 3 .and.*dzz) then do 1010 nlines=1, maxcnt zlev=zz1 + (nlines-1)*dzz value(nlines)=zlev if (abs(zlev) .lt. 1e-6*(zz2-zz1)) value(nlines)=0.0 if (zlev .gt. zz2-dzz/2) return 1010 continue endif c c Generate default contour levels fhi=1e25 flo=-fhi if (qnllhi) fhi=anulhi if (qnlllo) flo=anullo call cover(m,n,f, flo,fhi,fbar,fsig,tot) c Trim extreme values do 1101 ksp=1, 3 flo=max(flo, fbar - 3.0*fsig) fhi=min(fhi, fbar + 3.0*fsig) call cover(m,n,f, flo,fhi,fbar,fsig,tot1) if (tot1 .lt. tot*0.99) goto 1150 1101 continue c Make a nice covering interval 1150 if (flo .eq. fhi) fhi=1.0 + flo + abs(0.1*flo) plus=1000.0 + log10(fhi - flo) da=10.0**mod(plus, 1.0) do 2100 i=1, 7 ii=i if (mlines .ge. da/divs(ii)) goto 2110 2100 continue 2110 units=divs(ii)*ten**(int(plus)-1000) if (neven.eq. 1 .and.*dzz) units=dzz uns=aint(flo/units - 0.01) c Generates evenly space levels nlines=0 do 2200 i=1, maxcnt v=units*(uns + i - 2) if ( then if ( .or. goto 2300 nlines=nlines + 1 value(nlines)=v endif 2200 continue c Print them out 2300 write(*,'(a,i4,a)') $' The program has selected',nlines,' contour levels' return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine cover(m,n,f, flo,fhi,fbar,fsig,tot) c$$$$ calls nothing c Finds extremes, mean and standard dev for f restricted by c flo < f < fhi. Overwrites flo, fhi parameter (maxpts=350) dimension f(maxpts, maxpts) c fmin=f(1,1) fmax=fmin fsum=0.0 fssq=0.0 tot=0.001 do 1200 j=1, n do 1100 i=1, m fij=f(i, j) if ( then fmin=min(fij, fmin) fmax=max(fij, fmax) fsum=fij + fsum fssq=fij**2 + fssq tot=tot + 1.0 endif 1100 continue 1200 continue fbar=fsum/tot fsig=sqrt(fssq/tot - fbar**2) fhi=fmax flo=fmin return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine todisk(nxy, xx, yy, zz) c$$$$ calls nothing c Saves level lines to a diskfile c Writes coordinates xx, yy and contour height zz on each line common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c common /disk/ isave,dxy(2) dimension xx(*),yy(*) c if (isave.le. 0) return c axes=(ax(1)-ax(2))*(ax(3)-ax(4)) c Save contours with origin at bottom left and x,y in inches if (axes.eq. 0.0) then write(12, '(/(3g12.4))') (xx(j),yy(j),zz, j=1, nxy) c Save contours referred to axes provided in axes command else xscal=(ax(2)-ax(1))/dxy(1) yscal=(ax(4)-ax(3))/dxy(2) write(12, '(/(3g12.4))') $ (ax(1)+xscal*xx(j), ax(3)+yscal*yy(j),zz, j=1,nxy) endif return end c_______________________________________________________________________ c______________________________________________________________ subroutine init(idev, plotfl) c$$$$ calls plopen plot c******** this routine is UNIX-specific ***************************** c Initializes the plotfile with name plotfl or if this is c blank, terminates plotfile in an orderly manner. c This routine must be replaced by appropriate routines on another c system. c********************************************************************** character*(*) plotfl save isnt c data isnt/0/ c c Terminate plotfile in unix standard plotfile format ce if (plotfl .eq. ' ') then if (isnt .ne. 0) call plopen(-1, plotfl) return endif c Initiate plotfile in unix standard plotfile format call plopen(1, plotfl) call plot(0.2, 0.2, -3) isnt=1 return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine captio(y0, xlen, ht, ntxt, text) c$$$$ calls justy letter parse c A series of ntxt 80-character lines held in text are plotted c justified on a page of width xlen. Character height is ht. c The first line of text starts at (0, y0) character*80 text(ntxt), word, words*128 dimension s(4),w(80),lw(81) c ce delta=0.8*ht width=-delta y=y0 k=0 lw(1)=1 c c Examine each of the lines of text in turn do 1300 in=1, ntxt l1=1 c Parse strips out individual words from the text. These are stuffed c into the long character string words with pointers lw. 1100 k=k + 1 call parse(l1, 80, text(in), lword, word) lw(k+1)=lw(k) + lword words(lw(k):lw(k+1)-1)=word(1:lword) c When l1>0 a new word has been successfully read from text if (l1 .gt. 0) then call justy(s, ht, word(1:lword)) w(k)=s(3) c Current line is shorter than the page width if (width+delta+w(k) .lt. xlen) then width=width + delta + w(k) c Line too long for width - plot it, justified else k1=max(1, k-1) space=delta + (xlen - width)/max(1, k1-1) x=0.0 do 1200 ik=1, k1 call letter(x, y, ht, 0.0, words(lw(ik):lw(ik+1)-1)) x=x + space + w(ik) 1200 continue y=y - 2.0*ht lw(2)=lword + 1 words(1:lword)=word(1:lword) w(1)=w(k) k=k - k1 width=k*w(1) endif c Go back for more text goto 1100 endif c Current input text buffer finished - go round for the next one k=k - 1 1300 continue c c Finish the last line unjustified x=0.0 do 1500 ik=1, k call letter(x, y, ht, 0.0, words(lw(ik):lw(ik+1)-1)) x=x + delta + w(ik) 1500 continue return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine fancy(mode) c$$$$ calls nothing c Routine sets code values so that levels below vcrit are dashed, above c vcrit are regular, and at vcrit are drawn heavy. A level vcrit is c added if necessary. State of fancy saved in invoke c common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c logical qnllhi, qnlllo common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) c ce c If mode=0 take no action if (mode .eq. 0) return c If mode=-1 turn off the fancy option and return all kodes to 0 if (mode .eq. -1) then invoke=0 do 1400 j=1, nlines kode(j)=0 1400 continue c c If mode is nonnegative apply the fancy option else invoke=1 if (nlines .eq. 0) return dcrit=abs(value(nlines) - value(1))/100.0 ncrit=0 do 1300 j=1, nlines if (abs(value(j)-vcrit) .le. dcrit) then kode(j)=2 ncrit=1 else if (value(j) .gt. vcrit) kode(j)=1 if (value(j) .lt. vcrit) kode(j)=6 endif 1300 continue c Add vcrit to the contour list if it's not there if (ncrit .eq. 0) then nlines=nlines + 1 kode(nlines)=2 value(nlines)=vcrit endif c endif return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine axes (kindax, ht, xlen, xx, ixy) c$$$$ calls linax logax c Decides whether to draw linear or log axes and does it dimension xx(*) c ce icode=10*min(3, max(0, kindax)) + ixy if (icode .le. 2) call linax(ht, xlen, xx, ixy) if (icode .eq. 11) call logax(ht, xlen, xx, ixy) if (icode .eq. 12) call linax(ht, xlen, xx, ixy) if (icode .eq. 21) call linax(ht, xlen, xx, ixy) if (icode .eq. 22) call logax(ht, xlen, xx, ixy) if (icode .ge. 31) call logax(ht, xlen, xx, ixy) c return end c_____________________________________________________________________ subroutine linax(ht, xlen, xx, ixy) c$$$$ calls justy letter nicer plot c Plots either an x- or a y-axis of length xlen inches with tick c marks at reasonable places between the limits xx(1), xx(2). c If xx(1) .gt. xx(2) the numerals decrease along the axis. c lettering height is ht. c ixy =1 means x axis, ixy=2 means y axis. c The axis is drawn starting from the plot origin (x=0, y=0), which is c normally at the lower left corner. This position may be moved by c the user in the calling routine. c character*40 label,ifmt*20 dimension xx(2),xa(2),s(4) common /back/ backy,box c data ticfac/1.6/, iup,idn /3,2/ c c In-line function iten(x)=int(500.001 + log10(x)) - 500 c ce if (xlen .eq. 0.0) return revers=sign(1.0, xx(2) - xx(1)) xx(1)=revers*xx(1) xx(2)=revers*xx(2) htix=0.4*ht xa(1)=xx(1) xa(2)=ticfac*min(1.0,10.0/xlen)*(xx(2)-xx(1)) + xx(1) call nicer(xa, xa, xt) if (xx(2)-xx(1).eq.180 .or. xx(2)-xx(1).eq.360) xt=30 c Set up format for numerical annotation on the axis nsiz=iten(max(abs(xx(2)), abs(xx(1)))) ntix=iten(xt) nfld=3 + max(nsiz, -ntix, nsiz-ntix) if ( goto 1000 c Width of field less than 8 characters - use an f-format ndp=max(0, -ntix) write(ifmt, 100) '(f', nfld, '.', ndp, ')' 100 format(a, i1, a, i1, a) if (ndp .eq. 0) nfld=nfld - 1 goto 1100 c Width of field more than 7 characters - use a g format 1000 ndp=nsiz - ntix + 1 nfld=7 + ndp write(ifmt, 110) nfld, ndp 110 format('(1pg', i2, '.', i2, ')' ) c 1100 call plot(0.0, 0.0, iup) xs= xlen/(xx(2) - xx(1)) n1=xa(1)/xt n2=xx(2)/xt + 1.0 goto (2100, 3100), ixy c c Draw the x axis 2100 kskip=1.3 + ht*nfld/(xs*xt) do 2500 n=n1, n2 x=n*xt xinch=xs*(x - xx(1)) c Plot next section of axis and the tick on the right if ( .or. goto 2500 call plot(xinch, 0.0, idn) call plot(xinch, htix, idn) c Write numerical annotation if (mod(n, kskip) .ne. 0) goto 2400 write(label, ifmt) x*revers call justy(s, ht, label(1:nfld)) call letter(xinch-s(2), -2.0*ht, ht, 0.0, label(1:nfld)) c Move back onto axis with pen up 2400 call plot(xinch, 0.0, iup) 2500 continue c Plot the last little piece of the axis call plot(xlen, 0.0, idn) xx(1)=revers*xx(1) xx(2)=revers*xx(2) return c c Draw the y axis 3100 half=-0.5*ht backy=half kskip=1.5 + ht/(xs*xt) do 3500 n=n1, n2 y=n*xt yinch=xs*(y - xx(1)) c Plot next section of axis and the tick on the right if ( .or. goto 3500 call plot(0.0, yinch, idn) call plot(htix, yinch, idn) c Write numerical annotation if (mod(n, kskip) .ne. 0) goto 3400 write(label, ifmt) y*revers call justy(s, ht, label(1:nfld)) backy=max(backy, s(3)-s(1)-half) call letter(half-s(3), yinch+half, ht, 0.0, label(1:nfld)) 3400 call plot(0.0, yinch, iup) 3500 continue c Plot last little piece of axis call plot(0.0, xlen, idn) xx(1)=revers*xx(1) xx(2)=revers*xx(2) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine logax(hgt, xlen, xx, ixy) c$$$$ calls justy letter linax plot c Plots either an x- or a y-axis of length xlen inches with log c spaced tick marks and annotation between the limits xx(1), xx(2). c ixy=1 means draw an x axis, ixy=2 means draw a y axis. c The axis is drawn starting from the plot origin (x=0, y=0), which is c Normally at the lower left corner. This position may be moved by c the user in the calling routine. c character*4 label, no*2 dimension xx(2),s(4), no(10) common /back/ backy,box c data iup/3/,idn/2/ data no/'1 ','2 ','3 ','4 ','5 ','6 ','7 ','8 ','9 ','10'/ c c In-line funcyion iten(x)=int(500.01 + log10(x)) - 500 c ce if (xlen .eq. 0.0) return if (xx(1) .ge. xx(2) .or. xx(1) .le. 0.0) goto 4000 log1=iten(xx(1)) log2=iten(xx(2)) xs=xlen/log10(xx(2)/xx(1)) if (log2.eq.log1) goto 4000 hr=0.75*hgt htix=0.4*hgt call justy(s, hgt, no(10)) wid10=s(3) call plot(0.0, 0.0, iup) c Select x- or y- axis goto (2100, 3100), ixy c c Plot x axis 2100 aback=0.5*wid10 kskip=1.1 + 6.0*hgt/xs do 2500 kdec=log1, log2 do 2400 numb=1, 9 xinch=xs*(log10(numb/xx(1)) + kdec) if ( .or. goto 2400 c Draw next section of axis and its tick mark call plot(xinch, 0.0, idn) if (numb.eq.1 .or.*hgt) then call plot(xinch, htix, idn) endif if (numb .ne. 1) goto 2200 if (mod(kdec-log1, kskip) .ne. 0) goto 2450 c Write out the notation 10**kdec below the appropriate tick write(label, '(i4)') kdec call justy(s, hr, label) call letter(xinch+aback-s(1), -1.5*hgt, hr, 0.0, label) call letter(xinch-aback, -2.0*hgt, hgt, 0.0, no(10)) goto 2450 c If number of decades .lt.2 write the integers next to their ticks 2200 if (log2-log1 .le. 2 .and. .02*xs .gt. hgt) $ call letter(xinch-0.5*hr, -2.0*hr, hr, 0.0, no(numb)) c Move back onto the axis with the pen raised 2450 call plot(xinch, 0.0, iup) 2400 continue 2500 continue c Plot last piece of the axis call plot(xlen, 0.0, idn) return c c Plot y axis 3100 backy=2.0*wid10 kskip=1.1 + 2.5*hgt/xs do 3500 kdec=log1, log2 do 3400 numb=1, 9 xinch=xs*(log10(numb/xx(1)) + kdec) if ( .or. goto 3400 c Draw next section of axis and its tick mark call plot(0.0, xinch, idn) if (numb.eq.1 .or.*hgt) then call plot(htix, xinch, idn) endif if (numb .ne. 1) goto 3200 if (mod(kdec-log1, kskip) .ne. 0) goto 3450 c Write out the notation 10**kdec below the appropriate tick write(label, '(i4)') kdec call justy(s, hr, label) aback=1.5*wid10 + s(3) - s(1) backy=max(aback, backy) call letter(wid10-aback-s(1), xinch, hr, 0.0, label) call letter(-aback, xinch-0.5*hgt, hgt, 0.0, no(10)) goto 3450 c If number of decades .lt.2 write the integers next to their ticks 3200 if (log2-log1 .le. 2 .and. .02*xs .gt. hgt) $ call letter(-1.5*hr, xinch-0.5*hr, hr, 0.0, no(numb)) c Move back onto the axis with the pen raised 3450 call plot(0.0, xinch, iup) 3400 continue 3500 continue c Plot last piece of the axis call plot(0.0, xlen, idn) return c c Interval too short to contain an exact power of ten, or c nonpositive limit. Use linear axis instead of log. 4000 call linax(hgt, xlen, xx, ixy) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine nicer(xin, xout, xtick) c$$$$ calls nothing c Routine for scaling intervals and providing tick marks for axes. c between 7 and 15 ticks are made, which is suitable for 10in axes. c Input parameters c xin(1),xin(2) extremes of variable x in its own units c output parameters c xout(1),xout(2) adjusted extremes, made to be round numbers. Note c the new interval always covers old one. c xtick distance between tick marks in x units (not inches). This c number is always a round number. dimension divs(4),xin(2),xout(2) c data e/1.0e-7/,divs/.1,.2,.5,1.0/ c ce xout(1)=xin(1) xout(2)=xin(2) if (xout(2).eq.xout(1)) xout(2)=1.0 + 1.1*xout(2) plus=1000.0 + log10(xout(2)-xout(1)) index=1.4969 + 2.857*mod(plus, 1.0) units=divs(index)*10.0**(int(plus)-1000) bias=(1.+e)*units*aint(1.+max(abs(xout(1)), abs(xout(2)))/units) xout(1)=xout(1) - mod(xout(1)+bias, units) xout(2)=xout(2) - mod(xout(2)-bias, units) if (abs(xout(1)/units) .le. .01) xout(1)=0.0 if (abs(xout(2)/units) .le. .01) xout(2)=0.0 xtick=units return end c______________________________________________________________________ subroutine scribe(nchar, line, xyh, leng, note) c$$$$ calls decode c The string in line is expected to be of the form '(x,y) text' or c '(x,y in) text' or '(x,y,u,v in)'. Extracts the numbers c and puts text into note. 