SIO15 2018: Lecture 22

Anthropogenic Changes and the Atmosphere

handout notes
(also review Lectures 15, 21)

Modified: 21 November 2018: expanded section on Nitrous Oxide (N2O)
POSTED: 14 November 2018

  • Five Random Review Questions (not a complete review!)

  • 1) Which greenhouse gas is NOT a natural product?
    1. CO2
    2. CH4
    3. CFCs
    4. H2O
    2) Which of the following does NOT increase global sea level?
    1. thermal expansion of ocean water
    2. melting of ice sheets
    3. melting of sea ice
    3) According to current predictions, by how much would sea level in San Diego rise by 2050?
    1. 12-18 ft
    2. 12-18 m
    3. 12-18 inches
    4. 12-18 cm
    4) Which compound is responsible for the ozone hole?
    1. CO2
    2. O2
    3. CFCs
    4. CH4
    5) Which of these did the Kyoto Protocol mainly try to limit?
    1. CO2
    2. O2
    3. CFCs
    4. CH4

    Answers: 1c; 2c; 3c; 4c; 5a