Selected Recent Publications
Parker, R. L., and Wheelock, B., Fourier domain calculation of terrain effects in marine MT, Geophys. J. Internat., doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05350.x 189, pp 240-50, 2012. (Abstract)
Parker, R. L., New analytic solutions for the 2-D TE mode MT problem, Geophys. J. Internat., doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05091.x 186, pp 980-6, 2011. (Abstract)
Parker, R. L., Can a 2-D MT frequency response always be interpreted as a 1-D response?, Geophys. J. Internat., doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04512.x 181, pp 269-74, 2010. (Abstract)
Medin, A. E., Parker, R. L., and Constable, S., Making Sound inferences from geomagnetic sounding, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, doi:10.1016/j.pepi2006.09.001, 160, pp 51-9, 2007. (Abstract)
Malinverno, A., and Parker, R. L., Two ways to quantify uncertainty in geophysical inverse problems, Geophysics, 71, 15-27, 2005.
Parker, R. L., and Song, Y.-Q.,Assigning uncertainties in the inversion of NMR relaxation data, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 174, 314-24, 2005. (Abstract)
Parker, R. L., Ideal bodies for Mars magnetics, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, E1, doi:10.1029/2001JE001760, 2003.
Backus, G., Parker, R., and Constable, C., Foundations of Geomagnetism, 369 pp, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996.
Parker, R. L., Geophysical Inverse Theory, 386 pp, Princeton Univ. Press, 1994. Errata in pdf format.