'i' means inches, flagged by -ve xyh(5). character*80 note, line*(*) real xyh(*) c kpi(i)=i + 1000 -sign(1000, i-1) ce leng=-1 c Seeks ')' in image. Also records presence of 'i' meaning inches c by reversing sign of xyh(5) i1=index(line, '(') i2=index(line, ')') if (i1.eq.0 .or. return ii=index(line(i1:i2), 'i') ir=index(line(i1:i2), 'r') ic=index(line(i1:i2), 'c') iii=min (i2, kpi(ii), kpi(ir), kpi(ic)) c For left, center, right justification xyh(8)=0, 0.5, 1 xyh(8)=0.5*min(2, min(ic,1)+min(ir,2)) c c Translate up to 7 numbers found in parentheses in line call decode(line(i1+1:iii-1), xyh, 7, nfound) c 2 numbers: x,y - no arrow, same height, angle 0, old color c 3 numbers: x,y, height - no arrow, angle 0, old color c 4 numbers: p,q,x,y - same height, angle zero if (nfound.le.1) return if (nfound.eq.3) xyh(5)=xyh(3) if (nfound.eq.2 .or. nfound.eq. 3) then xyh(3)=xyh(1) xyh(4)=xyh(2) endif if (ii .ne. 0) xyh(5)=-abs(xyh(5)) if ( xyh(6)=0.0 c Copy remaining portion of line into the character variable note note=line(i2+1:nchar) leng=min(80, nchar - i2) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine pnotes c$$$$ calls justy letter newpn plot c c Plot the notes file and the arrows c common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c character*80 note(20), text(10) character*116 format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab common /charco/ format,file,title,output,xlab,ylab,text,note c real ss(4),p(4) character*80 tnote c data iup/3/,idn/2/ data cosa,tana,tip/0.866,0.577,0.6/, zone/1.2/ c ce h=height w=width if (h.le.0 .and. w.le.0) then if ( w=6 if ( h=6 endif if (h.le.0) h=w*(n-1)/(m-1.0) if (w.le.0) w=h*(m-1)/(n-1.0) c c Run through the notes in turn do 3550 inote=1, nnotes tnote=note(inote) long=leng(inote) c c Set drawing color call newpn(nint(xyh(7, inote))) c do 3100 i=1, 4 p(i)=xyh(i,inote) 3100 continue hn=abs(xyh(5,inote)) if (long.eq.1 .and. tnote(1:1).eq.' ') hn=0.0 if (xyh(5,inote) .ge.0.0) then c Rescale coordinates accounting for log or linear axes c Suppress if outside the frame do 3200 i=1, 3, 2 if ((p(i )-ax(1))*(p(i )-ax(2)) .gt.0.0) goto 3550 if ((p(i+1)-ax(3))*(p(i+1)-ax(4)) .gt.0.0) goto 3550 if (kindax.eq.0 .or. kindax.eq.2) then p(i )= (p(i ) - ax(1))*w/(ax(2) - ax(1)) else p(i )=log(p(i )/ax(1))*w/log(ax(2)/ax(1)) endif if (kindax.eq.0 .or. kindax.eq.1) then p(i+1)= (p(i+1) - ax(3))*h/(ax(4) - ax(3)) else p(i+1)=log(p(i+1)/ax(3))*h/log(ax(4)/ax(3)) endif 3200 continue endif shaft=abs(p(1)-p(3))+abs(p(2)-p(4)) c Recenter text according to justification in xyh(8,:) call justy(ss, hn, tnote(1:long)) cosr=cos(0.01745329*xyh(6,inote)) sinr=sin(0.01745329*xyh(6,inote)) p(3)=p(3) - xyh(8,inote)*ss(3)*cosr p(4)=p(4) - xyh(8,inote)*ss(3)*sinr c There is an arrow if the stalk is of positive length if (shaft .gt.0) then c Plot the arrow if there is one p5=ss(2) - (p(1)-p(3))*cosr - (p(2)-p(4))*sinr p6=0.3*hn + (p(1)-p(3))*sinr - (p(2)-p(4))*cosr el=ss(3) - ss(2) + 0.5*hn te=p5 - p5*(el - hn)/(1.0e-6 + el + abs(p5)) p8=p6 - sign(zone*hn, p6) p7=te*p8/(p6 + sign(1.0e-6, p6)) if (abs(p7 - p5) .gt. el) then p7=p5 - sign(el, p5) p8=p6*p7/te endif r=sqrt(p7**2 + p8**2) c=tip*cosa*abs(xyh(5,inote))/r s=tana*c q7=p7*cosr - p8*sinr q8=p7*sinr + p8*cosr call plot(p(1) + c*q7 + s*q8, p(2) - s*q7 + c*q8, iup) call plot(p(1), p(2), idn) call plot(p(1) + c*q7 - s*q8, p(2) + s*q7 + c*q8, idn) call plot(p(1), p(2), iup) call plot(p(1)+q7, p(2)+q8, idn) endif c Write the text of the note call letter(p(3), p(4), hn, xyh(6,inote), tnote(1:long)) 3550 continue c c Reset drawing color call newpn(ikolor) c return end c______________________________________________________________________ c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c This is Unit C c Unit A contains routines for language interpretation and data input. c Unit B contains page arrangement, axes and other decoration. c Unit C contains contour generation and labeling routines. c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine flevel c$$$$ calls circ dotted draw1 draw2 dumpit flag halt remark c$$$$ sflag, uflag c c c flevel-- draws contour lines on gridded array c c Principal routine for contouring rectangular arrays of real data. c Algorithm by Dr David P. Anderson c modified by R. L. Parker (1984, 1989, 1990) c modified by Peter Salameh (1989) c modified by David W. Caress (1989) c c c c Conventions c The standard plotting convention is that x increases with i, the c row index of f(i,j) and y increases with j. The point (0, 0) c with respect to current plot origin corresponds to the matrix c element f(1,1). c c parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /flags/ nflag, kntflg(maxflg) c common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c logical qnllhi, qnlllo common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) c common /little/ eps,epps c common /affine/ acoef, bcoef c real bx(3),by(3),p1(2),p2(2),c1(2),c2(2) real ang1(2),ang2(2),ang3(2),ang4(2),ang5(2),ang6(2) real small,big,range,val,a,b,axx,ayy real dist1,dist3,xs,ys c integer ixof(3,2,2),iyof(3,2,2),koff(3,2,2),doff(3,2,2) c logical ifcase(3),closed logical flag,qq character*30 messag c c(a, b)=(a - val)/(a - b) c data ixof/0,0,1,0,1,0, 0, 0, 1,-1,-1,-1/ data iyof/0,1,0,1,0,0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 0, 1/ data koff/2,1,2,1,2,1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1/ data doff/2,1,1,1,1,2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1/ c c Bound used later in dumpit c epps used in circ c ce bound(1)=min(0.0, (nx-1)*delx) bound(2)=max(0.0, (nx-1)*delx) bound(3)=min(0.0, (ny-1)*dely) bound(4)=max(0.0, (ny-1)*dely) epps=1e-5*max(abs((nx-1)*delx), abs((ny-1)*dely))**2 c c Find largest, smallest function values to aid user c big=f(1,1) small=big qq=.FALSE. do 1000 i=1, nx do 1001 j=1, ny if ((qnllhi.and.f(i,j).ge.anulhi).or. $ (qnlllo.and.f(i,j).le.anullo)) goto 1001 if (qq) then big=max(big, f(i,j)) small=min(small, f(i,j)) else big=f(i,j) small=f(i,j) qq=.TRUE. endif 1001 continue 1000 continue if (.not.qq) then write(*,*)'>>> Entire array nulled out - no contours plotted' return endif range=big - small c c c Make sure that no grid points have exact contour values eps=range*1e-6 tol=1e-7 do 1004 i=1,nx do 1003 j=1,ny do 1002 k=1,nlines if (abs(f(i,j)-value(k)).le.abs(value(k))*tol) then if (value(k).ne. 0.0) f(i,j)=value(k)*(1.0+tol) if (value(k).eq. 0.0) f(i,j)=range*tol endif 1002 continue 1003 continue 1004 continue c c Loop for contour values c (check for values outside of function range) c if (acoef .ne. 1.0 .or. bcoef .ne. 0.0) $write(*,'(2a,2g13.5/a)') $' An affine mapping applied to input array, ', $'parameters:', acoef,bcoef,' After the mapping -' write(*,'(a,g13.5,a,g13.5)') $' Grid min value:',small,' max value: ',big c do 1008 iline=1, nlines val=value(iline) if ( goto 1008 write(messag,'(a,g12.4)')'Begin level ',val call remark(messag) c c Find the points where contour intersects grid lines c (reset number of segment found to zero) c nflag=0 do 1009 i=1, nx do 1010 j=1, ny a=f(i,j) if (( $ (qnlllo.and.a.le.anullo)) goto 1010 c c Look for horizontal element k=1 c if ( then b=f(i + 1, j) if (( $ ( then if ( $ call sflag(1, i, j) endif endif c c Look for vertical element k=2 c if ( then b=f(i, j + 1) if (( $ ( then if ( $ call sflag(2, i, j) endif endif 1010 continue 1009 continue c c All points found -- now look for components c 1012 continue c c The variables in this part are c ix, iy indices of start of current edge c ik direction of edge, 1=x, 2=y c idir direction out of edge, 1=up/right, 2=left/down c closed true if component is a loop c ix0,iy0 if closed component, starting point c c Search for a point on border to start from c c ix=1 edge (left) c closed=.false. do 1013 iy=1, ny-1 if(flag(2,1,iy)) then ix=1 ik=2 idir=1 goto 100 endif 1013 continue c c iy=1 edge top c do 1014 ix=1, nx-1 if(flag(1,ix,1)) then iy=1 ik=1 idir=1 goto 100 endif 1014 continue c c iy=ny edge (bottom) c do 1015 ix=1, nx-1 if (flag(1,ix,ny)) then iy=ny ik=1 idir=2 goto 100 endif 1015 continue c c ix=nx edge (right) c do 1016 iy=1, ny-1 if(flag(2,nx,iy)) then ix=nx ik=2 idir=2 goto 100 endif 1016 continue c c If none, search for point in middle c do 1017 i=1, nflag if (kntflg(i).gt.0) then kflag=kntflg(i) ix=kflag/100000 kflag=kflag - 100000*ix iy=kflag/10 ik=kflag - 10*iy if ( goto 1017 if ( goto 1017 idir=1 closed=.true. ix0=ix iy0=iy ik0=ik goto 100 endif 1017 continue c c If can't find a starting point, we're done with this contour value c goto 1018 c c Here when found starting point of a component c Compute its xy coordinates c 100 continue axx=(ix-1)*delx ayy=(iy-1)*dely if(ik.eq.1) then c if (interp.eq.0) then c do linear interpolation axx=axx + c(f(ix,iy), f(ix+1,iy))*delx c else c Do parabolic interpolation c if (ix.eq.1) then c Single parabola approximation axx=axx + (1.0 $ - parab(f(ix+2,iy),f(ix+1,iy),f(ix,iy),val))*delx else if ( then c Single parabola approximation axx=axx $ + parab(f(ix-1,iy),f(ix,iy),f(ix+1,iy),val)*delx else c Double parabola approximation a1=axx $ + parab(f(ix-1,iy),f(ix,iy),f(ix+1,iy),val)*delx a2=axx + (1.0 $ - parab(f(ix+2,iy),f(ix+1,iy),f(ix,iy),val))*delx axx=(a1 + a2)/2 endif endif c else c if (interp.eq.0) then c Do linear interpolation ayy=ayy + c(f(ix,iy), f(ix,iy+1))*dely c else c Do parabolic interpolation c if (iy.eq.1) then c Single parabola approximation ayy=ayy + (1.0 $ - parab(f(ix,iy+2),f(ix,iy+1),f(ix,iy),val))*dely else if ( then c Single parabola approximation ayy=ayy $ + parab(f(ix,iy-1),f(ix,iy),f(ix,iy+1),val)*dely else c Double parabola approximation a1=ayy $ + parab(f(ix,iy-1),f(ix,iy),f(ix,iy+1),val)*dely a2=ayy + (1.0 $ - parab(f(ix,iy+2),f(ix,iy+1),f(ix,iy),val))*dely ayy=(a1 + a2)/2 endif endif endif c c Start a list (in x, y) of the points on the component c xsave(1)=axx ysave(1)=ayy nsave=1 if(.not.closed)call uflag(ik, ix, iy) c c Loop for points in this component c 1019 continue c c From the current edge, there are three possible edges to go to. c See which of these edges are on the grid and contain a point. c do 1021 icase=1, 3 ifcase(icase)=.false. jx=ix + ixof(icase,ik,idir) jy=iy + iyof(icase,ik,idir) jk=koff(icase,ik,idir) if( then c c Note flag is false for nonexistent edges c if(flag(jk,jx,jy)) then ifcase(icase)=.true. bx(icase)=(jx-1)*delx by(icase)=(jy-1)*dely if(jk.eq.1) then if (interp.eq.0) then c Do linear interpolation bx(icase)=bx(icase) $ + c(f(jx,jy),f(jx+1,jy))*delx else c Do parabolic interpolation if (jx.eq.1) then c Single parabola approximation bx(icase)=bx(icase) + (1.0 - parab(f(jx+2,jy), $ f(jx+1,jy),f(jx,jy),val))*delx else if ( then c Single parabola approximation bx(icase)=bx(icase) + parab(f(jx-1,jy), $ f(jx,jy),f(jx+1,jy),val)*delx else c Double parabola approximation b1=bx(icase) + (1.0 - parab(f(jx+2,jy), $ f(jx+1,jy),f(jx,jy),val))*delx b2=bx(icase) + parab(f(jx-1,jy), $ f(jx,jy),f(jx+1,jy),val)*delx bx(icase)=(b1 + b2)/2 endif endif c else if (interp.eq.0) then c Do linear interpolation by(icase)=by(icase) $ + c(f(jx,jy),f(jx,jy+1))*dely else c Do parabolic interpolation if (jy.eq.1) then c Single parabola approximation by(icase)=by(icase) + (1.0 - parab(f(jx,jy+2), $ f(jx,jy+1),f(jx,jy),val))*dely else if ( then c Single parabola approximation by(icase)=by(icase) + parab(f(jx,jy-1), $ f(jx,jy),f(jx,jy+1),val)*dely else c Double parabola approximation b1=by(icase) + (1.0 - parab(f(jx,jy+2), $ f(jx,jy+1),f(jx,jy),val))*dely b2=by(icase) + parab(f(jx,jy-1), $ f(jx,jy),f(jx,jy+1),val)*dely by(icase)=(b1 + b2)/2 endif endif endif c endif endif 1021 continue c c See if there wasn't a point where one was expected c This is possible because of exclusion values anullo and anulhi. c If .not. closed then end of curve. c If closed, then reverse order of points found, make .not. closed, c and continue from starting point in oposite direction. c if(.not.(ifcase(1).or.ifcase(2).or.ifcase(3))) then if (.not.closed) then goto 1020 else do 10 i=1, nsave/2 xs=xsave(i) ys=ysave(i) xsave(i)=xsave(nsave-i+1) ysave(i)=ysave(nsave-i+1) xsave(nsave-i+1)=xs ysave(nsave-i+1)=ys 10 continue call uflag(ik0, ix0, iy0) closed=.false. ix=ix0 iy=iy0 ik=ik0 idir=2 goto 1019 endif endif c c If an choice, go across the square c (looks like across is LAST choice!!) c (1=left side, 3=right side, 2=straight across) c if(ifcase(1).and.ifcase(3)) then dist1=(axx-bx(1))**2 + (ayy-by(1))**2 dist3=(axx-bx(3))**2 + (ayy-by(3))**2 if( then ibest=1 else ibest=3 endif else if(ifcase(1)) then ibest=1 else if(ifcase(3)) then ibest=3 else ibest=2 endif c c Update the coords, etc. c ix=ix + ixof(ibest,ik,idir) iy=iy + iyof(ibest,ik,idir) idir=doff(ibest,ik,idir) ik=koff(ibest,ik,idir) c c Add point to the list c if( $ call halt('>>> Out of room - raise parameter MAXCMP') c nsave=nsave + 1 axx=bx(ibest) ayy=by(ibest) xsave(nsave)=axx ysave(nsave)=ayy c c Remove the point from grid so you don't use it again c call uflag(ik, ix, iy) c c Check for termination of component c if(closed) then if(ix.eq.ix0.and.iy.eq.iy0.and.ik.eq.ik0) then goto 1020 endif else if(ix.eq.1.and.ik.eq.2.or. + ix.eq.nx.and.ik.eq.2.or. + iy.eq.1.and.ik.eq.1.or. + iy.eq.ny.and.ik.eq.1) then goto 1020 endif endif goto 1019 c 1020 continue c c Here when finished finding points in component. c Points are in arrays xsave, ysave. "closed" tells component type. c c c Dump contour line to plotter here c c if (closed) then c write(*, 5200)nsave c 5200 format(' Drawing closed contour: ',i4,' segments') c else c write(*, 5300)nsave c 5300 format(' Drawing open contour: ',i4,' segments') c endif c c If nsave < minimum number of segments, don't plot it! if ( then continue c c Else if component has only two points just draw line segment else if (nsave.eq.2) then p1(1)=xsave(1) p1(2)=ysave(1) p2(1)=xsave(2) p2(2)=ysave(2) call dotted(iline, p1, p2) c c Else if not to be smoothed, just dumpit else if (mooth.le.1) then call dumpit(kode(iline),val,kolor(iline),nsave,xsave,ysave) c c Else draw nice curves else c if (closed) then c Draw closed curve c c First remove last point (which duplicates first point) nsave=nsave - 1 c call circ(nsave, 1, 2, c1, rad1, ang1, ang2, ang3) do 1031 i=1,nsave j=mod(i,nsave)+1 k=mod(i+1,nsave)+1 call circ(i, j, k, c2, rad2, ang4, ang5, ang6) call draw2(c1, c2, rad1, rad2, ang2, ang3, ang4, ang5) c1(1)=c2(1) c1(2)=c2(2) rad1=rad2 ang2(1)=ang5(1) ang2(2)=ang5(2) ang3(1)=ang6(1) ang3(2)=ang6(2) 1031 continue c else c Draw open curve call circ(1, 2, 3, c1, rad1, ang1, ang2, ang3) call draw1(c1, rad1, ang1, ang2) do 1030 i=2,nsave-2 call circ(i, i+1, i+2, c2, rad2, ang4, ang5, ang6) call draw2(c1, c2, rad1, rad2, ang2, ang3, ang4, ang5) c1(1)=c2(1) c1(2)=c2(2) rad1=rad2 ang2(1)=ang5(1) ang2(2)=ang5(2) ang3(1)=ang6(1) ang3(2)=ang6(2) 1030 continue call draw1(c1, rad1, ang2, ang3) endif endif c goto 1012 c 1018 continue c Flush last buffer in dotted c p1(1)=-99999.9 p1(2)=-99999.9 call dotted(-1, p1, p2) c 1008 continue c c End flevel c return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine dumpit(kind, val, icol, nxy, xx, yy) c$$$$ calls justy letter line mabel newpn sort todisk c Arranges for the contour defined by the vectors xx, yy to be c plotted. Major activity here is the positioning of the label if c any. kind controls line weight and labeling by kind >=0 a label is c requested; kind < 0 no label. c parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c common /plotco/ idev,ikolor,inf,ms,ns,m,n,klock,nskip,nauto, $ kindax,ntxt,invoke,height,width,ax(4),hlet(5), $ vcrit,xyorg(2),xyold(2),nnotes,xyh(9,20),leng(20) c logical qnllhi, qnlllo common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) c common /hatch/ klosed,lftrt parameter (nulb=500) common /xylabs/ xlb(nulb),ylb(nulb),nlb c character label*20 dimension xx(nxy),yy(nxy),s(4),ls(20),tag(20),key(20),adsite(5) save gap,centre,oldval,label c data oldval/1.0e25/, adsite/0.5,0.34,0.67,0.25,0.75/ c c In-line function slope(x1, x2, y1, y2)=abs(y2-y1)/(abs(x2-x1) + 1.0e-8) c c Send level lines to a file without labels, etc call todisk(nxy,xx,yy, val) c c Set plotting color ce call newpn(icol) c Open or closed contour? Sent through /hatch/ to routine line klosed=1.0-min(1.0, (abs(xx(1)-xx(nxy))+abs(yy(1)-yy(nxy)))*1e3) c Decide on direction for downhill i1=xx(1)/delx + 1.1 j1=yy(1)/dely + 1.1 lftrt=sign(1.0, ((yy(2)-yy(1))*((i1-1)*delx - xx(1)) - $(xx(2)-xx(1))*((j1-1)*dely - yy(1)))*(val- f(i1,j1))) c c If this is a new contour build the string to label it. Note c that the label is scaled by scalev. c if (oldval .ne. val) then call mabel(scalev*val, len, label) call justy(s, hlab, label(1:len)) gap=s(4) - s(1) + hlab centre=2.0*s(2) oldval=val endif c c No label requested. Just dump the contour as it is c if (kind .lt. 0) then call line(-kind, nxy, xx, yy) return endif c c Make a list of potential sites for a label. c Identify places where slope changes sign; save y gradient in tag c k=0 do 1100 i=2, nxy-1 if ((yy(i)-yy(i-1))*(yy(i+1)-yy(i)) .le. 0.0) then k=min(1 + k, 15) ls(k)=i i1=xx(i)/delx + 1.49 j1=max(2.0, yy(i)/dely + 1.49) tag(k)=abs(f(i1,j1) - f(i1,j1-1)) endif 1100 continue call sort(k, tag, key) c c Add 5 more sites; save local slope in tag c nsites=k+5 do 1300 i=k+1, nsites ls(i)=1 + min(int(nxy*adsite(i-k)), nxy-2) tag(i)=slope(xx(ls(i)), xx(ls(i)+1), yy(ls(i)), yy(ls(i)+1)) 1300 continue call sort(nsites-k, tag(k+1), key(k+1)) c c Scan potential sites, testing 3 criteria as identified in the code c do 2500 k1=1, nsites c c Run through list in order of label site quality i1=ls(key(k1)) c c Create a gap wide enough to hold the label do 2100 j=1, nxy i1=max(1, i1-1) i2=min(nxy, i1 + 2*j) dsq=(xx(i1)-xx(i2))**2+(yy(i1)-yy(i2))**2 if (dsq .gt. gap**2) goto 2200 2100 continue c c Dropped through loop: contour too small - omit the label and plot c in one piece. call line(kind, nxy, xx, yy) return c c h1 is deviation of contour arc from chord over the gap; c d1 is the distance to the nearest wall. 2200 mid=(i1 + i2)/2 h1=(xx(i1)*(yy(mid)-yy(i2))+xx(i2)*(yy(i1)-yy(mid))+ $ xx(mid)*(yy(i2)-yy(i1)))/sign(sqrt(dsq), xx(i1)-xx(i2)) c