SIO15 2018: Lecture 10

Earthquakes and Volcanism in Western North America

handout notes

POSTED: 10 October 2018

FOR THE INTERESTED: This lecture summary includes a link to a summary page for a lecture on volcanoes with cool links to other volcano web sites (e.g. USGS and Smithsonian). Check it out!
  • Five Random Review Questions (not a complete review!)

  • 1) Earthquakes are easier to forecast than volcanic eruptions.
    1. true
    2. false
    2) Which of these techniques is NOT used to monitor volcanoes?
    1. measure surface temperature
    2. geodetic survey of volcano's shape
    3. monitoring radioactive decay
    4. remote sensing using satellites
    5. monitor seismic activity
    3) Which type of plate boundary is the SAF?
    1. strike-slip
    2. divergent
    3. transform
    4. convergent
    4) San Diego is on which tectonic plate?
    1. North American
    2. Pacific
    3. Mendocino
    4. Juan de Fuca
    5) The Cascades are found along which type of plate boundary?
    1. thrust
    2. convergent
    3. transform
    4. divergent

    Answers: 1b; 2c; 3c; 4b; 5b