d1=min(xx(i1)-bound(1), bound(2)-xx(i1), yy(i1)-bound(3), $ bound(4)-yy(i1), xx(i2)-bound(1),bound(2)-xx(i2), $ yy(i2)-bound(3), bound(4)-yy(i2)) c Check for label collisions tolsq=(1.5*hlab)**2 do 2300 l=1, min(nulb, nlb) dist=sqrt((xx(mid)-xlb(l))**2+(yy(mid)-ylb(l))**2) if ((xx(mid)-xlb(l))**2+(yy(mid)-ylb(l))**2 $ .lt. tolsq) goto 2500 2300 continue c c If curvature is mild enough and label does not collide with the wall c the label passes the test and will be drawn in the gap. if (abs(h1) .lt. 3*hlab .and. d1 .gt. 0.7*hlab) goto 3000 c 2500 continue c c Dropped through loop: unable to meet requirements. Omit label. c call line(kind, nxy, xx, yy) return c c c Plot a contour with a label. c First dump the contour in two pieces. c 3000 call line(kind, i1, xx, yy) call line(kind, nxy-i2+1, xx(i2), yy(i2)) c c Draw the label tastefully rotated and positioned in the gap c hprime=hlab - h1 dx=xx(i1) - xx(i2) angl=atan((yy(i1)-yy(i2))/(dx + sign(.001, dx))) ox=0.5*(xx(i1) + xx(i2) - centre*cos(angl) + hprime*sin(angl)) oy=0.5*(yy(i1) + yy(i2) - centre*sin(angl) - hprime*cos(angl)) call letter(ox, oy, hlab, 57.29*angl, label) c c Record label center coords nlb=nlb+1 k=mod(nlb-1, nulb)+1 xlb(k)=xx(mid) ylb(k)=yy(mid) c Reset plotting color call newpn(ikolor) c return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine sort(nx, x, key) c$$$$ calls nothing c In-place rapid sorter with key c x() orders x to be increasing, overwriting original. c key() index with key(1)=index in unsorted array of min(x), c key(2)=index of next largest, ... key(nx)=index of max(x). c dimension x(nx), key(nx) c do 1 i=1,nx 1 key(i)=i mo=nx 2 if (mo-15) 21,21,23 21 if (mo.le.1) return mo=2*(mo/4) + 1 go to 24 23 mo=2*(mo/8) + 1 24 ko=nx - mo jo=1 25 i=jo 26 if (x(i) - x(i+mo)) 28,28,27 27 temp=x(i) x(i)=x(i+mo) x(i+mo)=temp kemp=key(i) key(i)=key(i+mo) key(i+mo)=kemp i=i - mo if (i-1) 28,26,26 28 jo=1 + jo if (jo-ko) 25,25,2 end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine sflag(k, i, j) c$$$$ calls halt c Set flag parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /flags/ nflag, kntflg(maxflg) c ce kflag=i*100000 + j*10 + k nflag=nflag + 1 if (nflag .gt. maxflg) $ call halt('>>> Out of room - raise parameter MAXFLG') kntflg(nflag)=kflag 999 continue return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine uflag(k, i, j) c$$$$ calls iflag c Unset flag parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /flags/ nflag, kntflg(maxflg) c ce nn=iflag(k, i, j) if ( then kntflg(nn)=-kntflg(nn) else write(*,*)' Request to clear unset flag!!' endif return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine dotted(line, p1, p2) c$$$$ calls dumpit c Collects a buffer of points to be plotted in the arrays xx, yy. c If a discontinuity is encountered or the buffer is filled, flushes c the buffer with routine dumpit. c parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c logical qnllhi, qnlllo common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) c real p1(2),p2(2),xx(maxcmp),yy(maxcmp) save xx,yy,nxy,lastln c data nxy/0/, lastln/-1/ c c Advance the buffer count ce nxy=1 + nxy c c If flagged to flush but nothing to flush return if (nxy.eq.1.and.line.le.0) return c c Initialize a new buffer 1000 if (nxy.eq.1) then lastln=line xx(nxy)=p1(1) yy(nxy)=p1(2) nxy=2 xx(nxy)=p2(1) yy(nxy)=p2(2) return endif c c Add another point to the buffer. Only done if this line piece c is contiguous with the previous one and if the buffer isn't full if ((xx(nxy-1)-p1(1))**2+(yy(nxy-1)-p1(2))** $ .and. nxy.le.maxcmp) then xx(nxy)=p2(1) yy(nxy)=p2(2) return endif c c Flush the buffer. Noncontiguous line piece has been encountered. nxy=nxy - 1 call dumpit(kode(iline),value(iline),kolor(iline),nxy,xx,yy) c Re-initialize the buffer nxy=1 if (line .gt. 0) goto 1000 c c If nline is not positive reinitialize buffer c nxy=0 lastln=-1 return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine circ(i, j, k, center, radius, ang1, ang2, ang3) c$$$$ calls nothing c c Routine to find the center, radius and angular limits of the c circular arc determined by the points with indices i, j, k in the c arrays x and y. If colinear return radius=-1 and put the c three points in ang1, ang2 and ang3. c parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /levlco/ xsave(maxcmp),ysave(maxcmp),value(maxcnt), $ f(maxpts, maxpts) c common /little/ eps,epps real center(2),ang1(2),ang2(2),ang3(2) c data pi2/6.283185/ c c The formulas here are hard to derive, at least they were for me c ce a=(xsave(i)+xsave(j))/2.0 b=(ysave(i)+ysave(j))/2. c=ysave(j)-ysave(i) d=xsave(i)-xsave(j) e=(xsave(j)+xsave(k))/2. ff=(ysave(j)+ysave(k))/2. g=ysave(k)-ysave(j) h=xsave(j)-xsave(k) disc=d*g-c*h c c Check for colinearity c if(abs(disc).lt.epps) then radius=-1. ang1(1)=xsave(i) ang1(2)=ysave(i) ang2(1)=xsave(j) ang2(2)=ysave(j) ang3(1)=xsave(k) ang3(2)=ysave(k) else t=(d*a+ff*c-b*c-d*e)/disc center(1)=e+g*t center(2)=ff+h*t radius=sqrt((center(1)-xsave(i))**2+(center(2)-ysave(i))**2) a=xsave(i)-center(1) b=ysave(i)-center(2) c=xsave(j)-center(1) d=ysave(j)-center(2) e=xsave(k)-center(1) ff=ysave(k)-center(2) ang1(1)=atan2(b,a) ang2(1)=atan2(d,c) ang3(1)=atan2(ff,e) c c Make sure angles are in the right order by adding pi*2 to c some of them, if needed. c if(ang1(1).lt.ang2(1)) then if(ang1(1).lt.ang3(1).and.ang3(1).lt.ang2(1)) then ang1(1)=ang1(1)+pi2 else if(ang3(1).lt.ang1(1)) then ang3(1)=ang3(1)+pi2 endif else if(ang2(1).lt.ang3(1).and.ang3(1).lt.ang1(1)) then ang1(1)=ang1(1)-pi2 else if(ang3(1).gt.ang1(1)) then ang3(1)=ang3(1)-pi2 endif endif endif return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine draw1(center, radius, ang1, ang2) c$$$$ calls dotted vmov2 c Routine to draw a circular arc c radius=0 means draw segments from point ang1 to ang2 c logical qnllhi, qnlllo parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) c real center(2),radius,ang1(2),ang2(2),p1(2),p2(2) c ce if( then dang=ang2(1)-ang1(1) arclng=abs(dang)*radius nsteps=arclng*mooth+1 da=dang/nsteps do 1000 i=0, nsteps angle=ang1(1)+i*da p2(1)=radius*cos(angle)+center(1) p2(2)=radius*sin(angle)+center(2) if( call dotted(iline, p1, p2) call vmov2(p2, p1) 1000 continue else call dotted(iline, ang1, ang2) endif return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine draw2(cent1, cent2, rad1, rad2, ang1, ang2, ang3, ang4) c$$$$ calls dotted vmov2 c Routine to draw the average of two circular arcs c c cent1 and cent2 are the centers c rad1 and rad2 are the radii c If either radius is zero it means the arc is really a line c segment whose endpoints are in (ang1,ang2) or (ang3,ang4) c logical qnllhi, qnlllo parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /lineco/ kode(maxcnt),kolor(maxcnt),nsave,delx,dely, $ nx,ny,qnllhi,qnlllo,anulhi,anullo,nlines,iline, $ scalev,hlab,mooth,interp,nsgmnt,bound(4) c real cent1(2),cent2(2),ang1(2),ang2(2),ang3(2),ang4(2) real p1(2),p2(2) c c Find angular ranges (or vector) c ce dang11=ang2(1)-ang1(1) dang12=ang2(2)-ang1(2) dang21=ang4(1)-ang3(1) dang22=ang4(2)-ang3(2) c c Find approximate length of arc or segment c if( then arclng=abs(dang11)*rad1 else arclng=sqrt(dang11**2+dang12**2) endif c c Compute number of steps based on that c nsteps=arclng*mooth+1 c c Loop for points along curve c do 1000 i=0, nsteps t=real(i)/nsteps c c Compute point on first arc c if( then angle=ang1(1)+t*(dang11) r1=cent1(1)+rad1*cos(angle) r2=cent1(2)+rad1*sin(angle) else r1=ang1(1)+t*dang11 r2=ang1(2)+t*dang12 endif c c Compute point on second arc c if( then angle=ang3(1)+t*dang21 q1=cent2(1)+rad2*cos(angle) q2=cent2(2)+rad2*sin(angle) else q1=ang3(1)+t*dang21 q2=ang3(2)+t*dang22 endif c c Take weighted average. Note weighting coefficients c p2(1)=r1*(1.-t)+q1*t p2(2)=r2*(1.-t)+q2*t if( then call dotted(iline, p1, p2) endif call vmov2(p2, p1) 1000 continue return end c______________________________________________________________ logical function flag(k, i, j) c$$$$ calls iflag c Routines below to set, unset or test flag c (note flag set in j, i, k order, c so in order of increasing j, then by i, then k) c ce nn=iflag(k, i, j) if ( then flag=.true. else flag=.false. endif return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine vmov2(a, b) c$$$$ calls nothing real a(2),b(2) c ce b(1)=a(1) b(2)=a(2) return end c______________________________________________________________ function iflag(k, i, j) c$$$$ calls nothing c Return index of flag by binary search c (note flag set in i, j, k order, c so in order of increasing i, then by j, then k) parameter (maxpts=350, maxcnt=200, maxcmp=3000, maxflg=20000) common /flags/ nflag, kntflg(maxflg) c c (note: unset flag set to -flag, so binary search still possible) ce kflag=i*100000 + j*10 + k iflag=-1 low=1 khigh=nflag do 10 nn=1, nflag if ( goto 999 mid=(low + khigh)/2 if (kflag .lt. abs(kntflg(mid))) then khigh=mid - 1 else if (kflag .gt. abs(kntflg(mid))) then low=mid + 1 else goto 20 endif 10 continue goto 999 20 continue if (kntflg(mid).gt.0) iflag=mid 999 continue return end c______________________________________________________________ real function parab(r1, s1, t1, val) c$$$$ calls nothing c Suppose a quadratic function f has f(-1)=r1, f(0)=s1, and f(1)=t1, c with val between s and t. Where between 0 and 1 does the parabola c assume the value "val"? Rewritten by Bob Parker, 2013 to c eliminate dependance on external scale factor. c r=r1-val c=s1-val t=t1-val a=(r+t)/2.0-c if (a.eq. 0.0) then parab=c/(c-t) return endif b=(t-r)/2.0 disc=sqrt(b**2 - 4.0*a*c) parab = -(b + sign(disc, b))/(2.0*a) if ( 0.0 .and. parab.le. 1.0) return parab= c/(a*parab) return end c______________________________________________________________ subroutine line(kind, nxy, x, y) c$$$$ calls plot c Given the 2-vectors of pen positions (x(i), y(i)), i=1, nxy, c Draws a straight line interpolation along the sequence. c kind=0,1 the line is a single continuous stroke c =2 the line is drawn heavily by going over it twice c =3-9 a dashed line is drawn c =10 a hatched line is drawn, prongs downslope c =11 a hatched line, prongs uphill c dimension x(nxy),y(nxy),dash(2) common /hatch/ klosed,lftrt c data iup/3/, idn/2/, epsiln/.002/ c c c Move to the start of the course ce call plot(x(1), y(1), iup) c c Select kind of line iroute=min(3, max(1,kind)) + kind/10 goto (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000), iroute c c Regular line c 1000 do 1100 i=1, nxy call plot(x(i), y(i), idn) 1100 continue return c c Draws a thickened line. Runs over the vector twice. c First in the increasing index direction. c 2000 do 2100 i=2, nxy tad=epsiln/sqrt((x(i)-x(i-1))**2 + (y(i)-y(i-1))**2 + 1e-7) epx=tad*(y(i) - y(i-1)) epy=tad*(x(i-1) - x(i)) call plot(x(i-1)+epx, y(i-1)+epy, idn) call plot(x(i) + epx, y(i) + epy, idn) 2100 continue c c Now reverse the course, but not precisely do 2200 i=nxy, 2, -1 tad=-epsiln/sqrt((x(i)-x(i-1))**2 + (y(i)-y(i-1))**2 + 1e-7) epx=tad*(y(i) - y(i-1)) epy=tad*(x(i-1) - x(i)) call plot(x(i) + epx, y(i) + epy, idn) call plot(x(i-1)+epx, y(i-1)+epy, idn) 2200 continue c return c c Draw a dashed line with visible segments dash(1) inches long and c gaps dash2 long. These are computed from kind >= 3. c 3000 ink=3 r=0.0 dash(1)=0.2/(kind-2)**2 dash(2)=min(0.1, 2.0*dash(1)) do 3500 i=2, nxy s=sqrt((x(i)-x(i-1))**2 + (y(i)-y(i-1))**2) + 1e-7 nseg=2.0 + 2.0*s/(dash(1) + dash(2)) do 3100 l=1, nseg q=min(1.0, r/s) call plot(x(i-1) + q*(x(i)-x(i-1)), y(i-1) + q*(y(i)-y(i-1)), $ ink) if (s .lt. r) goto 3200 ink=5 - ink r=dash(ink-1) + r 3100 continue 3200 r=r - s 3500 continue c return c c Hatched contour, prongs downhill (kind=10), or uphill (kind=11) 4000 r=0.0 stroke=0.1 prong=0.2*stroke*lftrt*sign(1.0, 10.5-kind) ssq=(1-klosed)*stroke**2 ink=iup do 4500 i=2, nxy s=sqrt((x(i)-x(i-1))**2 + (y(i)-y(i-1))**2) + 1e-7 nseg=2.0 + s/stroke dx= (y(i)-y(i-1))*prong/s dy=-(x(i)-x(i-1))*prong/s do 4100 l=1, nseg q=min(1.0, r/s) xq=x(i-1) + q*(x(i)-x(i-1)) yq=y(i-1) + q*(y(i)-y(i-1)) call plot(xq, yq, ink) ink=idn if (s .lt. r) goto 4200 if ((xq-x(1))**2+(yq-y(1))** .and. $ (xq-x(nxy))**2+(yq-y(nxy))** then call plot(xq+dx, yq+dy, idn) call plot(xq, yq, idn) endif r=stroke + r 4100 continue 4200 r=r - s 4500 continue c end c_____________________________________________________________ subroutine mabel(val, len, label) c$$$$ calls nothing c For a real number val assumed to be a decimal fraction rounded to c 6 significant figures (or fewer), makes an equivalent character c string label of minimal length len. character*8 form,local*20,label*(*) double precision ten, v c data ten/10.0d00/ c c Find the number of significant figures in val ce nexp=0.0 if (val .ne. 0.0) nexp=int(500.01 + log10(abs(val))) - 500 v=int(abs(val)/ten**(nexp-5) + 0.5) nres=nexp - 5 do 1100 ipow=0, 4 if (mod(int(v/ten**ipow+ 0.5), 10) .ne. 0) goto 1110 nres=nres + 1 1100 continue 1110 nfld=3 + max(nexp, -nres, nexp-nres) c c Build a format for writing the string c ndpt=min(9,max(0, -nres)) write(form, '( 2h(f, i2, 1h., i1, 1h))') nfld,ndpt if (ndpt .eq. 0) nfld=nfld - 1 c c Construct a character string of minimal length for the label c write(local, form) val c Remove leading blanks is=1 do 1200 i=1, nfld if (local(i:i) .eq. ' ') is=1 + is 1200 continue label=local(is:nfld) len=nfld - is + 1 return end c________________________________________________________________ subroutine letter(x, y, height, theta, text) c$$$$ calls chrcod plot glyph c Generates text and symbol in a variety of fonts to be plotted c on a pen-plotter with the standard calcomp subroutine 'plot'. c 1) four Hershey letter fonts--simplex,complex,italic, and duplex-- c are provided in upper and lower case Roman c 2) two Hershey letter fonts--simplex and complex--are provided in c upper and lower case Greek c 3) 47 special mathematical symbols, e.g. integral sign,del, are c provided c 4) super- and sub-scripting is possible within a character string c without separate calls to symbol c c Change of font is made by enclosing the name of the font in upper c case in backslashes, e.g \simplex\. Three letters suffice to c specify the font. Simplex is the default font on the initial call c to symbol. A font remains in effect until explicitly changed. c Math font \$$\ forces italic letters, retains previous font for other c characters. c Super- or sub-scripting is accomplished by enclosing the expression c to be super- or sub-scripted in curly brackets and preceding it by c sup or sub. The closing curly bracket terminates the super- or c sub-scripting and returns to normal character plotting. Note that c super- and sub-script letters are plotted with a different character c size. c Greek letters are drawn by enclosing the English name of the c letter in backslashes, e.g. \alpha\. The case of the first letter c determines the case of the Greek letter. The closing backslash must c be included. c The special graphical symbols (box, triangle, etc) can be included c text by enclosing the appropriate symbol integer+2000 in backslashes. c See subroutine glyph for the special symbol integers. c Any regular symbol may be drawn by enclosing the symbol number+1000 c in backslashes. This is the only way to call some symbols, notably c special mathematical symbols. c These regular symbols have the following integer codes c 1-26 upper case Roman simplex c 27-52 lower case Roman simplex c 53-72 simplex numbers and symbols c 73-96 upper case Greek simplex c 97-120 lower case Greek simplex c 121-146 upper case Roman complex c 147-172 lower case Roman complex c 173-192 complex numbers and symbols c 193-216 upper case Greek complex c 217-240 lower case Greek complex c 241-266 upper case Roman italic c 267-292 lower case Roman italic c 293-312 italic numbers and symbols c 313-338 upper case Roman duplex c 339-364 lower case Roman duplex c 365-384 duplex numbers and symbols c 385-432 special mathematical symbols c c Symbol parameters taken from N.M.Wolcott, Fortran IV enhanced c Character Graphics, NBS c c A. Chave IGPP/UCSD Aug 1981, improved by R. L. Parker c c x, y are coordinates in inches from current origin to c lower left corner of 1st character to be plotted. If either c is set to 999.0 the saved next character position is used. c height is character height in inches c text is an character string containing text to be plotted c theta is positive angle w.r.t. the x-axis in degrees c c Programmed in FORTRAN-77 c character*(*) text integer istart(432),isstar(22),symbcd(4711),ssymbc(128) real width(432),supsub(2),raise(20) common /ofset/ ioff,just1,just2 common /ajust/ nchr,ichr(132) common /ialph/ width,symbcd,istart,ssymbc,isstar common /crown/ yx(432) save xo,yo data rad/.017453292/,is/1/ data factor/0.75/, supsub/0.50,-0.50/, iup/3/ c ichr(j) contains the symbol number of the jth symbol or a c code to indicate space (1000),begin super-scripting (1001), c begin sub-scripting (1002), or end super/sub-scripting (1003), c or back-space (1004). c 1005: put hat on previous character; or 1007: tilde; or 1008: bar. c istart(ichr(j)) contains the address in symbol of the jth c character. symbcd contains pen instructions stored in a c special format. isstar and ssymbc contain addresses and pen c instructions for special centered symbols. width contains c widths of the characters. c c ixtrct gets nbits from iword starting at the nstart bit from the c right in an array of 32-bit integers. ixtrct(nstart,nbits,iword)=mod(iword/(2**(nstart-nbits)), $ 2**nbits)+((1-sign(1,iword))/2)* $ (2**nbits-min(1,mod(-iword, $ 2**(nstart-nbits)))) c ce ntext=len(text) n=ntext yoff=0.0 si=sin(rad*theta) co=cos(rad*theta) high=height scale=high/21.0 if (scale.eq.0.) return if ( then xi=xo else xi=x endif if ( then yi=yo else yi=y endif c Plot a character string. c First find pointer array ichr containing the starts of characters- c but only if just1 and just2 are not 1, when ichr is assumed c correctly transmitted through common /ajust/. if ( .or. $ call chrcod(text, ntext, ichr, nchr) just2=2 oldwid=0.0 ik=1 l=1 rscale=scale c Plot each character do 100 i=1,nchr ic=ichr(i) c ic < 0: Change the character height if (ic.le.0) then rscale=-0.01*rscale*ic/high high =-0.01*ic c ic = 1000: Plot a space elseif (ic.eq.1000) then xi=xi + 20.*rscale*co yi=yi + 20.*rscale*si xo=xi yo=yi call plot(xi, yi, iup) c 2000 <= ic <= 2021: Special graphics symbol code 2000-2021 elseif ( .and. ic.le.2021) then hgt=20.0*rscale xo=xi + hgt*co yo=yi + hgt*si call glyph(0.5*(xi+xo-hgt*si), 0.5*(yi+yo+hgt*co), $ 0.9*hgt, ic -2000) xi=xo yi=yo c ic = 1001 or 1002: Begin super-scripting or sub-scripting elseif (ic.eq.1001 .or. ic.eq.1002) then raise(l)=supsub(ic-1000)*high*rscale/scale rscale=factor*rscale yoff=raise(l)+yoff l=l+1 c ic =1003: End super/sub-scripting elseif (ic.eq.1003) then rscale=rscale/factor l=l-1 yoff=yoff-raise(l) c ic = 1004: Backspace - use width of previous letter in oldwid elseif (ic.eq.1004) then xi=xi - co*oldwid yi=yi - si*oldwid xo=xi yo=yi c ic = 1005: Decorate previous character with a hat c ic = 1007: Decorate previous character with a tilde c ic = 1008: Decorate previous character with a bar elseif (ic.eq.1005 .or. ic.eq.1007 .or. ic.eq.1008) then if (ic .eq. 1005) is=istart(408) if (ic .eq. 1007) is=istart(424) if (ic .eq. 1008) is=istart( 64) yyoff=yoff + rscale*(int(yx(ik)) - 2.5) dxhat=oldwid - rscale*(mod(100*yx(ik),100.0)- 9.0) if (ic .eq. 1008) dxhat=1.2*dxhat - 0.2*oldwid ib=30 60 ipen=ixtrct(ib,3,symbcd(is)) if (ipen.eq.0) goto 100 ix=ixtrct(ib-3,6,symbcd(is)) iy=ixtrct(ib-9,6,symbcd(is)) xx=(ix-10)*rscale - dxhat yy=(iy-11)*rscale + yyoff call plot(xi+co*xx-si*yy, yi+co*yy+si*xx, ipen) ib=45-ib if (ib.eq.30) is=is+1 goto 60 c ic = 1006: Space forward about 1/3 regular amount elseif (ic.eq.1006) then xi=xi + 6.66*rscale*co yi=yi + 6.66*rscale*si xo=xi yo=yi else c c ic = everything else: Plot a single symbol is=istart(ic) ik=ic ib=30 70 ipen=ixtrct(ib,3,symbcd(is)) if (ipen.eq.0) then xi=xi+co*rscale*width(ic) yi=yi+si*rscale*width(ic) xo=xi yo=yi oldwid=width(ic)*rscale goto 100 endif ix=ixtrct(ib-3,6,symbcd(is)) iy=ixtrct(ib-9,6,symbcd(is)) xx=(ix-10)*rscale yy=(iy-11)*rscale+yoff call plot(xi+co*xx-si*yy, yi+co*yy+si*xx, ipen) ib=45-ib if (ib.eq.30) is=is+1 goto 70 endif 100 continue return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine chrcod(text, ntext, ichr, nchr) c Given text string in text, ntext characters c returns ichr containing nchr symbol numbers or codes for c space (1000), begin superscripting (1001), begin c subscripting (1002), or end super/sub-scripting (1003) c change of font commands are decoded and executed internally c common /ofset/ ioff,just1,just2 character*1 bkslsh character*(*) text integer ichr(132),irlu(95),iilu(95),iglu(26) c data ioff/0/ c irlu is a look-up table for Roman characters arranged by c integer value for the ascii character set with an c offset to remove the 31 nonprinting control characters. c irlu returns with the symbol number or, if no symbol c exists, the code for space = 1000 data irlu/1000,416, 428,411,72,418,419, 432,67,68,69,63,70, $ 64,71,65,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,414,415, $ 385,66,386,417,407,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, $ 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,409,1000, $ 410, 408,1000,1000,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36, $ 37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52, $ 405,427,406,424/ c iilu is a look-up table for italic characters only. It is c identical to irlu with four italic special symbols substituted c for regular ones. data iilu/1000,422, 428,411,72,418,419, 432,67,68,69,63,70, $ 64,71,65,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,420,421, $ 385,66,386,423,407,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, $ 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,409,1000, $ 410,1000,1000,1000,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36, $ 37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52, $ 405,427,406,424/ c iglu is a look-up table for Greek characters arranged by the c integer value of their Roman expression with a=1, b=2, etc. c Ambiguous cases give 25 for epsilon or eta, 26 for omega or c omicron, 27 for phi,pi,or psi, and 28 for tau or theta. Additional c letters must be checked for in these cases. A value of 50 is returned c for those Roman letters which have no corresponding Greek letter. data iglu/1,2,22,4,25,50,3,50,9,50,10,11,12,13,26,27,50,17,18, $ 28,20,50,50,14,50,6/ data math/-1/ c c Due to special nature of backslash in Unix, generate it from ASCII. bkslsh=char(92) c c Finds length of string with blanks trimmed from right end do 10 n=ntext,1,-1 if (text(n:n) .ne. ' ') goto 15 10 continue nchr=0 return 15 nt=n c Scan text character by character k=1 j=1 c k is current address of character in text c j is index of next symbol code in ichr 20 if ( then nchr=j-1 return endif if (text(k:k).ne. bkslsh) then c Roman character or keyboard symbol if (text(k:k).eq.'}') then c Check for closing curly bracket-if found, return 1003 ichr(j)=1003 j=j+1 k=k+1 goto 20 endif c c The function ichar returns integer ASCII value of character c (this is an intrinsic function in FORTRAN-77) offset by nonprinting c characters to get entry in look-up table ic=ichar(text(k:k))-ichar(' ')+1 joff=0 c Force italic font on alphabetic chars when math >= 0. Save old c offest in math if (math .ge.0 .and. (34 .le.ic .and. ic.le. 59 .or. $ 66.le.ic .and. ic.le.91)) then math=ioff joff=1 ioff=240 endif c Nonprinting control character-error return if (ic.le.0) then ichr(j)=1000 c Not italic font elseif ( then ichr(j)=irlu(ic) else c Italic font ichr(j)=iilu(ic) endif c Add offset for font if not a special symbol if (ichr(j).lt.385) ichr(j)=ichr(j)+ioff j=j+1 k=k+1 if (joff .eq. 1) ioff=math goto 20 else c c Backslash found k=k+1 c c Check for sundry mathematical symbols, substitute 4-digit codes c Regular theta: 'rgth' if (text(k:k+3) .eq. 'rgth') then text(k:k+3)='1404' c Regular phi: 'rgph' elseif (text(k:k+3) .eq. 'rgph') then text(k:k+3)='1431' c Infinity: 'infi' elseif (text(k:k+3) .eq. 'infi') then text(k:k+3)='1395' c Integral: 'inte' elseif (text(k:k+3) .eq. 'inte') then text(k:k+3)='1393' c Partial: 'part' elseif (text(k:k+3) .eq. 'part') then text(k:k+3)='1387' c Grad: 'grad' elseif (text(k:k+3) .eq. 'grad') then text(k:k+3)='1388' c Times: 'time' elseif (text(k:k+3) .eq. 'time') then text(k:k+3)='1398' c Degrees: 'degr' elseif (text(k:k+3) .eq. 'degr') then text(k:k+3)='1429' c Square-root: 'sqrt' elseif (text(k:k+3) .eq. 'sqrt') then text(k:k+3)='1402' endif c c c Check next four characters for 4-digit number read (text(k:k+3), '(i4)', err=50) number c Number found - valid numbers are c 0 italics for letters, previous font otherwise) elseif (text(k:k).eq.'$') then math=ioff c Found the back-space code elseif (text(k:k+1).eq.'BS'.or.text(k:k+1).eq.'bs') then ichr(j)=1004 j=j+1 k=k+3 go to 20 c Check for super/sub-script command elseif (text(k:k+3).eq.'SUP{'.or. text(k:k+3).eq.'sup{') then c Begin superscripting ichr(j)=1001 j=j+1 k=k+4 goto 20 elseif (text(k:k+3).eq.'SUB{'.or. text(k:k+3).eq.'sub{') then c Begin subscripting ichr(j)=1002 j=j+1 k=k+4 goto 20 c Put a hat over the previous character elseif(text(k:k) .eq. '^') then ichr(j)=1005 j=j+1 k=k+2 goto 20 c Put a tilde over the previous character elseif(text(k:k) .eq. '~') then ichr(j)=1007 j=j+1 k=k+2 goto 20 c Put a bar over the previous character elseif(text(k:k) .eq. '-') then ichr(j)=1008 j=j+1 k=k+2 goto 20 c Space forward 1/3 of regular space elseif(text(k:k) .eq. ' ') then ichr(j)=1006 j=j+1 k=k+2 goto 20 else c Greek character or invalid character ic=ichar(text(k:k)) igoff=min(ioff, 120) if ('A') .and. ic.le.ichar('Z')) then c Upper case c Greek character or invalid character igr=72 ico=ichar('A')-1 elseif ('a') .and. ic.le.ichar('z')) then c Lower case igr=96 ico=ichar('a')-1 else c Not a letter-error return ichr(j)=1000 j=j+1 l=index(text(k:nt), bkslsh) if (l.eq.0) then k=nt+1 else k=k+l endif goto 20 endif c Look up the character ig=iglu(ic-ico) if ( then c Unambiguous Greek letter ichr(j)=ig+igr+igoff elseif (ig.eq.25) then c Epsilon or eta ib=ichar(text(k+1:k+1))-ico if (ib.eq.16) then c Epsilon ichr(j)=5+igr+igoff elseif (ib.eq.20) then c Eta ichr(j)=7+igr+igoff else c Not a Greek character--error return ichr(j)=1000 endif elseif (ig.eq.26) then c Omega or omicron ib=ichar(text(k+1:k+1))-ico if ( then c Not a Greek character-error return ichr(j)=1000 else ic=ichar(text(k+2:k+2))-ico if (ic.eq.5) then c Omega ichr(j)=24+igr+igoff elseif (ic.eq.9) then c Omicron ichr(j)=15+igr+igoff else c Not a Greek character-error return ichr(j)=1000 endif endif elseif (ig.eq.27) then c Phi,pi, or psi ib=ichar(text(k+1:k+1))-ico if (ib.eq.8) then c Phi ichr(j)=21+igr+igoff elseif (ib.eq.9) then c Pi ichr(j)=16+igr+igoff elseif (ib.eq.19) then c Psi ichr(j)=23+igr+igoff else c Not a Greek character-error return ichr(j)=1000 endif elseif (ig.eq.28) then c Tau or theta ib=ichar(text(k+1:k+1))-ico if (ib.eq.1) then c Tau ichr(j)=19+igr+igoff elseif (ib.eq.8) then c Theta ichr(j)=8+igr+igoff else c Not a Greek character-error return ichr(j)=1000 endif else c Not a Greek character-error return ichr(j)=1000 endif j=j+1 endif l=index(text(k:nt), bkslsh) if (l.eq.0) then k=nt+1 else k=k+l endif goto 20 endif return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine justy(s, height, text) c$$$$ calls chrcod c Given the text string text with ntext characters, c height high in inches, this routine c gives 4 distances in inches, all from the left end of the string - c s(1) to the left edge of the 1st nonblank character c s(2) to the center of the the string, blanks removed from the ends c s(3) to the right edge of the last nonblank character c s(4) to the right edge of the last character of the string. character*(*) text dimension s(4),ipower(3) common /ialph/ width(432),sym1(4711),is1(432),sym2(128),is2(22) common /ofset/ ioff,just1,just2 common /ajust/ nchr,ichr(132) data ipower/1,1,-1/, factor/0.75/ c if (text.eq. ' ') then do 1010 j=1, 4 s(j)=0.0 1010 continue return endif c ntext=len(text) scale=height/21.0 call chrcod(text, ntext, ichr, nchr) c c Count leading blanks do 1100 lead=1, nchr if (ichr(lead) .ne. 1000) go to 1110 1100 continue lead=nchr 1110 s(1)=20.0*scale*(lead-1) s(3)=s(1) c c Sum the widths of the remaining text, recalling that trailing blanks c were lopped off by chrcod oldwid=0.0 do 1200 i=lead, nchr l=ichr(i) c Change character height if (l .lt. 0) scale=-0.01*l/21.0 c Regular character if ( .and. then oldwid=width(l)*scale s(3)=s(3) + oldwid endif c Glyph symbol or space if ( s(3)=s(3) + 20.0*scale c Sub/super script size change if ( scale=scale*factor**ipower(l-1000) c Backspace if (l.eq.1004) s(3)=s(3) - oldwid 1200 continue c c Add on width of surplus trailing blanks s(4)=s(3) + 20.0*scale*(ntext-nchr) c c Find center of nonblank text s(2)=(s(1) + s(3))/2.0 just2=1 return end c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine glyph(x, y, height, nglyph) c$$$$ calls plot c Draws centered symbols. c At the coordinates (x, y) in inches measured from the current c origin, draws a single centered symbol, with height height c and identity specified by nglyph as follows - c 0 square, 1 triangle, 2 octagon, 3 diamond, 4 plus, c 5 asterisk, 6 cross, 7 slashed square, 8 up-arrow, 9 hourglass, c 10 campstool,11 hexagon, 12 Y, 13 |, 14 star of David c 15 dot, 16 sm circ, 17 circle, 18 lg circ, 19 filled sm circ c 20 filled sm square, 21 filled sm triangle. c Data for these glyphs come through common /ialph/. integer istart(432),isstar(22),symbcd(4711),ssymbc(128),map(22) common /ialph/ width(432),symbcd,istart,ssymbc,isstar data map/0,2,1,5,3,11,4,10,6,12,7,8,9,13,14,15, $16,17,18,19,20,21/ c ixtrct gets nbits from iword starting at the nstart bit from the c right. An alternative version using only arithmetic operations c in subroutine letter. ixtrct(nstart,nbits,iword)=mod(iword/(2**(nstart-nbits)), $ 2**nbits)+((1-sign(1,iword))/2)* $ (2**nbits-min(1,mod(-iword, $ 2**(nstart-nbits)))) c c Plot a single special centered symbol scale=height/21.0 ia=nglyph + 1 c Re-orders special symbols to Prime convention. ia=map(ia) + 1 is=isstar(ia) ib=30 c Unpack the pen position from ssymbc. ipen=0 means quit. 20 ipen=ixtrct(ib, 3, ssymbc(is)) if (ipen.eq.0) return c Unpack and scale coordinates. ix=ixtrct(ib-3, 6, ssymbc(is)) iy=ixtrct(ib-9, 6, ssymbc(is)) call plot(x+scale*(ix-32), y+scale*(iy-32), ipen) ib=45-ib if (ib.eq.30) is=is+1 goto 20 end c_______________________________________________________________________ blockdata hatdat c yx contains character heights and centers of topmost portion common /crown/ yx(432) data (yx(j),j=1,162)/ $21.09,21.07,21.11,21.06,21.08,21.08,21.11,21.11,21.04, $21.12,21.11,21.04,21.12,21.09,21.10,21.07,21.10,21.07, $21.10,21.08,21.11,21.09,21.12,21.10,21.09,21.12,14.11, $21.04,14.10,21.15,14.10,21.09,14.11,21.04,22.04,22.06, $21.04,21.04,14.14,14.08,14.09,14.08,14.11,14.08,14.08, $21.05,14.10,14.08,14.11,14.08,14.08,14.10,21.10,21.11, $21.10,21.10,21.13,21.10,21.11,21.12,21.09,21.10,18.13, $9.13,25.2,12.13,25.11,25.03,15.08,2.05,2.05,25.10, $21.09,21.07,21.08,21.09,21.08,21.12,21.11,21.10,21.04, $21.11,21.09,21.12,21.09,21.09,21.10,21.11,21.07,21.07, $21.08,21.09,21.10,21.10,21.11,21.10,14.12,21.13,14.09, $21.10,14.08,21.10,14.09,21.13,14.06,14.12,21.02,14.12, $14.08,21.10,14.09,14.12,14.10,14.12,14.12,14.09,14.16, $14.08,21.16,14.13,21.10,21.08,21.12,21.07,21.10,21.10, $21.12,21.12,21.06,21.10,21.11,21.06,21.12,21.10,21.11, $21.08,21.11,21.08,21.12,21.10,21.11,21.09,21.12,21.09, $21.10,21.11,14.09,21.05,14.10,21.15,14.10,21.09,14.10, $21.05,21.05,21.06,21.05,21.05,14.13,14.08,14.10,14.08/ data (yx(j+162),j=1,144)/ $14.12,14.07,14.10,21.06,14.10,14.08,14.12,14.09,14.09, $14.10,21.10,21.11,21.11,21.11,21.13,21.10,21.11,21.10, $21.10,21.10,18.13,9.13,25.2,12.13,25.11,25.03,21.08, $2.05,2.05,25.10,21.10,21.08,21.09,21.10,21.10,21.11, $21.12,21.11,21.06,21.11,21.10,21.12,21.10,22.12,21.11, $21.12,21.08,21.08,21.10,21.10,21.10,21.09,21.12,21.11, $14.12,21.14,14.12,22.11,14.08,21.11,14.10,21.15,14.06, $14.12,21.04,14.13,14.10,21.11,14.10,14.14,14.11,14.12, $14.12,14.08,14.16,14.07,21.16,14.13,21.13,21.12,21.15, $21.11,21.13,21.13,21.15,21.16,21.10,21.14,21.15,21.10, $21.16,21.14,21.13,21.12,21.13,21.12,21.16,21.14,21.14, $21.12,21.16,21.13,21.13,21.15,14.12,21.08,14.10,21.18, $14.10,21.14,14.12,21.08,21.09,21.10,21.08,21.08,14.15, $14.10,14.10,14.09,14.12,14.09,14.10,21.10,14.11,14.10, $14.15,14.12,14.11,14.11,21.13,21.14,21.13,21.13,21.17, $21.14,21.13,21.12,21.12,21.12,18.13,9.13,25.24,12.13/ data (yx(j+306),j=1,126)/ $25.15,25.09,21.10,2.03,2.03,25.14,21.10,21.07,21.11, $21.06,21.10,21.10,21.11,21.11,21.04,21.12,21.11,21.04, $21.12,21.12,21.10,21.07,21.10,21.07,21.10,21.06,21.11, $21.10,21.13,21.10,21.10,21.11,14.13,21.04,14.10,21.15, $14.10,21.10,14.13,21.04,21.04,21.04,21.04,21.04,14.12, $14.07,14.09,14.07,14.13,14.08,14.08,21.05,14.10,14.08, $14.12,14.09,14.08,14.09,21.10,21.11,21.10,21.10,21.14, $21.08,21.11,21.10,21.09,21.10,18.12,10.10,25.2,14.10, $25.10,25.03,21.08,3.06,3.05,25.09,18.2,18.04,21.11, $21.09,14.10,21.2,21.04,14.2,25.2,25.2,13.12,17.12, $17.12,16.11,18.13,25.17,10.05,25.22,25.11,21.12,25.09, $25.05,21.14,11.09,25.06,25.08,21.14,21.08,21.08,14.05, $14.05,21.05,21.09,21.13,21.10,14.06,14.06,21.08,21.14, $12.12,25.10,25.04,25.04,21.10,21.07,14.16,21.14,21.10/ end c_______________________________________________________________________ c If your computer does not use ASCII representation for characters c you will need to translate them for chrcod. Only 95 characters c have significance; here are their ASCII integers: c 32 33 ! 34 " 35 # 36 $ 37 % 38 & 39 ' 40 ( c 41 ) 42 * 43 + 44 , 45 - 46 . 47 / 48 0 49 1 50 2 c 51 3 52 4 53 5 54 6 55 7 56 8 57 9 58 : 59 ; 60 < c 61 = 62 > 63 ? 64 @ 65 A 66 B 67 C 68 D 69 E 70 F c 71 G 72 H 73 I 74 J 75 K 76 L 77 M 78 N 79 O 80 P c 81 Q 82 R 83 S 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W 88 X 89 Y 90 Z c 91 [ 92 \ 93 ] 94 ^ 95 _ 96 ` 97 a 98 b 99 c 100 d c 101 e 102 f 103 g 104 h 105 i 106 j 107 k 108 l 109 m 110 n c 111 o 112 p 113 q 114 r 115 s 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w 120 x c 121 y 122 z 123 { 124 | 125 } 126 ~ c You must provide a substitute integer-valued function for ichar c (say jchar) so that, for example, jchar('W')=87. The simplest way c to do this is to set up an integer array kode mapping your c character set into the above scheme; thus kode(ichar('W'))=87, c where ichar is your local instrinsic FORTRAN-77 function. c Then jchar would be defined as follows: c function jchar(kar) c character*1 kar c dimension kode(128) c data kode/ ........../ c j=ichar(kar) c jchar=kode(j) c return c end c Finally, you must substitute your integer code for backslash in place c of 92 in the line defining the character variable bkslsh in c subroutine chrcd. c_______________________________________________________________________ blockdata blocka c Wolcott's blockdata statement reordered for subroutine letter. c The new ordering is as follows c 1-26 upper case roman simplex c 27-52 lower case roman simplex c 53-72 simplex numbers and symbols c 73-96 upper case greek simplex c 97-120 lower case greek simplex c 121-146 upper case roman complex c 147-172 lower case roman complex c 173-192 complex numbers and symbols c 193-216 upper case greek complex c 217-240 lower case greek complex c 241-266 upper case roman italic c 267-292 lower case roman italic c 293-312 italic numbers and symbols c 313-338 upper case roman duplex c 339-364 lower case roman duplex c 365-384 duplex numbers and symbols c 385-432 special mathematical symbols c integer symbcd,ssymbc common /ialph/ width(432),symbcd(4711),istart(432),ssymbc(128), $isstar(22) common /ofset/ ioff,just1,just2 c data ioff,just1,just2/0,0,0/ c Complex font standard: ioff=120 data ioff,just1,just2/120,0,0/ data (symbcd(j), j=1, 114)/ $443556555,443557579,432612882, 0,433070987,433071584, $323987166,328083226,325854871,317404054,317400725,325723922, $327657165,323364299,298156032,462268125,321889760,309339231, $300852123,296493907,298329038,304489675,317040204,325527312, $ 0,433070987,433071456,319792797,325953304,327788240, $323429900,312845195, 0,433070987,433071840,432743830, $432383691, 0,433070987,433071840,432743830, 0, $462268125,321889760,309339231,300852123,296493907,298329038, $304489675,317040204,325527312,327792083,327778304,433070987, $462432011,432744214, 0,433070987, 0,449848720, $312911116,306553867,298197837,294134546, 0,433070987, $462431122,443262731, 0,433070987,432383627, 0, $433070987,433071499,466625931,466626443, 0,433070987, $433071883,462432011, 0,443556959,300852123,296493907, $298329038,304489675,317040204,325527312,329885528,328050397, $321889760,309329920,433070987,433071584,323987166,328083225, $325822102,317367189, 0,443556959,300852123,296493907, $298329038,304489675,317040204,325527312,329885528,328050397, $321889760,309343631,327450624,433070987,433071584,323987166/ data (symbcd(j), j = 115, 228)/ $328083226,325854871,317399958,447424267, 0,460236383, $315630752,300917597,296592281,300688471,317367892,323593937, $325527116,314942603,300294990, 0,441459851,426780256, $ 0,433070993,300360780,310748555,321267406,327722784, $ 0,426779851,460334283, 0,428876875,449848395, $449849035,470820555, 0,430974667,460333899, 0, $426779862,308655840,309002240,460333899,430974688,430286539, $ 0,443556555,443557579,432612882, 0,433070987, $433071584,323987166,328083226,325854871,317404054,317400725, $325723922,327657165,323364299,298156032,433070987,433071776, $ 0,443556555,443557579,426092235, 0,433070987, $433071840,432743830,432383691, 0,460333899,430974688, $430286539, 0,433070987,462432011,432744214, 0, $443556959,300852123,296493907,298329038,304489675,317040204, $325527312,329885528,328050397,321889760,309343382,319488000, $433070987, 0,433070987,462431122,443262731, 0, $443556555,443557579, 0,433070987,433071499,466625931, $466626443, 0,433070987,433071883,462432011, 0, $428877472,436938134,428189323, 0,443556959,300852123/ data (symbcd(j), j = 229, 342)/ $296493907,298329038,304489675,317040204,325527312,329885528, $328050397,321889760,309329920,433070987,462432011,433071904, $ 0,433070987,433071584,323987166,328083225,325822102, $317367189, 0,428877014,293974816,324023051,323321856, $441459851,426780256, 0,428712733,296723360,303047775, $307143897,308655771,323921503,319825312,313500957,309100544, $445654283,441295834,298623831,296362898,300459152,315106897, $323561172,325822105,321725851,307068928,430974667,430286560, $ 0,447751499,428680026,298623957,302621778,310945169, $321463955,325756697,330114970, 0,430285899,298394454, $296559517,303015136,313533983,323921626,325789330,317040331, $ 0,455910987,455812568,313304217,302785430,296330065, $298263564,306554187,317072974, 0,433070987,432743448, $307012953,317466198,323593873,321332684,312845451,302392206, $ 0,455812568,313304217,302785430,296330065,298263564, $306554187,317072974, 0,456140363,455812568,313304217, $302785430,296330065,298263564,306554187,317072974, 0, $430548563,321562135,317465945,307012632,298525523,296264590, $302392459,312845772,321323008,445654176,303014876,300266265/ data (symbcd(j), j = 343, 456)/ $309100544,455910985,318973381,312616068,302167638,317465945, $307012632,298525523,296264590,302392459,312845772,321323008, $433070987,432710744,309110169,319563349,321224704,430973855, $300950433,296760217,298156032,435168287,305144865,300954649, $302261189,295838404, 0,433070987,453813135,441034315, $ 0,433070987, 0,432841611,432710744,309110169, $319563349,321238613,327952281,338471128,344631563, 0, $432841611,432710744,309110169,319563349,321224704,441230360, $298525523,296264590,302392459,312845772,321332881,323593814, $317465945,307003392,432841604,432743448,307012953,317466198, $323593873,321332684,312845451,302392206, 0,455910980, $455812568,313304217,302785430,296330065,298263564,306554187, $317072974, 0,432841611,432645078,304882905,315392000, $453715416,311207001,298591062,298460179,313075153,319268366, $317072651,304456588,296157184,435168207,302392459,310752025, $309100544,432841615,300295243,310748556,321369689,321224704, $428647563,453813387, 0,430744651,447521867,447522379, $464299595, 0,430745099,453813067, 0,428647563, $453813387,302228357,293741252, 0,453813067,430745113/ data (symbcd(j), j = 457, 570)/ $430286347, 0,443327576,300622740,296264526,298198027, $306554124,317171282,325789465,443327833,315368918,321332876, $325429003, 0,449848607,307143705,300622738,296100612, $449848864,323954331,321693208,315335895,443262294,317335058, $319268301,314975499,306553868,300327824, 0,426451800, $300721177,306980055,311043344,308655833,323692116,308651079, $302120960,447521945,302785430,296330064,298230732,304456907, $312878542,319333908,317433177,309175453,307209440,313533919, $321814528,451650968,311207001,300688342,302654675,443130834, $296231758,298198027,308651340,317128704,445654175,305079389, $307111259,319665691,311206999,298459985,296199053,302359753, $310617349,308421700,302186496,426418967,298624025,304882774, $302588811,436806806,311174553,319596183,323626575,314703872, $426418967,298624025,304882774,302556174,304489611,310748556, $319268433,323626713,325985951,319825312,313468252,315401750, $323626834, 0,437035922,296166220,298165259,306619599, $ 0,437035787,457975385,319595928,306848787,300528595, $304686225,310781259,314942924, 0,426779488,300917790, $319141017,293961728,439132868,436904912,300328011,308651340/ data (symbcd(j), j = 571, 684)/ $317138514,460105298,319235596,321234635,329688975, 0, $430744601,300524430,296072857,321594900,315139278,302392139, $ 0,445654175,305079389,307111259,319665499,307045401, $300655573,304719122,315176210,302556048,296166220,300229832, $310617349,306324484, 0,441230360,298525523,296231821, $300295243,308651340,317138449,319432151,315368729,307003392, $443327435,453813843,323430091,428549016,304916377, 0, $432645008,300327948,306554123,314975758,321431124,319530456, $313304281,304882646,298427012, 0,462202009,302785430, $296330064,298230732,304456907,312878542,319333908,317433240, $311197696,447521931,428549016,304916249, 0,426418967, $298624025,304882774,300426189,304456907,314975758,323561174, $325877760,441197591,298492754,296199053,300295243,310748620, $323430161,329918295,325887577,317433171,308749316, 0, $428647321,302753158,318908036,460105367,319431561,293806788, $ 0,458237060,426418967,298624025,304882774,302556174, $304489675,312845836,323430161,332081113, 0,441230360, $298492754,296199052,300262475,308684111,449422671,314975691, $321234636,329754514,332048216,327974912,445653835,445654731/ data (symbcd(j), j = 685, 798)/ $445556363,434677265,426091595,451258187, 0,435168203, $437265419,428877344,326084382,330180442,327952087,319501856, $323987166,328083226,325854871,319501334,319497941,327821138, $329754381,325461515,293975574,323659476,327755535,325494412, $319127552,460236570,328214237,321889696,311436383,300852123, $296493907,298329038,304489739,314943052,325527312,445654175, $302949339,298591123,300426254,306586891, 0,435168203, $437265419,428877216,321890013,328050520,329885456,325527116, $314942219,449848863,323921627,327952147,325592718,319169931, $ 0,435168203,437265419,449652114,428877600,328017632, $436938134,428189451,327722699, 0,435168203,437265419, $449652114,428877600,328017632,436938134,428188875, 0, $460236570,328214237,321889696,311436383,300852123,296493907, $298329038,304489739,314943052,325530912,307209245,300786584, $298427344,302457996,310752979,325433107,327530003,334069760, $435168203,437265419,462432011,464529227,428877024,456140832, $436938518,428188875,455452683, 0,435168203,437265419, $428877024,428188875, 0,445654287,308683851,300262220, $294069008,296264592,296203488,308782220,304460832,317718528/ data (symbcd(j), j = 799, 912)/ $435168203,437265419,464528403,447457099,445359883,428877024, $456140768,428188875,455452619, 0,435168203,437265419, $428877024,428189387,325625483, 0,435168203,437265806, $435168651,464528779,464529227,466626443,428876832,464529504, $428188811,457549899, 0,435168203,437266189,437200651, $462432011,428876832,456140768,428188811, 0,445654111, $300852123,296461140,298329038,304489739,314943052,325527312, $329918295,328050397,321889696,311440672,307209245,300786583, $298460112,302457996,310752651,319170190,325592852,327919323, $323921439,315621376,435168203,437265419,428877344,326084382, $330180441,327919318,319464469,454043295,326051612,327984855, $323692053,428188875, 0,445654111,300852123,296461140, $298329038,304489739,314943052,325527312,329918295,328050397, $321889696,311440672,307209245,300786583,298460112,302457996, $310752651,319170190,325592852,327919323,323921439,315634765, $304555152,310945105,317203982,321103494,327362376,329561614, $321201800,325297927,329515008,435168203,437265419,428877344, $326084382,330180442,327952087,319497238,454043295,326051612, $328017624,323724822,428188875,447423957,319432397,327558988/ data (symbcd(j), j = 913, 1026)/ $331789781,319399564,325429067,331786126, 0,458139360, $325920413,319792480,307241951,296657755,298623960,304850389, $321529554,430810073,304883158,321562260,325658318,321267083, $308651020,298263377,296067982, 0,443557067,445654283, $430973722,294659808,325920416,436577739, 0,435168209, $302457996,312845771,323364622,329820000,437265425,304555212, $312849184,309343904,336592896,430974219,433071374,460334347, $426779744,451946336, 0,433071243,435168400,449848459, $449848971,451946128,466626187,426779808,460335200, 0, $430974603,433071819,460333899,426779744,451946336,426091595, $451258187, 0,430974229,310752160,313173323,462431573, $426779744,454043552,438674955, 0,458236747,460333963, $433070938,296756960,430286539,325625483, 0,445653835, $445654731,445556363,434677265,426091595,451258187, 0, $435168203,437265419,428877344,326084382,330180442,327952087, $319501856,323987166,328083226,325854871,319501334,319497941, $327821138,329754381,325461515,293975574,323659476,327755535, $325494412,319127552,435168203,437265419,428877536,325920416, $428188875, 0,445653771,445654795,445556427,430319308/ data (symbcd(j), j = 1027, 1140)/ $428189451, 0,435168203,437265419,449652114,428877600, $328017632,436938134,428189451,327722699, 0,458236747, $460333963,433070938,296756960,430286539,325625483, 0, $435168203,437265419,462432011,464529227,428877024,456140832, $436938518,428188875,455452683, 0,445654111,300852123, $296461140,298329038,304489739,314943052,325527312,329918295, $328050397,321889696,311440672,307209245,300786583,298460112, $302457996,310752651,319170190,325592852,327919323,323921439, $315634841,306787865,319370390,319501461,319455232,435168203, $437265419,428877024,428188875, 0,435168203,437265419, $464528403,447457099,445359883,428877024,456140768,428188875, $455452619, 0,445653835,445654731,445556363,426091595, $451258187, 0,435168203,437265806,435168651,464528779, $464529227,466626443,428876832,464529504,428188811,457549899, $ 0,435168203,437266189,437200651,462432011,428876832, $456140768,428188811, 0,433103708,464561948,441197651, $455878163,432513866,463972106,433039135,433006366,441132566, $441099797,432449293,432416524, 0,445654111,300852123, $296461140,298329038,304489739,314943052,325527312,329918295/ data (symbcd(j), j = 1141, 1254)/ $328050397,321889696,311440672,307209245,300786583,298460112, $302457996,310752651,319170190,325592852,327919323,323921439, $315621376,435168203,437265419,462432011,464529227,428877856, $428188875,455452683, 0,435168203,437265419,428877344, $326084382,330180441,327919318,319464469,454043295,326051612, $327984855,323692053,428188875, 0,430974230,293974816, $309015328,326117146,324023116,323367691,325429009,323321856, $443557067,445654283,430973722,294659808,325920416,436577739, $ 0,428712733,296723360,303047775,307143897,308654877, $298820639,307148507,326018719,321922528,315598173,311207179, $460236383,317695325,436577739, 0,445654283,447751499, $441295834,298623831,296362898,300459152,317204113,325658388, $327919321,323823067,307082395,302851033,298558356,300491793, $306722256,321431186,325723863,323790426,317568096,319829067, $319127552,430974603,433071819,460333899,426779744,451946336, $426091595,451258187, 0,447751499,449848715,428647258, $300721173,304718994,310948698,298623957,302621778,310945233, $323561171,327853913,332215761,321463955,325756697,332212185, $441460320,440772171, 0,430384011,306553871,298427222/ data (symbcd(j), j = 1255, 1368)/ $296559517,303015136,317728415,328116058,329983763,323462667, $327526222,436708306,298525594,300852319,309343712,321890013, $328017686,325658255,432415820,455485196, 0,434873302, $298525591,300688473,313304536,319530581,321332876,325432855, $319235660,325429003,453682644,304718738,296231758,298198091, $310748556,319239251,300491664,298263500,304447488,435168203, $437265419,436937880,311207321,321660630,327788305,325527116, $314942731,306586638,449619480,323692243,325625486,319169931, $428876832, 0,455812629,321529493,323692056,315401433, $302785430,296330065,298263564,308651339,319170190,443327576, $300622739,298361806,304489675, 0,456140363,458237579, $455812568,313304281,302785430,296330065,298263564,308651339, $317072974,443327576,300622739,298361806,304489675,449848992, $455452491, 0,432645779,323659351,319563161,309109784, $298525523,296264590,302392523,312845836,323434067,321594904, $443327576,300622739,298361806,304489675, 0,445621470, $311338334,313500960,307242015,300852171,441459807,302949387, $428647705,428188875, 0,441230360,300655509,298427345, $302523535,310879632,317236755,319464919,315368729,307016728/ data (symbcd(j), j = 1369, 1482)/ $300622802,302527888,317269462,315373015,319563417,323757592, $434676624,296166221,298165322,314910281,323236685,298198091, $314943050,323233415,321037700,302129989,293839624,296035339, $ 0,435168203,437265419,436937880,313304537,323757782, $325432793,321660566,323334944,303051531,308655563,331710464, $435168159,300885023,300954585,300266521,302363417,302822155, $308641792,437265375,302982239,303051865,304325637,297935620, $291676870,293839686,293778457,302228421,297939801,304906240, $435168203,437265419,458007567,447325899,445228683,428876832, $451716953,428188875,451258187, 0,435168203,437265419, $428876832,428188875, 0,434938827,437036043,436937880, $313304537,323757782,325432793,321660566,323335894,330049561, $340568408,348858763,474786072,346761547,428647449,428188875, $451258251,474327627, 0,434938827,437036043,436937880, $313304537,323757782,325432793,321660566,323334937,302822155, $308655563,331710464,443327512,298525523,296264590,302392523, $312845836,323430097,325691030,319563097,309114073,304882646, $298427281,300360780,308655435,317072974,323528339,321594840, $313294848,434938820,437036036,436937880,311207321,321660630/ data (symbcd(j), j = 1483, 1596)/ $327788305,325527116,314942731,306586638,449619480,323692243, $325625486,319169931,428647449,427959492, 0,455910980, $458008196,455812568,313304281,302785430,296330065,298263564, $308651339,317072974,443327576,300622739,298361806,304489675, $448931652, 0,434938827,437036043,436839510,309077337, $319596120,321627670,317433368,428647449,428188875, 0, $451651097,319464919,315368729,302818200,296461141,298460179, $313042384,319271766,298492948,313075153,319301133,317072715, $304456652,298230607,296067981, 0,435168207,302392459, $310748556,317142048,302490700,306557721,311197696,434938830, $302392523,312845836,323433497,302457932,308655769,323335897, $325432089,302822873,325891723,331710464,430744779,432841933, $455910603,426550361,447522521, 0,432841867,434939022, $449619083,449619595,451716750,466396811,426550425,460105817, $ 0,432842315,434939531,458007435,428647577,449619737, $428188811,449160971, 0,432841995,434939149,458007819, $306422789,297935684,293774150,297972505,307017113,327974912, $453813067,455910283,432841557,296527449,430286411,321365515, $ 0,445424728,300622740,296264526,298198091,308651340/ data (symbcd(j), j = 1597, 1710)/ $319268498,327886681,445424792,302719956,298361742,300295243, $445425049,319563350,325527308,329627033,317466134,323430092, $329623435, 0,451945759,307143705,300622738,296100612, $451945823,309240921,302719954,298197828,451946080,326084382, $328050393,323757527,309048928,326051547,323790424,317437143, $317400660,323561103,321299980,312845515,304489485,300430551, $315303444,321463887,319202764,312836096,426451800,300721241, $309077271,313140560,310780996,428581784,306980119,462202582, $323626317,306455556,460105366,321529165, 0,451683673, $309109784,298492754,296199053,300295243,308651404,319268434, $321562135,311305438,309339425,315663904,323957977,304882645, $298394510,300299467,312878543,319366678,317465947,311338271, $313533920,323944448,455812568,313304153,300688342,304751891, $439133208,302720148,311014675,300491600,296166284,304456971, $314975758,445228050,298328974,300295243, 0,447751391, $307176605,309208475,325953244,319661337,304849812,296264527, $298230859,310682951,312648964,306324549,449651863,300557201, $298296269,304447488,426418967,298624089,306979990,304686027, $437036120,304817170,298169426,309011800,317498969,325854999/ data (symbcd(j), j = 1711, 1824)/ $327821007,318912089,325822164,323462596, 0,426418967, $298624089,306979990,304653390,306586827,437036120,304817169, $302457932,308651339,317072974,325625620,330082141,328181408, $319825310,315499993,321595092,331953612,321365649,325723929, $328115935,324009984,437035922,296166220,298165323,308716815, $439133138,298263436,300253184,437035787,439133003,458008280, $327952089,321693144,308946003,300528723,308880716,314946643, $306783500,312845771,321267407, 0,430973920,305112222, $309208654,323364555,435168350,307111438,321267403,327529753, $293975321,296058880,439132868,441230084,439034896,302425227, $310748556,319235729,462202446,321267339,329623501,336050009, $323430028,325419008,437035915,439133203,300360587,460105365, $319338265,325789332,319333775,308716620,298169177,304906240, $447751391,307176605,309208475,321762715,307045401,300655573, $304719122,317273499,309142617,302752789,306816274,445195281, $298328910,296100810,310650183,312648900,304231698,304653264, $298263436,302327048, 0,443327512,298492754,296199053, $300295243,308651404,319268434,321562135,317465945,309114073, $304882645,298394510,300299467,312878543,319366678,317456384/ data (symbcd(j), j = 1825, 1938)/ $443294667,443294731,455878219,455878283,428549016,304916377, $428549015,304883608, 0,432546765,302392459,310748620, $321365650,323659351,319563161,311207000,300589970,289551627, $314975759,321463894,319567129,306979861,300491460, 0, $464299225,302785429,296297295,298230732,304456907,314975759, $321463893,319530456,313308377,304882645,298394510,300299467, $312878543,319366678,317470168,330039296,447489163,447489227, $428549016,304916249,428549015,304883480, 0,426418967, $298624089,306979990,302523405,306557977,304882774,300426189, $302392459,308651404,319235729,325723863,323790424,323725012, $457746135, 0,441197591,298492754,296199053,300295243, $310748620,323430161,329918295,325887577,317433171,308749316, $430416845,304489740,317105807,327726935,325854808,317400403, $308716612, 0,428647321,302785622,314811845,318911385, $300688406,312714629,318908036,460105367,319431561,293806788, $ 0,456139972,458237060,426418967,298624089,306979990, $304653390,308684172,319203024,329888793,304882774,302556174, $304489675,314942988,323430161,329885657, 0,432710679, $309077145,302785429,296297295,298197963,304456908,312976786/ data (symbcd(j), j = 1939, 2052)/ $430416781,300295244,308716879,447292751,314975691,321234636, $329754514,332048216,327984856,330016661,447194509,317072972, $325494607, 0,451945099,451945995,449783243,432580049, $419799947,444966539, 0,443556683,445653899,437266144, $332376029,334342040,330016406,460334943,332310427,330049303, $323695702,323692309,329885521,327624332,314942091,457909973, $327788305,325527116,314933248,462366558,332408666,330180382, $326084192,315630815,305046490,298558291,296231821,300295307, $312845772,321332880,449848607,307143706,300655507,298329037, $302392459, 0,443556683,445653899,437266016,328181598, $332244887,329885391,321299916,308650635,456140511,328148827, $330016531,323462669,314975435, 0,443556683,445653899, $453846418,437266400,332212128,439035350,423994955,325592587, $ 0,443556683,445653899,453846418,437266400,332212128, $439035350,423994443, 0,462366558,332408666,330180382, $326084192,315630815,305046490,298558291,296231821,300295307, $310748620,321332946,449848607,307143706,300655507,298329037, $302392459,444966284,319235730,451487634, 0,443556683, $445653899,470820491,472917707,437265888,464529696,439035734/ data (symbcd(j), j = 2053, 2166)/ $423994443,451258251, 0,443556683,445653899,437265888, $423994443, 0,456140047,308716684,302359435,294003406, $292037393,296231695,454042831,306619403,447751968, 0, $443556683,445653899,472917011,451651275,449554059,437265888, $464529632,423994443,451258187, 0,443556683,445653899, $437265888,423994955,325625355, 0,443556683,443557131, $445654349,472917259,472917707,475014923,437265696,472918368, $423994379,453355467, 0,443556683,443557518,443459211, $470820491,437265632,464529632,423994379, 0,449848543, $305046490,298558291,296231821,300295243,310748620,321332945, $327821144,330147614,326084192,315635104,311403677,302851031, $298427280,300328011,444966284,319235729,325723928,328050398, $321912832,443556683,445653899,437266208,334473245,336439256, $329983573,304789280,332376029,334342040,327886421,423994443, $ 0,449848543,305046490,298558291,296231821,300295243, $310748620,321332945,327821144,330147614,326084192,315635104, $311403677,302851031,298427280,300328011,444966284,319235729, $325723928,328050398,321926093,300360720,306750673,313009550, $314811846,321070728,323270030,316941831,321103496, 0/ data (symbcd(j), j = 2167, 2280)/ $443556683,445653899,437266144,332376029,334342040,330016406, $304821984,330278813,332244824,327919254,449521173,321529484, $325429067,331786126,455747277,327558988,331788939,304447488, $464463774,334505882,332277598,328181344,313533599,302949403, $304915608,321529554,437101721,321562260,325658319,323397196, $314942603,300295053,296198993,293970765,298221568,451945547, $454042763,439362458,303048672,332212128,432383307, 0, $441459669,298361742,300295307,314943052,325527313,336606432, $302687185,300360716,306557920,315635552,342884352,437265483, $439362701,466625611,433071392,458237984, 0,441459723, $443556941,458236939,458237451,460334669,475014667,435168672, $468724064, 0,439363083,441460299,468722379,435168608, $460335200,421897163,447063755, 0,437265686,304460896, $313205899,468723030,433071392,460335200,432383307, 0, $466625227,468722443,441459674,305145824,426092107,325625355, $ 0,466527124,331710464,432973716,298156032,455747095, $317465945,309109784,298492754,296199053,300295243,308651404, $319235665,323692187,321857055,315630816,305112094,302949469, $305083609,304882645,298394510,300299467,312878542,319333974/ data (symbcd(j), j = 2281, 2394)/ $321758750,315621376,428877067,430974221,462431499,428877600, $430941919, 0,453780889,309109784,298525523,296231821, $300295307,312845772,443327576,300622739,298329037,302392459, $432612754, 0,466625433,331953040,331887499,331710464, $433072025,298398608,331887499,331710464,468166479,325592658, $315303255,309077080,300655509,298427345,304620752,313042322, $321595096,330082265, 0,468821922,334538786,336701412, $330442467,321955359,317597080,310781128,306394786,321922588, $315106636,310682823,304260036,295838469,293806919,298001221, $ 0,468821922,334538786,336701412,330442467,321955359, $317597080,310781128,306394786,321922588,315106636,310682823, $304260036,295838469,293806919,298001221,447587482,302785493, $300524560,306652493,317105806,327690067,329951000,323823067, $313360384,470394833,329787088,321431058,313206039,306979864, $298558293,296330129,302523536,310945106,319497815,325855064, $334211093,336166912,449717643,432678804,432383883, 0, $449717643,432940956,432678804, 0,432908045,462267277, $ 0,451847580,317564444,317633428,336213453,314975691, $319169997, 0,439493700,441590916,479340804,481438020/ data (symbcd(j), j = 2395, 2508)/ $431106660,430056836,469903940, 0,434807700,300524564, $300580864,430744665,317109273,317044772,317030400,435299926, $297939876,319501156,319468388,345123229,343028677,344109956, $344074635,341966848,447751327,302916570,298558290,296166284, $302359691,312878543,319333972,323790493,321889760,313537888, $309306460,302851031,298394510,300295179,440771852,315074001, $319432281,321824287,317731798,319488000,443688035,303113184, $300885020,304981145,306947093,439460897,303015005,307111130, $309077142,298460306,308815054,306586699,302294023,304264211, $306750607,304522252,300229576,302195781,308412416,435299427, $307307744,309273756,304981017,302752917,439461025,307209309, $302916570,300688406,311043090,300426190,302392395,306488455, $304264339,302556175,304522380,308618440,306390085,300023808, $462169818,321758619,311239897,306914451,308847952,319301265, $325694875,311207126,308913425,313014043,325691089,329787344, $338241685,340502618,336471966,328181344,315630815,305079260, $298656599,296362897,300393549,308684171,321234700,331786190, $464365331,327722832, 0,426321109,325661394,309012178, $ 0,298394766,308651209,306390020,300032901,295936842/ data (symbcd(j), j = 2509, 2622)/ $298263570,306881880,317498969,327952214,329852686,323364363, $317040012,315041231,319235533,455911128,327886610,325527180, $ 0,458008082,317138380,319137483,329688975,460105298, $319235596,321238546,319464920,313304281,302785429,296297295, $298230732,304456907,312878543,319370457,304882645,298394510, $300285952,441459603,298329037,302396640,300528595,302720152, $311207321,319563351,323659410,321365452,310748299,302392271, $300529176,321594962,319268236,310752224,309329920,453715477, $321562198,319563161,309109784,298492754,296199053,300295243, $308651404,319272153,304882645,298394510,300285952,462431762, $317138380,319137483,329688975,464528978,319235596,321238546, $319464920,313304281,302785429,296297295,298230732,304456907, $312878543,319370457,304882645,298394510,300299872,330301440, $432546961,313075220,321594904,315401433,302785429,296297295, $298230732,304456907,314975758,443327576,300589970,298263500, $ 0,456107550,321824414,323987040,317728095,311370972, $307012555,298033989,451945822,311305432,304587787,300163974, $295871172,287449605,285418055,289612357,432842265, 0, $460105163,314844421,304227204,293774022,291742472,295936774/ data (symbcd(j), j = 2623, 2736)/ $458007947,312747205,304231954,319464920,313304281,302785429, $296297295,298230732,304456907,312878543,319370457,304882645, $298394510,300285952,441459467,443556683,434709590,309077337, $317498968,323724949,319268364,321238489,321627733,317171148, $319137483,329688975,435168480, 0,443557023,309273887, $309342933,294364057,304915608,306881551,302392395,437036120, $304784335,300295179,308651341,315064320,445654239,311371103, $311440149,296461273,307012824,308978699,300163974,295871172, $287449605,285418055,289612357,439133336,306881483,298066758, $291635200,441459467,443556683,457975383,323692247,325854873, $321693144,308946003,300528723,308880716,314946643,306783500, $312845771,321267407,435168480, 0,441459602,296166220, $298165323,308716815,443556818,298263436,300266464,309329920, $426418967,298624089,306979990,304686027,437036120,304817170, $298169426,309011800,317498969,325854999,327853643,455911127, $325756427,459876182,334243929,342665560,348891541,344434956, $346405081,346794325,342337740,344304075,354855567, 0, $426418967,298624089,306979990,304686027,437036120,304817170, $298169426,309011800,317498969,325854999,327853711,323364555/ data (symbcd(j), j = 2737, 2850)/ $455911127,325756495,321267339,329623501,336035840,443327512, $298492754,296199053,300295243,308651404,319268434,321562135, $317465945,309114073,304882645,298394510,300299467,312878543, $319366678,317456384,426418967,298624089,306979990,304685892, $437036120,304817170,293745746,306881816,315401753,323757783, $327853842,325559884,314942731,306586703,304690840,325789394, $323462668,314946116,302120960,458007812,460105028,453584405, $317465945,309109784,298492754,296199053,300295243,308651340, $317171218,443327576,300589970,298263500,438445572, 0, $426418967,298624089,306979990,304686027,437036120,304817170, $298169426,309011800,317498969,323757719,321594903,321650688, $453748246,321594967,319563097,307012568,298558357,300557712, $317174678,300590481,317203917,314975435,302359372,294036238, $296166221, 0,443556818,298263436,300262539,310814031, $445654034,300360652,302363481,315392000,426418967,298624089, $306979989,302490637,306557977,304882773,300393421,302392459, $310748556,319235730,462202514,321332812,323331915,333883407, $464299730,323430028,325419008,426418967,298624089,306979989, $302490637,306557977,304882773,300393421,302392459,308651404/ data (symbcd(j), j = 2851, 2964)/ $319235729,325756633,323790551, 0,426418967,298624089, $306979989,302490637,306557977,304882773,300393421,302392459, $310748556,319235664,460105296,321300108,327526283,335947918, $342370580,344762585,344700697,323495565,327516160,430613464, $304915737,313238868,443327767,311043280,306652172,298165067, $294003469,296166285,296105168,308716811,317040204,325564120, $323725014,327919384,325887641,319563158,313140496,310814027, $ 0,426418967,298624089,306979989,302490637,306557977, $304882773,300393421,302392459,310748556,319235730,464299595, $319038853,308421636,297968454,295936904,300131206,462202379, $316941637,308412416,460105367,319464463,298230603,432710615, $304915737,319534039,304882968,319530647,432448525,310781388, $321303565,310748619,321300111, 0,433202052,435299268, $433202532,432153924, 0,443688132,445785348,431105316, $430056708, 0,447751044,460334340,432711445,430417615, $ 0,447653148,313370012,315532639,309339232,300917661, $298689497,304850324,434939158,315237842,317203854,310785048, $298525524,296297360,302458187,432547021,312845705,314811717, $308421700,300065671,298066889,302261191, 0,441459806/ data (symbcd(j), j = 2965, 3078)/ $307111134,307246240,306328725,304686212,308880533,428647320, $302818202,294433561,319599897,315368985,315434265, 0, $434938776,300655640,300725197,298197963,302392269, 0, $434938776,300655640,300725195,298197965,302392330,300163975, $ 0,435168158,300491806,300954590,300692429,298197963, $302392269, 0,432939995,298656603,296625054,300917856, $311436767,319759964,321725976,317433045,308884768,315598302, $319694362,317465942,442934412,308651276,308707328,468722507, $441459998,311305434,304915417,296592221,298820640,307242271, $317662878,330278880,459875921,319268365,323331851,331753422, $333981522,325648384,468461463,334178327,336340953,332179288, $327886481,319235468,310748235,298197838,296264595,311141785, $317564381,315598112,307209309,304981144,311076430,325461899, $333817868,335983691,300295054,298361811,304788571,307013262, $327559051, 0,437035992,302752856,302822221,294003531, $298188800,437035992,302752856,302822219,294003533,298197899, $296002247, 0,441459807,300528799,300528800,309306323, $430351116,296067980,296124416,439231643,304948251,302916702, $307209568,321922847,330213211,327984856,313205973,308913426/ data (symbcd(j), j = 3079, 3192)/ $315176544,326084381,328050393,323757591,440837196,306554060, $306610176,430482259,298525719,306947350,319399570,327755667, $334148435,298492950,306914581,319366801,327722898,334145495, $ 0,445784916,310509568,433202516,297926656,433202052, $ 0,435168153,437265305,451945881,454043033, 0, $323397323,441131922,296231758,298197835,430449612,432612240, $300360652,296072531,323761693,319628888,325854938,321758749, $453944922,325844992,437265311,296657755,298624024,306980121, $313369949,311403680,303038464,464201748,329856665,334112399, $432678868, 0,454042756,456139844,445424664,298525523, $296231822,302392523,314943116,327624529,329918230,323757529, $311211289,304882646,298427280,300360780,308655499,321267406, $327722772,325789272,317489152,443557017,445654169, 0, $306787478,304751824,306652240,308946070,441001092,440673350, $306324678,306459417,298591257,298656537,428647961,445425048, $319595930,311210763,298132491,298197771,428189195,444966282, $319137164,310738944,443556895,298722135,296362895,302392523, $312845836,323462868,325822108,319792480,309329920,437134493, $313533771, 0,432907164,300885023,307242400,319792734/ data (symbcd(j), j = 3193, 3306)/ $323888794,321660373,296068811, 0,435168928,311174616, $321627798,325691089,323429900,312845451,300295053,296189952, $451945298,327759328,317030400,456139744,298558424,307012953, $319563414,325691089,323429900,312845451,300295053,296189952, $458139231,315630880,305112028,298558354,300360780,310748491, $319170190,325625554,323659287,313271576,304849877,298385408, $460334155,430974688, 0,441459679,298754971,300721240, $313239062,323626706,325559949,321267083,306553804,298230607, $296297364,302720215,317466201,323856029,321889696,307232768, $458008150,317334803,308913172,298525529,296559517,303015136, $311436767,321824409,323626575,317072651,306553804,298254336, $451847627,432678932, 0,432678932, 0,466756356, $ 0,432777239,432580625, 0,447882466,305112027, $298525586,300328009,308487492, 0,431104994,305112283, $311108882,308716617,300098372, 0,441263246,430679505, $451650385, 0,436609995,298197965,302392330,300163975, $ 0,434545548,300262412,300318720,441590919,449979783, $460236383,315630752,300917597,296592281,300688471,317367892, $323593937,325527116,314942603,300294990, 0,443556895/ data (symbcd(j), j = 3307, 3420)/ $298722135,296362895,302392523,312845836,323462868,325822108, $319792480,309343456,305112094,300819351,298460111,302425164, $308655435,317072909,321365652,323724892,319759839,313524224, $437134493,313533771,445621515,436577867, 0,432939995, $298656603,296625054,300917920,315631199,323954396,325920408, $317400212,302621585,296166219,449848863,321857180,323823192, $315303060,430351246,302458188,319170189,325530638,312845899, $323364558,325582848,432939995,298656603,296625054,300917920, $315631199,323921562,321660311,309048736,319792733,321725976, $315340183,319497876,325658319,323397196,314942603,300295053, $296198992,298361808,298301013,323561103,321299980,314933248, $449783179,451945931,451945233,327726283,323321856,435168086, $430646232,307012953,319563414,325691089,323429900,312845451, $300295053,296198992,298361808,298300761,317466198,323593873, $321332684,312849376,321926111,311404128, 0,456042012, $321758876,323921503,317728032,305112029,298689367,296264590, $302392523,312845836,323430097,325658261,319530328,311174231, $300589970,445654175,302949339,298558353,300360780,308655435, $317072974,323528338,321562071,313262080,430973786,430842782/ data (symbcd(j), j = 3421, 3534)/ $303047840,317630045,323954400,433005599,307209693,460334813, $323822997,313107728,310752922,313173267,308815051, 0, $441459679,298754970,300688535,315336280,323823261,321889696, $307246240,303014877,300753944,306951575,319563354,321824287, $315634839,300622741,296330063,298230732,306554251,321267341, $325560019,323659350,315339927,302719957,298427279,300327948, $306558347,319170125,323462803,321562134,315326464,458008150, $317334803,308913172,298525529,296559517,303015136,313533983, $323921626,325723792,321332684,310748235,300295054,298296272, $302490574,443130964,300622745,298656733,305112288,447751647, $321824410,323626576,319235468,310738944,451847627,432678932, $ 0,432678932, 0,466756356, 0,432777239, $432580625, 0,447882466,305112027,298525586,300328009, $308487492,443622494,302883798,300491789,304424134, 0, $431104994,305112283,311108882,308716617,300098372,435233886, $307078358,308880525,304423878, 0,441459860,430876119, $451846999, 0,434480012,300327948,302326728,298024960, $434545548,300262412,300318720,441590919,449979783,458139228, $323856092,326018655,315630752,300917597,296592281,300688471/ data (symbcd(j), j = 3535, 3648)/ $317367892,325661531,300721240,317400661,323626706,325527116, $314942603,300294990,296199056,300393358, 0,449848543, $305046490,298558291,296231821,300295243,308651404,319235729, $325723928,328050398,323986976,315635104,311403677,302851031, $298427280,300328011,442869068,317138513,323626712,325953182, $319815680,449717323,454042763,454042973,307078170,451847387, $302841856,439231643,304948251,302916702,307209568,319825631, $328115995,325887575,315270291,300458831,291878432,323987165, $325953177,319530131,428254030,300360972,317072973,323466190, $310748619,321267343, 0,439231643,304948251,302916702, $307209568,319825631,328115995,325887511,313210400,323987165, $325953177,319534294,313206293,321529490,323462733,319169867, $304456588,296133391,294134609,298328911,447423957,319432274, $321365517,317072715, 0,458204427,460334411,460333841, $327712768,443556758,443557728,443524639,330314646,300655768, $313271831,321595028,323528270,317072651,304456588,296133391, $294134609,298328911,447489495,319497812,321431054,314975499, $ 0,460236444,325953308,328115935,321922464,309306461, $300753815,296330063,298230732,304456971,317072974,323495571/ data (symbcd(j), j = 3649, 3762)/ $321562134,315335895,304817108,298399136,311403677,302851031, $298427278,300299531,314975758,321398356,319488000,437265306, $464529181,323822932,308847759,304461466,311043217,304587787, $435070112,311436893,437200031,311404125,326018846,330301440, $447751327,305079324,302818391,309011862,323725016,328017693, $326084128,313537888,309306526,305013849,306947286,449521239, $323757786,326018719,319829206,300589907,294167310,296100875, $310748684,321300111,323561044,319464854,443229205,298427217, $296166284,302363915,317072909,321365587,319455232,460105367, $319464852,308946005,302719960,300786717,307209568,319825567, $326051612,327952084,323528206,314975435,302359436,296166223, $298329039,298267733,302752795,305046751,313538207,326018776, $323626577,317138252,308641792,451847627,432678932, 0, $432678932, 0,475144708, 0,432777239,432580625, $ 0,456271201,307176475,298558290,296166281,300098564, $447784093,302818262,298361740,300131332, 0,443688226, $313501082,315303249,308716618,298033796,443688225,313402711, $310977743,304456583, 0,445654292,435070551,456041431, $ 0,430285580,296133516,298165065,291733504,430351116/ data (symbcd(j), j = 3763, 3876)/ $296067980,296124416,449979271,460465351,462300891,328017755, $330180382,326084128,311436383,300852187,302818392,319432338, $435004505,319465044,323561103,321299980,312845387,298197837, $294101776,296264592,296189952,443556895,298722135,296362895, $302392523,312845836,323462868,325822108,319792480,309343327, $300819351,298460111,304493581,308684108,319206860,321365652, $323724892,317699614,313500895,302972928,437134493,313533771, $437134363,307111198,310748491, 0,432907164,300885023, $307242400,319792734,323888794,321660373,298169243,300786652, $302982303,315598366,321791578,319563157,296072076,325461707, $430286539, 0,435168928,309048288,300918367,456139927, $443295064,319530645,325658321,323429900,312845451,300295053, $296199055,441165143,319497875,449554005,323561105,321332620, $457713165,312878220,300327823,438707086, 0,451847627, $319141408,319141408,296232720,451847056,432580369,327680000, $435168151,437232600,435168864,321893407,321893336,307012953, $319563414,325691089,323429900,312845451,300295053,296199055, $432776151,304883032,319530644,449586774,323593873,321332620, $457713165,312878220,300327823,438707086, 0,454010461/ data (symbcd(j), j = 3877, 3990)/ $323921503,315630880,305112028,298558354,300360780,310748491, $319170190,325625554,323659287,313271576,304849877,456074655, $311403614,441426972,300655570,302458060,434644045,310781260, $319202960,449193550,323528338,321562007,457811478,313238807, $304817107,443261973,300482560,430974688,304460640,296724127, $458236939,304447488,441459679,298754971,300721176,306947478, $319465044,323561103,321299852,306586573,298296210,300557333, $306914711,319563353,323856029,321889696,307246111,300852187, $302818456,315336214,323626706,325559949,321267083,306553804, $298230607,296297364,302720151,315368985,321758813,319796830, $315597983,300888974,304494028,323420160,455812564,311010515, $302654358,296526682,298755103,309339424,317695581,323790484, $321365452,310748299,300295054,300360716,455910934,313144920, $317367572,308945941,298595476,300622745,298656733,307213211, $302982367,311403998,321762655,319727193,321529359,314979789, $310781068,300318720,449750412,317076893,317629900,432711637, $334115733,298461140, 0,432711637,334115733,298461140, $ 0,466756356,295843748,334635844, 0,432842713, $334246809,298592216,432580561,333984657,298330064, 0/ data (symbcd(j), j = 3991, 4104)/ $445785250,303014811,296428370,298230793,306390276,312620324, $313664738,305112027,298525586,300328009,308487492, 0, $431104994,305112283,311108882,308716617,300098372,297939812, $298984482,307209499,313206098,310813833,302195588, 0, $441459807,308978836,441459860,441459935,304784532,430875549, $315336151,430876119,430875484,317466071,451847581,298558295, $451846999,451847644,296493911, 0,438707211,300262284, $298230734,302457933,304423944,298038221,300295180,302425037, $436577354,438707208, 0,434578317,298197963,302359628, $304522254,300364749,300295180,302425037, 0,443688135, $310621412,311567623,453944989,319792480,307241951,296657755, $298623960,317335059,321431119,319202636,306586637,300365341, $317662559,307209182,298754971,300721621,321496721,323462733, $319169867,306553804,296166350,455550348, 0,445653771, $445555531,293975325,325429003,445654795,434677329,432547472, $ 0,433070987,435135436,433071520,321889950,325986009, $323724886,315274207,315598430,323888793,321627542,434840982, $321562260,325658319,323397196,314942347,434808213,321529490, $323462733,314975180, 0,462268125,321889760,309339231/ data (symbcd(j), j = 4105, 4218)/ $300852123,296493907,298329038,304489675,317040204,325527312, $462268123,323921502,317695199,305079259,298591123,300426317, $308684236,321300110,325592848, 0,433070987,435135436, $433071456,319792797,325953304,327788240,323429900,312845195, $435135839,319759965,323856088,325691024,321332749,312878028, $ 0,433070987,435135436,433071776,435136159,324023254, $313206101,434808149,434513548,323335051,323321856,433070987, $435135435,298169248,324023263,323987104,434840918,313177045, $313163776,462268125,321889760,309339231,300852123,296493907, $298329038,304489675,317040204,325527312,327820756,462268123, $323921502,317695199,305079325,300786584,298427344,302457933, $308684236,321300110,325592787,317302228, 0,433070987, $433071072,300262283,462431968,325429003,462432011,434841302, $434808533, 0,433070987,300266400,300950475, 0, $449848720,312911052,304489421,298328912,449848800,317203853, $312878283,304456652,298230608, 0,433070987,300266400, $300950475,462431968,300562208,300528791,325429003,443262731, $ 0,433070987,433071072,300299212,323364491,432383627, $ 0,433070987,435004363,298169307,314946464,315045792/ data (symbcd(j), j = 4219, 4332)/ $315045723,314947419,329623435,466626443, 0,433070987, $435069899,298169309,327529376,325531360,325531360,328214283, $ 0,443556959,300852123,296493907,298329038,304489675, $317040204,325527312,329885528,328050397,321889760,309343519, $305079259,298591123,300426317,310781324,321300176,327788312, $325953118,315598111, 0,433070987,435135435,298169248, $317728351,323954396,325887639,321594837,300594143,317695582, $323888793,321627606,300613632,443556959,300852123,296493907, $298329038,304489675,317040204,325527312,329885528,328050397, $321889760,309343519,305079259,298591123,300426317,310781324, $321300176,327788312,325953118,315598111,449259209,327464334, $317138697, 0,433070987,435135435,298169248,315631199, $323954396,325887639,321594773,300594143,315598430,323888793, $321627542,300627221,323331787,447391435, 0,460236383, $315630752,300917597,296592281,300688471,315270676,321496721, $323429965,314975372,302425038,296171229,321824286,315597983, $300884893,298689497,304883094,319465107,325625550,321267083, $306553804,296157184,441427083,443524299,306557728,321922655, $428876575,321880064,433070993,300360780,310748555,321267406/ data (symbcd(j), j = 4333, 4446)/ $327722784,433071072,300459022,304522508,314975821,323430097, $326117152, 0,428877067,428876640,310851360,326116622, $462431499, 0,428876939,428876640,306656736,306656733, $306558429,327529952,327628960,338700046,475014923, 0, $430974603,325432160,298854091,460334752,296072928,298165067, $ 0,428877014,308651275,428876640,311113440,324019414, $460334358,310738944,458236747,460333963,430974688,430973791, $323990412,325461707,430286539, 0,455910987,323335769, $323790475,455812568,313304217,302785430,296330065,298263564, $306554187,317072974,455812440,306979863,300622739,298361806, $302425228,312878670, 0,433070987,300266400,300950475, $434840664,309110169,319563414,325691089,323429900,314942667, $304489422,434840792,315368983,321595027,323528270,319202700, $308683726, 0,455812568,313304217,302785430,296330065, $298263564,306554187,317072974,455812629,317433176,306979863, $300622739,298361806,302425228,312878541,319268430, 0, $456140363,323335776,324019851,455812568,313304217,302785430, $296330065,298263564,306554187,317072974,455812440,306979863, $300622739,298361806,302425228,312878670, 0,432612946/ data (symbcd(j), j = 4447, 4560)/ $321562135,317465945,307012632,298525523,296264590,302392459, $312845772,321336211,319399445,317433176,306979863,300622739, $298361806,302425228,312878541,319268430, 0,447751392, $305112092,302359627,447751519,309306462,441427036,304460633, $311207192,430744408,311164928,458008153,321201671,316876101, $308454470,302228359,458008202,321103301,312616068,302162823, $455812568,313304217,302785430,296330065,298263564,306554187, $317072974,455812440,306979863,300622739,298361806,302425228, $312878670, 0,433070987,300266400,300950475,434807960, $311207385,321660565,323335125,306947352,315368983,321562187, $323321856,433070943,296690589,300852254,303014880,298857375, $298787806,300917663,432841611,300266393,300721099, 0, $433070943,296690589,300852254,303014880,298857375,298787806, $300917663,432841604,300037017,300721092, 0,433070987, $300266400,300950475,458008153,300398233,300364946,319137419, $443131531, 0,433070987,300266400,300950475, 0, $432841611,300266393,300721099,434807960,311207385,321660565, $323335125,306947352,315368983,321562187,323335829,330049497, $340568344,346728779,457877335,334243928,342599957,344303947/ data (symbcd(j), j = 4561, 4674)/ $ 0,432841611,300266393,300721099,434807960,311207385, $321660565,323335125,306947352,315368983,321562187,323321856, $441230360,298525523,296264590,302392459,312845772,321332881, $323593814,317465945,307016856,302752726,298427281,300360717, $306586956,317105678,321431123,319497687,313271448, 0, $432841604,300037017,300721092,434840664,309110169,319563414, $325691089,323429900,314942667,304489422,434840792,315368983, $321595027,323528270,319202700,308683726, 0,455910980, $323106393,323790468,455812568,313304217,302785430,296330065, $298263564,306554187,317072974,455812440,306979863,300622739, $298361806,302425228,312878670, 0,432841611,300266393, $300721099,434742294,306980121,317502419,302687383,311174616, $317489152,453715416,311207001,298591062,298460179,313042384, $449357263,317138316,451323148,304489357,434512782,296171030, $317400472,451650840,304882583,434906006,300561301,302654802, $317236751,319235532,310748235,298197838, 0,435168203, $302363616,303047691,428647641,309080857,294397144, 0, $432841615,300295243,310748556,321368985,300721103,302425228, $310781325,321369689,321234571,455911065,323321856,428647563/ data (symbcd(j), j = 4675, 4711)/ $428647257,306624025,317498509,453813387, 0,430744715, $430744473,306656665,306656662,306558358,323335577,323434457, $332179086,468493963, 0,430745099,321237849,298624587, $455910937,296072793,298165067, 0,428647563,428647257, $306624025,317498509,297940505,306553796,297926656,451683147, $455910348,430745177,430744408,317469644,321267275,430286411, $ 0/ c data (istart(j), j=1,229)/ $ 1, 5, 16, 26, 34, 39, 43, 54, 58, 60, 66, 70, 73, $78, 82, 93, 100, 112, 120, 131, 134, 140, 143, 148, 151, 154, $ 296, 305, 314, 322, 331, 340, 344, 355, 360, 364, 370, 374, 376, $385, 390, 399, 408, 417, 421, 430, 434, 439, 442, 447, 450, 455, $3177,3186,3189,3197,3205,3208,3217,3229,3232,3247,3259,3262,3264, $3266,3269,3275,3281,3285,3290,3293, $ 158, 162, 173, 176, 180, 185, 189, 193, 205, 207, 211, 214, 219, $223, 227, 238, 242, 249, 253, 256, 265, 275, 278, 287, $ 459, 471, 486, 494, 506, 515, 526, 535, 549, 554, 563, 567, 577, $584, 598, 607, 613, 623, 632, 636, 644, 655, 662, 672, $ 683, 690, 710, 726, 740, 749, 757, 775, 785, 790, 799, 809, 815, $826, 834, 855, 868, 898, 918, 935, 942, 952, 958, 967, 975, 983, $1272,1290,1305,1319,1335,1350,1360,1388,1399,1406,1417,1427,1432, $1450,1461,1478,1494,1509,1519,1535,1542,1553,1559,1568,1576,1585, $3306,3325,3330,3351,3373,3378,3396,3419,3433,3462,3485,3488,3490, $3492,3495,3505,3515,3519,3523,3526, $ 990, 997,1017,1023,1029,1038,1045,1055,1080,1085,1095,1101,1112, $1120,1133,1154,1162,1175,1183,1190,1205,1226,1234,1252, $1592,1611,1637,1650,1671,1686,1701,1716,1737,1744,1757,1767,1779/ data (istart(j), j=230, 432)/ $1789,1810,1825,1834,1849,1865,1872,1887,1905,1916,1932, $1953,1960,1978,1995,2009,2018,2026,2046,2056,2061,2071,2081,2087, $2098,2106,2126,2138,2167,2185,2202,2209,2220,2226,2235,2243,2251, $2522,2540,2556,2568,2587,2600,2617,2637,2651,2663,2678,2693,2701, $2725,2742,2757,2776,2791,2803,2817,2825,2842,2855,2874,2894,2913, $3546,3566,3572,3592,3616,3620,3638,3660,3673,3702,3724,3727,3729, $3731,3734,3744,3754,3758,3762,3765, $4074,4082,4102,4121,4136,4146,4154,4176,4185,4189,4199,4208,4214, $4224,4232,4252,4264,4287,4302,4323,4329,4341,4347,4357,4364,4371, $4379,4396,4413,4429,4446,4464,4474,4497,4508,4519,4530,4539,4543, $4562,4573,4591,4608,4625,4634,4656,4663,4674,4680,4690,4697,4704, $3784,3803,3809,3825,3846,3853,3876,3904,3909,3941,3969,3976,3980, $3984,3991,4003,4015,4031,4042,4050, $2258,2260,2262,2283,2289,2301,2305,2309,2320,2336,2360,2373,2377, $2381,2384,2391,2399,2402,2406,2415,2435,2454,2473,2500, $2927,2932,2937,2942,2964,2977,2983,2990,2997,3012,3027,3051,3056, $3063,3070,3086,3098,3100,3102,3104,3123,3130,3135,3154/ data (width(j), j=1,216)/ $18.,21.,21.,21.,19.,18.,21.,22., 8.,16.,21.,17.,24.,22.,22.,21., $22.,21.,20.,16.,22.,18.,24.,20.,18.,20., $19.,19.,18.,19.,18.,12.,19.,19., 8.,10.,17., 8.,30.,19.,19.,19., $19.,13.,17.,12.,19.,16.,22.,17.,16.,17., $20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,26.,26.,22.,26.,14.,14., $16.,10.,10.,20., $18.,21.,17.,18.,19.,20.,22.,22., 8.,21.,18.,24.,22.,18.,22.,22., $21.,18.,16.,18.,20.,20.,22.,20., $21.,19.,19.,18.,16.,15.,20.,21.,11.,18.,16.,21.,18.,16.,17.,22., $18.,20.,20.,20.,22.,18.,23.,23., $20.,22.,21.,22.,21.,20.,23.,24.,11.,15.,22.,18.,25.,23.,22.,22., $22.,22.,20.,19.,24.,20.,24.,20.,21.,20., $20.,21.,19.,21.,19.,13.,19.,22.,11.,11.,21.,11.,33.,22.,20.,21., $20.,17.,17.,15.,22.,18.,24.,20.,19.,18., $20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,26.,26.,22.,26.,14.,14., $16.,10.,10.,20., $20.,22.,18.,20.,21.,20.,24.,22.,11.,22.,20.,25.,23.,22.,22.,24., $22.,21.,19.,19.,21.,20.,23.,22./ data (width(j), j= 217, 432)/ $23.,21.,20.,19.,18.,18.,22.,23.,12.,20.,20.,23.,20.,17.,18.,22., $19.,21.,20.,20.,22.,18.,23.,23., $20.,24.,21.,23.,23.,22.,22.,26.,13.,18.,23.,20.,27.,25.,22.,23., $22.,24.,23.,21.,25.,20.,26.,22.,21.,22., $21.,19.,18.,21.,18.,15.,20.,21.,13.,13.,20.,12.,33.,23.,18.,21., $20.,17.,17.,14.,23.,20.,29.,20.,21.,20., $21.,21.,21.,21.,21.,21.,21.,21.,21.,21.,26.,26.,22.,26.,15.,15., $17.,11.,11.,21., $20.,20.,21.,21.,19.,18.,21.,22., 9.,17.,21.,17.,24.,22.,22.,20., $22.,20.,20.,17.,22.,20.,26.,20.,19.,20., $20.,20.,18.,20.,18.,14.,20.,20., 9., 9.,19., 9.,31.,20.,19.,20., $20.,14.,17.,11.,20.,16.,24.,18.,16.,18., $20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,20.,25.,25.,23.,25.,14.,14., $16.,11.,11.,19., $24.,24.,19.,20.,17.,24.,24.,25.,24.,24.,25.,24.,24.,22.,26.,34., $10.,22.,31.,19.,14.,14.,27.,22., $14.,14.,21.,16.,16.,10.,10.,10.,18.,24.,25.,11.,11.,11.,21.,24., $14.,14., 8.,16.,14.,26.,22., 8./ data (ssymbc(j), j=1,120)/ $ 471149226,357246358,315959338, 68157440,470825002, $ 345320100,357443862,327886236,315762474,336920576,470825002, $ 355313115,336920576,470493226,449850016,0,455911911,456370649,0, $ 471149216,336274848,336922656,0,470493226,357574048,336920576, $ 449522346,315959958,0,470825002,355641947,336274907,317892650,0, $ 456370208,336279584,351502336,481470811,325953253,347256234, $ 326284694,325958294,346929184,357892096,449850016,470493226, $ 455911911,485271143,0,450177706,315304598,315949056,470493226,0, $ 470825002,355313115,336935525,336274917,355631104,470853600, $ 336570464,336625664,468592477,328181537,330409956, $ 338831587,345024799,342796380,334364672,466265814,319563163, $ 313468258,315794984,326444971,341158250,353643173,359738078, $ 357411352,346761365,332038144,465905227,312910991,300491605, $ 292332190,290530023,297116654,307799411,322611126,341518837, $ 360295345,372714731,380874146,382676313,376089682,365406925, $ 350595210,331677696,468592477,328181537,330409956,338831587, $ 345024799,342796380,334378847,330344289,466560930,468625379, $ 470722595,472819811,474949794,477079777,0,462300964,345123100, $ 328087389,330413981,332511197,334608413,336705629,338802845/ data (ssymbc(j), j=121,128)/ $ 340900061,342982656,470623971,347187226,464594973, $ 342964256,334571552,338755584/ data isstar /1,5,11,14,17,20,24,27,30,35,38,45,50,53,55,60,63,70, $ 81,98,113,123/ c end c______________________________________________________________________ c*************************************************************** c POSTSCRIPT DRIVERS FOR THE STANDARD PLOT SUBROUTINES c*************************************************************** subroutine plot(x, y, ipen) c$$$$ calls nothing common /post/ boxx,boxy,land,infill common /outsid/ box(4),xorig,yorig save moves data moves/0/ c PostScript output generator for the old CalComp line-drawing routine c Writes to unit 11; abbreviations k, l, m, n, f must be defined ce ix=1000.0*x iy=1000.0*y c c Extend current polygon; if 1000 reached, stroke it and start over if (ipen .eq. 2) then c Keep record of maximum excursion for Encapsulation box(1)=min(box(1), x+xorig) box(2)=min(box(2), y+yorig) box(3)=max(box(3), x+xorig) box(4)=max(box(4), y+yorig) if (moves .le. 1000) then write(11,*) ix,iy,' l' moves=moves + 1 else moves=0 write(11,*) ix,iy,' n' endif c Stroke and terminate current ploygon; start a new one at (x,y) elseif (ipen .eq. 3) then if (moves .gt. 0) then c Fill the polygon if infill set to 1; otherwise just stroke if (infill .eq. 1) write(11,*) ix,iy,' f' if (infill .eq. 0) write(11,*) ix,iy,' k' moves=0 else write(11,*) ix,iy,' m' endif elseif (ipen .lt. 0) then write(11,*) ix,iy,' translate', $ 0 ,0, ' moveto' xorig=xorig + 0.001*ix yorig=yorig + 0.001*iy elseif (ipen .eq. 0) then c If ipen = 0, eject a page; insert signal for psview too write(11,'(2i8,a/(a))') ix,iy,' moveto', $ 'currentpoint translate', $ 'showpage', $ '%%Page: fresh page started ---------------------------' c If ipen = 4 write the fill command elseif (ipen .eq. 4) then write (11,*) 'currentpoint f' else write(*,*)'Unintelligible pen command in plot ignored' endif return end c_______________________________________________________________ subroutine plopen(k, name) c$$$$ calls nothing c When k > 0 opens unit 11 for PostScript and writes the short prolog. c Prolog includes landscape rotation if land > 0 in /caps/ c When k < 0 closes the file c common /post/ boxx,boxy,land,infill common /outsid/ box(4),xorig,yorig character*(*) name c c When k < 0 closes the file: flush polygon buffer and display c info for encapsulating written after showpage if (k .lt. 0) then write(11,'(a)') 'currentpoint n','showpage' write(11,'(a/a,4i8)') '%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2', $ '%%BoundingBox:',(nint(72*box(j)),j=1,4) close(unit=11) do 1100 j=1, 4 box(j)=(2.5-j)*1.0e6 1100 continue xorig=0.0 yorig=0.0 c c When k > 0 opens unit 11 for PostScript; writes prolog else if (name .eq. 'myplot') name='mypost' open(unit=11, file=name) write(*,'(/a/2a/a)') $ ' --------------------------------------', $ ' PostScript file written to: ',name, $ ' ========== ---------------------------' c c Write PostScript prolog containing PS procedures write(11,'(a)')'%!PS PostScript file', $ '/k {currentpoint stroke moveto newpath moveto} def', $ '/l {lineto} def', $ '/m {newpath moveto} def', $ '/n {lineto currentpoint stroke moveto} def', $ '/f {currentpoint closepath fill moveto newpath moveto} def', $ '0.072 0.072 scale % Coords are 1/1000 th inch' if (land .gt. 0) write(11,'(a)') $ '8500 0 translate 90 rotate % anticlockwise', $ '%0 10750 translate -90 rotate % clockwise' c Set up a background color write(11,'(a)') $ '2 setlinejoin 6 setlinewidth 1 setlinecap', $ '% Uncomment next 2 lines for light blue background', $ '% 0.67 0.2 1.0 sethsbcolor % Light blue', $ '% 0 0 m 9000 0 l 9000 11000 l 0 11000 l closepath fill' endif return end c_______________________________________________________________ subroutine newpn(ipen) c$$$$ calls nothing c Uses Postscript command to reset the color and line width. c Color table held in array below as hsb values parameter (ncol=20) common /hues/ table(3,ncol) save lastpn data lastpn/-9/ c c 0 or 1: black; 2: red; 3: blue; 4: green; 5: brown; c 6: orange; 7: yellow; 8: purple; 9:gray; 10: white. c c Do not bother to change color if it doesn't change if (ipen .eq. lastpn) return c Flush current polygon buffer with previous parameters write(11,*) 'currentpoint k' c Ipen/1000 is interpreted as line width in 1/000 inches iwide=ipen/1000 ip=min(max(mod(ipen, 1000), 1), ncol) if ( write(11,'(i5,a)') iwide,' setlinewidth' if (iwide.eq.0) write(11,'(i5,a)') 6,' setlinewidth' c c By convention ipen=0, 1 => black write(11,'(3f8.3,a)') (table(i,ip),i=1,3),' sethsbcolor' lastpn=ipen return end c_______________________________________________________________ subroutine remark(text) c$$$$ calls nothing c Inserts the remark text into the PostScript file character*(*) text c write(11,'(2a)')'%',text return end c_______________________________________________________________ blockdata encaps c Sets a initial page size for encapsulated PS variables common /outsid/ box(4),xorig,yorig common /post/ boxx,boxy,land,infill data boxx,boxy/ 570.0,756.0/, land/0/, infill/0/ data box/1e6,1e6,-1e6,-1e6/ data xorig,yorig/0.0,0.0/ end c_______________________________________________________________ blockdata shades c Sets the colors in common /hues/ c 0 or 1: black; 2: red; 3: blue; 4: green; 5: brown; c 6: orange; 7: yellow; 8: purple; 9:gray; 10: white. c 11: light gray; 12-20: black parameter (ncol=20) common /hues/ table(3,ncol) data ((table(i,j),i=1,3), j=1, ncol)/ $0,0,0, 0,1,1, 0.667,1,1, 0.400,1,.7, 0.1,1,.7, $0.1,0.8,1, 0.15,1,1, 0.833,1,1, 0,0,0.5, 0,0,1, $0,0,0.8, 27*0/ end c_______________________________________________________________